ASSESSMENT OF EMERGING OPPORTUNITIES FOR REAL-TIME, MULTIMODAL DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS IN TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS Concept of Operations Final Draft Contract Number: DTFH61-06-D-00005 Task Order T-10-007 Submitted to: United States Department of Transportation ITS Joint Program Office Research and Innovative Technology Administration RITA Report Number FHWA-JPO-10-058 Submitted by: Science Applications International Corporation and Delcan Corporation May 17, 2011 Quality Assurance Statement The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) provides high-quality information to serve Government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. USDOT periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvements. Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. TBD 4. Title and Subtitle: Assessment of Emerging Opportunities for Real-Time, Multimodal Decision Support Systems in Transportation Operations Task 4 Concept of Operations 3. Recipient’s Catalog No. 7. Authors: Dan Lukasik, Bruce Churchill, Jackie Golob, Teresa Malone, Elliot Hubbard 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) 8301 Greensboro Drive, Mailstop E-12-3 McLean, VA 22102-3608 8. Performing Organization Report No. 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address United States Department of Transportation ITS Joint Program Office Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590-0001 5. Report Date May 17, 2011 6. Performing Organization Code 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) 11. Contract or Grant No. DTFH61-06-D-00005, Task No. T-10-007 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 14. Sponsoring Agency Code HOIT-1 15. Supplementary Notes Mr. Dale Thompson (COTM) 16. Abstract Not Applicable 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement Multimodal, Decision Support Systems, DSS, RealNo restrictions. time, Transportation Operations 19. Security Classif. (of this 20. Security Classif. (of this 21. No of 22. Price report) page) Pages N/A Unclassified Unclassified 63 Table of Contents May 17, 2011 Contents 1 Section 1 – Scope ................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.1 Identification ................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Document Overview ..................................................................................................... 1-1 1.3 Real-Time Multimodal DSS Definition ........................................................................ 1-2 1.4 System Overview .......................................................................................................... 1-2 2 Section 2 – Referenced Documents ................................................................................... 2-1 3 Section 3 – Current System or Situation.......................................................................... 3-1 4 5 3.1 Background, Objectives and Scope ............................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Operational Policies and Constraints ............................................................................ 3-2 3.3 Description of the Current System or Situation ............................................................ 3-3 3.3.1 Existing RTMDSS Technologies and Methodologies ............................................ 3-3 3.3.2 DSS Implementation............................................................................................... 3-4 3.3.3 RTMDSS Capabilities ............................................................................................ 3-5 3.4 Classes and Other Involved Personnel .......................................................................... 3-6 3.5 Support Environment .................................................................................................... 3-6 3.6 Conclusions Regarding the Current Situation ............................................................. 3-11 Justification For and Nature of Changes ......................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Justification for Changes ............................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Description of Desired Changes .................................................................................... 4-2 4.3 Priorities among Changes.............................................................................................. 4-3 4.4 Changes Considered but not Included ........................................................................... 4-4 4.5 System Needs ................................................................................................................ 4-4 Concepts for the Proposed System ................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Background, Objectives and Scope ............................................................................... 5-1 5.1.1 Background ............................................................................................................ 5-1 5.1.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.3 Scope ...................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.2 Operational Policies and Constraints ............................................................................ 5-2 5.2.1 Policies ................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.2.2 Constraints ............................................................................................................. 5-2 Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) i Table of Contents 5.3 6 7 8 May 17, 2011 Description of the Proposed System ............................................................................. 5-2 5.3.1 GIS-Based Visualization Platform ......................................................................... 5-6 5.3.2 Source(s) of Real-Time Data ................................................................................. 5-6 5.3.3 Source(s) of Historical or Archived Data .............................................................. 5-6 5.3.4 Persistent Data Storage ......................................................................................... 5-6 5.3.5 Business Process Engine........................................................................................ 5-6 5.3.6 Expert Systems or Other Rule-Based Systems ....................................................... 5-7 5.3.7 Traffic Responsive and Other Predictive Algorithms ............................................ 5-7 5.3.8 Faster Than Real-Time Modeling .......................................................................... 5-7 5.3.9 Off-Line Modeling .................................................................................................. 5-8 5.4 Modes of Operation ....................................................................................................... 5-8 5.5 System User Groups and Other Involved Personnel ..................................................... 5-8 5.6 Support Environment .................................................................................................. 5-10 Operational Scenarios ....................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Real-Time Multimodal DSS Assumptions.................................................................... 6-1 6.2 “Generic” Scenarios ...................................................................................................... 6-1 6.3 Scenario Analysis .......................................................................................................... 6-2 6.3.1 Scenario #1: Daily Operations ............................................................................. 6-4 6.3.2 Scenario #2: Major Traffic Incident ..................................................................... 6-6 6.3.3 Scenario #3: Major Evacuation ............................................................................ 6-9 6.3.4 Scenario #4: Significant Winter Weather Event ................................................. 6-11 6.3.5 Scenario #5: Special Event ................................................................................. 6-13 Summary of Impacts........................................................................................................ 7-16 7.1 Operational Impacts .................................................................................................... 7-16 7.2 Organizational Impacts ............................................................................................... 7-16 7.3 Procurement/Development Impacts ............................................................................ 7-16 7.3.1 Iterative Development .......................................................................................... 7-16 7.3.2 Communications .................................................................................................. 7-17 7.3.3 Data Management ................................................................................................ 7-18 7.3.4 Web Access........................................................................................................... 7-18 7.3.5 Interoperability .................................................................................................... 7-18 7.3.6 Logistical Support ................................................................................................ 7-18 Analysis of Proposed System............................................................................................. 8-1 Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) ii Table of Contents 8.1 Summary of Improvements ........................................................................................... 8-1 8.2 Disadvantages and Limitations ..................................................................................... 8-1 8.2.1 Disadvantages ........................................................................................................ 8-1 8.2.2 Limitations ............................................................................................................. 8-1 8.3 9 May 17, 2011 Alternatives and Trade-Offs Considered....................................................................... 8-2 Appendices .......................................................................................................................... 9-1 Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) iii List of Figures and List of Tables May 17, 2011 List of Figures Figure 1-1: Conceptual View of an RTMDSS with Inputs, Processing, and Outputs ................. 1-4 Figure 5-1: Notional RTMDSS .................................................................................................... 5-4 Figure 5-2: Response Plan Processing Hierarchy ........................................................................ 5-4 Figure 5-3: Nominal High-Level Architecture for RTMDSS...................................................... 5-5 Figure 5-4: Notional Example of a Freeway Management Business Process ............................. 5-7 Figure 6-1: Generic System Information Flow Diagram ............................................................. 6-3 Figure 6-2: Scenario 1 System Information Flow Diagram......................................................... 6-4 Figure 6-3: Scenario 2 System Information Flow Diagram......................................................... 6-6 Figure 6-4: Scenario 2 Phasing Diagram ..................................................................................... 6-8 Figure 6-5: Scenario 3 System Information Flow Diagram......................................................... 6-9 Figure 6-6: Scenario 3 Phasing Diagram ................................................................................... 6-10 Figure 6-7: Scenario 4 System Information Flow Diagram....................................................... 6-11 Figure 6-8: Scenario 4 Phasing Diagram ................................................................................... 6-12 Figure 6-9: Scenario 5 System Information Flow Diagram...................................................... 6-13 Figure 6-10: Scenario 5 Phasing Diagram ................................................................................. 6-15 Figure 7-1: Notional Data Architecture for a Regional Transportation Network ...................... 7-19 List of Tables Table 1-1: A Taxonomy of Transportation Modes and Facilities................................................ 1-2 Table 3-1: Generic Support Environment – Agency Roles and Responsibilities ........................ 3-7 Table 4-1: System Needs ............................................................................................................. 4-4 Table 5-1: System User Groups ................................................................................................... 5-8 Table 7-1: Iterative Deployment Functions and Benefits .......................................................... 