Meeting date 19th June 2014 - Cavendish Community Primary School

Resource Management Committee Meeting Minutes
School: Cavendish Community Primary School
Quorum: 3 (met at this meeting)
Chair: Jenny Green
Clerk: Lydia Smith
Date of meeting: 19 June 2014
Venue: Cavendish Community Primary School
Governor type
Jenny Green
Sarah Hamilton
Chris Byrne
Michelle Threlfall
Janet Marland
Carole Spiller
Suzannah Reeves
Joy Paul
‘End of Term of
Office’ date
(Ap)/absent (A)
Others present
Clerk, One Education
School Business Manager (SBM)
Lydia Smith
Nicola Kennedy
Agenda Items
Apologies were accepted from Suzannah Reeves and Joy Paul.
Actions or decisions
Declaration of pecuniary interests
Jenny is employed by Capita. This will be taken into account should her casting vote
as Chair to the Committee be required for or be a significant factor in any decision
involving the commissioning of services etc from Capita.
Chris Byrne is working on Tablets for RM.
The Clerk will send Jenny and Chris Pecuniary Interest forms to be completed and
sent to the SBM.
Actions or decisions
Declaration of Pecuniary interest forms to be
sent to Chris and Jenny
June 2014
Notification of items for AOUB
Additional Resource Management committee meeting to be set up.
Actions or decisions
Notification of items for Confidential Items
Actions or decisions
Minutes of the last meetings (30.01.14 & 20.03.14) & matters arising
Matters of Accuracy (30.01.14)
There were no matters of accuracy.
Matters Arising (30.01.14)
Page 2, Item 5:
Q Will we be going ahead with the week of free meals for all pupils?
No, we did not do so, as Taylor Shaw was unable to support the funding for this
The SBM will send out skills matrices to the HT and Chair of Governing Body for
completion. When they are all received, the SBM will review and identify training
needs. This item will be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
Page 8, Item 9:
Q Is the Governor Induction Pack completed yet?
No, we hope to have it ready for September.
Page 9, Item 10:
The SBM advised governors that the transfer to One Education for payroll was now
complete and the first salary payments would be made to staff on 15th July.
The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters of Accuracy (20.03.14)
Page 1, Apologies:
David Griffiths attended in place of the HT – add in “who was ill”.
Matters Arising
Page 2, Item 4:
The new photocopiers have now been installed and networked and are working well.
Page 2, Item 5:
The Inventry Visitor and Staff Management System is now operational.
Page 3, Garden Maintenance:
Ian Marshall is now maintaining the grounds and we are happy with the service.
Page 4, Facilities Management:
The issue of this contract is still unresolved.
The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.
Actions or decisions
Send out skills matrices to HT and Chair
of Governing Body
Add training needs for committee
members to next agenda
Minutes of meeting (30.01.14) approved
Minutes of meeting (20.03.14) approved
term 2014
23 Oct
19 June
19 June
The SBM, presented a number of financial reports, and the following points were
raised/highlighted in discussion;
Budget Closedown (Period 12 Monitoring)
Total Revenue Income
Total Revenue Expenditure
In year Balance
£103,565 deficit
B/f from 2012/13
£203,327 surplus
Year-end balance
£99,761 surplus
The SBM advised governors that the balance brought forward from 2012/13 was
very high because of the anticipated spend on IT and toilet refurbishment in 2013/14.
This money has now been spent and as the surplus is below 8%, there is no
requirement for the school to complete an Analysis of Reserves Report.
Q Why are we underspent by almost £8,000 on ICT learning resources?
There are plans for spending the money. It is ring fenced and can only be spent on
Q Why are we underspent by £11,000 on non-ICT learning materials?
This is because of forthcoming curriculum changes. We will carry the funding across
to be spent on resources for the new curriculum.
Q On which non-curriculum professional services did we overspend?
On RM and AVA, both of which are computer related, on the Educational
Psychologist service and on SPLD, which is a learning intervention for children with
learning difficulties.
