CIE 535 Structural Steel Design PROJECT DESIGN OF FOUR STOREY BUILDING BY Kalpesh Parikh 1 Acknowledgment My deepest gratitude goes to Dr. Eric M Lui for his continuous and constructive advice and follow up. His successive advisories and comments were the pillars in my every step during the Project. We are thankful to him for the fact that he has inspired and helped us know about the Structural Steel Design. 2 Index 1. Introduction 04 2. Loads Calculation 06 3. Modeling Procedure and design assumption 10 4. Load Model 16 5. Computer Model 24 6. Analysis and design result 28 7. Design Summary 51 8. Conclusion 52 -Reference 3 1 Introduction To analyze and design a four storey structural steel frame which is located in the campus of Syracuse University using Risa-3d Software. Below Plans shows how the Floor Plan looks for Stories 1 and 2 and Stories 3 and 4. General Information Structural type used it is a Moment Frame Building and from the plan we can see that at the centre it is surrounded by the shear wall. Material Properties Steel: Which has high yield strength (Fy) and high tensile strength (Fu) is used .Thermal effect is considered into the building as there are two materials are used α= 6.5 x 10 -6 . In the project steel is used as Columns and Beams. Material to be used A992 steel and standard section the avaibility of the steel is checked from (AISC table 2-3). So it’s Fy= 50 ksi and Fu= 65 ksi. We are using Hot Rolled wide flange shapes. Concrete: Concrete used for the project is light weight concrete which has lesser density and we can add some of the cementious materials to it like Fly ash and silica to enhance the serviceability of the structure. For Project it is used to construct Shear wall. 4 Soil Type As it is located in the Syracuse University Glacial Silt soil is considered. Description about dimensioning Floors and orientation Floor system – First two floors are intended to house large auditorium and Department faculty offices and third and fourth stories are intended for classroom ion of the Columns, design studios and laboratories. In the third floor and fourth floor. As we can see the Plan for the 3rd and 4th stories there are beams provided in the y-direction in the plan. Floor to Floor height – For first floor I have considered 15ft and second to forth floor i have considered 12ft each so overall height of the building is 51 ft. Shear Wall- 12 inch thick shear wall is provided at the periphery of elevator core/staircase to provide the additional strength to the building against lateral wind force and seismic effects. Columns Placement – Plan above shows column placement for exterior and interior portion of the building is Longitudinal Direction (X-direction) @ 20’, 15’ and 20’ and Transverse Direction (Y-Direction) @ 20’, 12’ and 20’. Orientation is about strong axis facing in the wind direction in order to avoid instability in the structure Other Components: The architect of this building called for a use of the following floor, ceiling, cladding, and roof systems: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Floor- Lightweight concrete on 18 gauge corrugated steel deck. Ceiling- Acoustical fiber board with mechanical duct allowance. Partitioning- Steel studs (1st and 2nd stories), movable steel partitions (3rd and 4th stories) Cladding- Stud walls with brick veneer with glass/sash. Roof- Five ply felt and gravel with fiberboard insulation. 5 2. Loads This building is to be designed for dead, live, snow and wind loads. Dead load Dead Loads are the weights of materials, equipments or components that remains constant throughout the structure's life. In the project it includes weight of the materials and components which are used for floor, ceiling, partitioning, cladding, and roof. Summary of Dead load (Obtained from IBC, minimum design dead loads (Table C3-1)) Type Flooring Ceiling Partitioning Cladding Roof Description Lightweight concrete on 18 gauges corrugated steel deck. Acoustical fiber board with Mechanical duct allowance Steel studs (1st and 2nd stories), Movable steel partitions (3rd and 4th stories) Stud walls with brick veneer with Glass/sash Five ply felt and gravel with Fiberboard insulation (per inch thickness) Loads from IBC psf 8/inch and 3 psf 1 psf and 4 psf 8 psf and 4 psf 48 psf and 8 psf 6 psf and 1.5 psf Live Load Live load is weight which is superimposed on, or temporarily attached to, a structure (people, machinery and equipment, furniture, appliances, etc.). 