❝The limits of my language are the limits of my world.❞ ‒Ludwig Wittgenstein Spanish III Dr. Ramirez PHHS – 2012-2013 Office and Tutoring Hours and Location: Monday & Wednesday 2:35-3:30, Bldg. B. Room 105 Contact Information: Email: lramirez@paradiseschools.org Phone: 623-455-7452 Teacher Website: http://mimundoenespanol.weebly.com/spanish-iii.html Course Description: This course is an introduction to the Spanish language. Students perform the most basic of functions of the language and become familiar with some of the elements of its culture. The emphasis is based on the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills which promote meaningful language practice. I expect every student to participate ALWAYS because the only way to learn another language is to practice it. Prerequisites: None Required Course Materials: 2” three-ring Spanish notebook binder with side pockets (see attached sheet “Cuaderno de español” for more details) 8 colored/tabbed dividers to organize binder package lined white loose-leaf notebook paper (college or wide-ruled) 1 package of fine tip colored markers 1 package of 100 3 X 5 Index cards 1 dry erase marker (dark color) and cleaning cloth/sock (We will use this as an eraser). Pencils and erasers, blue and black ink pens, glue sticks Provided Materials: Handouts with grammar explanations and practice exercises. Optional Materials: Spanish/English/English/Spanish Dictionary (Merriam-Webster, Larousse or other) Teacher Wish List Items (optional): Spanish magazines or media (magazines, newspapers, ads, labels, etc.), candies for prizes, Spanish kids’ books, any cultural items from Spanish speaking countries you are willing to donate (artwork, memorabilia, currency, etc.), 501 Spanish Verbs: Fully Conjugated… by Christopher Kendris, markers, colored pencils, glue sticks, lined loose-leaf notebook paper, blank poster board, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes 1 Computer access is also necessary to complete some of the course activities. The following are some of the websites that may be used: www.voicethread.com, www.gizmo.com; www.voki.com, www.wordle.net, www.wordreference.com www.classzone.com, http://www.trinity.edu/mstroud/grammar/, http://www.indiana.edu/~call/ejercicios.html, www.makebeliefscomix.com, www.blabberize.com, www.Xtranormal.com Classroom Expectations All students shall abide by the academic and behavioral standards established in the PHHS Student Handbook. Students must also: Come to class prepared with all materials, ready to learn and participate. Treat everyone with respect. . Demonstrate courtesy by raising your hand to speak and listening when others are speaking. Stay alert and engaged in classroom activities. Use only positive language. At PHHS we place a high value on the importance of academic behavior and expect that communication between students and instructors or among students shall maintain the level of formality and mutual respect appropriate to any high school teaching/learning situations. Language or behavior that is rude, abusive, profane, disruptive, or threatening will not be tolerated as per our PHHS handbook. Classroom Procedures Bathroom: 1. Use the restroom or get a drink BETWEEN CLASSES or AT LUNCH. NO RESTROOM PASSES. 2. No students will be allowed to leave the room, unless it is an emergency. You have a 4 minute passing period which allows ample time to use the restroom between classes. Students having an emergency will be permitted to use the restroom per teacher discretion. Dismissal: 1. The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell. 2. Don’t start packing your belongings until the teacher says “Alístense.” 3. Wait until the teacher/activity finishes and the teacher says “Hasta mañana/luego clase.” Electronic Devices (Cell Phones/IPODS/”Primping”): 1. The use of cell phones, pagers, iPods or music players of any type, games or any other electronic device is prohibited in the classroom. 2. They must be turned off and stored in student’s backpacks throughout the entire school day. 3. Items will be confiscated and taken to the office if not stored or used according to this policy. (See Student Handbook for the complete policy). 4. The brushing of hair, applying of makeup, hair spray, cologne or perfume are prohibited in the classroom. 2 Entering the Classroom: 1. Enter on time, bring your Spanish notebook, class materials and homework assignment and be prepared for español with pencils/pens. If you need to sharpen your pencil, do so upon entering the room. Sharpen pencils at the beginning or end of class. Do not sharpen them during class. 2. Turn any completed homework into the basket labeled with your class period. 3. Sit down in your assigned seat and immediately complete any Warm Up if assigned. 4. Do the warm up and keep it in your binder. Be sure to put the proper heading and be ready to check work with class. 