7-17 Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) iv List of Abbreviations May 17, 2011 List of Abbreviations AMS ATMS CAD CCTV CMS CONOPS COP COTS DMS DOT DSS EMS ESM EOC FHWA FMS FOC GIS GLIDE GUI HAR HAT HOV HP ICM ICMS IOC ISP ITS IVR LCS MDSS MEO MMS MPO NTCIP Arterial Management System Advanced Transportation Management System Computer Aided Dispatch Closed-Circuit Television Changeable Message Sign Concept of Operations Common Operating Picture Commercial Off-the-Shelf Dynamic Message Sign Department of Transportation Decision Support System Emergency Medical Service Event Scenario Matrix Emergency Operations Center Federal Highway Administration Freeway Management System Full Operational Capability Geographical Information System Green LInk DEtermination Graphical User Interface Highway Advisory Radio Highway Advisory Telephone High Occupancy Vehicle Highway Patrol Integrated Corridor Management Integrated Corridor Management System Initial Operational Capability Information Service Providers Intelligent Transportation Systems Interactive Voice Response Lane Closure System Maintenance Decision Support System Medical Examiner’s Office Modal Management System Metropolitan Planning organization National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) v List of Abbreviations OBU OODA PND PPP RMS RSU RTMDSS SMS SOA TIMS TMC TMS TMDD TMT TOC TODSS TRB TSCS TSP USDOT VDOT XML May 17, 2011 On-Board Unit Observe-Orient-Decide-Act Personal Navigation Device Public Private Partnership Road Management System Road Side Unit Real-Time Multimodal Decision Support System Short Message Service Service Oriented Architecture Traffic Incident Management System Transportation Management Center Transportation Management System Transportation Management Data Dictionary Traffic Management Team Transportation or Traffic Operations Center Transit Operations Decision Support System Transportation Research Board Traffic Signal Control System Transit Signal Priority United States Department of Transportation Virginia Department of Transportation Extensible Markup Language Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) vi Referenced Documents 1 Section 1 – Scope 1.1 Identification May 17, 2011 Through the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Connected Vehicle Research Program, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) is engaged in assessing the potential of the multi-source, active-acquisition data paradigm to enhance current operational practices and transform future surface transportation systems management. The Connected Vehicle Research Program is a collaborative initiative spanning the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Program objectives include: Enable systematic data capture from vehicles, mobile devices, and infrastructure; Develop data environments that enable the integration of data from multiple sources for use in transportation management and performance measurement; and Reduce costs of data management and eliminate technical and institutional barriers to the capture, management, and sharing of data. One foundational element of the Connected Vehicle Research program is the investigation of how to transform the transportation management and operations archetype by utilizing Connected Vehicle data (i.e., real-time user data captured from personal mobile devices and vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications). One such initiative is the deployment of real-time, multimodal Decision Support Systems, the topic of this Concept of Operations document. The USDOT is undertaking this project to assess the emerging opportunities for Real-time Multimodal Decision Support Systems (RTMDSS) in transportation operations. One of the first tasks of this project has been to conduct a scan of the current Decision Support System (DSS) practice and capabilities. That task has been completed and a RTMDSS Stakeholder Working Group has been formed to help identify user needs and expectations and help communicate those needs to a wider audience of potential developers and supporters of the RTMDSS concept. The current task, and the subject of this document, concerns a Concept of Operations (ConOps) developed with input from stakeholders obtained during an initial RTMDSS ConOps webinar and a two-day face-to-face ConOps meeting held on March 23-24, 2011. During this meeting it was agreed that the ConOps should be developed to represent a year 2020-2025 timeframe. Once finalized, a set of functional systems and data requirements will be added to the study, and the first phase of the project will be completed with a Gap Analysis Assessment Report with recommended RTMDSS research activities. 1.2 Document Overview This document is organized and will be presented following the guidelines of IEEE 1362-1998 IEEE Guide for Information Technology - System Definition - Concept of Operations (ConOps) Document. The sections are as follows: Section 1 - Scope Section 2 - Referenced Documents Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 1-1 Referenced Documents May 17, 2011 Section 3 - Current System or Situation Section 4 - Justification for and Nature of Changes Section 5 - Concept for Proposed System Section 6 - Operational Scenarios Section 7 - Summary of Impacts Section 8 - Analysis of Proposed System Section 9 - Appendices 1.3 Real-Time Multimodal DSS Definition It is necessary to take as a starting point an agreed definition of Real-Time Multimodal DSS. With support from the various descriptions of transportation DSS in the current situation the following represents a working definition of Real-Time Multimodal DSS: “Real-Time, Multimodal Decision Support Systems (RTMDSS) are information systems that support multimodal, transportation operational decision-making in real time. An RTMDSS is an interactive, software-intensive system that gathers data from multiple relevant real-time data sources and knowledge bases. It uses this data, along with models, processes or analyses to implement context-specific actions and recommendations to assist managers in the process of collaboratively managing a multimodal transportation network to increase system efficiency and improve individual mobility, providing safe, reliable, and secure movement of goods and people.” RTMDSS actions are most often provided as a function (or functions) within modal management system software and are intended to influence traffic control devices, communications systems, traveler information devices and traveler information media (e.g., 511 systems). 1.4 System Overview We begin with the modes applicable to this project. Table 1-1 lists commonly encountered modes in surface transportation and the facilities on which they typically operate. These are the modes applicable to this project. Table 1-1: A Taxonomy of Transportation Modes and Facilities. Mode Facility Privately owned vehicles Freeways, toll roads, arterials, parking Commercial vehicles (goods) Commercial vehicles (passengers) Freeways, toll roads, arterials Freeways, toll roads, arterials, airport (ground side roadways) Buses Freeways, toll roads, arterials, busways Public Safety vehicles All roadways Light rail On-street tracks, dedicated rail right-of-way Commuter rail Dedicated rail right-of-way – used/owned Heavy Rail Dedicated rail right-of-way – used/owned; generally covers a Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 1-2 Referenced Documents Mode May 17, 2011 Facility larger geographic area than Commuter Rail Freight rail Dedicated rail right-of-way - owned Inter-City rail (Amtrak) Dedicated rail right-of-way - used Ferry Waterway The RTMDSS is envisioned to consist of the following high level components and features: Existing agency single-mode management systems, including: o Freeway Management Systems o Arterial Management Systems o Bus Transit Management Systems o Rail Transit Management Systems o Parking Management Systems o Commercial Vehicle Systems o Airport (Ground) Management Systems o Ferry Systems External information and data sources that are necessary for the DSS process. Sources include weather data, special event data (e.g., major sports events impacting congestion), external congestion data, emergency/evacuation information, news/data feeds, etc. A common network interface that extracts information from both legacy and new modal management systems, facilitates communications among such systems, and provides useful outputs to other external systems (e.g., end users and user systems). A centralized DSS, seen as an interactive, software-based system that extracts useful information from a combination of modal data sources and knowledge bases (operational rules) and converts these into actions and/or recommendations that influence performance of the transportation network. Its purpose is to detect network anomalies and to produce recommended and/or automated decisions, based on accepted operational rules, targeted to system managers. Note the question of whether all RTMDSS recommendations must be implemented by an operator is subject to the requirements of the system(s) to be developed. Figure 1-1 presents a conceptual view of the flow of RTMDSS inputs and outputs with respect to its users. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 1-3 Referenced Documents May 17, 2011 Figure 1-1: Conceptual View of an RTMDSS with Inputs, Processing, and Outputs Note the difference between “active” RTMDSS outputs, which directly influence traffic control systems and devices, and “passive” outputs, which provide information to transportation system users and managers in human-understandable form (e.g., e-mail, text messages, web pages, integrated voice response, in-vehicle signing). System “users” are divided into commercial and fleet users vs. private users. “Managers” can be divided into single mode managers (freeway, arterial, transit, etc.) and multimodal managers. The latter are not yet commonly found but will become increasingly needed as RTMDSS systems mature. A number of technologies and methodologies can be used in the transformation process that takes data from input systems and processes it through modeling, expert systems, or algorithmic methods to achieve a transformation into actions or recommendations that can be accepted, modified, or rejected. One of the defining characteristics of a RTMDSS is visualization (that is, how the RTMDSS solution sets are presented to users and managers), making human factor design issues particularly important. As the Connected Vehicle becomes more prevalent, vehicle-human factors will impact both safety and driver performance. System Managers, represented in red in the figure, can use RTMDSS output to monitor system performance (passive) which in turn leads to operational (tactical) and policy (strategic) adjustments to the regional transportation system. Depending on the mode, some System Managers (e.g., city traffic engineers and transit dispatch supervisors) have direct control responsibilities and can accept, modify, or reject control (active) outputs from the RTMDSS. Regional policy will dictate whether control outputs are executed automatically, without human intervention. Legal and liability issues are the major barriers to this mode of operation. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 1-4 Referenced Documents 2 May 17, 2011 Section 2 – Referenced Documents The following are supporting references: 1. Transit Operations Decision Support Systems (TODSS) Core Requirements Prototype Development Case Study, 2010 FTA-IL-26-7009-2009.2 2. Transit Operations Decision Support Systems (TODSS) Core Requirements Evaluation and Update Recommendations, 2010 FTA-IL-26-7009-2009.1 3. iFlorida Model Deployment Final Evaluation Report, FHWA-HOP-08-050, 2009 4. VII Data Characteristics Task: Data Needs Assessment, Dr. Emily Parkany, P.E., and Phil Tarnoff, Federal Highway Administration Contract No.: DTFH61-05-D-00002 Project No.:04050031-01, Mitretek Systems 2006 5. VII Data Characteristics for Traffic Management and Traveler Information Strawman Measures Explanation Memo, Dr. Emily Parkany, P.E, and. Phil Tarnoff, for Mitretek Systems 6. Assessment of Emerging Opportunities for Real-Time, Multimodal Decision Support Systems in Transportation Operations. Concept Definition and Current Practice Report. Science Applications International Corporation Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 2-1 Current System or Situation 3 Section 3 – Current System or Situation 3.1 Background, Objectives and Scope May 17, 2011 In the world of transportation systems operations, emerging infrastructure-based sensor technologies and in-vehicle technologies are providing new data streams to support transportation operations decision-making. Increasingly complex and capable system control technologies and traveler systems present transportation managers with a broader range of potential actions to impact system performance. In many cases, this includes a new capability to act with increasing precision with a shorter response time. At the same time, there is an emerging recognition that in complex systems individual mode control decisions cannot be made independently. Any single modal decision may impact broader system performance positively or negatively. This leads to the consideration of how concurrent decisions may be made across modal, facility, institutional and jurisdictional boundaries to optimize performance across the entire multimodal transportation system. Given the above, the USDOT has initiated this foundational study to investigate answers to the following questions: Do current management practices take full advantage of new transportation operations control technologies, tools, and data sources (e.g., Connected Vehicle)? What emerging opportunities exist for the new generation of automated or semiautomated decision support tools and Decision Support Systems (DSS)? Is there strong motivation for a federal role in facilitating the development of new forms of decision support tools to capitalize on these identified opportunities? The first task of the project involved a scan of both national and international sources. This included academia, USDOT Programs such as Transit Operations Decision Support Systems (TODSS), Integrated Corridor Management (ICM), Connected Vehicle, Dynamic Mobility Applications, and research conducted by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and other associations. The scan was used to develop the concept definition which identifies the situations and scenarios in which a multi-facility DSS tool could be expected to improve system performance. The scan also includes lessons learned to date. Literature research and telephone interviews with selected experienced agency staff contributed to this assessment.1 A stakeholder group has been established which encompasses multimodal transportation professionals, academics and vendors of software that support Decision Support Systems. A list of the participants is included in Appendix A. The stakeholder group contributes experience and understanding and collaborates on the project through a series of webinars and workshops. The Concept of Operations (ConOps) is being used to document the intended purpose, goals and objectives and expected capabilities of a Real-Time Multimodal Decision Support System. The purpose of the ConOps is: To ensure that stakeholder needs and expectations are captured early; 1 Assessment of Emerging Opportunities for Real-Time, Multimodal Decision Support Systems in Transportation Operations. Concept Definition and Current Practice Report. Science Applications International Corporation, Report No. FHWA Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 3-1 Current System or Situation May 17, 2011 To ensure that the implementation is linked to agency(ies) mission(s), goals, and objectives; To identify existing operational environment and operations; To identify where the RTMDSS could enhance existing operations, plans, or functions; To illustrate the future operational environment(s) with the RTMDSS (i.e., all of the functional parts that will be needed to operate); and To establish a list of high level operational requirements. When systems engineering is applied to project development and implementation, the ConOps is normally grounded in a specific environment. In this case, due to the foundational nature of this study, the ConOps is being developed as a generic application. This could be viewed as a family of hypothetical systems. However, to lend reality to the application(s) and fully engage stakeholder discussion and input, the ConOps will be developed around five scenarios that reflect real world conditions but are not based on specific locations. The scenarios will be used to illustrate the potential variants of the concept. 