6 Summary of Live Load (Obtained from the IBC minimum uniformly distributed live load (Table 4-1) and shown below) st nd 1 and 2 Floors Floor 3rd and 4th Floor Description Large auditorium Department/faculty office Classrooms Design studio Laboratories Uniform (psf) 150 50 40 100 Snow load Calculation For Syracuse region snow is an important load in order to consider for the analysis. Pg= The ground snow load = 40psf…………(Fig-S1Graph Shows the value) Roof slope is θ =0 Ce = Exposure Factor= 0.9……(Table S.1) Ct = Thermal Factor= 1 ……… (Table S.2) Iw= Importance Factor =1.1 … (Table S.3) Pf = 0.7CeCtIwpg = 0.7x0.9x1x1.1x55 = 38.115 psf Wind Loads Wind load is type of lateral load acting on the building horizontally and vertically. Majorly it is resisted by the shear wall and minor by steel/concrete frame structure. Since the wind directions keeps changing by all the time so it’s necessary by the designer to design the building for both longitudinal and transverse direction and vertical too. Computation of Wind load:1. The 3-sec gust wind speed is = 90mph 2. Building is enclosed Roof slope, θ = 0 Mean roof height = 15+12+12+12 = 51 ft 7 Importance factor, Iw = 1.15 Effective wind area, Ae=10 ft2 (assumed) conservative for component & cladding Wind exposure C Category is III Kzt = 1 𝜆 = 1.5668 ( h = 51’) Computation of Ps30 : For MWFRS (Main Wind Force Resisting System): The MWFRS tabulated wind pressure obtained from ASCE 7 ,figure 6-2 for a building with a roof slope θ = 0 , a 3-sec gust wind speed is = 90mph are shown in tables below: Tabulated horizontal wind pressure Zone Tabulated horizontal Pressure, psf End zone A 12.8 End zone B* Interior zone C 8.5 Interior zone D* *Horizontal wind pressure for longitudinal and transverse direction .Note B and D do not exist for building with flat roof. Calculation of “a” a ≤ 0.1 * Least horizontal dimension a ≤ 0.1 *52 = 5.2 ft. (governs) ≤ 0.4 *48 = 19.2 ft ≥ 3 psf Average horizontal wind pressure (Longitudinally) PS30 = 12.8 x 2 x 5.2’+8.5 x (55−2 x 5.2) 55 = 9.26 psf PS = 𝜆Kzt Iw pS30 ≥ 10psf ……………………….(Design horizontal wind pressure) = 1.5668 * 1* 1.15* 9.26 = 16.68 psf Average horizontal wind pressure (Transverse) 8 PS30 = 12.8x2x5.2’+8.5x(55−2x5.2’) 55′ = 9.26 psf Ps = 𝜆Kzt Iw pS30 ≥10psf (Design horizontal wind pressure) = 1.5668x1x1.15x9.26 = 16.68 psf Tabulated vertical wind pressure Vertical Pressure (𝜆Iw pS30 ) psf End zone E 1.5668 x 1.15 x-15.4 = -27.74 End zone F 1.5668 x 1.15 x-8.8 = -15.86 Interior zone G 1.5668 x 1.15 x-10.7 = -19.279 Interior zone H 1.5668 x 1.15 x-6.8 = -12.26 *Vertical wind pressure for longitudinal and transverse direction Zone Average vertical wind pressure (Longitudinally & Transverse) PS = −27.74x2x5.2x26−15.86x5.2x2x26−19.279x27.5x10.4−12.26x27.5x10.4 55∗52 = -17 psf ps = 𝜆Kzt Iw pS30 ≥10psf…………………………………. Design vertical wind pressure 9 3 Modeling Procedures and Design Assumption 1) Grouping of Member: Column- External Columns, Interior Columns, Fence Columns, Beams- External Beams and Internal Beams. 2. Global Parameter: In that Solution Tab I have considered the Number of Section as 7 (Location) means I am going to report forces, stresses and deflections. I have included the Shear deformation and also used Torsional warping for the model. And other parameter were kept default like P-Delta effect etc in that tab. 10 3. Design was performed for steel section Using ASD manual 9th Edition (Direct analysis Method). 4. Dimensioning the Co-ordinate as per our Frame Plan for each floor Drawing Grid and Drawing Members. 5. Drawing of member was used as Hot Rolled section as per Member grouping. In Order to start with something I assumed a W10 x 17 Section. 