5. Address the instructor as either Profesora Ramirez.” Food/Drink: No GUM, food, or drinks in class (except water bottles). Heading on Work: 1. All written work is to be neat, legible and properly headed in the top right hand corner of your paper: Nombre Completo/Complete Name-First and Last La Fecha/Date- Día/Day/ Mes/Month Año/Year español I or III___ Período_____(2, 3, 5, 6?) Título/Title of Assignment_______________________ Un Ejemplo/Example: Profesora Ramirez 9 de agosto 2012 español I, Período 2 Biografía del Estudiante Computer/Internet Usage: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We will be using the computers and internet throughout the year. The internet will be used ONLY as a learning tool. All other use of the internet is prohibited and subject to consequences. You are expected to follow all expectations and rules as noted by the PHHS handbook. You may also be required to do computer work at home, when necessary. Substitute Teacher: 1. The class should not function any different than when I am there. You are to follow the guidelines and procedures as any other day. 2. Sit in your assigned seat. 3. Respect the sub, follow instructions including any given homework assignments. He/She will leave me a report. Turning in Work: 1. Assignments that are not going to be graded after Warm Up should be turned in to the basket marked for your period number at the beginning of class. 2. Assignments that are corrected/collected the same class period should be quickly passed to the person in front of you at the teacher’s request. 3 3. Use pencil or blue or black ink on all assignments, quizzes and exams. Other colors are used for grading. 4. Use white lined loose-leaf paper for assignments. All assignments are due COMPLETE on the date and time specified. Grading Standards See grading scale below. You and your parent/guardian can log on to https://paradiseschools.powerschool.com/public/ or click on the link via the PHHS website to access your grades. You should have already received an online user password. Each semester students have the opportunity to earn .5 credit in Spanish. Grading Grade Categories and What will be Evaluated Scale Weights Quizzes will be announced, tests will be cumulative, Will Quizzes and Cumulative A 90-100% test: Speaking Fluency, Reading and Listening Tests 35% B 80-89% Comprehension, Written Expression (Free and Timed C 70-79% writing), and Cultural Topics Skits, Dialogues, Cumulative Projects Projects, Presentations F 69% and 25% Below Active participation, Speaking Spanish, Classwork, Participation 20% Homework , Turning in Work on Time, Being Prepared for Homework 10% Midterm-Final Exam 10% Class, Following Expectations Includes listening, reading, writing and speaking portions Tests: Tests are a cumulative evaluation of what you have learned from a unit, theme or chapter. They may include reading, writing, listening and speaking sections. There will be a test at the end of each chapter/unit/theme. Again, an organized Cuaderno de español will help you succeed on tests. Quizzes: Quizzes are a quick review of a previously taught concept to assess how you are progressing. They are weekly checks and may or may not be open note/book. Keep your Cuaderno de espaῆol organized because it will be useful for quizzes. Quizzes may include reading, writing, listening and speaking assessments. Quizzes will NOT be ANNOUNCED in order to measure your long term acquisition of the vocabulary/structures. Projects/Presentations/Retells: The purpose of projects, presentations and retells is to increase your reading, writing, and speaking ability by placing you in contact with authentic Spanish resources locally and globally. In addition, they are designed to place you in situations where you will need to communicate to express your ideas in meaningful contexts using proper Spanish grammar and etiquette. These activities may be assigned for individual or group work. You will receive details for each project and a due date ahead of time while retells and role-play storytelling will happen spontaneously throughout the class time. Classwork: May include online activities, gathering assigned project work resources, group assignments, oral and written practice activities/projects, assigned reading, responses to and summaries of reading, audio, and visual materials, dialogues, games, closure input, and notes. Please do not begin homework assignments or work on other subjects. Homework: Homework will include listening to Spanish via TV, radio, conversations, and media and registering that time on a log. It will include at home reading and summaries, online activities, gathering assigned project work resources, and other assigned practice to reinforce what you learned in class. Any unfinished class work needs to be completed at home. Some assignments may be due in class. Homework may be collected or checked for completion and recorded electronically. Participation: Participation is greatly influenced based on how much Spanish you use in class and how active you participate in storytelling, partner/group practice, Warm Up work, note taking, 4 class work, el Cuaderno de español evaluation, and other activities (games, online activities), etc, in addition to attendance, tardies, preparation, and timeliness. Each week day will receive 10 participation points for a total of 50 points per week. Late Assignments: Late work is defined as any work completed and turned in after a designated due date. Work becomes late when an absence is unexcused, for truancy or when a student turns in assignments after the equal number of days allowed for excused absences. It is my expectation that you arrive to class prepared. If you do not have the assignment completed by the beginning of class, it is considered late. 1. Late work will be accepted up to TWO DAYS AFTER THE DESIGNATED DUE DATE FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. 