The SBM explained that, although the CFR report is headed “proposed”, there can
be no further changes and it will be finalised tomorrow in preparation for uploading to
the DfE via MCC on July 18th. Although we overspent last year, we carried over
funds to meet the in-year deficit and are in a relatively healthy position.
The governors approved the Budget Closedown.
2014/15 Budget
Revenue Income
Revenue Expenditure
Revenue In year Balance
B/f from 2013/14
Projected year-end balance
£59,004 deficit
£99,762 surplus
£40,758 surplus
The SBM drew governors’ attention to the reintroduction of Devolved Capital
Funding (DFC), which has been allocated for two of the three terms this financial
Total Capital Revenue
Total Capital Expenditure
In year Balance
B/f from 2012/13
Projected year-end balance
Q Why is SEN funding reduced by £13,000?
Because we are losing Y6 pupils who attract support. However, we do expect a
visually impaired child with support needs to be joining Reception next year. She will
need 1:1 support and will therefore attract extra funding.
Q Can we claim for SEN funding after the beginning of the financial year?
Yes, the situation is reviewed at the end of each term and we can adjust our claim
accordingly. Funding can increase or decrease depending on our situation.
Q Why is our income from Facilities and Services less than last year?
This is because we do not yet have final numbers for Nursery places.
E10 Q Why do we have to pay Capita for supply teachers if we have Supply Teacher
The insurance is purely for Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Leave cover and
applies to teachers only. TAs are not covered by the policy.
E19 Q Why do we expect to spend less on Non ICT learning resources than last
We had extra expenses last year because of the additional pupils associated with
three form entry and the “spike” class. If necessary, we can vire in funds.
E20 Q Why do we expect to spend less on ICT learning resources than last year?
Because of the planned and agreed extra spend last year on two new servers, RM
software – a one off cost - and the purchase of the i-pads & AVA support.
E22 Q Why is there an increase in expenditure on administrative supplies of £8,000?
This includes the installation of the Inventry Visitor and Staff Management System.
The governors approved the 2014/15 Budget.
Three Year Budget projections
The three year budget projections were noted. The SBM highlighted the difficulty in
accurate predictions when precise funding details are not known.
The SBM advised governors that if DFC continues, the school expects to receive
£9,556 per annum for 2015/16 and 2016/17.
The governors approved the Three Year Budget predictions.
Actions or decisions
Budget Closedown approved
2014/15 Budget approved
Three Year Budget predictions approved
19 June
19 June
19 June
School Business Manager Report
The SBM presented her report and the following points were raised/highlighted in
Budgets are now allocated by block to:
 Schools
 Early Years
 High Needs (SEN). Nationally all pre-school children are allocated only 15
hours nursery schooling, but for the next academic year Manchester has
increased funding to allow current levels of Nursery School funding to
continue. This is identified under Deprivation on the budget.
Taylor Shaw Update
We have gone through the procurement exercise, as advised by the MCC Audit
Team. Taylor Shaw has been awarded the catering contract for four years. We are
very happy with the service they provide.
Premises and Rebuild Project Update
The issue with the boiler house lagging in Shawgrove continues, the building
requires a full rewire and the boilers also require replacing. In addition, the four
classrooms in the building are no longer fit for purpose, but our budget cannot
sustain the remedial works necessary to bring the building up to standard.
Remedial work and decorating has continued within the Cavendish building, but
there is a reluctance to spend further until plans for the new build are clearer.
Planned preventative maintenance to equipment around school is ongoing.
Recent meetings with the Project Management Team were not very productive, but
the school has continued to express serious concerns about the state of the
classrooms in Shawgrove. We are now hopeful that Years 5 and 6 will be
accommodated in temporary classrooms after the October half term. It is likely that
we will need to have one or two days’ enforced school closure to organise the move
but we have no definite timescale yet.
Q Will the temporary classrooms be situated in the car park?
Yes, the fence will be reconfigured to accommodate them.
A heritage architect has been commissioned by MCC to look at Shawgrove, but we
have not yet received feedback from his report. The whole process is very slow
Q Is it a question of choosing between demolition of the building or retaining the
façade and installing a new build behind it?