6. Assigning a Material Properties here I assigned the Material properties of thermal coefficient density of the Hot Rolled Steel. 7 Design rules were kept default only as we don’t have any design rule to define. 8. Member End (i and j) is kept fixed. 9. Plates were drawn in order to have Diaphragm action, means it transfers lateral force to the resisting system. 10. Shear wall was drawn at the centre made up of material lightweight concrete using compressive strength as 4000 psi. Shear wall is taken as 12 inch thick. 11. Plates were also drawn with same light weight concrete with compressive strength 4000 psi. Loads Description Snow Load Applied in the direction Wind Load- Applied in the Horizontal Pressure direction and Longitudinal and direction Transverse direction Wind Load Vertical Applied in the Y Pressure Dead Load- Flooring Each Floors Dead Load- Ceiling Each Floors Dead Load- Each Floors Partioning Dead Load- Roof Dead Load - Cladding Magnitude Y 38.115 psf Method used for applying Loading Area Load X 16.68 psf Z Area Load 17 Psf Area Load 51 psf Surface Load (Because of Plates are used) 5 Psf Floor 1 and 2 – 8psf Floor 3 and 4 – 4psf Surface Load Surface Load Roofs only 7.5 psf Each floor at external 0.672 ksf 11 Surface Load Distributed Loads wall Live Loads- 1 and 1st and 2nd Levels of 150 psf 2nd Levels the floor using checker box Live Loads- 3rd and 3rd and 4th Levels of 100 psf 4th Levels the floor using checker box ** Roof Live Load is assumed which is applied as 50 psf at the roof st Surface Load Surface Load 12 Boundary Condition is given to the frame as a Fixed Support. Even Shear wall in the base each node is given with fixed support so that there is no instability in the structure.. 13 In the design parameter in order to give bracing I specify Lb = segment and use it for my design analysis in the Risa these are used as KL/r ratio for the calculation. 14 Nice 3D models is being prepared now its time to add loads which are calculated as per the IBC handbook. Below is the summary of the Loading considered for addition to the model. 12 Pattern Used to Apply Live Load (Checker Box) 1. Complete Live Load applied on the model 2. Checker Box Approach to determine worst effect of live load and get better section for the design. 15) Loads are Applied using the Basic Load Cases spread sheet each Load Case were entered into it and then assigning the loads as per the above table shows . The combination that were use to The Checker box approach so I have to prepare model. The models which is applied with using first dead load and Live Load 1 and Live Load2 here I tried the checker box method were I introduce Live load 1 and Roof Load 1 using pattern 1 of the checker box and then similarly I 13 applied Live Load 2 and Roof Load 2.(**Important thing is that 1st and 2nd storey was having different Live Load then 2nd and 3rd floor) ) 16) Self weight was added into the dead load column using Y-Gravity =-1 into the BLC Spreadsheet. 17) As Risa has in its Memory some ASCE Load Combination but did not fine it the same so I modified that Combination as per AISC LRFD manual 13th Edition (pg2-18) as per my case. 1.4 D 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5 (Lr or S) 1.2 D + 1.6 (Lr or S) + (0.5L or 0.8W) 1.2 D + 1.6 W + 0.5L + (0.5Lr or S) 1.2 D + 0.5 L + 0.2 S 0.9D + 1.6 W 18 Drift is assigned using storey wise as there are four stories so I used corner nodes to assigned the equivalent stories as shown below Node N1, N13, N16, N4 as Stories 1 in X and Z direction Node N17, N29, N32, N20 as Stories 2 in X and Z direction Node N33, N37, N41, N45 as Stories 3 in X and Z direction. Node N49, N53, N57, N61 as Stories 4 in X and Z direction So that we can find the Lateral displacement for each floor. Lateral Sway of the building is caused by Wind Load and Earthquake Load , But as per the condition of small building it should be limited to the h/300 where h is a stories height so that we can know by result that the given result satisfies the need to avoid greater lateral drift. 