December Stillness: Book Analysis Presentation

December Stillness
By: Mary Downing Hahn
Created by: Aaron
Major Characters
 Kelly McAllister the main
character in December
 Julie, Kelly's best friend.
 Mr. Weems, one of the
many homeless Vietnam
 Keith is one of Kelly’s best
best friends.
Cause and Effects
 Kelly thought ill of
Mr. Weems.
 Not many people
respected the
Vietnam war, nor
did they respect the
soldiers that fought
in it.
 Resulted Mr. Weems
having a low self
 Vietnam ruined Mr.
Weem’s life
Major Settings
Murky, Smelly, pier stretching
for a mile.
A huge brown library filled to
the ceilings with novels,
textbooks, magazines, and
reference books
Minor Settings
White two story
Kelly McAllister's
Lived close to
her best friend.
Impact Quotes
 “ That’s Why she has been my friend
ever since kindergarten. She puts up
with every wacky thing I do and
surprisingly, she never gets angry well
as far as I can tell.
 This is important, because Julie is Kellie's
best friend, and everyone needs and
deserves a friend like Julie.
Conflict resolution
 At first, Kelly was
disrespectful when she was
around Mr.Weems, but