3.2 Operational Policies and Constraints The deployment of decision support systems, multi-modal or otherwise, may be limited by many factors. The following are examples that have been encountered: Limitations in data provided by one or more modes of transportation – typically arterial data is a limiting factor but lack of full integration of field element systems also contributes to the problems, as does partial data for transit systems Communications network limitations i.e. interfaces are lacking between mode specific systems Lack of standardization of data flows- implementation of standards such as TMDD and others support the way forward but have yet to be fully deployed Shortages in properly-trained personnel Data gaps caused by underfunded system maintenance Reluctance of certain modal operators to trust the control results of DSS and inability to fine tune to suit their preferences and experience Inherent limitations of certain transportation modes, e.g. city TMC’s not monitored on a continuous basis, legacy signal systems which cannot be monitored or manipulated automatically, rail and transit information not fully and accurately available in real-time, public safety systems using different protocols. Lack of stakeholder organization and awareness – the Integrated Corridor Management Pilot programs expose the need and extent of cooperation needed Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 3-2 Current System or Situation 3.3 May 17, 2011 Description of the Current System or Situation 3.3.1 Existing RTMDSS Technologies and Methodologies The Concept Definition and Current Practice Report identified the following technologies and methodologies as being in current use for specific real-time traffic management applications. They include: Predictive travel time calculations Adaptive ramp metering using predictive traffic congestion algorithms Intelligence-based Transit DSS Online travel information systems Dynamic emergency vehicle routing Dynamic route guidance Emissions management Accident response strategy assessments Urban and interurban congestion management Security threat mitigation and large-scale evacuation management The DSS technologies and methodologies outlined below are organized as follows: Tables-based DSS Systems (e.g., Toronto COMPASS, KC Scout, GDOT NaviGAtor). These technologies and/or methodologies are data tables with predefined response plan recommendations and require little to no processing, modeling or analysis. Some may include basic logic to analyze data in the tables, while others are purely lookup tables. Knowledge-driven DSS, which includes: o Expert System DSS Systems (e.g., Caltrans ATMS, St Louis Gateway Guide). This DSS requires an expert system engine to generate recommendations for response plans based on a set of pre-defined rules. o Custom Rules-based DSS Systems (e.g., ODOT Transport, PACE TODSS2). Similar to the Expert System DSS, the Custom Rules DSS uses specific rules to determine response plans. The difference is that the rules are custom built rather than having an expert system engine. o Event Scenario Matrix (e.g., Lake County Passage, Michigan ATMS, New Jersey ATMS). Planned or unplanned events are identified on the roadway using map coordinates such as latitude/longitude or another plane coordinate systems and users are able to respond to the events using the predefined ITS field devices along the roadway. Model-Driven DSS which incorporate on-line simulation tool integration (e.g., Singapore – Green LInk DEtermination (GLIDE) Traffic Control System, Madrid, Beijing, Milan). 2 Transit Operations Decision Support Systems (TODSS), Core Requirements Prototype Development Case Study, 2010 FTA-IL-26-7009-2009.1 Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 3-3 Current System or Situation May 17, 2011 Data Driven DSS, which is a form of support system that will focus on the provision of internal and sometimes external data to aid in the decision making. Sometimes this comes in the form of a data warehouse, e.g. a database designed to store data in such a way as to allow for its querying and analysis by users.3 Hybrids of the above. 3.3.2 DSS Implementation The scan of current practice summarized the state of the current practice and concluded that there are few true “active” real-time multimodal decision support systems in the U.S. that account for all available modes of travel. The closest systems to this goal are the under development Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Systems previously reviewed to be deployed in two locations: Dallas, Texas and San Diego, California. Even with these latest developments in thinking, there is no uniform commitment to build a true multimodal decision support system. There are a few cases which integrate two modes to some degree (e.g., incident management routing using both freeway and arterial routes). One of the more interesting systems studied was the Chicago Metro area’s Transit Operations Decision Support System (TODSS) that uses external feeds of freeway and arterial data to implement operation rules for the Pace Suburban Bus System4. In some systems surveyed, there was no decision support system, but the elements to support such a system existed. Most existing decision support systems identified were associated with freeway management systems – from a “lessons learned” perspective, these deployments can be extrapolated to future multimodal systems. A major finding from the scan of current practice is that although Decision Support Systems are not unheard of in the United States, few, if any, can be called truly real-time or multi-modal by the definition advanced previously in this document. The purest forms of DSS in most ITS projects are device control (typically motorist information systems such as DMS and HAR), operator call-outs, and action recommendations in the freeway management system environment. In most, if not all, ATMS systems, even basic control mechanisms such as ramp meter plans and traffic signal control plans are not executed under a DSS umbrella. Another finding is that many DSS implementations are effective (albeit relatively unsophisticated) in their operation, but lack a simple interface for operators and administrators to reconfigure the DSS business rules. Difficulty in maintaining DSS systems and lack of operator training are common shortcomings in the current practice. Some systems surveyed did not have automated DSS capabilities, but had procedures in place to perform manual DSS activities. This is a positive indicator that a future DSS, implemented using sound system engineering processes, would be successful. Any system that plans to divert traffic from freeways to arterials conceptually requires a joint freeway/arterial decision support system. Any system that seeks to optimize transit service needs to include a joint transit, freeway, and arterial decision support system. The decision support systems surveyed in the scan of current practice were limited to providing the following services: 3 Assessment of Emerging Opportunities for Real-Time, Multimodal Decision Support Systems in Transportation Operations. Concept Definition and Current Practice Report. Science Applications International Corporation, report No FHWA 4 Transit Operations Decision Support Systems (TODSS), Core Evaluation and Update Recommendations, 2010 FTA-IL-26-7009-2009.2 Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 3-4 Current System or Situation May 17, 2011 : Dissemination of en-route traveler information using ITS devices: o Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) location selection for activation o DMS message library selection or dynamic message generation o Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) station selection and message generation Operator recommended actions (contact service patrols, emergency responders, etc.) Key personnel notification (E-mail, phone, text message, etc.) Traveler Information Dissemination (Web and IVR) Transit route adjustments or action plans to address service interruptions Treatment plans to mitigate the impact of winter weather on road conditions The existence and importance of “passive” DSS systems (e.g., 511 traveler information websites, Interactive Voice Responsive (IVR) systems, and trip planners) was also noted. These systems provide data to end users and aid in decisions related to route, time of travel, and mode choice. 3.3.3 RTMDSS Capabilities In the context of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, Parkany and Tarnoff, 20065 considered the capabilities of such tools first for freeways and concluded that they can include: Automated incident detection, assessment, forecasting, traveler information and audits6. This capability would be used to influence service patrol operations, the installation of automated surveillance equipment and traffic control strategies. Decision support tools that can provide the capability of rapidly evaluating the impact of alternative incident response measures including diversion routes. This tool is likely to include a suite of faster-than-real-time simulation techniques that will permit the modeling of the impact of the incident response alternatives. Provide data needed to automatically modify ramp metering rates and traffic signal timing in the presence of an incident. Software that records Transportation Operations Center (TOC) operator’s actions during incidents for subsequent evaluation and use in response to similar incidents. They also considered arterial and freeway management for corridor management applications where real time measurement of volumes, speeds, and travel times could lead to the selection of ramp and arterial signal timing plans from a suite of pre-determined plans in order to adjust load balancing to maximize the efficient use of roadway capacity. To this concept they added enhanced transit operations to be achieved through provision of transit priority and unimpeded busways. The Pioneer Demonstration Projects for Integrated Corridor Management are now moving these concepts forward to implementation. In the course of doing so, demand and capacity strategies are being recognized as being mutually supportive. Demand management includes vanpooling, 5 VII Data Characteristics Task: Data Needs Assessment, Dr. Emily Parkany, P.E., and Phil Tarnoff, Federal Highway Administration Contract No.: DTFH61-05-D-00002 Project No.:04050031-01, Mitretek Systems 2006 6 The audit reference in this context refers to performance measures. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 3-5 Current System or Situation May 17, 2011 mode shift with smart parking, ramp metering, and congestion pricing. Capacity management includes managed lanes, traffic signal synchronization, transit service changes, and transit signal priority. RTMDSS tools are needed to support these activities in real time and also for the assessment of long term strategies where multimodal policy interactions are considered. However, corridors do not represent the limits of RTMDSS applications. The iFlorida Model Deployment Final Evaluation Report (2009) covers a full range of findings associated with among other things, the iFlorida plans for (i) metropolitan operations (ii) statewide operations and (iii) evacuation operations.7 The report recounts details of the challenges encountered during this project. The lessons learned are certainly that the demand exists for efficiently operating multimodal interfaces by multiple stakeholders for the purposes of decision support automated or otherwise. However, perhaps the clearest finding is the need to fully utilize systems engineering for the design and implementation of such systems and to implement and fully test systems on an incremental basis to ensure their reliability and accuracy. Fully operational single mode systems to support decision making are required as a building block before integrated multimodal systems can be developed. 3.4 Classes and Other Involved Personnel Currently, those involved with DSS systems and solutions are the trained operators of freeway control systems in Traffic Management Centers, centralized arterial control systems, roadway maintenance systems and central dispatch operations for transit and rail systems. In addition there is necessary communication with Highway Patrols, first responders, highway maintenance services and motorist support services. State DOTs, City Public Works, Emergency Management and preparedness staff, Toll Road operations, parking management and Traveler Information Service providers are all involved or impacted by the users of DSS. However, each group of personnel is trained to operate within its own mode or operations-specific environment. Recognition of the need for cross-training of staff to include the impacts of DSS decisions on other systems appears to be in its infancy. However the Integrated Corridor Management Projects will clearly require it. 3.5 Support Environment Because of the generic nature of this ConOps it is necessary to describe a support environment for a potential RTMDSS in terms that are recognizable but without a specific geographic reference. Table 3-1 below gives an example based on assumptions regarding a large scale environment. 