19 Using Load Combination Solve command was used Using Envelop method which solves the multiple combinations keeping only the maximum and minimum values in the results. 14 Framing System used The Frame used for the building is an rigid frame system. Rigid Frames are composed of straight members connected together either by rigid (moment resisting) connections or by hinged connections to form stable configuration. Unlike the trusses, which are subjected only to the joint loads, the external loads on frame may be applied on the member as well as joints. The member of the rigid frame are in general, subjected to bending moment, shear and axial compression or tension under the external loads. However, the design of horizontal members or beams of rectangular frames is often governed by bending and shear stresses only, since axial forces in such member are usually small.Frames like structural steel and reinforced concrete frames are commonly used in multistory buildings 15 4 Load Model Load Given Distributed Y Gravity Load Surface Area Load Area Loads Description Initial Snow Load SL Live Load 1 LL 12 Live Load 2 LL 12 Dead Load DL Wind Load WL Cladding DL Roof Live Load 1 RLL 4 Roof Live Load 2 RLL 4 1 -1 32 3 36 Figure Showing Snow Load 16 Cladding (Dead Load) Figure Showing at Typical Floor Figure Showing Cladding at each floor 17 Dead Load Model Figure showing dead load for the slab of 1st Floor Figure showing dead load for the slab of 2nd Floor and 3rd Floor 18 Figure showing dead load for the floor of roof Live Load # Pattern1 Figure showing Live Load shown at 2nd floor - Floor 19 Figure showing Live Load shown at 3rd floor - Floor Figure showing Live Load shown at 4th floor - Floor 20 Figure showing Roof Live Load shown at - Floor # Pattern2 Figure showing Live Load shown at 2nd floor - Floor 21 Figure showing Live Load shown at 3rd floor - Floor Figure showing Live Load shown at 4th floor - Floor 22 Figure showing Roof Live Load shown at - Floor 23 Figure showing Wind Load- Showing Complete Building Showing wind upward pressure 24 5 Computer Model Figure showing complete 3d model of four storey building 25 Figure showing shear wall Figure showing XY view 26 Figure showing YZ view Top Plan View 27 6 Analysis and Design Result To analysis the structure I used ASCE 7 LRFD Factored Design Load Combination ASCE 7 Load Combination Load Factored Load Factored Load Factored Load Factored ASCE 1 DL 1.4 ASCE 2 (a) DL 1.2 LL1 1.6 RLL 1 0.5 ASCE 2 (b) DL 1.2 LL1 1.6 SL 0.5 ASCE 2 (c) DL 1.2 RLL 1 1.6 LL1 0.5 ASCE 3 (a) DL 1.2 SL 1.6 LL1 0.5 ASCE 3 (b) DL 1.2 RLL 1 1.6 WL 0.8 ASCE 3 (c) DL 1.2 SL 1.6 LL1 0.5 ASCE 3 (d) DL 1.2 SL 1.6 WL 0.8 ASCE 4 (a) DL 1.2 WL 1.6 LL1 0.5 RLL 1 0.5 ASCE 4 (b) DL 1.2 WL 1.6 LL1 0.5 SL 0.5 ASCE 6 DL 0.9 WL 1.6 ASCE 1 DL 1.4 ASCE 2 (a) DL 1.2 LL2 1.6 RLL 2 0.5 ASCE 2 (b) DL 1.2 LL2 1.6 SL 0.5 ASCE 2 (c) DL 1.2 RLL 2 1.6 LL2 0.5 ASCE 3 (a) DL 1.2 SL 1.6 LL2 0.5 ASCE 3 (b) DL 1.2 RLL 2 1.6 WL 0.8 ASCE 3 (c) DL 1.2 SL 1.6 LL2 0.5 28 ASCE 3 (d) DL 1.2 SL 1.6 WL 0.8 ASCE 4 (a) DL 1.2 WL 1.6 LL2 0.5 RLL 2 0.5 ASCE 4 (b) DL 1.2 WL 1.6 LL2 0.5 SL 0.5 ASCE 6 DL 0.9 WL 1.6 Analysis assumption to built the model Member Group Analysis Section Structure Assumed Type Design List Beam-Exterior W10X17 Beam Wide Flange A992 Typical 4.99 3.56 81.9 0.16 Beam-Interior W10X17 Beam Wide Flange A992 Typical 4.99 3.56 81.9 0.16 Column-Exterior W10X17 Column Wide Flange A992 Typical 4.99 3.56 81.9 0.16 Column-Fence W10X17 Column Wide Flange A992 Typical 4.99 3.56 81.9 0.16 Column-Interior W10X17 Column Wide Flange A992 Typical 4.99 3.56 81.9 0.16 Steel Design Area in Iyy Izz J Type Rules Inch^2 inch^4 inch^4 inch^4 Joint Reaction Joint N81 X(K) 0.742 11 75.398 11 -0.04 1 -1.46 1 6.19 11 -0.01 16 0 4 -5.004 11 -8.37 1 -0.219 21 -6.632 21 70.626 11 0.231 1 1.358 1 max 0.048 9 193.215 5 min N90 Mx Klc ft lc My K-ft lc Mz K-ft lc max 0.012 8 193.164 5 4.384 10 14.15 10 min N91 lc Z(k) max 1.012 21 185.206 5 1.798 11 min N92 lc Y(K) 4.38 10 14.17 10 0.006 11 0.246 1 0 16 -0.105 8 0 5 0.046 16 71.794 11 0.231 1 1.357 1 -0.005 11 -0.35 9 max 1.763 