st. leo's catholic church marriage preparation and wedding guidelines

St. Leo’s Catholic Church
Marriage Preparation and Wedding Guidelines
218 1st Street SE
Minot, North Dakota 58701
Parish Office 701-838-1026
Table of Contents
Welcome Letter………………………………………………………………………………………………...3
General Information …………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Marriage Preparation…………………………………………………………………………………………5
Wedding Fees………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
Required Documentation……………………………………………………………………………………..6
The Marriage Ceremony……………………………………………………………………………………..7
Music at the Celebration……………………………………………………………………………………..10
Wedding Policies……………………………………………………………………………………………...12
Appendix A – Bridal Dress and Bridal Party………………………………………………………………14
Appendix B – Wedding Music Fees …………………………………………………………………………15
Appendix C – Wedding Florist and Decorators…………………………………………………………….16
Appendix D – Guidelines for Photographers and Videographers…………………………………………20
Appendix E – Sample Program for Celebrating Marriage During Mass ………………………………...21
Appendix F – Sample Program for Celebrating Marriage Outside Mass………………………………...22
218 1st St. SE * Minot, ND 58701
Phone 701-838-1026 * Fax 701-852-4683
Dear Friends,
Congratulations on your engagement! Your decision to enter the relationship of married life is a serious one,
and it serves as a wonderful sign of hope and strength to the faith community of St. Leo’s Catholic Church.
You have reached your decision after much discernment and prayerful thought, but it is just the first step in the
process of building a successful marriage. The community at St. Leo’s, along with your family and friends, are
prepared to support and encourage you not only in the celebration of your wedding, but also in your life-long
commitment to each other.
The time of engagement is an important period that allows you to deepen your love and prepare for the rest of
your life together. Use your engagement for rich conversation, increasing trust, and a fuller sharing of your
deepest and most personal hopes, dreams and values.
Marriage is a Sacrament of the Church; that is, a place in which you can encounter the person of Jesus alive and
active within your relationship. As such, we hope that you recognize your wedding as a profoundly spiritual
experience for you and for the rest of the Church who will see in your love for each other a reflection of the
immeasurable love that Jesus Christ has for all the Church.
We intend the following materials will help you to a joy-filled, reverent and prayerful celebration of the
Sacrament of Marriage within the context of the Church’s prayer. We mean them to help you to prepare not
only for the wedding day, but for a lifetime together “in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, loving
and honoring each other all the days of your lives!” Please take the time to read these materials carefully. We
have prepared them to help you in planning and to make clear our expectations of you.
With warm regards,
Father Justin Waltz and Staff of St. Leo’s Catholic Church
General Information
The parish Wedding Coordinator is the main point of contact for your wedding preparation and planning. The
Wedding Coordinator will attend the rehearsal and the ceremony. The Wedding Coordinator has the primary
responsibility for the smooth flow of the Wedding Ceremony, and is the one whom all questions should be
Please contact the Wedding Coordinator, Mary Edith Tims at or 402-452-4717.
Wedding liturgies may be scheduled on Fridays at 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm and Saturdays at 1:00 pm or
earlier. Weddings are not scheduled during Lent or Advent. These two seasons are periods of intense spiritual
preparation for Easter and Christmas respectively. On Saturday afternoons, the Sacrament of Penance is
celebrated from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m., and the Holy Mass is celebrated from 4:00-5:00 pm. Any wedding still in
progress at that time is not to impede penitents from entering the church for this Sacrament. Wedding
rehearsals are scheduled on the evening before the wedding and generally last 45 minutes to one hour.
Call St. Leo’s office at least 6 months before the wedding to inquire about reserving a wedding date. Be
prepared to suggest your preferred wedding and rehearsal dates and times. If the preferred time is available, St
Leo’s will “pencil-in” your date and send you the Marriage Preparation Requirements and Application for Use
of Building for Weddings. Return the signed application and non-refundable deposit (by mail or in person).
When St. Leo’s receives the signed contract, we will hold and the date on the parish calendar and you will begin
the marriage formation process.
If either of you were previously married or divorced, contact the pastor of St. Leos directly to receive further
guidance before proceeding. Ordinarily, one of the priests from St. Leo’s will preside at your wedding.
However, you are welcome to invite another ordained Roman Catholic priest or deacon to preside at your
wedding. Note, however, the priest or deacon you wish to witness your marriage must be authorized to witness
marriages in the Diocese of Bismarck. The Wedding Coordinator can give you more information.