Those are two options. Others include a total refurbishment of Shawgrove or
retaining the two towers and having a new building between them.
Actions or decisions
Staffing Structure (September 204)
The HT presented a chart showing the staffing structure for 2014/15 and the
following points were raised/highlighted in discussion:
We now have three Assistant Headteachers (AHT) in place. There are nine TLRs, of
whom three are newly appointed:
 Michelle Threlfall - Writing TLR
 Helen Cooper – Reading TLR
 Roisin Hanly –TLR responsible for working on Closing The Gap
Q Who do the TLRs report to?
To the HT, DHT and the AHTs.
Q Who do the teachers report to?
To their Performance Management Leader.
Q Who do the TAs report to?
They tend to have several lines of reporting including their class teachers, Jenny
Law and Clare Powell and also the SENCO, if they are supporting pupils with special
educational needs.
The HT advised governors that the ICT Technician reports to the DHT and the SBM.
The SBM is also responsible for the management of admin/finance staff, the Site
Manager and cleaners, lunchtime organisers and After School Club staff.
One TA is leaving to take up teacher training in September and we may need to
consider recruiting more TAs next year as support is fairly thin on the ground.
Actions or decisions
Service Level Agreements
The SBM presented details of the Service Level Agreements for 2014/15 and the
following points ere raised/highlighted in discussion:
The list has been updated to include new SLAs. Some costings are actuals and
some are estimated on the basis of 2013/14’s figures. The SBM advised governors
that the financial year straddles two academic years which can cause difficulties in
allocating exact costs. The total cost for the year is projected to be £145,367.
There are corrections required to the cost of the Capita SLA for supply teachers
(£45,000) and the Manchester Sports Development SLA for swimming lessons
(£10,000). The SBM will amend these and they will be sent out to governors.
Q Are we likely to use Withington swimming pool?
This will depend on the quality of the facilities and teaching at Hough End and on
whether we could take two classes there at once.
Q Has work started on Hough End pool?
Q Will transport be required to get there?
No, it is close enough to walk.
The governors approved the SLAs for 2014/15 subject to the amendments above.
Actions or decisions
Amended SLA costs to be sent to Clerk
Service Level Agreements approved once
costs amended
term 2014
19 June
Pupil Premium and Sports Funding Reports
The HT presented the reports and the following points were raised/highlighted in
Pupil Premium (PP)
At present, pupil premium eligibility in each cohort is as follows:
24 – 27%
14 – 23%
40 – 45%
27 – 44%
30 – 51%
28 – 47%
22 – 37%
185 – 39% of school population
National average is 26.8%
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Q How much funding do we receive per child?
£953 - this will rise to almost £1,200 per child next year.
Q Have we had a better uptake of Free School Meals (FSM) this year?
The number stays fairly static. There are 185 children eligible for FSM, of whom only
125 – 130 tend to claim them at any one time. We are including an application form
for FSM in the Nursery pack.
Q Could we encourage parents to apply by advising them what £1,200 can buy for
the school in terms of support or equipment?
Yes, we try to do so.
The HT explained that PP aims to close the attainment and progress gaps between
those children eligible to receive it and those who are not. Attainment and progress
outcomes for each cohort by FSM/NFSM are reported on at Curriculum Committee
meetings and she urged governors to read these minutes to update their awareness
of outcomes. Any questions should then be raised at Governing Body meetings.
Maths interventions are now firmly established and PP pupils are performing well at
the end of KS2. We now need to enhance our language interventions, although our
attainment rates are above Manchester and national figures.
Q What is an INA?
An international new arrival.
£146,732 PP funding has been spent on addressing disadvantage – there is a small
underspend of less than1%. The governors found it very useful to see how the
money had been spent and felt that this should be more widely publicised. The HT
said that there will be a section devoted to PP on the new school website once it is
up and running.