11 185.211 5 1.755 11 5.869 11 0 5 min 0 11 -4.359 11 -0.98 1 74.088 11 -1.46 1 -8.37 1 29 5.869 16 Joint N89 X(K) N86 N85 N84 N83 N82 N97 max 4.011 10 171.414 5 0.034 10 0.286 10 0 16 -1.208 1 N94 62.221 11 -0.02 5 -0.02 1 -0.1 1 -0.008 11 -12.82 10 max 1.782 11 185.26 5 1.694 10 11.72 21 min 76.543 11 1.299 11 -0.97 1 7.45 15 0.228 11 5.859 1 0 16 -4.504 11 max 0.048 9 192.931 5 -0.05 11 -0.06 11 min -0.37 5 -2.16 5 -0.002 21 -0.349 9 -0.01 16 74.456 11 0 4 0.046 16 max 0.012 8 193.088 5 -0.02 11 0.083 11 0 21 min -0.37 5 -2.17 5 0 4 -0.105 8 max 1.007 21 185.181 5 1.671 10 11.48 10 0 8 -4.932 11 min 0.736 11 77.836 11 1.278 11 7.453 15 0 11 -6.564 21 max -0.03 11 171.35 5 0.034 21 0.287 21 0 15 1.888 5 min -0.32 5 64.105 11 -0.02 1 -0.1 1 0 21 0.033 11 max -0.07 11 171.64 5 0.041 11 0.33 11 0.002 21 1.894 5 min -0.32 5 67.549 11 -0.14 5 0 15 0.246 11 max 1.139 11 195.108 16 7.105 21 9.603 21 0.018 16 5.339 16 -0.04 1 -4.98 16 73.267 11 -0.02 5 0.246 1 62.878 11 2.582 1 2.375 1 -0.025 11 -5.516 11 max 2.361 11 194.837 16 3.548 11 6.261 11 min N93 0.206 1 65.765 11 -1.21 1 0 16 -13.02 10 min N96 0.206 1 0.006 11 -0.14 5 min N87 lc Z(k) max 4.043 10 171.293 5 0.042 11 0.334 11 min N88 lc Y(K) Mx Klc ft lc My K-ft lc Mz K-ft lc -4.97 16 -30.187 11 -5.39 16 0.004 11 5.33 16 -4.99 16 -0.018 16 -6.742 11 max 5.916 8 194.555 16 2.297 11 5.163 11 0.042 21 -2.464 1 min 0.009 1 -10.15 21 2.364 1 45.272 11 -5.38 16 -4.97 16 max 6.782 21 223.487 8 8.336 21 10.67 21 -0.009 1 -2.472 1 30 Joint X(K) min N383 N388 N389 min 0.232 15 max 1.9 21 min 0.152 15 max 1.797 21 N393 91.971 1 2.578 1 2.372 1 -0.022 8 -11.39 21 16.835 16 0.041 11 0.095 11 3.883 11 -0.17 16 0.007 11 0 1 -0.14 16 -0.008 16 0 1 16.609 16 0.003 11 0.068 11 3.579 11 -0.04 16 16.532 16 0.005 11 3.3 11 -0.02 16 0.004 11 0 1 -0.08 16 -0.011 16 0 1 0.06 11 0.002 11 0 1 -0.05 16 -0.006 16 0 1 16.5 16 0.004 11 0.056 11 3.025 11 -0.01 16 0.001 11 0 1 -0.04 16 -0.004 16 0 1 16.488 16 0.004 11 0.054 11 2.744 11 -0.01 16 0 11 0 1 -0.03 16 -0.002 16 0 1 16.484 16 0.004 11 0.053 11 2.451 11 -0 16 0 11 0 1 -0.02 16 -0.001 16 0 1 0 1 -0.02 16 0 16 0 1 16.485 16 0.004 11 0.054 11 0 16 0 1 -0.02 16 0 11 0 1 16.487 16 0.004 11 0.055 11 0 16 0 1 -0.02 16 0 11 0 1 max 1.555 11 16.49 16 0.005 11 0.058 11 0.001 16 0 1 min 1.077 11 -0.02 16 -0.001 11 0 1 0.075 15 max 1.689 21 0 2 max 1.625 11 min N392 lc Z(k) 0 11 min N391 0.319 15 max 1.999 21 min N390 0.414 15 max 2.092 21 min N387 0.522 1 max 2.176 21 min N386 0.639 1 max 2.245 21 min N385 2.37 1 max 2.276 21 min N384 lc Y(K) Mx Klc ft lc My K-ft lc Mz K-ft lc -0.16 16 -0.32 16 max 1.478 11 min -0.49 16 16.484 16 0.004 11 0.053 11 2.143 11 1.814 11 1.46 11 -0 16 -0 16 -0 16 -0 16 16.496 16 0.007 11 0.063 11 0.656 11 -0.01 16 0.002 16 0 1 -0.03 16 -0.002 11 0 1 31 Joint X(K) N394 max 1.393 11 min N395 N396 N397 N653 N654 N655 N656 N657 0.187 11 -0.01 16 0.004 16 0 1 -0.04 16 -0.003 11 0 1 min -0.345 11 -0.86 16 -0.02 16 0.006 16 0 1 -0.05 16 -0.005 11 0 1 max 1.191 11 16.627 16 0.034 11 0.105 11 min -0.967 11 -1.08 16 -0.04 16 0.011 16 0 1 -0.08 16 -0.008 11 0 1 max 1.064 11 16.856 16 0.119 11 0.147 11 min -1.738 11 -1.32 16 -0.17 16 0.008 16 0 1 -0.14 16 -0.006 11 0 1 max 0.146 11 13.642 16 0.985 11 0 1 min -1.562 11 0 1 -0.008 16 -0.119 11 -0.27 16 -0.71 16 0.003 11 13.398 16 1.187 11 0 1 min -0.894 11 0 1 -0.016 16 -0.078 11 -0.05 16 -0.66 16 0.008 11 0.173 16 max 0.036 11 13.292 16 1.329 11 0 1 min -0.02 16 -0.336 11 0 1 -0.007 16 -0.059 11 max 0.01 11 min -0.01 16 max 0.007 11 -0.01 16 max 0.005 11 -0 16 max 0.004 11 -0 16 max 0.003 11 -0.57 16 13.242 16 1.434 11 0.149 11 -0.46 16 13.218 16 1.516 11 0.586 11 -0.35 16 13.207 16 1.582 11 0.99 11 -0.23 16 13.202 16 1.636 11 1.368 11 0 1 0.004 11 0.089 16 max 0.016 11 min N660 16.511 16 0.011 11 0.071 11 16.546 16 0.017 11 0.083 11 min N659 -0.67 16 lc Z(k) max 1.298 11 min N658 lc Y(K) Mx Klc ft lc My K-ft lc Mz K-ft lc 0.055 16 0.003 11 0.04 16 0 1 -0.004 16 -0.05 11 0 1 0.031 16 0.002 11 0 1 -0.003 16 -0.044 11 0 1 0.001 11 0.026 16 0 1 -0.002 16 -0.04 11 0 1 0.024 16 0.001 11 -0.12 16 0 1 0 16 -0.037 11 13.202 16 1.681 11 0 1 0 20 32 0.023 16 Joint X(K) min N661 0 1 0 5 -0.035 11 13.205 16 1.751 21 0 1 0 8 -0 16 2.075 11 0.056 1 0 1 0 1 -0.034 11 max 0.002 11 13.211 16 1.811 21 0 1 -0 16 2.415 11 0.113 1 0 1 max 0.001 11 13.225 16 1.856 21 0 1 max 0.003 11 min N663 N664 N665 N666 -0.01 16 2.752 11 0.169 1 0 1 max 0 11 13.251 16 1.882 21 0 1 min -0.01 16 3.096 11 0.225 1 0 1 max 0 11 13.304 16 1.875 21 0 1 min -0.02 16 3.457 11 0.278 1 max 0.005 11 13.412 16 1.812 21 -0.05 16 3.858 11 0.324 1 max 0.059 11 13.658 16 1.649 21 min N923 -0.27 16 4.327 11 0.349 1 max 1.089 11 16.881 16 0.204 8 0 11 -0.033 11 0.003 16 0.031 16 0 11 -0.032 11 0.004 16 0.04 16 0 11 -0.033 11 0.007 16 0.055 16 0 1 -0.001 11 -0.035 11 0 1 0.016 16 0.089 16 0 1 -0.005 11 -0.042 11 0 1 0.008 16 0.173 16 0 1 -0.004 11 -0.067 11 -1.33 16 5.55 11 0.081 1 0.066 1 -0.014 21 0 1 max 1.276 11 16.651 16 0.048 8 0.141 21 -0.005 1 0 1 -1.08 16 5.768 11 0.021 1 0.038 1 -0.014 21 0 1 max 1.405 11 16.571 16 0.022 8 0.108 21 -0.003 1 0 1 -0.86 16 6.032 11 0.008 1 0.025 1 -0.007 8 0 1 max 1.497 11 16.537 16 0.014 21 0.092 21 -0.002 1 0 1 6.31 11 0.005 1 0.018 1 -0.004 8 0 1 min N926 0.026 16 0 1 min N925 0.002 16 0.024 16 0.22 21 -0.004 1 min N924 1.728 11 min min N667 -0 16 lc Z(k) -0 16 min N662 lc Y(K) Mx Klc ft lc My K-ft lc Mz K-ft lc min -0.67 16 33 Joint X(K) N927 max 1.565 11 min N928 N931 N932 N936 0.01 21 0.082 21 -0.001 1 0 1 6.598 11 0.003 1 0.014 1 -0.003 8 0 1 16.516 16 0.008 21 0.076 21 0 1 0 1 6.898 11 0.002 1 0.011 1 -0.001 8 0 1 16.658 8 0.007 21 0.074 21 0 11 0 1 0.01 1 0 16 0 1 16.822 8 0.007 21 0.074 21 0 21 0 1 7.211 11 0.001 1 7.542 11 0.001 1 0.009 1 0 2 0 1 max 1.77 21 16.998 8 0.007 21 0.076 21 0.001 21 0 1 min 0.076 15 0.01 1 0 1 0 1 17.187 8 0.009 21 0.082 21 0.002 21 0 1 0.153 15 7.923 1 0.002 1 0.011 1 0 1 0 1 max 1.918 21 17.397 8 0.013 21 0.091 21 0.004 21 0 1 7.918 1 0.003 1 0.014 1 0.001 1 0 1 0.02 21 0.106 21 0.006 21 0 1 7.915 1 0.005 1 0.018 1 0.002 1 0 1 max 2.076 21 17.93 8 0.033 21 0.13 21 0.009 21 0 1 min 0.416 15 7.917 1 0.008 1 0.025 1 0.003 1 0 1 max 2.167 21 18.314 8 0.073 21 0.177 21 0.018 21 0 1 0.523 1 7.934 1 0.021 1 0.038 1 0.005 1 0 1 max 2.257 21 18.927 8 0.271 21 0.271 21 0.013 21 0 1 8.012 1 0.081 1 0.066 1 0.004 1 0 1 max 1.844 21 0.233 15 max 1.994 21 min N937 16.522 16 0 5 min N935 lc Z(k) min min N934 -0.16 16 max 1.693 20 min N933 -0.32 16 max 1.659 11 min N930 -0.49 16 max 1.617 11 min N929 lc Y(K) Mx Klc ft lc My K-ft lc Mz K-ft lc min 0.32 15 0.641 1 N1178 max 0.385 21 7.893 11 0.001 1 17.638 8 15.386 8 1.627 21 0 1 -0.004 1 -0.082 1 34 Joint X(K) min lc Y(K) lc Z(k) Mx Klc ft lc My K-ft lc Mz K-ft lc 0.129 1 6.477 1 0.349 1 N1179 max 0.084 21 14.798 8 1.782 21 0 1 -0.007 1 -0.042 1 6.381 1 0.323 1 0 1 -0.022 21 -0.155 21 14.41 8 1.84 21 0 1 -0.003 1 -0.026 1 0.009 1 6.343 1 0.278 1 0 1 -0.011 21 -0.106 21 N1181 max 0.019 21 14.116 8 1.847 21 0 1 -0.002 1 -0.018 1 0.005 1 6.329 1 0.225 1 0 1 -0.007 21 -0.083 21 N1182 max 0.012 21 13.874 8 1.826 21 0 1 -0.001 1 -0.014 1 min 0.026 1 N1180 max 0.032 21 min min min 0.003 1 6.323 1 0.169 1 N1183 max 0.008 21 13.661 8 1.788 21 min 0.002 1 6.322 1 0.113 1 N1184 max 0.006 21 13.467 8 1.738 21 min 0.001 1 6.093 11 0.056 1 N1185 max 0.005 21 13.285 8 1.677 21 min 0.001 1 N1186 max 0.005 21 min 0.001 1 N1187 max 0.005 8 min 0.002 1 N1188 max 0.008 8 min 0.003 1 N1189 max 0.011 8 min 0.005 1 0 1 -0.01 8 -0.272 21 0 1 -0.004 21 0 1 -0.07 21 0 1 -0.012 1 0 1 -0.003 21 -0.061 21 0 1 0 1 -0.011 1 0 1 -0.002 21 -0.056 21 0 1 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 21 -0.053 21 13.185 16 1.643 11 0 1 0 16 -0.011 1 -0.11 16 0 1 0 11 -0.052 21 13.189 16 1.598 11 0 1 0.002 16 -0.012 1 -0.23 16 0 1 0 11 -0.054 21 13.2 16 1.539 11 0 1 0.003 8 -0.014 1 -0.34 16 0 1 0.001 1 -0.058 21 13.224 16 1.462 11 0 1 0.005 8 -0.018 1 0 1 0.002 1 -0.066 21 5.734 11 5.386 11 5.046 11 4.707 11 4.367 11 -0.45 16 35 -0.01 1 Joint X(K) lc Y(K) N1190 max 0.02 8 min 0.009 1 N1191 max 0.061 8 min 0.026 1 N1192 max 0.32 8 min 0.128 1 lc Z(k) Mx Klc ft lc