Marriage Preparation
Completion of the Marriage Preparation Program is required to be married at St. Leo’s Catholic Church. These
requirements should be completed at least 6 months before the date of marriage, preferably a year prior to the
date of marriage.
The Marriage Preparation Program consists of the following:
First and foremost please make an appointment with the Wedding Coordinator
Enroll in a Natural Family Planning (NFP) Class – Please contact Scott and Jen Johannsen at 837-9768
to see the next available NFP class dates. Additional NFP methods, instructors and classes are available
at the following link:
FOCCUS/PREPARE Evaluation – Please contact Deacon Mike & Marion Woiwode at 852-8508 to
schedule a meeting.
Pre-Marriage Seminar – Enclosed in your Marriage Preparation Program package that you will receive
when you meet with the Wedding Coordinator. You must attend this seminar prior to your marriage.
Baptismal certificate – Catholics must provide an updated baptismal certificate from the Catholic
Church of baptism, dated no earlier than 6 months before the wedding (unless baptized at St. Leo’s).
Non-Catholics must bring a copy of their baptismal certificate.
Wedding Fees
St. Leo’s is an active parish that provides a full range of spiritual and pastoral ministries to its parishioners and
other individuals throughout the Minot area. The wedding fee you pay covers the use of the church,
maintenance, utilities, and a portion of the salaries of those who are working in the preparation of the couple.
The normal fee for a wedding at St. Leo’s is $500 for parishioners and $1,000 for non-parishioners. In the case
that the wedding is canceled 50% of this fee is refundable if notice is given at least 90 days before the wedding.
After 90 days 100% of the fee is nonrefundable. If this fee is a personal hardship, please speak with the priest
and the situation will be assessed and addressed accordingly. Also, there is a $150 fee to cover marriage
preparation at St. Leo’s for those who will be getting married at a different Catholic Church.
There are no separate fees for music at your wedding. The only additional fees are for additional musicians.
Please see Appendix B: Wedding Music Fees of this guideline for more information.
It is customary and appreciated to offer a gift for the priest/deacon for their services. This gift is referred to as a
stole fee and it is part of the priest/deacon income. Although not required, as a general standard, the customary
stole fee is an offering of $100. Mass servers are not required for your ceremony. If you would like to include
servers, the customary gratuity is $20 for each server. The Wedding Coordinator can assist you in finding Mass
Required Documentation
The Catholic Church requires several documents to be on file with the Church prior to a wedding ceremony. These
documents establish your ability to enter into marriage freely and provide the Church with the necessary information to
record your marriage properly.
The priest/deacon fills out the diocesan marriage forms. These must be completed before the couple can go
ahead with finalizing the plans for the marriage. The papers are kept on file in the parish where the marriage is
to take place. If you were baptized as a Roman Catholic, an official copy of your Baptismal Certificate is
needed (with the seal of the Church embossed onto it). An official copy is one issued before your wedding date,
but not more than 6 months prior to it. Call or write to the Church where you were baptized to obtain a copy. If
you were baptized in another Christian church, a certificate or other proof of baptism must be provided.
If either or both of you are not know personally by the priest/deacon, he may ask for a statement from someone
who knows you well that you are free to marry. If either partner has been previously married they must
produce either a death certificate for their former spouse, or a Declaration of Nullity and Freedom to
Marry Form from the Marriage Tribunal.
Marriage between a baptized non-Catholic and a Catholic requires the permission of the bishop. The
priest/deacon must complete and submit the request.
When a Catholic plans a marriage to someone who is not baptized, a dispensation must be granted by the
bishop. The form for making this request is completed and submitted by the priest/deacon.
In a marriage with a non-Catholic, the Catholic party must promise to continue living their faith in the Catholic
Church; to do all in their power to share their faith with their children by having them baptized and educated as
Catholics and to respect the conscience of their partner in marriage. The non-Catholic partner is not asked to
make these promises, but must be aware that the Catholic party is doing so.
When a Catholic wishes to marry a non-Catholic in the non-Catholic party’s church, a special dispensation must
be granted by the bishop. This dispensation will be granted if there is a good reason. The dispensation allows
the marriage in the non-Catholic Church with the minister as official witness of the vows. No priest/deacon
need be present. The form requesting this dispensation must be completed by the priest/deacon and submitted
to the bishop.
