clink here for the 3rd 9 weeks visual journals - DSF Baker-Neal

In your sketchbook: ART II
beginning of second semester
Due: 2/4/14
Take a view finder and
find an interesting area
in your “squiggle this”
composition and enlarge
it in just one page of
your visual journal, use
oil pastels and fill the
page with a
monochromatic color
scheme interpretation
of the pencil value in the
view finder picture
1. Choose an issue you care deeply
about, and would want to try and
do something about. This issue
should b something that is a
general issue or concern in
society somewhere in the world.
Be sure you are picking a general
issue, not simply one of your pet
peeves! Some ideas of things you
might be interested in
depicting/standing up for or
against: pollution/environmental
concerns, abortion rights, prolife, racism, big government,
homelessness, AIDS, religious
wars, poverty, verbal abuse,
bullying, depression, teen
suicide, discrimination, gay
rights…What do you CARE
about? Talk to people- has
anyone in your family been
affected by any of these? How?
Why? How did it affect them?
Think about African American
History as it reflects today.
Think about your own cultural
history and issues that affect you
personally. We will discuss
these issues and how to express
them visually by studying
African American
Artists,Abstract and German
Expressionism. Look at and
study African American artists
and their styles.
2. Develop a composition that can
be realistic or stylized in high
contrast .
3. You are then to write an essay
describing the issue, your stand
on the issue and how your art
work reflects your opinion.(no
more than a ½ page but
war statement. (Click images for larger
References to research for
your social issues drawing
by Heidi Winner - See Heidi's
by Marissa
Work above is by students from Leigh
High School, San Jose CA - art teacher
Ken Schwab. Heidi used a collage of her
drawings done in pencil and colored
pencils and antiqued with oil paint
stains. Marissa's is pencil and colored
pencil. Heidi's work won first place in
the Art Olympiad for high school
students. It is about her grandfather who
was interned and lived through
Auschwitz; it uses images of Hitler,
skeleton arm with her grandfather's
number on it and images of prisoners in
mixed media. Marissa's work is her anti-
Artists who made social and political
Francisco de Goya
F-8&oe=UTF-8&tab=wi Look at his
Saturn and Los Fusilamientos de la
Moncloa especially. What social issues
are expressed here?
Eugene Delacroix
Look at his paintings and notice the
emotion that the artist implies. Look
especially at Liberty Leading the People.
What is the artist saying in this picture?
Theodore Gericault
Look at The Raft of the Medusa, 1819.
What feeling is this picture showing?
Jacob Lawrence
Look at all the stylized images, the
limited palette of color and the social
issues that he was emotional about.
What is the artist expressing in his art
an_Artists find Elizabeth Catlett and
what is her style and medium?
Summary of expressionism
Due: 3/20/14
DUE: 3/27/14
Impressionism— find an everyday
happening that includes an everyday
object that you take for granted
(example: like waking in the morning and
cutting off the alarm clock) and pick from
one of the artist listed and use their
style. They are all a little
different. Include information about the
artist and their styles.
Design a Birthday card to be sent off
for a contest with other high school
students. It will be mass produced
and used by the superintendent if
chosen. 2 examples are above. Can be
digital or mixed media needs to be
card size.