7 iFlorida Model Deployment Final Evaluation Report, FHWA-HOP-08-050, 2009 Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 3-6 Current System or Situation May 17, 2011 Table 3-1: Generic Support Environment – Agency Roles and Responsibilities Stakeholder Regional/State Department of Transportation for state with mature ITS systems Roles and Responsibilities Coverage Level of staffing for operational coverage of network is determined by risk assessment (decision cycles) 24 hours x 7-days/week x 365 days per year coverage (in-person or oncall) Freeways and interchanges/ramps connecting to other networks, state highways, and major arterials (automated or manual) Monitoring State CCTV video Regional CCTV video Occurrence of incidents that affect travel – emergency centers, state patrols, 911 Traffic flow conditions including HOV lanes Weather and emergency events Incidents/events on other agency networks Parking management Bridges and tunnels (including tunnel security systems) Connected Vehicle and traveler data Pavement conditions Security systems Communications Traffic signal status Field infrastructure (network monitoring) – all devices & systems (TSS, DMS, CCTV, VDS, HAR, RMS, VSL, LCS) Coordination Coordinate construction and lane closures with regional Districts and municipalities Coordinate regional special events Coordinate recurring congestion traffic management Coordinate roadside assistance services with responsible party Coordinate with emergency responders Participate in CDM Coordinate with freight dispatchers Coordinate with TIM Team configuration management Information Distribution Distribute travel conditions to 511 systems, in-vehicle display, and media Distribute travel messages and advisories using DMS, HAR, ISPs, and invehicle display Distribute incident/congestion updates to partner agencies Distribute transit parking information to parking management systems Operation & Maintenance Perform routine maintenance (field, TMC, SW, Comm) Emergency maintenance Winter maintenance (plow snow) Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 3-7 Current System or Situation May 17, 2011 Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities Maintain communications in support of the above Operate/maintain data network Repair/replace malfunctioning devices Have long term maintenance/replacement plan in place for all above systems Large city – extensive arterial network with central system control Coverage X –person operational coverage of network 12-14 hours x 7-days/week x 365 days per year coverage Monitoring of significant arterial streets within the city Ability to view but not control regional DOT systems Monitoring City CCTV video Regional CCTV video Occurrence of incidents that affect travel – through 911 and emergency centers Arterial flow traffic conditions Signal system health and status Weather and emergency events Parking availability and use Coordination Coordinate construction and lane closures with construction and maintenance offices Coordinate event management Coordinate recurring congestion traffic management (with partners to be added) Coordinate transit signal priority with city and regional rail systems Information Distribution Distribute arterial travel conditions to 511, other outlets and media via regional network Distribute travel messages and advisories using DMS Distribute parking availability information via DMS and handheld devices Maintenance Perform routine maintenance Maintain communications in support of the above regional network Repair signal systems and communication failures Repair/replace malfunctioning intersection equipment Regional/local transit agency Coverage All 7 days/week x 365 days/year coverage during service hours 7 days/week x 365 days/year coverage at customer service call centers during service hours (at a minimum) Rail Light rail, heavy rail, and commuter rail routes and stations Bus Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 3-8 Current System or Situation Stakeholder May 17, 2011 Roles and Responsibilities All bus routes owned and operated by the agency Monitoring All CCTV video, stations, in-vehicle Regional CCTV video available via regional network Occurrence of incidents that affect travel – though 911 emergency centers Traffic flow conditions includes regional freeways and arterials to extent regional network carries information Weather and emergency events Park & Ride CCTV AVL Bus Bus schedule/headway adherence/status Bus boarding/alighting real time/not real time In bus security real time Vehicle emergency status (voice communication with operator) Vehicle status Rail Rail schedule/headway adherence/status Boarding/alighting real time/not real time Train emergency status (voice communication with operator) Coordination All Coordinate construction, maintenance and service disruptions with construction and maintenance offices Coordinate event management Coordinate recurring congestion traffic management with regional DOT, City DOTs and signal control centers Coordinate transit signal priority with city transit systems Bus Coordinate transit signal priority with city signal control systems/centers Coordinate fare transit transfer systems (i.e., smartcards across systems) Coordinate pricing strategies Rail Coordinate rail signal priority with city signal control systems/centers Coordinate fare transit transfer systems (i.e., smartcards across systems) Coordinate pricing strategies Information Distribution Distribute transit travel conditions to 511, other outlets and media via regional network Distribute travel messages and advisories using transit station, parking lot station DMS and PA systems Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 3-9 Current System or Situation Stakeholder May 17, 2011 Roles and Responsibilities Provide trip-planning services via website, call center and interactive voice recognition systems Park and Ride parking availability in real time Maintenance Perform routine maintenance Repair in-vehicle system and communication failures Maintain systems that input data to regional network Local tollway system X CCTV cameras and X DMS TMC monitors for incidents and posts DMS messages Uses automated toll tags Contracts for courtesy patrols Contracts for law enforcement Not integrated with other regional systems Local regional commuter rail system Operated on tracks owned by others No real time GPS information Other cities Older signal systems No central operations Low level of staffing and monitoring Other local transit operations Multiple operations No automated transit dispatch to central system Law enforcement (e.g., state highway patrol) Patrol roads for public safety and law enforcement Respond to incidents Establish initial traffic control Render aid prior to EMT/fire arrival Scene security Establish and/or participate in Incident Command, compliant with National Incident Management System (NIMS) and National Response Plan Coordinate with other responding agencies Investigate incident Help manage traffic around incident Fire department Public Safety Answering Point (PSAPs) – Counties, etc. Respond to incidents Establish traffic control by truck placement and light discipline Render aid and rescue services Patient care and transportation Establish and/or participate in Incident Command, compliant with National Incident Management System (NIMS) and National Response Plan Coordinate with other responding agencies Mitigate fire and/or HazMat situations 24 hours x 7-days/week x 365 days per year coverage 911 call-taker is initial point of contact—determine nature and appropriate agency(ies) to receive call Dispatch units, including police, fire, EMS, HazMat, DOT, Animal Control Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 3-10 Current System or Situation Stakeholder May 17, 2011 Roles and Responsibilities Respond to additional requests for equipment Manage resources Can upgrade to EOC as needed (based on local design) Ability to handle overflow calls from adjoining PSAPs due to failure or overload 3.6 Conclusions Regarding the Current Situation The answer to the first question posed for this study: Do current management practices take full advantage of new transportation operations control technologies, tools, and data sources (e.g., Connected Vehicle)? Must clearly be No; the current state of the practice has yet to exploit the full potential. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 3-11 Justification For and Nature of Changes 4 May 17, 2011 Justification For and Nature of Changes Section 4 describes the known limitations of existing DSS type systems and considers the justification for the new or modified Real-Time Multimodal DSS. The section represents the transition from the system today to the system(s) desired for the future. Under desired changes we may expect: capability changes; system processing changes; interface changes; personnel changes; operational environment changes; support changes and other changes. To help guide future development, discussion of priorities amongst those changes is called for. Usually in such documents it is also considered appropriate to note any changes considered but not included. This serves as a record of discussions that took place and the reasons why they were not pursued. Finally this section will note both assumptions and constraints, e.g., the time period over which such changes might be needed and introduced. Section 4 is a precursor to the Gap Analysis task and should be linked to the Gap Analysis Report. 4.1 Justification for Changes This ConOps is intended to be a generic ConOps, non-specific to any single regional deployment or group of stakeholders. This section discusses common, all-purpose justification for changes as seen in the general transportation and ITS marketplace, with particular focus toward known systems in the US market. The known rationalizations for implementing Real-Time Multimodal DSS (RTMDSS) are as follows: 1. In recent years, millions of dollars in technology and program investments have been spent to help reduce increasing congestion problems in corridor and regions. These range from improved single-mode management systems (freeway, arterial, transit, etc.), ridesharing programs, ramp metering systems, to various forms of managed lanes, to improved transit services, and electronically managed parking availability. Although these improvements have shown some benefit to the traveling public, they are seen as too narrow in focus since they only attempt to improve one single mode or operational practice. Approaches that account for all modes are viewed to have potential for far more overall improvement. This is a serious topic that requires further discussion. 2. Emerging infrastructure-based sensor technologies and in-vehicle technologies (e.g., Connected Vehicle) are providing new data streams to support transportation operations decision-making. Based on this, true RTMDSS is more viable to explore than ever. 3. Increasingly complex and capable system control technologies and traveler systems now exist to present transportation managers with a broader range of potential actions to impact system performance. This includes a new capability to act with increasing precision with a shorter response time, especially with solutions that help multiple modes and facilities. At the same time, there is an emerging recognition that in complex systems individual mode control decisions cannot be made independently. 4. Recent system analysis projects, including road network microsimulation and Corridor System Management Plans (CSMP), have demonstrated that many single modal decisions may impact broader system performance positively or negatively. This leads to the consideration of how concurrent decisions may be made across modal, facility, Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 4-1 Justification For and Nature of Changes May 17, 2011 institutional and jurisdictional boundaries to optimize performance across the entire multimodal transportation system. 4.2 Description of Desired Changes In order to implement true RTMDSS, the following changes must occur. Note that these changes represent those that typically would be needed, but not all of these items may necessarily be required in all deployment locations or scenarios. Establish Information Sharing System - Independent agency systems will need to begin freely exchanging information among one another, in real time, following standard data exchange methodologies (e.g., TMDD and NTCIP Center-To-Center guidelines). The information exchange should allow for recommendation of decision support responses to agency systems, potentially including the direct control of field traffic management assets. Implementation of a Region-wide Communications Network - To collect sufficient data and to enable the regional transportation network, a relatively high-bandwidth communications network is a required. The network may be provided by the Internet, a common carrier, or agency-owned infrastructure, but is necessary to move data and imagery between management centers. The Internet is increasingly becoming the network of choice for many transportation applications. Create Multimodal Historical Database - Containing road condition data, regional ITS configuration data, response plan information etc. Most regions have legacy data repositories in existing freeway, arterial and transit management systems. Integrating different data sets and formats is a technical challenge that must be overcome to effectively implement an RTMDSS. Visualization Platform - In order to effectively evaluate RTMDSS recommendations, a method of visualizing transportation network conditions, response plans and generated actions is preferred. Enable/Create Common Operating Picture (COP) - To effectively implement RTMDSS, the ability of multiple agencies to see data from individual modal management systems on a common geo-referenced display (adaptable to large screen walls, desktop workstations, and mobile devices) is desired. The COP can be tailored to the needs of the transportation system manager to show only the data layers needed for effective decision support. True System Interoperability - Interoperability will be a key element in the regional integration of Decision Support Systems. Two key standards for both collecting data and sending control commands are the Transportation Management Data Dictionary, Version 3.0 and J2735. These standards will be implemented in the Dallas and San Diego Integrated Corridor Management Systems, which are expected to be leaders in the development of newer generation DSS systems. Also to be taken into account for interoperability will be the NTCIP device communications standards. Improved Logistical Support - As with any other ITS technology, DSS implementation must be carried out using solid system engineering principles with due attention paid to logistical support requirements. These include proper documentation, operator selection Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 4-2 Justification For and Nature of Changes May 17, 2011 and training, an Operations and Maintenance Plan and ongoing configuration management, both at the system and operational levels. On-line Modeling Capabilities - To enhance the capability to analyze strategies, perform complex data calculation in real-time and in certain cases enable predictive capabilities. On-line modeling tools can be an effective way to perform such functions and in turn are desired for RTMDSS deployments, although not necessary strictly required. Predictive Tools - The new genre of intelligent transportation management looks toward managing by anticipation rather than reaction, i.e., attempting to predict adverse or negative conditions and then preventing them from occurring or at least lessening their effects. For these reasons, implementation of real-time or faster than real-time predictive tools are desired for RTMDSS to continuously provide anticipated network conditions up to 60 minutes in advance. Develop a Workflow Engine - The RTMDSS requires a workflow engine that replicates modal management workflows. The workflow engine is envisaged as the tracking and sequencing mechanism for what happens when recommended actions are issued. It will track recommendations and feedback into the recommendation process, e.g. freeway ramp signal timings may have been changed but a city has not responded by making requested arterial timing changes leading to serious queues. The engine will be designed to follow the sequence of events and present modifications. Create Centralized Rules-Based DSS Engine - At the nucleus of the RTMDSS is a rules-based DSS engine that links or uses many of the components outlined above. This engine is envisioned to be an interactive, software-based system that extracts useful information from a combination of modal data sources and knowledge bases (operational rules) and converts these into actions and/or recommendations that influence performance of the transportation network, based on specific rules entered into the engine database. Create/Train Multimodal Operators – A training program is needed for existing system operators or new “Multimodal Operators” on how to manage systems across systems and jurisdictions taking all modes into account. 