The civil marriage license must be for the state where the marriage will occur. It may be obtained from the
proper office of any county in North Dakota and is valid for the whole state for sixty days. Here in Minot, the
office is the Ward County Recorder, in the Ward County Courthouse, at 315 3rd St. SE.
Marriage License Requirements: 1.) $65.00 in cash (no checks or Credit Cards accepted); 2.) Both parties must be
present; 3.) Driver’s License or some other valid photo ID is required; 4.) Marriage License is valid for 60 days (day 1
being the purchase date) 5.) You must be at least 18 years old to marry without parental consent. If a person is between 16
and 18 years of age, a signed/notarized parental consent is required. A license MAY NOT be issued to any person below
the age of 16.
The Marriage Ceremony
The Marriage Ceremony is a religious ritual in which the Catholic Church celebrates the continuing presence and activity
of Jesus in the relationship of husband and wife.
St Leo’s will assign a priest to preside at your wedding. If you wish a particular St. Leo’s priest to work with
you in preparing your wedding, please let the wedding coordinator know at least 6 months in advance. He will
meet with you at a later date and assist you with the ceremony. Clergy of other religious communities and
faiths are welcome to assist in the celebration of your wedding. In this case, appropriate adaptations may be
made after consultation with that minister and the officiating priest.
Planning your wedding liturgy with the priest will help create a most memorable life-giving experience for you.
It is best to take your time and not try to finish planning your wedding liturgy in one sitting. Pay close attention
to the Sunday Mass, as many elements of your wedding liturgy will be similar.
The Church celebrates marriage in one of two forms: the wedding ritual within a Eucharistic Celebration (Mass
with Communion) or the wedding ritual within a Liturgy of the Word (no Communion). The priest assisting
you will help you decide which form is appropriate for your celebration.
Begin planning your wedding liturgy by choosing the Scripture readings. TOGETHER FOR LIFE, a book by
Joseph M. Champlin, will be given to you on your pre-marriage weekend. It presents an excellent selection of
suggested readings, prayers, prefaces and blessings. Please note that non-scriptural readings or poems are never
permitted in place of readings from the scriptures. Please also keep in mind that the Response Psalm is sung at
the Marriage Celebration. Pause to pray and reflect on the texts you choose.
A printed program that includes the order of service and are responses will encourage participation. An
invitation promoting participation can be stated in the program. A sample of your program is to be reviewed
by the priest/deacon prior to printing. Also, honor your parents, godparents and other significant people by
involving them in the wedding liturgy. Invite them to take part as a reader of Scripture, ushers, gift bearers or
witnesses. Two witnesses are required by the Church (at least 18 years of age).
The purpose of this rite is to gather the people together as a worshipping community and to prepare them for
listening to God’s Word and celebrating the Eucharist.
Prelude/Welcome - This is the period of time before your wedding liturgy and sets the tone for the celebration.
Music and friendly ushers enhance the mood of hospitality. Choose a few of the more out-going from your
family and friends to be ushers. Their function is to welcome people as they arrive and to see that they have
everything they need to participate fully in the liturgy. The old custom of the ‘bride’s side or groom’s side”
forces people to choose between you. Ask your ushers to encourage people to sit on either side and close to the
Procession - Give some thought to the procession. It reflects your beliefs about church, marriage and
relationships. It has become customary for attendants to enter as couples; although only 2 witnesses are
required you may have up to 5 couples as attendants. This is nonnegotiable and therefore there are
absolutely NO circumstances in which an increase to the permitted 5 is allowed. If you wish to have a
flower girl and a ring bearer, the minimum age is 5 years old and they do count as attendants. Adaptations to
this rule will be considered but the priest working with the couple will make the final judgment. You may have
your parents accompany each of you to the altar or you may enter as a couple. Runners down the center aisle
are not allowed.
The processional music may be an instrumental selection or an opening song that everyone could sing. Choose
music that is familiar to those gathered and encourages participation throughout the liturgy. Traditional songs
of praise are usually known by people of all faiths. Please refer to the Music at the Celebration of Marriage
section of this guideline.
Gloria/Collect - After the priest/deacon proclaims the opening prayer, everyone responds “Amen.” All are
seated for the readings.