Sport Funding
Our Sport Premium grant for the financial year 2013/14 was £9290. It has been
spent over the 2013/14 academic year in three main areas :
 CPD by Pat Callaghan, PE Consultant, to improve subject knowledge and
instill confidence in staff to deliver high quality PE lessons – this offers
sustainability in that the effects are long lasting;
 The appointment of Jordan Simpson, PE and Sports Apprentice via the
National Schools Apprentice programme. Although is has been very useful to
have Jordan’s assistance in setting up for lessons and focusing on particular
children and an apprenticeship would be a very welcome addition to the
school, it tends not to be seen a sustainable as there would be no lasting
effect when the funding stops. Jordan will be leaving the school in July to take
up a post elsewhere;
 Weekly Year 3 Tennis sessions at the Albert, whereby children develop
sustainable fundamental lasting movement skills. Twelve children have been
identified as talented and are attending extra sessions out of school hours. PP
is being used to pay the tuition costs for two of these children.
Q Is the Albert cheaper than the Northern?
£716 of the grant remains and it has been added to the PE budget to help meet the
cost of transporting pupils to sporting tournaments and festivals this year – to date
transport costs stand at approximately £1,300.
Over 100 children have represented the school at different sporting events during the
year and we have had numerous successes. Gary Ellison, the school handyman,
has built a cabinet to display the trophies won by pupils.
Next year Rob King, Sports TLR, will not have a class and will be concentrating on
the development of PE across the school. We will no longer have the benefit of Pat
Callaghan’s support, but Rob will build on the work he has done with staff this year.
Q Will children continue to be offered the same range of sports?
Yes. We hope to introduce pop lacrosse as a new sport. It tends to be equally
popular with boys and girls.
Carole advised the HT about the availability of funding for an Astroturf sports pitch if
the school is willing to let it out to the community out of school hours. The HT will
bear this in mind when she is aware of plans for the rebuild.
Actions or decisions
Staff Absence
The SBM presented the 2013/14 Staff Absence report and the following points were
raised/highlighted in discussion: Teachers – 414 days
 Support Staff – 333.5 days
 Lunchtime organisers (LOs)– 75 days
 Admin – 29.5 days
 Premises 25.5
Teacher absence comprises 309 days of Maternity/Paternity leave, 11 days of
authorised paid leave and 94 days of actual sickness absence.
Q What sickness absence percentage is considered acceptable?
As part of the Finance SLA, benchmarking is a new service. The SBM has arranged
one of her visits to look at benchmarking and will feed back to governors.
Q Is it possible to show absence percentages by type of absence?
The SBM will do this.
Actions or decisions
Advise governors on sickness absence
percentage deemed acceptable
Show absence percentage by category on
23 Oct
Policy Reviews
There were no policies to be reviewed.
Actions or decisions
Governor Visits to School
The following visits were noted:
 Jenny went to a School Council meeting. The members intend to provide
governors with a newsletter next year;
 Carole will be having lunch with Year 5 children and attending Sports Day;
 Chris intends to arrange a visit to Year 5.
Actions or decisions
Application for Admitted Body Status
When catering staff transferred to Taylor Shaw under TUPE arrangements, Taylor
Shaw sought to keep them in the MCC Pension Scheme. MCC will allow this on
condition that Cavendish agrees to assume the role of first port of call guarantor.
There could be financial implications if Taylor Shaw collapsed, but it unlikely as the
company has undertaken to lodge £1,500 with the school. This would cover six
months of employer pension contributions to MCC’s Pension Scheme. If Taylor
Shaw were to go out of business, we would need to find another catering provider to
take over the staff.
Q Would it be difficult to do so?
No, there are several potential companies.
Q Would it be prudent to look into the accounts for Taylor Shaw?
The SBM will provide the necessary details to Carole who will conduct some
research with Companies House.
Actions or decisions
Provide information on Taylor Shaw to Carole
June 2014
There is a need for an additional Resource Management meeting prior to the end of
term to consider the purchase of a system to improve and expand wireless
connectivity in school. It was agreed to hold the meeting at 8.50am on Friday 11 July
with a one item agenda – Purchasing. Given the timing, it is not expected that all
committee members will be able to attend.
The governors wished Michelle well for her Maternity Leave, which begins on 20
Actions or decisions
Additional Resource Meeting approved
Date and time of next meeting:
19 June
Thursday, 23 October at 7pm