My K-ft lc Mz K-ft lc 13.274 16 1.358 11 0 1 0.008 8 -0.025 1 -0.56 16 0 1 0.003 1 -0.082 21 13.38 16 1.211 11 0 1 0.019 8 -0.042 1 3.659 11 -0.65 16 0 1 0.007 1 13.622 16 1.002 11 0 1 0.011 21 -0.082 1 0 1 0.004 1 4.02 11 3.299 11 -0.7 16 Totals: max 74.94 11 3865.23 5 79.26 10 min 0 13 1322.53 11 0 13 Joint Deflection Joint Deflection In Axis Node Maximum Deflection X N4027 0.008 Y N229 0.001 Z N 3805 0.007 Story Drift Story Joint X-drift lc Ht % Joint Z-drift lc Ht % 1 max N4 0.002 16 0.001 N4 0.002 16 0.001 min N4 -0.007 11 0.005 N4 -0.007 11 0.005 2 max N20 0.002 16 0.001 N20 0.002 5 0.001 min N20 -0.007 11 0.005 N20 -0.01 11 0.007 3 max N45 0.004 16 0.003 N45 0.003 5 0.002 36 -0.12 21 -0.22 21 min N45 4 max N49 min N49 -0.009 11 0.006 N45 0.001 1 -0.013 20 0.009 0 N49 0.001 1 -0.005 10 0.003 N49 0 -0.005 10 0.003 ** Less than h/300 ok Member Forces Members Sectio n Axial (K) L c Y shear (k) lc Z shear (k) lc y-y Moment L c z-z momen t lc 0.017 5 5.109 10 32.501 1 0 -0.002 15 13.867 1 0.06 11 30.4 1 0.009 1 7.8 8 Torqu e 4 1 1 -0.007 lc M1 1 max 0.953 11 10.257 1 -0.001 M2 1 max 1.263 11 6.09 1 0.102 M3 1 max -0.318 11 10.046 1 0.001 M4 1 max 5.909 10 1.052 1 0.33 M5 1 max 3.694 11 2.095 5 0.23 3 2 1 1 6 -0.009 4 1 1 1 6 1 1 0.881 11 6.522 5 M6 1 max 1.103 5 1.244 1 0.021 9 0.007 1 0.003 16 10.157 M7 1 max 5.267 10 1.052 1 0 1 0.007 1 3.709 11 7.988 5 1 0 M8 1 max 4.161 11 2.091 5 -0.089 0.068 8 6.513 5 1 max 1.081 5 1.244 1 0 0.276 9 10.151 5 M10 1 max 0.209 11 10.256 1 2.582 -0.012 4 32.496 1 M11 1 max -0.939 11 6.09 1 0.837 8 1 6 1 1 2 0 0.19 M9 0.005 16 13.877 1 M12 1 max -1.064 11 10.046 1 2.745 M13 1 max -0.857 11 10.201 1 2.124 M14 1 max -0.576 11 7.613 1 1.533 M15 1 max 0.609 11 10.101 1 2.436 1 1 6 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 M16 1 max 0.964 5 1.068 1 0.077 9 M17 1 max -1.427 15 1.66 8 -0.072 M18 1 max 4.779 10 1.228 1 0.35 M19 1 max 0.958 5 1.068 1 0 M20 1 max -1.433 15 1.237 5 0.164 1 1 1 1 6 1 6 M21 1 max 5.606 10 1.228 1 0 M22 1 max -0.088 11 10.201 1 0.004 M23 1 max 1.617 11 7.613 1 0 M24 1 max 1.368 11 10.101 1 0.374 M25 1 max 1.628 10 10.297 1 0 M26 1 max 1.627 10 6.09 1 0.091 37 0.003 0.003 -0.01 0.003 0.017 0.011 1 30.399 1 -0.009 5 1 1 -0.013 4 29.924 1 0 2 0.005 16 22.336 1 0.015 0.012 1 28.928 1 0.004 8 1 1 -0.006 16 7.096 5 0.053 8 1.035 21 4.782 8 0.008 5 0.006 1 9.504 8 0.008 0.279 9 7.083 5 -0.007 8 1 1 -0.071 1 4.208 5 1 1 1 0.001 1 2.457 21 9.43 5 0.015 0.014 3 29.921 1 4 1 0 1 6 1 1 0.001 0.321 11 22.343 1 -0.005 5 1 1 1 1 -0.011 4 28.928 1 0.022 5 4.61 11 34.314 1 0 4 0 1 10.396 1 1 5 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 5 M27 1 max 0.691 10 10.006 1 0 M28 1 max 4.358 10 1.006 0.284 M29 1 max 2.786 11 3.7 1 1 6 M30 1 max 0.802 5 1.29 1 0.019 M31 1 max 3.789 21 1.006 0 M32 1 max 2.943 11 3.696 1 1 6 -0.071 M33 1 max 0.755 5 1.29 1 0.002 M34 1 max 1.124 10 10.296 1 2.39 M35 1 max 0.177 5 6.09 1 0.862 M36 1 max 0.347 8 10.006 1 2.463 M37 1 max 0.618 8 10.246 1 1.982 M38 1 max 0.323 8 7.614 1 1.541 M39 1 max 1.204 10 10.056 1 2.17 M40 1 max 0.708 5 1.019 1 0.071 M41 1 max -0.786 1 2.489 8 -0.045 M42 1 max 3.498 10 1.277 1 0.311 M43 1 max 0.69 5 1.019 0.001 M44 1 max -0.815 1 2.285 1 1 6 M45 1 max 4.175 10 1.277 1 0 M46 1 max 0.871 8 10.246 1 0.003 M47 1 max 1.669 10 7.613 1 0 M48 1 max 1.754 10 10.056 1 0.341 M49 1 max 1.749 9 10.313 1 0 M50 1 max 1.99 9 6.106 1 0.001 M51 1 max 1.44 9 9.996 1 0.01 M52 1 max 3.166 20 0.968 1 0 M53 1 max 3.284 11 3.972 5 0.398 M54 1 max 0.161 2 1.309 1 0.076 M55 1 max 3.061 20 0.928 0.012 M56 1 max 2.546 11 10.035 1 1 4 M57 1 max 0.163 2 1.309 1 0.004 M58 1 max 1.556 9 10.323 1 2.226 M59 1 max 0.547 1 6.112 1 1.119 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 6 2 1 2 1 M60 1 max 1.246 9 9.995 1 2.389 M61 1 max 0.699 9 10.603 1 0.804 38 0.23 0.138 0.598 1 1 1 6 1 1 0.076 21 31.416 1 -0.002 15 9.655 5 0.748 11 10.591 5 1 1 1 0.014 5 13.873 5 2.965 21 9.811 8 8 1 6 1 1 2 0 0.215 8 10.573 5 0.276 11 13.861 5 0.006 16 34.301 1 0.002 16 10.418 1 0 15 31.414 1 -0.01 5 1 1 0.01 16 32.428 1 0 2 0.002 16 18.517 1 