We now prepare ourselves to draw nourishment from the Word of God as it comes to us in Holy Scripture. You
may choose all the passages for the Liturgy of the Word. These are:
A reading from the OLD TESTAMENT
A RESPONSORIAL PSALM (response may be printed in your program and sung)
A reading from the NEW TESTAMENT (other than the Gospels)
A GOSPEL reading followed by Homily
The Gospel is proclaimed by the priest/deacon. You may choose family or friends to do the New and Old
Testament readings. Selected readers MUST be Catholic who can proclaim the Word well and with
enthusiasm. The assembly stands during the reading of the Gospel. The Alleluia is omitted if it is not sung.
The homily follows the Gospel passage.
A list of several songs for wedding liturgies is included at the end of this guideline. St. Leo’s parish has skilled
musicians that are to be used for your musician unless you have family and/or friends that play regularly for
Sunday Mass. If you do have family and/or friends that will be playing or singing at your wedding, they need
to meet with a St. Leo’s Parish musician prior to the wedding. We do not allow taped or recorded music at
wedding liturgies here at St. Leo’s Parish.
If you are planning to print music in your program, you must obtain copyright permission. Be sure to speak to
the music director about the fee. Generally the fee will be the amount set by the American Guild of Organists
or the National Association of Catholic Pastoral Musicians, although this may vary depending on the amount
and complexity of the music you have chosen.
Environment - Your wedding celebration should occur in a climate of hospitality: a situation in which those
gathering are warmly welcomed and made to feel comfortable with one another, are seated together, can see and
hear the focal points of the rite and are encouraged to participate.
The environment is an important part of the liturgy. The environment committee works hard to create the most
appropriate decorations for the seasons of the Church. Your wedding liturgy takes place within the Church’s
liturgical season, look first at those decorations. Anything you bring in should add to what is already there.
You may find that the seasonal decor is sufficient without adding any other decorations. We ask that you do
not move anything.
We do not allow candles in the pews.
Flowers and pew bows are acceptable. Flower arrangements should not hinder the visibility of the altar
or clutter the sanctuary area and are to be live. Use elastic bands or twist ties (no tape or tacks are to
be used) anywhere.
Please do not drop petals down the aisle.
Only flowers to the Blessed Virgin Mary may be placed on the altar.
To avoid any potential hazard to safety and to minimize custodial work, we ask that you do not throw
rice, birdseed, confetti or blow bubbles, as the couple leaves the church, either inside or outside the
In your wedding celebration you – the bride and groom – are the ministers of the sacrament. You are asking the
assembly of God’s people to witness, affirm and support your declaration of love and your marriage
commitment to each other. The priest/deacon will be there as the official witness of the Church. At this time
you and your witnesses move to the central place in the sanctuary.
Introduction and Questions of Intent - The priest/deacon will question you regarding your freedom to enter
into this marriage, your willingness to enter a lifelong commitment and your openness to have children.
Exchange of Vows - The priest/deacon will then invite you to declare your consent. As you hold hands and
profess your vows, you will make public your promise to each other, before God and the church; to live
faithfully as husband and wife as long as you both shall live.
Blessings and Exchange of Rings - The rings are blessed and exchanged. Your rings are signs of your love
and fidelity to each other. A short song may be sung that reflects your unity as a couple. The practice of
lighting a unity candle has been a cultural adaptation and is not an official part of the marriage rite.
Therefore at St. Leo’s Catholic Church the use of the unity candle is NOT allowed. This rule is
nonnegotiable. However, there is a traditional custom in the Catholic Church that newly married couple, after
the marriage vows, present flowers and light a votive to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after which they kneel before
her statue and pray for Her intercession for their marriage. This custom is required at St. Leos should the couple
desire. In the liturgy it takes place after the wedding vows.
General Intercessions - The Liturgy of the Word concludes with the General Intercessions. In the petitions,
the assembly is asked to pray for the universal Church, for authorities, for social concern and for special needs
such as love, patience, communication, understanding or the wisdom to be good parents. These can be read by
a family member, friend or the priest/deacon.
Preparation of the Altar and Gifts - This is a time of preparation of the altar for the Eucharist. The bread and
wine may be brought forward by someone chosen by you. There may be instrumental or vocal music, which
would support the mood of these moments. The music at this time should be in keeping with the celebration of
the Eucharist.
Eucharistic Prayer - The Eucharistic Prayer is the great memorial prayer of the Church that remembers,
celebrates, and makes present sacramentally, Christ’s gift of Himself for us. Your most important music
selections are the acclamations. These are the prayer of praise and thanks to God by the whole assembly.