4.3 Priorities among Changes The recommended ordered priority for the desired changes outlined above is as follows: 1. Establish Information Sharing System 2. Implementation of a Region-wide Communications Network 3. Create Centralized Rules-Based DSS Engine 4. Create/Train Multimodal Operators 5. Create Multimodal Historical Database 6. Enable/Create Common Operating Picture (COP) 7. Improved Logistical Support 8. True System Interoperability 9. On-line Modeling Capabilities 10. Predictive Tools 11. Develop a Workflow Engine Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 4-3 Justification For and Nature of Changes May 17, 2011 12. Visualization Platform Note: these priorities will be the subject of stakeholder discussions and input. 4.4 Changes Considered but not Included Not applicable. 4.5 System Needs The System Needs listed in Table 4-1 were derived based on the foregoing discussion. These System Needs will become the basis for development of System Requirements for RTMDSS. Table 4-1: System Needs System Need Description 1. Need to access real-time or near real-time data from multiple sources Any RTMDSS architecture will require access to real-time and non real-time data from multiple data sources 2. Need to access historical (archived) data from multiple sources The RTMDSS architecture will also need access to historical data for trend analysis, both on-line and off-line modeling and predictive capability 3. Need to access transportation network configuration data from one or more sources Transportation network configuration data includes field device locations, roadway network, bus routes, and other types of static data 4. Need to provide a display capability with geographic context for RTMDSS configuration and control RTMDSS users will need to visualize current and predicted network conditions and have access to RTMDSS user dialogues 5. Need to process real-time and historical input data to predict future transportation network conditions RTMDSS will use real-time and historical data to predict future conditions using either algorithms and/or models 6. Need to provide a business process capture capability to convert input data into actionable decisions RTMDSS real-time, historical, and configuration data will be used to feed a business process that generates required actions 7. Need to reconfigure the rules that govern RTMDSS output RTMDSS rules must be changeable by system users without undue technical complexity or outside IT support 8. Need to indirectly control and/or recommend changes to addressable field devices by system and jurisdiction RTMDSS will output recommended and/or indirect (through modal management systems) changes to transportation control and motorist notification devices as part of a response strategy 9. Need to provide a faster than real-time modeling capability to evaluate alternative RTMDSS strategies Pre-stored and dynamic response plans are input into a faster than real-time model ( a model that runs fast enough to affect response decisions) for evaluation and/or selection 10. Need to disseminate RTMDSS output to multiple system users RTMDSS results must be communicated to system users 11. Need to provide persistent data storage Data storage will be needed for selected real-time, Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 4-4 Justification For and Nature of Changes May 17, 2011 historical and configuration data and for RTMDSS results 12. Need to manage the RTMDSS system Typical system administration functions are required to manage and maintain the RTMDSS – these include security, backups, access control, communications network monitoring, system health monitoring, etc. 13. Need to support the RTMDSS system Support includes documentation, training, maintenance, and business plans 14. Need to provide a performance measurement capability RTMDSS must be able to monitor its performance and the performance of the transportation network as a result of DSS recommendations 15. Need to provide a planning function RTMDSS should provide a capability for system managers to use the system for a priori planning for special events, major incidents, work zone management, etc. 16. Need to implement multi-agency collaboration platform A collaboration platform would allow agencies to communicate in real-time, especially during management of complex events Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 4-5 Concepts for the Proposed System May 17, 2011 Concepts for the Proposed System 5 Section 5 includes the overview of the family of potential RTMDSS systems with their now understood background, mission, objectives and scope. In the case of the RTMDSS, part of the motivation for new systems is likely to include new opportunities for the procurement of real time data sources and their incorporation into powerful processing systems. This section will include how the goals for new systems may be achieved, supported by modified strategies, solutions, tactics, methods and techniques. The scope of the new systems is defined through the modes of operation, classes of users and interfaces to the operational environment. 5.1 Background, Objectives and Scope 5.1.1 Background The convergence of sensor, communications, and data processing technologies is providing new and more capable tools to enhance transportation operations collaboration. These are reflected in improved situational awareness, more sophisticated system control, and dissemination of richer traveler information data streams. Transportation system managers across all modes of a regional network are presented with a broader range of actions and data to impact and monitor system performance. This includes the capability to act with better information within a shorter response time. These decisions and resulting actions can no longer be made within the silo of a single modal management system. A decision for one mode of transportation may impact the overall system performance of a regional multi-modal transportation network. There has been a parallel effort by USDOT to emphasize regional operations collaboration. In short this means that transportation managers must begin to consider broader implications of the decisions they make to optimize their own operations. The goal is now to establish, measure, and display performance metrics for an integrated network of freeway, toll facility, managed lanes, arterial, transit and parking facilities. This was initially embodied in the Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) environment, but ultimately will go beyond just linear corridors to include broader areas within a geographic region. 5.1.2 Objectives The objectives of multi-modal decision support systems include: The collection and archiving of existing and emerging data sources from all modes of transportation. The data/information needs to be collected and stored for analyzing the effectiveness of strategies and responses generated by a DSS. The transformation of independent data streams into actionable decisions that impact multiple transportation modes across multiple jurisdictions. The actions need to be grounded in pre-arranged response plans for incidents and emergencies attached to contacts, roles and responsibilities. The ability to impact overall network operations by sending commands/recommendations to individual systems in individual jurisdictions. The recommended actions seek to avoid gaps in response as well as contradictory responses, to produce benefit for total network operations. While not a central objective, the provision of links to what has been termed passive RTMDSS will provide for the delivery of a greater quantity and quality of information to Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 5-1 Concepts for the Proposed System May 17, 2011 increasingly sophisticated system users, impacting their driving decisions The links to the delivery systems and the data that flows to them should be an integral part of the vision for RTMDSS. 5.1.3 Scope A multimodal decision support system will impact system operators of all modes of transportation. Typically these include Transportation Management Center operators, bus and rail dispatchers, public safety dispatchers, local agency traffic engineers, transit vehicle operations, private vehicle drivers, fleet and commercial drivers, technical support personnel, facility maintenance personnel, parking facility operators, toll road operators and 511 information service providers. 5.2 Operational Policies and Constraints 5.2.1 Policies Over time, operational policies will evolve to exploit the new capabilities of advanced decision support tools. At initiation, there will likely be resistance to automation of traditional operations. As confidence in decision support tools and algorithms grows, agencies will be more comfortable in allowing external influences over their control systems. Stakeholder organization and commitment to roles and responsibilities is a vital component of the ConOps for the RTMDSS and should be embedded in the operational scenarios developed. A structure needs to be developed to map these responsibilities to decision points and then to actual staffing and services needed. This structure will then be extended to the vision for financing the components of the system that have yet to be developed, funding training and staffing the multimodal operations and paying to maintain both the new system elements and existing system elements at a level that will support the full multi-modal operation. 5.2.2 Constraints The deployment of multimodal decision support systems will initially be limited by the following factors: Limitations in data provided by one or modes of transportation – typically arterial data will be a limiting factor Lack of standardization of data flows in an RTMDSS Shortages in properly-trained personnel Reluctance of certain modal operators to trust the control results of an RTMDSS Inherent limitations of certain transportation modes, e.g. city TMC’s not monitored on a continuous basis, rail consists not providing accurate and timely train positions, etc. 5.3 Description of the Proposed System A vision for future RTMDSS implementations includes the following key elements: The DSS accepts real-time data inputs from multiple modes and transportation network facilities (see Figure 5-1) Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 5-2 Concepts for the Proposed System May 17, 2011 Using a variety of transformation tools and algorithms, such as real-time modeling, rulesbased response plans and visualization tools, the DSS generates response plans that impact multiple modes and systems in multiple jurisdictions (see Figure 5-2) The response plans are decomposed into system-specific action plans and commands that are targeted for a single system in a single jurisdiction (see Figure 5-2) Operators of the agencies review DSS recommended plans In some systems, real-time or faster than real-time, models show the impact of alternative strategies on the target network (freeways/toll roads/transit/arterials) in sufficient time for multimodal system operators to make timely decisions System operators are specially trained in multimodal operations and have working knowledge of all transportation modes in the region. In a large metropolitan area, system operators may be assigned to sub-regions or corridors similar to public safety or transit dispatchers (Figure 5-1) The business rules of the DSS are easily modifiable by system operators and/or administrators All control commands issued by the DSS adhere to national ITS standards such as TMDD v3.0. This is a known gap in current operations Non-response to recommendations results in new computations to take this into account. Shown in Figure 5-1 is an example of an RTMDSS. For the various modes and transportation network facilities, there are data sources (data inputs) and control plans. These are color coded (e.g., items for the freeway are outlined in green, while arterials are outlined in yellow). How the transmission between the network and the individual network facilities is defined (e.g., via XML) is not part of this diagram. As stated earlier, data communications will be compliant with TMDD and other standards. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 5-3 Concepts for the Proposed System May 17, 2011 Figure 5-1: Notional RTMDSS Figure 5-2: Response Plan Processing Hierarchy Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 5-4 Concepts for the Proposed System May 17, 2011 The Real-Time Multimodal Decision Support System is actually a family of systems. For specific geographic areas, system components may include any combination of the following: GIS-based visualization platform (baseline capability) Source(s) of real-time data (baseline capability) Source(s) of historical data (baseline capability Persistent data storage (baseline capability) Business Process engine (optional capability) Expert systems or other rule-based engine (baseline capability) Traffic-responsive algorithms (baseline capability) Predictive algorithms (baseline capability) Real-time simulation/tools (optional capability) Off-line modeling (optional capability in the context of RTMDSS) A nominal DSS architecture encompassing these components is shown in the figure below. Figure 5-3: Nominal High-Level Architecture for RTMDSS These systems are described in the following paragraphs. Baseline Capability indicates that this component would be required in any RTMDSS implementation. Optional Capability indicates a component that would enhance RTMDSS operations but would not necessarily be required. