www.ExchangeFlorence.org April 22, 2014 (Note: April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month) Guest Assignment Today—Howard Tinsley President Teresa Robertson *Please note changes in the programs schedule below! Upcoming Programs/Events April 26 April 29 May 6 May 13 May 20 May 27 June 2 James Hall *Frank Hatchett *Andrea Holt *John Jackson Ralph Jones Stan Kimbrell Scheduled to bring guests Timothy Wakefield David Warren Charlie Watkins Jim Wells Larry White Laura Williams This Week’s Program DeWayne Griffin will bring back Daniel Giles, former TD photographer & now BSA Executive Director, to bring us up to date on what’s going on with the Scouts. Last Week’s Program Dr. Joe Flippen introduced Allen Teague, Preconstruction Administrator with ALDOT, Division 2 in Tuscumbia, left, to bring us up to date on the state of roads in the Shoals area. Jud Young, Design Engineer & great prospect for our Club at right, came along to help with the slide presentation. Allen started his talk off with stating that there are more projects to be let now than in the 20 years he’s been at ALDOT. And, oh yes, ALDOT is about to undergo a reorganization, which will take them from 9 divisions to 7 (done already) & then down to 5 regions. NW Alabama will be combined with all other North Alabama divisions to become the North Region, sort of like the Department was divided in the 70’s. He says the Governor has assured our side of the State will not be slighted. Uh-huh. He reported on ATRIP & RAMP local projects. All 3 rounds have been completed to the tune of $1 billion in projects around the State. Colbert County had 6 projects for $14 million & Lauderdale 14 projects for $16 million under ATRIP, which requires a 20% match from local sources (city/county) ( Next big project for Lauderdale will be Wood Avenue’s rehab, where new curbing & resurfacing will be done & apparently some renegade trees “addressed”; a roundabout at the Huntsville Road/Royal Avenue intersection is included, as is 5-laning Avalon Avenue in Muscle Shoals /Sheffield/ Tuscumbia--both toward the airport & from the RR crossing close to NWSCC to Keller Hospital. RAMP--stands for Rural Assistance Match Program-which requires no matching local funds, has allocated $5 million for Winston, Lawrence & Marion counties combined. Wilson Dam Road to Highway 157 slated for September 2016; bridge removal at Mitchell Blvd. for 2017 & 6-laning to Shoals Creek (Florence Blvd./Highway 72) 2024; & the infamous Highway 43 to the TN State Line, which qualifies as a “capacity project” (read: “not in your lifetime, dude”), has been moved out to 2048, which drew a laugh from the crowd. More immediately, there will be lots of deaths (by 2048) & a bridge painting & maintenance on O’Neal Bridge (not that the deaths will be attributable to O’Neal Bridge) starting in May, so that will be a one-lane thoroughfare in each direction while that project is in progress. [Make a mental note to use Singing River Bridge during May & afterwards for a while.] Seems that project used to be almost an annual exercise. They’d hardly finish painting the bridge silver before they started scraping & undercoating with that organgy undercoat stuff & starting up again—once upon a time. In responding to a question from the audience, Allen said that there would be a signal at Church Road/Highway 43 in St. Florian to ease both the local traffic & that from the Industrial Park feeder roads. The philosophy at ALDOT, as with all State Departments now, is “doing more with less,” which has an Eqyptian ring to it. Such techniques used in that vein could be signal timings, roundabouts, displaced left turns, indirect left turns, U-turn intersections, jug handle ramps at grade (seen at left) & diverging diamonds. Thankfully, Judd & Allen had pictures of each method listed, which were helpful since most of the audience had no clue, personally confessing here. Mr. Teague also shared with the Club via email that the Decatur toll bridge has its own website if you are interested: http://www.decaturbridge.com/. Wow! That’s a lot of projects & lots of interesting information & timelines. Some of that is the ultimate long-range planning! Thanks to Allen & Jud. Y’all come visit with us anytime! Club Programs Yellow means action needed Red is an upcoming event Green is $ Our esteemed & hard-working Cajun chef, John Dupuis, stands in the kitchen where beans were cookin’ & people were hustling to prepare the delicious red beans & rice & John’s famous bread pudding. Our menu was rounded off by slaw & French bread. MMMMMMMMMMMMM-good! Thanks to John for being willing to sacrifice his time to spearhead this wonderful fundraiser. It was truly a team effort! Check out more pics from the event on the Club website: www.ExchangeFlorence.org. Madame Secretary Fran Nunnelly (left) proudly reported that the Club recently received 2 more patches & 1 star to go on our Club’s banner. These were for drink sales at the NW AL State Fair, Community Service, work with displaying American flags during Veterans’ Day & rededication of the Freedom Shrine at Allen Thornton Tech. The banner is lookin’ good! Treasurer Stewart O’Bannon III, Esq., reported that Operations has $1650 & Project Fund $14,700. Red Beans & Rice lunch grossed around $2500, before expenses deducted. Net results TBA. Quarterly statements were sent via Uncle Sam’s mail. Please let his office know if you failed to receive yours. Please remit asap to stay current. New member, Parrish Riedel, joined us in his new role & had the burden of having to sit with Vance Persall. Dr. Wells had no news to report, which we will consider good news that none of us made the Hard Times this week. Birthdays admitted to were Norm Ross, Stan Kimbrough, and Adin Batson. There was something said about all being “39 & holding.” HB, guys! Wear blue on Mondays during April, Child Abuse Prevention Month, reminded Andrea Holt, who also announced that CASA volunteers will be visiting local restaurants to talk about their work with abused children, She shared a flyer with those dates & times. Unfortunately 32 children died from child abuse in Alabama in 2012, the lastest year for which those sad statistics are available. Prez Teresa attended the Florence City Council Meeting on April 1 & received a Proclamation from Mayor Haddock, citing April as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Florence. She brung it with her & did a show & tell. Mayor Haddock’s office also sent us a nice letter about Youth-in-Government Day & set the date next year for March 3, 2015. See y’all next Saturday (26th) around 8:00 at Foodland in Killen for our 23rd annual Food Run! Next Saturday will see the Annual Food Run (April 26) at Foodland in Killen. We need to sell those tickets & be there to support the fun activities. Grabbing hundreds of dollars of food in three minutes is a lot of fun, as is watching someone do that! Please put Saturday 26th down for showing up at Foodland. Drawing is held at 10, but there are other door prizes as well. We double dog dare you to come! The next Alabama District Exchange meeting will be held at Lake Eufaula June 6-8. 2014 National Convention of Exchange Club will be in New Orleans July 9-12. Howard Tinsley has applications for the Book of Golden Deeds Award if anyone wants to nominate a deserving citizen. He also encouraged Carolyn Chandler to send in an application for the PR Award, which is due May 15. Treasurer, secretary, ONUG chair & bulletin editor positions will be open for the coming FY (July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015). Please let Andrea Holt, Immediate Past President, know if you would consider serving. Steve Chenault will gladly mentor his successor, as will the other incumbants. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, in case you forgot! And our annual Food Run! If you or one of our members or former members has a health need, please call to make the need known, pleaded Vance Persall. That’s the only way we’ll know & can help. Phone number is (256) 366-8342. You should think to check on your absent Exchange friends & let us know if there is a need we can address! May is Freedom Shrine month. Dr. Joe Flippen announced that we have received permission to place a display at Brooks High School. Great team effort in advancing this wonderful Americanism project. Kudos to President Teresa Robertson & Dr. Flippen & the Florence Club. If you’ve never attended one of these dedications, you are missing an uplifting & rewarding experience. Date TBA.