These acclamations are the “Holy, Holy,” the Memorial Acclamation and the Great Amen. These joyfully sung
acclamations are the people’s affirmations of what is taking place. You may wish to print these acclamations in
your programs to encourage full participation.
The Lord’s Prayer - The Lord’s Prayer is the common prayer of all Baptized Christens. It is either spoken or
sung by all.
Nuptial Blessing - You will stand before the priest/deacon, the assembly will join in prayer asking God’s
special favor on you as you begin your married life.
Sign of Peace - The assembly exchanges a Sign of Peace. You may wish to go to your family members and
attendants to exchange a sign of Peace. You may select to have appropriate music at this time.
Lamb of God - The “Lamb of God” may be sung or spoken. All present who share the Catholic tradition may
receive communion. You may ask family and friends who are Eucharistic Ministers to assist with communion.
Holy Communion – (Please put this as written into your wedding program). It is a consequence of the sad
divisions in Christianity that we cannot extend a general invitation to receive communion to other Christians
who are not fully united with us. “Catholics believe that the Eucharist is an action of the celebrating community
signifying oneness in faith, life and worship of the community. Reception of Eucharist by Christians not fully
united with us would imply oneness which does not yet exist and for which we must all pray.” (National
Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1986)
Prayer after Communion – Everyone will stand for the prayer after communion, following a period of silence.
Solemn Blessing - The priest/deacon says one of the final blessing prayers and then will present you to the
assembly as husband and wife.
Recessional - The recessional is best accompanied by a strong, simple, well-known hymn of joy or lively
instrumental piece. Music continues in a festive spirit until all are out of the church.
Music at the Celebration of Marriage
The music at the celebration of marriage reflects our unity in Christ and celebrates the presence of Jesus in this
ceremony. As an action of the whole liturgical assembly, the wedding liturgy encourages the active participation of those
who gather.
Music is an essential part of Catholic marriage ceremonies. All music for the ceremony must be approved by
the St. Leo’s Music Director/Pastor. To a large extent, your understanding of marriage will be reflected in your
selection of wedding music. Music echoes spoken prayer and is an integral part of the liturgy. It is chosen with
regard to the same standards applied when choosing all liturgical prayers. Catholic liturgies are carefully
designed to offer glory, honor, praise and thanksgiving to God, the source and center of your lives as
individuals and as a couple. Select songs for your wedding celebration which go beyond popular love songs to
an expression of God’s love and focus on the profound meaning of commitment, covenant and love. Wedding
music needs to express vision of Christian married love.
Appropriateness is the key word when choosing your wedding music. There is a wealth of music available that
is both contemporary and appropriate. Several judgments regarding music need to be made:
Musical: is it good music, worthy of your wedding: Is it familiar to the congregation?
Liturgical: is it appropriate for the liturgy, the religious part of your wedding day? Please avoid secular
music (heard on the radio) for the liturgy – including prelude music.
Within the liturgy, is it appropriate for the celebration of the Eucharist, if your wedding is at a Mass?
Songs that may be good music, and appropriate as prelude music may not be appropriate at communion
time or at the preparation of the gifts.
Music used before the liturgy prepares the community for sacramental worship. Through the texts of the songs,
this music can provide a preview of the readings the couple has selected and can reflect the couple’s faith and
joy. The prelude music enhances the liturgy and is not seen as something separate.
The Director of Music is responsible for the musical life of the parish, including all weddings. As such, the
Director approves all music chosen for the ceremony, determining whether your selections are appropriate to
serve the needs of the liturgy. The Director will also ensure that the liturgical music chosen is performed well
and at the appropriate time. All musicians and singers who will play and sing at your wedding must be
approved by the Director of Music.
A parish cantor is required at all St. Leo’s weddings and is chosen in consultation with the Director of Music.
A cantor is a trained liturgical music minister who leads the assembly in the singing of the psalm response to the
Old Testament reading and the singing of the Gospel Acclamation. The cantor will also lead the Communion
song and the Eucharistic Acclamations. An organist player will also be assigned to all weddings. The organist
or pianist supports the singing of the assembly.
Instrumentalists (trumpet, violin, flute, harp, trio, quartet, etc.) and the additional singers may be employed
upon approval of the Director of Music. If you are interested in hiring additional musicians and singers for your
wedding, the Director of Music will arrange for these. There is an additional fee per musician for
instrumentalist and additional singers.