2. No late work will be accepted one week prior to the end of the quarter. 3. Extended time may be given due to extenuating circumstances such as major family illness, car accidents, etc Students will receive credit for work as follows: Worked turned in on time Work turned in one day late Work turned in two days late Work turned in three or more days late Full credit earned 75% of credit earned 50% of credit earned 0% of credit earned Make-up Work Policy 1. All Make-Up Work is the responsibility of the student. If you are absent you must find out what you missed by checking with me or another student before or after school. Be sure to check the Calendar on the wall to see if any other due dates were added. 2. You will have one day for each day of an excused absence to make up any assignment (including tests or quizzes) without loss of credit. Assignments missed due to an excused absence must be made up or will result in a zero. 3. Any assignments missed during an unexcused absence earn a zero and cannot be made up for a grade. Absent Student Folder: Students are required to check the Absent Student Folder whenever they are absent for any reason. This folder will contain any handouts given in class on the day missed. In addition to the handouts, students will need to consult the instructor before or after school to check on other content/notes missed and arrange a way to acquire them. Academic Detention - Students who fail to turn in homework will receive and academic detention slip. If they turn it in the next day with slip signed they will receive 75% and do not have to do Academic detention. If they do not turn the work in or have the signed slip they will serve detention that day. Extra Credit Policy: Extra Credit is not available for this class. PHHS Plagiarism and Cheating Warning: Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use of paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling or sharing of term papers or other academic materials. Information gathered from the Internet and not properly identified is also considered plagiarism. Using an online translator is considered plagiarism and will result in a zero. At PHHS, we expect every student to produce his/her original, independent work. Any student whose work indicates a violation of this policy can expect consequences as specified in the handbook. 5 Important: This syllabus is subject to additions, deletions or any changes the instructor deems appropriate in order to accommodate the progress of the class. Course Contract Student Name:________________________________________ español ____(1 or 3) Período/Period #______ Dear Student, Please read the information in the Spanish syllabus, sign and date this summary. Also, please have it signed and dated by a parent or guardian. Then return it to Seῆora Moore by Thursday, August 9, 2013. The following two sheets count as part of the 20% Participation category for your overall grade so please make sure they are turned in on time. Gracias, Profesora Ramirez I am aware that the goal of this course is to guide and help me to communicate effectively in Spanish. I understand that it will take active participation, practice, patience and time to develop proficiency (the ability to use the language to fulfill my own needs). I understand that Sra. Moore will teach mainly in Spanish to help me become more fluent in Spanish. I understand that I will need to speak mainly in Spanish. I understand that I will need to participate in the storytelling and retelling activities. I know what Profesora Ramirez expects of me. I also know that homework may be assigned daily and may be checked and corrected. I am aware of the class procedures and rules and I will follow them to the best of my ability. I know the consequences if I choose to disregard them. I also know that I must take responsibility for make-up work due to my excused absences, but I understand that participation and oral practice just cannot be made up. I know what materials are needed for this class and I will bring them to class each day. I know that an organized Spanish Notebookl is required. I am aware I need to have that notebook ready by Thursday, August 9, 2013. I am aware of the grading policy, how I will be evaluated and how my grade will be determined. I understand that in order to receive full credit an assignment must be complete and it must be on time (complete before I walk in the room). If there are any concerns or questions, please contact Profesora Ramirez via email at lramirez@pecschools.org. __________________________________ __________________________________________ Printed Student Name Signature of Student Date Student email address:________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________________ Printed Parent/Guardian Name Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Parent/Guardian email address(es):_______________________________________________________ 6 Parent/Guardian email address(es):_______________________________________________________ Parent Cell Phone:_________________________________Home Phone_________________________ 7