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 5-5 Concepts for the Proposed System May 17, 2011 5.3.1 GIS-Based Visualization Platform The essence of providing decision support to transportation managers is giving each of them a “common operating picture”, or COP. A City Traffic Manager can more easily make arterial traffic signal timing decisions knowing the “big picture” of what’s going on around his jurisdiction. Likewise a transit operations manager can make better bus allocation decisions knowing the most current and complete picture of road conditions on the routes being managed. No matter what combination of DSS components may be used in a particular region, operator dialogs are required to manage input data to supplement automatic data feeds, configure operational rules, review and/or modify recommended response plans and their component action plans, initialize real-time models, configure predictive algorithms, and similar functions. 5.3.2 Source(s) of Real-Time Data Any DSS will require real-time data of traffic conditions on freeways and roadways, bus locations and schedule adherence, passengers and capacity, scheduled and non-scheduled events, weather, parking availability, responses to events and field device location and status. Each modal system will have its native or organic database and thus the challenge will be to integrate these data sources as inputs to the decision support engine. 5.3.3 Source(s) of Historical or Archived Data Historical or archived data is essential to the operation of an RTMDSS as it establishes traffic patterns for various operational conditions of a region’s transportation network. In some cases an archive database may be available for use but in other cases, it may have to be created from scratch. As with real-time data, the challenge most regions will face is to integrate multiple data sources. 5.3.4 Persistent Data Storage RTMDSS persistent data storage will be required to store the following classes of data: Pre-determined response plans Transportation network metrics RTMDSS system metrics Event histories including actions recommended, actions taken and results of the actions Model results Selected real-time data Selected archival data 5.3.5 Business Process Engine A business process engine is the high-level view of the activities undertaken by a modal operator as illustrated in Figure 5-4. This example is for a notional freeway management system. This process depicts a routine monitoring function for a TMC operator that includes publishing of travel times, operating normal AM and PM peak ramp meters and managing lanes equipped with appropriate signing and directional control. TMC operators continuously monitor for the onset of an incident – if this occurs, a sequence of activities is set into motion that may include overriding of normal field device operation. Routine operations are shown in green; event detection and verification are shown in blue, and the event response is shown in red. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 5-6 Concepts for the Proposed System May 17, 2011 5.3.6 Expert Systems or Other Rule-Based Systems Rule-based systems have traditionally been the core of existing DSS implementations. In Figure 5-4 below, a Rule Base would operate at the “Generate Response” step in the freeway management process and is shown in red in the figure. In some cases these rule bases have been implemented in COTS expert systems, and in other cases, by custom development. Expert systems combine knowledge of the environment (event states, field device placement, network nodes and links, etc.), known as a Knowledge Base with a Rule Base containing IF-THEN or similar logical constructs to implement well-defined operational processes. Rule bases work best for processes that are clearly definable, relatively straightforward in execution and that embody repeatable processes. For example, DMS signing and where to place messages on the transportation network is a classic use of expert systems and rule-based systems. Another appropriate use of a Rules-Based system would be to select a pre-determined signal timing plan from a set of such plans in response to an incident at a known location. Figure 5-4: Notional Example of a Freeway Management Business Process 5.3.7 Traffic Responsive and Other Predictive Algorithms Predictive algorithms differ from rule bases in that they largely rely on mathematical models of the environment rather than knowledge and rules. Adaptive traffic signals, traffic-responsive ramp meters, point predictions of detector data( i.e. predicting what volume/occupancy and speed at a particular location will be) and travel time calculations are examples of the use of algorithmic data. 5.3.8 Faster Than Real-Time Modeling Faster than real-time modeling may not be present in every deployed RTMDSS. Modeling is a highly-specialized skill, and this is especially true for the newer generation of real-time models that provide more timely information but that require more skill sets to configure and initialize. A faster than real-time model will analyze both real-time and archived data, fetch pre-stored response plans or strategies, evaluate these strategies against regional measures of effectiveness, select one or more optimum strategies and predict network conditions into a selectable future time interval. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 5-7 Concepts for the Proposed System May 17, 2011 5.3.9 Off-Line Modeling Off-Line modeling will be used to develop input data for real-time models, to forecast long-term traffic patterns, to develop pre-determined response plan strategies and to support regional transportation planning. Off-Line modeling will also be used to support longer-term decisions related to management of a corridor or other defined area within a geographic region. 5.4 Modes of Operation Two types of operations are broadly envisaged, however the underlying principles of coordination between systems remains the same: 1. Normal operations that involve exchange of information across all involved modes and are based on everyday occurrences in terms of congestion, incidents, planned maintenance and events. Such operations may be viewed as routine and with emphasis on peak period operations but also require agreed cooperation and coordination. Agreements and management strategies would need to be in place to promote this everyday level of decision support across all modes and gradual improvement over time as confidence increased in the reliability of the available tools. Such DSS agreements are associated with corridor and or local regional activities. 2. Extreme event management (e.g., hurricanes, winter weather events, wildfires, terrorist attacks) builds upon the normal operations agreements, but calls for more detailed agreements and action plans. Extreme event management potentially involves a wider set of partners (across state line activities and statewide agencies) and may or may not have more planned action time for the implementation of the DSS-proposed recommendations. Such RTMDSS may be required to operate over far larger areas, with many more partners and potential system interfaces. 5.5 System User Groups and Other Involved Personnel RTMDSS users contribute a diverse set of operations and maintenance skills. summarizes the essential roles of these system users. Table 5-1 Table 5-1: System User Groups Position Position Roles Broadcast media Gather information on planned and unplanned corridor events and inform the public via radio, TV, and satellite DOT maintenance dispatchers Dispatch maintenance vehicles and personnel Highway Patrol/State Police/Local Police traffic officers Incident response and freeway/highway enforcement Corridor managers Multi-modal corridor operations management, with a working knowledge of freeway, arterial, transit, and public safety operations. Note these would be new roles that for the most part do not exist today. District traffic manager(s) Responsible for maintenance of lane closure systems Emergency Operations Center (EOC) watch officer When the EOC is activated, Intelligence and Planning Section staff collect data from many sources in the county and use this data to Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 5-8 Concepts for the Proposed System Position EOC planning and intelligence staff May 17, 2011 Position Roles develop plans for the next “operational period” (usually 24 hours) during a major emergency First Responders (e.g., Fire, EMT, ME) Tollway and High Occupancy Toll lane customer service center operators Operate and maintain customer service centers Roadway Service Patrol drivers Perform motorist aid duties on assigned roadway beats Freight Logistics managers IT managers Develop IT hardware and software standards and deploy IT equipment and applications IT maintenance staff Operate and maintain equipment Parking facility staff Operate, monitor and maintain parking facilities including park and ride Public (end users) Populate the transportation network Public safety call takers Receive calls for assistance from the motoring public via mobile or landline phones and initiate incident records within a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system Public safety dispatchers Dispatch and track public safety units using CAD systems and update incident records based on officer field reports Rail Operations managers Roadway equipment maintenance staff Monitor, troubleshoot, and maintain roadway ITS devices TMC operators Operate and monitor freeway and tollway central control systems Traffic engineers Maintain traffic signal and ramp metering systems, develop signal and ramp meter timing plans, and tune system traffic algorithms Traffic Management Teams (TMTs) Transit Supervisors/dispatchers Maintain communications with transit drivers and monitor transit vehicle schedule adherence, breakdowns, on-board incidents, and safety issues Transit operators Operate regional bus vehicles and monitor roadway conditions on their assigned routes Transit maintenance Monitor vehicle health Transit call centers Transportation planners Analyze all modes of transportation operations, run modeling software, and develop long-term corridor operations strategies Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 5-9 Concepts for the Proposed System May 17, 2011 5.6 Support Environment The major support impacts resulting from RTMDSS deployment will include: Regional communications network (increasing dependency on inter-agency communications) Configuration management (changes in one mode’s system impacting other modes) – includes hardware, communications, software, firmware Increased investment in maintenance and spares support Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 5-10 Summary of Impacts 6 May 17, 2011 Operational Scenarios The operational scenarios identified are as follows: 1. The Daily Operations Scenario involves exchange of information across all involved modes and is based on everyday occurrences in terms of congestion, incidents, planned maintenance and events. Such operations may be viewed as routine, with emphasis on peak period operations, but also require agreed cooperation and coordination. This is the base scenario for all RTMDSS development. 2. Extreme Event Scenarios involve an entirely different scale of response. The following examples are described in this section: a. Major traffic incident with impacts to freeways, arterials, transit, and parking b. Significant immediate evacuation due to a terrorist threat c. Winter weather event covering wide area d. Planned major events impacting the downtown area The scenarios were developed with a year 2020-2025 timeframe and are meant to reflect the kinds of activities and interactions expected to occur in that time. 6.1 Real-Time Multimodal DSS Assumptions 1. The DSS accepts real-time data inputs from multiple modes of transportation 2. Using a variety of visualization platforms and transformation tools and algorithms, such as real-time modeling, rules-based response plans and predictive algorithms, the DSS generates response plans that impact multiple modes and systems in multiple jurisdictions 3. The response plans are decomposed into system-specific action plans and commands that are targeted for a single system in a single jurisdiction 4. Operators review DSS recommended plans and accept, reject or modify prior to execution 5. A variety of real-time tools (e.g. simulation, predictive algorithms, rule-based business processes) determine the impact of alternative strategies on the target network (freeways/toll roads/transit/arterials) in sufficient time for multimodal system operators to make timely decisions 6. Visualization of corridor conditions, performance metrics and management tools is an essential RTMDSS component 7. DSS “system operators” may be used – these would receive training in multimodal operations and have working knowledge of all transportation modes in the region. In a large metropolitan area, system operators may be assigned to sub-regions or corridors similar to public safety or transit dispatchers. Single mode system operators continue to manage their systems as is currently done. 8. The business rules of the DSS are easily modifiable by end users (system operators and/or administrators). 9. Selected control commands issued by the DSS adhere to national ITS standards such as TMDD v3.0. It is desirable that TMDD should eventually cover all control commands. 6.2 “Generic” Scenarios The purpose of the ConOps is to provide an RTMDSS system definition that can be implemented in a variety of locations. Thus, the scenarios to be developed will be generic and not locationspecific. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-1 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 The generic scenarios should capture the following key aspects: 1. Long-term (10-year plus) time scale for implementation 2. Differences in size and scope 3. Differences in combinations of transportation infrastructure and relative demand of modal traffic 4. Differences in potential weather impacts 5. Differences in corridor versus regional/statewide needs 6. Differences in organizational/institutional arrangements 6.3 Scenario Analysis The scenarios are diagrammed using a system information flow diagram format to help indicate at a high level the systems involved and the flow of data between systems. Each individual scenario diagram is based on a single, generic system information flow diagram, depicted in Figure 6-1 on the following page. The generic system information flow diagram is meant to encapsulate all the critical systems, subsystems, and components with which the RTMDSS interacts. Individual scenarios feature subsets of this master generic diagram. Individual scenario diagrams can also be used with a sequencing indicator both to highlight the key decision points at which a DSS system would add the greatest value and to incorporate timephased event responses. The information flow diagram is comprised of three major components: 1. The RTMDSS, depicted as a purple box and containing the various components discussed in detail in Section 5.3; 2. Modal management systems with which the RTMDSS interacts and communicates, depicted as blue boxes with critical subcomponents listed within; and 3. External entities that do not exchange but only receive (or provide) data, depicted as red ovals. Note: the Connected Vehicle box appears in a contrasting color to indicate its critical role providing the rich traveler and vehicle datasets required of the RTMDSS and connected management systems. The scenario diagrams and content were developed with direct RTMDSS Stakeholder input during the RTMDSS ConOps face-to-face meeting held in Scottsdale, Arizona on May 23-24, 2011. (A full list of stakeholder meeting participants is provided in Appendix A.) Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-2 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 Figure 6-1: Generic System Information Flow Diagram Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-3 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 6.3.1 Scenario #1: Daily Operations Incidents of typical severity occur throughout the transportation network during the peak evening period. Road congestion and transit delays are typical for the time and day. Figure 6-2: Scenario 1 System Information Flow Diagram The RTMDSS receives input from various connected subsystems: 1. Regional and microclimate weather data is passed to the RTMDSS. 2. Local and regional transit CAD/AVL systems regularly monitor bus and rail arrival/departure information and report transit travel times, schedule adherence, and vehicle capacities to the RTMDSS. 3. Sensors at park-and-ride facilities and downtown garages monitor the available parking capacity and reports capacity to the RTMDSS. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-4 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 4. Freight and Logistics Management Systems report freight vehicle locations, schedules, and routing plans. 5. Maintenance and Construction Operations report real-time lane closure and construction information to the RTMDSS. 6. The Freeway Management System continually reports current freeway volumes and travel times to the RTMDSS. 7. Incidents in the CAD systems of participating law enforcement agencies, freeway operators, and transit dispatchers are automatically shared with the RTMDSS. Utilizing faster than real-time modeling on archived and real-time multimodal data, the RTMDSS generates recommendations to or indirectly controls various connected subsystems: 8. Transit fleet management and detour routing 9. Freeway ramp metering rates 10. Dynamic message sign content 11. Roadway signal timing and coordination 12. Variable speed limit signs 13. Reversible lane selection 14. HOT lane pricing 15. Dispatch of Traffic Management Team vehicles. 16. Interface to 511 and other ISPs to provide travel time, incident, HOT lane rates, parking availability, and other traveler information Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-5 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 6.3.2 Scenario #2: Major Traffic Incident On a weekday morning a tanker truck overturns on a major highway, leaking fuel and blocking all lanes of traffic. Fatalities have occurred and the highway will be closed for several hours while the medical examiner investigates and debris is cleared. Figure 6-3: Scenario 2 System Information Flow Diagram Action 1. From 9-1-1 cell phone calls, Highway Patrol is alerted to a possible incident. The Call Taker creates a new incident and transfers the incident to a dispatcher for Highway Patrol response. Paramedic units are notified via telephone. The RTMDSS is updated with this information. Action 1’. Roadway sensors simultaneously register an incident using freeway incident detection algorithms. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-6 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 Action 2. The RTMDSS acquires the incident data from the Highway Patrol CAD system and confirms the automatic incident event against the 9-1-1 manual incident entry. Action 3. Due to the fact that fatalities have occurred, the Emergency Management System notifies the County Medical Examiner’s Office. Action 4. Based on analysis of the impact of the incident on the roadway network, the RTMDSS generates DMS content and pushes requests to Freeway Management Systems to display the new messages. The RTMDSS continually updates DMS content based on changing roadway network conditions. Action 5. The RTMDSS disseminates incident data to 511 and other ISPs, including end users’ in-vehicle navigation and portable personal connected devices. The RTMDSS continually updates information based on changing transportation network conditions. Action 6. The Emergency Management System disseminates filtered incident information directly to media agencies. Action 7. The RTMDSS disseminates incident data to Freight Logistics Management Systems to alert them to reroute shipments around the incident area. The RTMDSS continually updates information based on changing roadway network conditions. Action 8. The RTMDSS produces stationing recommendations to prevent secondary accidents at the end of the queue and provides these to the Freeway Management System to deliver to the Traffic Management Team (TMT). The RTMDSS continually monitors roadway network conditions and makes updated stationing recommendations as needed. Action 9. Based on faster than real-time modeling of the incident and its effects on the regional transportation network, the RTMDSS sends pre-agreed regional timing plan requests to the Arterial Management System (AMS) for implementation by affected cities within the region. The RTMDSS continually monitors roadway network conditions and makes updated signal timing plan recommendations as needed. Action 10. The RTMDSS recommends transit service adjustments to the Transit Management System based on faster than real-time modeling. The RTMDSS continually monitors roadway network conditions and makes updated transit service adjustment recommendations as needed. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-7 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 Figure 6-4: Scenario 2 Phasing Diagram Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-8 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 6.3.3 Scenario #3: Major Evacuation An emergency evacuation for downtown has been called due to a confirmed building bomb threat during typical weekday operations. System operators, administrators, and other stakeholders from freeway, toll road, arterial, public transportation, airport, port, public safety, commercial vehicle, maintenance and parking modal management systems were involved in evacuation planning prior to this emergency. As a result, the role of the RTMDSS in such evacuations has been designed into the overall metropolitan network evacuation scenario. Figure 6-5: Scenario 3 System Information Flow Diagram Action 1. The regional Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is activated and representatives from freeway, toll road, arterial, public transportation, airport, port, and public safety (all informed of the RTMDSS capabilities and procedures) join others in response to the evacuation. Action 2. The RTMDSS stakeholder representatives at the EOC have access to the RTMDSS data hub. These representatives serve as a conduit informing others at the EOC of information shared through the RTMDSS and entering in any critical information. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-9 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 Action 3. The RTMDSS runs faster-than-real-time simulations based on existing conditions to continually evaluate evacuation alternatives. These analyses are made available to the EOC. Action 4. The RTMDSS sends flush (outbound) signal timing plan requests to Arterial Management Systems. The RTMDSS continually monitors roadway network conditions and makes updated signal timing plan recommendations as needed. Action 5. The RTMDSS sends outbound reversible HOT lane setup requests to freeway and toll road operators. Action 6. The RTMDSS initiates contra-flow freeway evacuation routing plans: alerts law enforcement to direct overflow outbound traffic onto inbound lanes and to provide traffic control for the contra-flow traffic. Action 7. The RTMDSS generates appropriate HAR and DMS evacuation messages and provides these to Freeway Management Systems. The RTMDSS continually updates DMS content based on changing roadway network conditions. Action 8. The RTMDSS generates transit fleet management and detour routing recommendations and sends these to Transit Management Systems to implement. The RTMDSS continually monitors roadway network conditions and makes updated transit service adjustment recommendations as needed. Action 9. The RTMDSS disseminates evacuation information to Freight Logistics Management Systems to alert them not to send vehicles into evacuation area. Action 10. The RTMDSS disseminates relevant evacuation data to 511 and other ISPs, including end users’ in-vehicle navigation and portable personal connected devices. The RTMDSS continually updates information based on changing transportation network conditions. Figure 6-6: Scenario 3 Phasing Diagram Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-10 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 6.3.4 Scenario #4: Significant Winter Weather Event An unexpected snow storm begins on a weekday morning and covers the entire region. Snow is expected to continue to fall throughout the day. By noon many businesses have decided to close early for the day and many commuters begin to return home from the downtown area. Many incidents have occurred throughout the region due to the poor driving conditions, and congestion is heavy throughout the road network. Figure 6-7: Scenario 4 System Information Flow Diagram Action 1. The RTMDSS receives inclement weather information. Action 2. The RTMDSS generates Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) messages warning travelers of anticipated worsening weather and passes these to the Freeway Management System. The RTMDSS continually updates HAR message content based on changing roadway network conditions. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-11 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 Action 3. The RTMDSS recommends that freeway and toll road operators activate the reversible HOT lane to be outbound earlier than normal, as the peak outbound commute begins at approximately 11:00am. Dynamic lane pricing adjusts as needed. Action 4. The RTMDSS generates transit fleet management and detour routing recommendations and sends these to Transit Management Systems to implement. The RTMDSS continually monitors roadway network conditions and makes updated transit service adjustment recommendations as needed. Action 5. Representatives from arterial signals groups have been activated and observe the cameras with an interest on the signal progression. (As a result of the storm, many travelers are opting not to drive the freeways, but instead to take non-mainstream arterials with the hopes of avoiding major congestion.) Action 6. The RTMDSS disseminates weather and congestion information to freight logistics management systems to alert them to avoid sending vehicles into the road network. Action 7. RTMDSS recommends that off-peak signal timings with reactive control be left in place to accommodate the many turning movements not typically observed during peak (flush) movement. The RTMDSS continually monitors roadway network conditions and makes updated signal timing plan recommendations as needed. Action 8. Due to the increased number of major incidents and overall network delays, the RTMDSS recommends that transit signal priority be de-activated (because the slow travel has congested the roads so even if signals green phases are extended for a transit vehicle, there is still congestion ahead of the signal). Action 9. The RTMDSS disseminates relevant data to 511 and other ISPs, including end users’ in-vehicle navigation and portable personal connected devices. The RTMDSS continually updates information based on changing transportation network conditions. Figure 6-8: Scenario 4 Phasing Diagram Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-12 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 6.3.5 Scenario #5: Special Event A weeknight baseball game is being played at the downtown stadium. A majority of the estimated 40,000 attendees will arrive between 5:30 and 6:45pm, overlapping with the evening peak period commute time. Due to the advanced notice of the event, multimodal system managers are able to activate advanced plans—making available additional transit and parking options and coordinating among agencies. Figure 6-9: Scenario 5 System Information Flow Diagram 1. Pre-event actions Action 1-1. RTMDSS activates evening baseball game event plan and sends out coordination recommendations to agencies, including: Recommend to transit agencies to plan to provide temporary shuttle service from park-and-ride lots before and after the game. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-13 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 Recommend to transit and commuter rail agencies to increase frequencies and capacities of utilized transit and rail lines before and after the game. Action 1-2. Transit agencies implement service adjustments and update schedule and detour information in the Transit Management System and provide this data to the RTMDSS. Action 1-3. The RTMDSS disseminates special event and anticipated congestion information to Freight Logistics Management Systems to alert them to reroute vehicles around the event-impacted areas or otherwise modify their shipping schedules. The RTMDSS continually updates information based on changing roadway network conditions. 