A Banquet is Prepared
No Greater Love
Abba Father
Ave Maria
Now is the Time
Now Thank We All our God
By My Side
Canticle of the Sun
Earthen Vessels
On Eagles Wings
One Bread One Body
Only A Shadow
Only God Could Love You More
El Shaddai
Flesh of My Flesh
Peace is Flowing
Peace My Friends
For You Are My God
Gift of Finest Wheat
Glory and Praise to Our God
Peace Prayer
Praise God form Whom All Blessings Flow
Prayer of St. Francis
God, a Woman, and a Man
See this Bread
Hail Mary Gentle Woman
He has Chosen You for Me
Sing a New Song
Sing to the Lord
Hear us Now our God and Father
I Am the Bread of Life
I have Loved You
I will Never Forget You
Sing to the Mountains
Taste and See
The Gift of Love
The Greatest Gift
I Wish You Jesus
If God is For Us
This Is the Day
To Be Your Bread
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
Lead Us on O Lord
Ubi Caritas
We are Many Parts
Let Us Walk in the Light
When You Created Love
Like a Seal on Your Heart
Look Beyond the Bread
Love Which Never Ends
Morning has Broken
Where Charity and Love Prevail
Wherever You Go
Wedding Policies
Normally, the marriage takes place in the parish of the bride when both are Catholic. It usually, and SHOULD
take place in the parish of the Catholic party in the case of an inter-faith marriage. All marriages MUST take
place in a church building – NOT in private homes, outdoors, etc.
Wedding liturgies are scheduled with respect to your wishes and the availability of the church building and the
priest/deacon. It would be in your best interest to contact the Wedding Coordinator before making
commitments with caterers, reception halls, invitations, etc.
You have examined all of your options and made choices and decisions regarding the procession, the readings,
the music and the environment. Now the wedding party comes to put it all together. Set your rehearsal time
at one of the first meetings with the wedding coordinator.
Usually, the rehearsal will be held on the evening before the wedding, or at another time which is mutually
convenient and agreed upon by the priest/deacon and the couple. Punctuality is always a gesture of respect.
The wedding party and the priest/deacon have the right to presume that the rehearsal will begin and end on time.
Rehearsal lasts one hour. The priest/deacon rehearses with the couple for the first half hour and all others who
have a part in the liturgy the final half hour.
The celebration of the Sacrament of Penance or Confession is strongly encouraged prior to your wedding and
may be scheduled along with your rehearsal. Gently remind your wedding party about appropriate dress,
restrictions on smoking and drinking in the church, chewing gum during the celebration and being on time.
Children are to be supervised at all times.
Please inform your ushers that they are responsible for leaving the church, parish center (if used) and
bathrooms clean. Please have them take the flowers, boxes and extra programs with them.
If you have observed the guidelines of the parish, etiquette, common sense and tempered efficiency with grace
and good humor, everyone will leave the rehearsal in a good mood and look forward to your wedding
Alcohol consumption during the rehearsal or prior to the ceremony on your wedding day will jeopardize the
validity of the marriage. If the Groom or Bride has consumed alcohol prior to their marriage the wedding will
be canceled. Alcohol use, food or drink, in the church at any time is strictly PROHIBITED!
Professional consultants whom you may retain to assist you with your wedding celebration have no proper role
in the wedding liturgy ceremony itself. While on the property, they must abide by the direction of the St. Leo’s
staff and the policies of this guideline.
St. Leo’s has no parking available on site. We encourage you to coordinate with other wedding couples for that
day. The Wedding Coordinator will provide contact information.
Restrooms are located downstairs in the community room.
Flowers and other decorations for the Church may enhance the beauty and solemnity of your celebration. We
ask that you choose them to compliment the building’s architecture and interior artwork. We recommend that
you give a copy of the attached “Appendix C: Wedding Florist and Decorator” to your florist and others
involved in decorating the church. To avoid expensive mistakes, consult the Wedding Coordinator before
ordering flowers and other decorations.
Photographers, videographers, and their associates must respect the sacredness of the wedding and the Church
building. They must behave discreetly and reverently and follow the policies in this guideline. We suggest that
you have a copy of the attached “Appendix D: Guidelines for Photographer and Videographer” to those you
hire for this assignment. All questions should be referred to the Wedding Coordinator.