2. Event actions Action 2-1. Transit Management Systems activate special event fare collection programs (e.g., free or reduced fares for ball game ticket holders) for riders traveling to the stadium. Action 2-2. The RTMDSS continually pushes event reports to the in-vehicle navigation and portable personal connected devices of ball game attendees and commuters (e.g., location and capacities of park-and-ride lots, congested roads, alternate routes). Action 2-3. The RTMDSS sends flush (inbound) signal timing plan requests to Arterial Management Systems for ballpark-connecting arterials. Action 2-4. RTMDSS makes signal timing plan recommendations to Arterial Management Systems based on traffic patterns change as the start of the game approaches. The RTMDSS continually monitors roadway network conditions and makes updated signal timing plan recommendations as needed. Action 2-5. The RTMDSS generates appropriate HAR and DMS event messages (e.g., parking guidance) and provides these to Freeway Management Systems. The RTMDSS continually updates HAR and DMS content based on changing roadway network conditions. Action 2-6. Event Managers monitor progress of the game and provide the RTMDSS with anticipated traffic patterns from the stadium. (Due to the closeness of the game, it is expected that most attendees will stay until its conclusion.) Action 2-7. Based on input from Event Managers, the RTMDSS recommends to the Transit Management System to make increased capacities available between 9:00 and 10:00pm, the expected conclusion of the game. 3. Post-event actions Action 3-1. Transit Management Systems reactivate special event fare collection programs (e.g., free or reduced fares for ball game ticket holders) at conclusion of event for riders departing the stadium. Action 3-2. Based on input from Event Managers, the RTMDSS recommends appropriate signal timing plans (e.g., outbound flush plans) to Arterial Management Systems for ballpark-connecting arterials. The RTMDSS continually monitors roadway network conditions and makes updated signal timing plan recommendations as needed. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-14 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 Figure 6-10: Scenario 5 Phasing Diagram Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 6-15 Summary of Impacts 7 May 17, 2011 Summary of Impacts Section 7 reviews the potential operational impacts of the family of systems for users, developers, support and maintenance organizations and the sponsoring institutions. Impacts during development are also considered. 7.1 Operational Impacts Modal system managers will have new information and tools at their disposal, necessitating a different approach to regional collaboration. Transit managers will have more information on freeway and arterial conditions, including video imagery. Arterial managers will have more information on the impact of transit priority and rail at-grade intersections. Public safety dispatchers will have greater visibility into traffic conditions that impact response to incidents and to the real-time locations of public transportation vehicles. Freeway managers will be able to more effectively see the impact of traffic diversions for major incidents. All modes will have a common operating picture of transportation conditions in the region through a GIS-based visualization platform. Interactions between freeway and arterial management will become more sophisticated when ramp metering can be adjusted to respond to changing arterial conditions in the vicinity of on- and off-ramps and arterial traffic systems can respond to planned or unplanned freeway diversions. Regions should begin to develop concepts for different operational paradigms, e.g. using multimodal-qualified “Transportation Coordinators” who will be more focused on operating multimodal corridors or sub-regions rather than a single mode across the entire region. This concept will be evolutionary and is not a prerequisite for initial operational capability of an RTMDSS deployment. 7.2 Organizational Impacts Jurisdictions working under a true RTMDSS may have to alter their operational procedures to meet new transportation network measures of effectiveness. At the very least, multimodal planning will be a necessity and will involve system operators and administrators from freeway, toll road, arterial, public transportation, airport, port, public safety, commercial vehicle, maintenance and parking modal management systems as appropriate for the region. Many regions find it relatively easy to collaborate on transportation planning issues but ongoing operational collaboration is more difficult to achieve. Each transportation mode has different restrictions on how their systems can be controlled – these restrictions must be addressed through multi-jurisdictional agreements that cover financial, legal, liability, privacy and other challenging issues. 7.3 Procurement/Development Impacts Several technical issues will have to be undertaken to make true RTMDSS a success. These include iterative development, communications, data management, web access, interoperability and logistical support. Each of these will be discussed in turn. 7.3.1 Iterative Development It is unlikely that a regional RTMDSS deployment can be successfully accomplished with a monolithic “waterfall” systems engineering approach. An alternative approach is to use iterative development, not only from an improved systems engineering and project management Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 7-16 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 perspective, but also for the purpose of iteratively gaining stakeholder support and confidence for the RTMDSS concept. Strategically the iterative steps for deployment might look something like Table 7-1. However, this is only a notional table and each region would have legitimate claim to a different approach to iterative deployments. For purposes of this table, we assume that a DSS deployment would consist of the following elements: Database containing road condition data, regional ITS configuration data and response plans A method of visualizing transportation network conditions, response plans and generated actions; optionally a means of operator review and control of response plans Modeling, both off-line (for response plan development) and real-time (for plan comparison and optimization) Real-time predictive tools that continuously provide anticipated network conditions up to 60 minutes in advance A workflow engine that replicates modal management workflows A business rules engine that develops collaborative modal actions in response to network anomalies Table 7-1: Iterative Deployment Functions and Benefits Deployment Iteration Functional Capability Incremental Benefit Foundational Work Database development visualization platform Modeling Calibration Off-line modeling interface to real-time modeling Predictive Tool(s) and Workflow Development Real-time modeling Predictions to +30 min Workflow capture Predictions to +60 min Recommended Action Plans Automated Action Plans Initial Operational Capability (IOC) Full Operational Capability (FOC) Establish use of standards (e.g., TMDD) Provide initial operator view of ICMS Establish modeling baseline Calibrate models Generate response plans Build operator confidence in real-time tools Operator feedback on workflows Build operator confidence in predictions Build operator confidence in Action Plans Full operator confidence 7.3.2 Communications To collect sufficient data and to affect different elements of the regional transportation network, a relatively high-bandwidth communications network is a prerequisite. The network, which must be able to accommodate the exchange of data and imagery between management centers, may be Internet-based, common carrier-based, or agency-owned infrastructure. The Internet is increasingly becoming the network of choice for many transportation applications. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 7-17 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 7.3.3 Data Management Most regions have legacy data repositories in existing freeway, arterial and transit management systems. Integrating different data sets and formats is a technical challenge that must be overcome to effectively implement a multi-modal DSS. Figure 7-1 shows a typical regional data architecture in which data from multiple systems, including extra-regional archived data systems (e.g. in California, the PeMS ITS data archive) are used to drive an RTMDSS. 7.3.4 Web Access Increasingly ATMS and other modal management systems are turning to Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs), allowing greater deployment flexibility, improved system scaling, lowerrisk and faster development and greater ease of adding partner agencies to regional systems. 7.3.5 Interoperability Interoperability will be a key element in the regional integration of Decision Support Systems. A key standard for both collecting data and sending control commands is the Transportation Management Data Dictionary, Version 3.0. This standard will be implemented in the Dallas and San Diego Integrated Corridor Management Systems, which are expected to be leaders in the development of newer generation DSS systems. 7.3.6 Logistical Support As with any other ITS technology, DSS implementation must be carried out using solid system engineering principles with due attention paid to logistical support requirements. These include proper documentation, operator selection and training, an Operations and Maintenance Plan and ongoing configuration management, both at the system and operational levels. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 7-18 Summary of Impacts May 17, 2011 Figure 7-1: Notional Data Architecture for a Regional Transportation Network Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 7-19 Analysis of Proposed System May 17, 2011 Analysis of Proposed System 8 Section 8 presents analysis of the benefits, limitations, advantages, disadvantages, alternatives and trade-offs considered for the proposed family of systems. 8.1 Summary of Improvements The Real-Time Multimodal Decision Support System provides the following operational improvements to current practice: Integration of multimodal real-time inputs Creation or exploitation of existing archival data sources The use of real-time and historical data to generate predictions for future network operations Real-time evaluation of pre-determined and ad hoc response strategies Creation of multimodal and multi-jurisdictional response plans Use of current center-to-field standards both for collecting data and sending response commands to affected systems A multi-jurisdictional common operating picture (COP) 8.2 Disadvantages and Limitations RTMDSS deployments are major investments in time and cost. As such it is incumbent on the stakeholders to understand and be prepared to mitigate the almost certain-to-occur disadvantages and limitations in a sophisticated multimodal deployment. 8.2.1 Disadvantages The disadvantages of RTMDSS incorporate institutional, operational and technical issues. Institutional issues include the need for formal agreements to share information and to facilitate shared governance. In the past, such agreements have proven more difficult to obtain than generally anticipated during project initiation. Operational issues include the need to change facility and asset management philosophies and to reach consensus on how operations on one part of the network may impact other parts of the network and the need for optimizing overall network operations rather than only one mode or facility of the network. Other operational issues would include the need to broaden training and certification of RTMDSS “operators” to include at least minimum practical knowledge of all modal operations represented in a regional network. Technical issues include the need to provide additional communications capability and the ability to “virtualize” operations if funding is not available for a dedicated RTMDSS facility. 8.2.2 Limitations An RTMDSS would have to be implemented in stages as discussed in Section 7.1. Initial operations may be marginal in demonstrating the cost/benefit advantage of RTMDSS. Without a regional project champion, or champions, an RTMDSS system may have difficulty in sustaining momentum in the early stages of deployment. Certain jurisdictions may have legal and institutional impediments to shared device control, for example. Real-time modeling may not accurately model the real world in time sufficient to affect the decision loop of a major incident. Full automation of control algorithms and responses may not be feasible due to institutional limitations. Prediction algorithms may not achieve the desired look-ahead interval. In general, Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 8-1 Analysis of Proposed System May 17, 2011 these are not uncommon issues in any ITS project, but in an RTMDSS deployment the stakes are higher and the rewards are higher. 8.3 Alternatives and Trade-Offs Considered A variety of configurations are feasible to implement an RTMDSS. For example, these would include embedded rule-based expert systems, COTS expert systems, predictive tools using algorithms, predictive tools using modeling, real-time modeling versus off-line modeling, centralized control versus virtual control, and automated response plans versus semi-automated response plans. As this Concept of Operations is transitioned from a non-region specific document to a regional project ConOps, general architectural alternatives would be formulated and evaluated against criteria established by that region. A more detailed architectural trade study would be required during the High-Level Design phase of a specific regional RTMDSS project. Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 8-2 Appendices 9 May 17, 2011 Appendices Appendix A: Current list of Stakeholders Name Khaled Abdelghany Thomas Bauer Organization Southern Methodist University Mygistics E-mail Address John Benda Former Illinois Tollway Jennifer Brown FHWA - Arizona Division Matt Burt Battelle Steve Callas Trimet Portland Nancy Chinlund Caltrans Research and Innovation Mark Demidovich Georgia DOT Hector Guerrero LACMTA Barbara Hauser Maricopa County Bill Hiller Trapeze Dave Huft South Dakota DOT Samuel Johnson SANDAG Reza Karimvand ADOT Brian Kary Minnesota DOT David Kobayashi Santa Clara County Transportation Authority Jingtao Ma PTV/Mygistics Roberto Macias Texas Transportation Institute Hani Mahmassani Northwestern University Pitu Mirchandani Arizona State University John O’Laughlin Delcan Koorosh Olyai Dallas Area Rapid Transit Larry Orcutt Caltrans Research & Innovation Zoubir Ouadah City of Poway, CA Tom Phillips Virginia DOT Paul Porell City of Scottsdale, AZ Jay Primus San Francisco MTA Frank Quon Caltrans District 7 Faisal Saleem Maricopa County DOT Don Spencer KC Scout/MoDOT - KDOT Sonja Sun Caltrans Robert Tam San Mateo County Transit Peter Thompson SANDAG Alex Torday TSS-Transportation Simulation Systems Gerry Tumbali Regional Transportation Authority, Chicago Radiah Victor MTC Jerry Wood Consultant to Gateway Cities COG Jim Wright AASHTO Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 9-1 Appendices May 17, 2011 Name Organization E-mail Address Albert Yee Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Dale Thompson USDOT - FHWA Steve Mortensen USDOT - FTA Ben McKeever USDOT - FHWA Edward Fok USDOT - FHWA/Resource Center Robert Sheehan USDOT - FHWA/Operations HQ John Halkias USDOT - FHWA Brian Cronin USDOT - ITS/JPO Yehuda Gross USDOT - ITS/JPO Richard Glassco Noblis Karl Wunderlich Noblis Robert Haas SAIC Mark Carter SAIC Dan Lukasik Delcan Bruce Churchill Delcan Elliot Hubbard Delcan Rita Brohman Delcan Real-Time Multimodal DSS Concept of Operations (Final Draft) 9-2