Wedding Coordinator: Mary Edith Tims 402-452-4717
Initial call, schedule wedding, rehearsal, and answer all questions
St. Leo’s Catholic Church
218 1st Street SE
Minot, ND 58701
Bridal Dress and Bridal Party
The bridal dress is a baptismal garment. The first purpose of a baptismal garment is to express that the person
has become a new creation and has clothed oneself in Christ. The second purpose of a bridal dress is to express
to all that the bride is a virgin who has been claimed by one man whom she will be joined with in a sacramental
marriage; she is only his and he is only hers for life.
The bride’s and bridesmaids’ dresses should express Christian dignity and modesty. We do not require that a
bride receive approval before she purchases the bridal and bridesmaids dresses. However, during the ceremony
in the church, brides are REQUIRED to cover any open backs and fronts revealing cleavage, with a bridal
bolero, shrug, or jacket as shown below. This is a nonnegotiable requirement. Shawls and scarfs are not
Bridal boleros, shrugs, and jackets are accessories to bridal gowns that can be worn over the dress and removed
when no longer needed. These accessories are available for purchase through most bridal retailers. If you are
experiencing hardship in locating and/or financing this required garment for your ceremony, please inform the
Wedding Coordinator immediately.
Please remember to dress appropriately for rehearsal as well.
Because of the space available in the sanctuary, we recommend the following guidelines when planning the
number of attendants. The maximum number of attendants is 10 – 5 bridesmaids, 5 groomsmen, exclusive of
the ring bearer and flower girl. We ask that flower girls not drop petals, either real or silk, during the procession
or ceremony.
Bridesmaids dresses that are strapless, little straps or that are too open in the back or front are also required to
be covered during the ceremony in the church. In this case, bridesmaids MUST wear shawls or the described
coverings above.
Care should be taken in choosing young children for the wedding party, since sometimes in a large social
gathering such as a wedding may be overwhelming and the children may become upset and not be able to
perform his or her duty. It is our experience that children five years and older are best suited for these roles.
Please help us maintain the reverence and dignity of the Lord’s house by informing members of the wedding
party to refrain from chewing gum and imbibing alcoholic beverages prior to the wedding rehearsal and
ceremony, and to come in proper dress. Anyone coming to the church intoxicated will not be allowed to
participate in the ceremony, INCLUDING THE BRIDE AND/OR GROOM!
Wedding Music Fees
The wedding fee at St. Leo’s includes the basic music fees which include the following:
Planning/preparation of music, including one meeting with the Director of Music
Rehearsal time for all music (please note: the musicians do not attend the wedding rehearsal the night
before the ceremony. They rehearse on their own time.)
Organist/Pianist at the Ceremony
Cantor at the ceremony
The fee for each additional musician will vary. St. Leo’s can arrange a variety of instrumentalists for weddings,
such as trumpet, violin, cello, flute, etc. as requested. Quartets or other ensembles can be arranged as well.
Wedding Florists and Decorators
Flowers and other decorations for the Church should complement the building’s architecture and interior
artwork, and should be part of the overall environment. They enhance the beauty and solemnity of the
celebration. The bride and groom ARE REQUIRED to provide flowers for the sanctuary, displayed in one of
the three options depicted below, during the wedding ceremony that will be left as a gift to Christ and His
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3 (Options 1 and 2 combined)
The bride and groom ARE ALSO REQUIRED to present flowers to the Blessed Virgin Mary during the
ceremony. This arrangement will consist of loose stem roses or flowers that will lay flat on the alter prior to
For additional ceremony flowers, please adhere to the directions of St. Leo’s staff regarding decorations:
Flowers may be delivered and put in place within two hours before the beginning of the celebration.
Floral arrangements may be free-standing at the sides of the sanctuary. They may never be placed on
the alter except the flowers presented to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
You must remove all other flowers and decorations at the conclusion of the ceremony EXCEPT the
floral arrangements donated to the sanctuary.
Church furnishings or seasonal decorations may not be altered or moved under any circumstances.
Floral arrangements must be held in watertight containers.
Decorations of any type may not be attached to any wall or element inside the Church.
Please do not block pew entrances with ribbon, cords, strings, or other decorations.
Floral arrangements must be attached without the use of tape or other adhesives. Ribbons or special
hangars, which do not mar the finish of the pews in the Church, may be used.
During the liturgical seasons of Christmas and Easter, the sanctuary has a particular seasonal atmosphere
that may not be altered. Flowers and other decorations must reflect the atmosphere of the season.
The only candles permitted are those already in place. Additional candelabra, lighted or unlighted, or
candles in the aisles or on the pews, are not permitted.
Isle runners are not permitted in the Church.
Throwing rice, birdseed, confetti, bubbles, and the like, as well as silk or fresh flower petals, inside or
outside the Church, are not permitted.
No food or beverage is to be brought into the Church. All containers used for corsages, floral
arrangements, etc., must be removed from the Church by the attending florist before leaving the
It is the responsibility of the wedding couple to ensure that the florist and decorating personnel receive
these policies and abide by them. If you have any questions about these policies, please direct them to the
Wedding Coordinator.
Any florist or decorator who violated these policies may be denied privilege of working future weddings
at St. Leo’s.
Guidelines for Photographers and Videographers
Photographers, videographers, and their assistants must respect the sacredness of the wedding and the Church
building. They must behave discreetly and reverently and follow the policies in this guideline. The directions
of St. Leo’s staff must be followed at all times.
You have the church for two hours before your wedding, 1½ hours for photos and ½ hour to prepare for
your guests. No exceptions will be made.
There is to be no disruption or disturbance of the ceremony by the photographer or videographer.
Videotaping and photographing the ceremony from the back of the church or in the balcony is permitted.
Pre-nuptial photo sessions must be scheduled on the church calendar.
No flash photography or additional lighting is permitted during the ceremony. Please advise your guests
of these restrictions.
No camera lights or additional lighting is permitted for video cameras.
No photographer, videographer, or assistant is permitted in the sanctuary or behind the sanctuary at any
time before or during the ceremony.
Video equipment must remain unobtrusive. A single video camera may be placed in the balcony. The
location of the camera is at the discretion of the organist who will be working in the balcony.
All equipment must remain on the floor and be kept well out of the way of traffic. Nothing should be
placed in or on the pews.
Photos may be taken after the ceremony for a maximum of 30 minutes but not on Saturday of the
wedding takes place at 1:00 pm. This is due to confessions taking place at 2:00 pm. If the wedding start
is delayed, this time may be shortened. The Wedding Coordinator will indicate when it is time to move
Church decorations and furnishings may not be removed.
Because of the sacredness and formality of the wedding, proper professional attire is required of all
No food or beverage may be brought into the Church.
Please keep voices at a low level during photographic sessions.
It is the responsibility of the wedding couple to ensure the photographers and video personnel receive
these policies and abide by them. Any questions about these policies should be directed to the Wedding
Any violation of these policies will be immediately addressed. Any photographer or videographer who
violates these policies may be denied the privilege of working weddings at St. Leo’s in the future.
Sample Program for Celebrating Marriage During Mass
When both partners are Catholic, the celebration of marriage takes place during Mass. Below is a sample program for the
celebrating Marriage during Mass.
The Marriage Ceremony
Greeting and Opening Prayer
“God, A Woman, and A Man”
“Processional in D”
Liturgy of the Word
Old Testament Reading
Sirach 26: 1-4, 16-21
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 112: 12
“Happy are those who do what the Lord commands”
New Testament Reading
Alleluia and gospel Acclamation
Gospel Reading
Colossians 3:12-17
John 15: 9-12
Rite of Marriage
Exchange of Marriage Vows
Blessing and Exchange of Rings
Prayer of the Faithful
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Preparation of the Gifts
Eucharistic Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Nuptial Blessing
Sign of Peace
“Let There Be Peace on Earth”
“On Eagles Wings”
Concluding Rite
Final Prayer and Blessing
Presentation of Couple
“Trumpet Tune”
Sample Program for Celebrating Marriage Outside Mass
The celebration of marriage for an interfaith couple often takes place outside of the Mass. However, the couple
may personally request marriage during the Mass. Below is a sample program for celebrating Marriage outside
The Marriage Ceremony
Greeting and Opening Prayer
“God, a Woman, and a Man”
“Trumpet Tune in D Major”
Liturgy of the Word
Old Testament Reading
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm Response
“Happy are those who fear the Lord”
New Testament Reading
Alleluia and Gospel Acclamation
Gospel Reading
Tobit 8: 4-9
Psalm 128
1 John 3: 18-2
John 15: 9-12
Rite of Marriage
Exchange of Marriage Vows
Blessing and Exchange of Rings
Prayer of the Faithful
Lord’s Prayer
Nuptial Blessing
Sign of Peace
Final Prayer and Blessing
Presentation of Couple
“Peace is Flowing”
“March in G Major”