0.02 -0.001 15 30.529 1 0 5 1 1 0.012 16 8.901 5 0.081 5 0.907 21 7.049 8 0.019 5 -0.002 1 12.794 5 0.019 0.23 11 8.876 5 -0.022 5 1 1 -0.051 1 6.902 5 1 2 1 -0.007 1 2.171 21 12.799 5 0.02 0 15 32.429 1 1 1 1 0.002 0.287 11 18.524 1 -0.007 5 1 1 1 1 0.01 16 30.531 1 0.02 3 1.386 21 35.266 5 0 0.944 11 10.103 1 0.626 9 31.107 1 0.565 21 11.846 5 0.466 16 11.045 0.035 16 17.251 5 1 1 0.034 16 11.344 5 1.367 11 -2.288 5 0.595 11 17.266 0.01 1 35.422 0.004 5 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 6 1 1 2 0 0 1 10.218 9 0.021 3 0.077 16 31.074 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 -0.012 1 0.011 1 38.604 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 6 1 1 6 1 6 -0.007 0.015 -0.034 -0.003 0 0.104 0.015 -0.011 0.004 0.022 -0.01 0.043 -0.052 -0.002 0.002 0.03 0.043 -0.013 1 M62 1 max 0.534 9 7.609 1 1.418 M63 1 max 1.71 9 10.365 1 1.262 M64 1 max 0.151 2 2.099 0.481 M65 1 max -0.291 1 7.071 1 1 4 M66 1 max 3.555 20 2.485 1 0.445 M67 1 max 0.151 2 2.119 1 0.448 M68 1 max -0.258 1 2.403 1 0.23 M69 1 max 3.758 20 2.481 1 0.786 M70 1 max 1.192 9 10.598 1 0.179 M71 1 max 1.914 9 7.614 1 0.011 M72 1 max 2.268 9 10.366 1 0.074 M73 1 max 3.958 8 24.878 5 0.012 M74 1 max 4.111 8 11.026 0 M75 1 max 3.867 8 23.401 M76 1 max 4.841 8 51.304 5 1 6 1 6 M77 1 max 0.765 11 43.676 M78 1 max 4.1 16 53.929 M79 1 max 4.642 8 M80 1 max 0.13 M81 1 max M82 1 M83 1.171 2 1 2 1 2 1 8 1 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 6 1 0 5 0 1 19.088 0.031 5 1 1 1 1 1 6 0 1 33.281 0.008 1 14.797 5 1 1 1 6 0.01 1 -0.274 1 0.131 16 20.809 0.097 16 15.218 1 1 6 0.105 5 7.386 -0.013 0.016 -0.009 0.076 -0.026 5 1 1 1 1 6 0.015 1 0 4 20.779 9 1 1 0.021 0.114 16 38.396 0.012 16 19.119 -0.004 0.026 16 33.391 0.048 5 0.658 11 85.801 0 10 40.291 0.374 10 76.216 1 1 1 1 1 0.022 5 0.024 0.221 11 184.707 1 5 0.417 -0.011 0.542 5 137.481 0.04 0.036 5 0.205 5 202.564 51.94 5 1 6 0 8 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 1 0.496 -0.003 9 1 6 1 6 1 5 1 2 0 1 1 0.037 8 0.255 5 184.401 11 43.797 5 0.001 4 1.784 0.661 11 138.072 4.249 16 52.221 5 0.022 0.024 0.361 11 200.437 9 max 3.837 8 23.648 5 1.042 0.124 16 83.547 1 max 3.978 16 11.665 0.582 -0.002 1 40.956 8 2 0 M84 1 max 3.902 8 23.662 4 77.068 9 1 max 4.346 16 34.503 0.145 5 1 6 -0.026 M85 0.132 16 115.22 5 M86 1 max 3.674 16 17.913 0 5 -0.001 1 95.758 9 M87 1 max 4.533 8 34.541 5 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 0.187 1 108.6 9 1 max 4.752 16 68.462 5 0.241 -0.015 5 1 1 -0.033 M88 5 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 5 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 6 0.089 16 266.684 5 M89 1 max -0.62 11 54.866 5 2.065 0.942 5 -0.154 1 161.803 M90 1 max 5.503 8 70.584 5 0.267 0.004 9 -0.086 1 288.921 9 2 0 M91 1 max 4.801 16 67.629 5 0.234 0.242 15 264.545 1 max 0.238 11 54.24 5 0.026 -0.005 5 1 1 -0.025 M92 1.711 5 160.733 M93 1 max 5.527 8 71.821 0.383 0.174 5 0.934 5 292.319 8 2 0 1 1 M94 1 max 4.457 8 35.925 5 1 6 0.099 5 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 0.008 9 -0.032 4 117.694 8 M95 1 max 3.906 8 17.321 5 0.006 2 0.002 1 0.001 2 95.646 2 39 1.234 0.431 0.681 0.679 0.002 -0.005 -0.009 0.004 0.048 5 1 6 1 1 1 M96 1 max 4.577 8 34.798 M97 1 max 2.583 9 0.652 M98 1 max 1.474 11 M99 1 max 0.404 M100 1 max M101 1 M102 1 6 0.036 1 1 0 0 -0.005 1 1 0.253 5 108.857 9 9 2 1 1 0 0.035 5 0.102 5 0.02 0 -0.002 1 9.868 0.009 1 9.786 -0.012 0.012 1 0.02 0.002 4 1 1 1 1 2 0 0.764 11 9.82 5 1 1 1 6 1 6 1 1 1 6 0.044 0.714 1 2 0 9 1.638 1 0.018 1.542 9 0.654 0.017 max 1.405 9 0.701 1 2 1 0 8 1 6 1 max 0.003 1 1.641 0.001 1 0.034 5 0.179 10 9.845 M103 1 max 1.283 11 38.646 1 1 6 0.051 0.043 5 -0.066 1 0.335 M104 1 max 0.739 11 21.91 5 0.012 0 1 171.627 1 max 0.204 11 53.924 0.005 0.454 5 170.671 M106 1 max 0.765 11 37.682 0.007 0.388 5 0.329 5 1 6 M107 1 max 0.693 11 21.429 5 1 6 1 6 0.001 5 0.002 4 1 1 1 1 2 0 -0.011 M105 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 0.38 10 170.261 1 M108 1 max 0 1 55.727 0.042 11 172.029 max 146.008 16 -2.195 -15.836 11 -15.434 1 1 1 M110 1 max 113.682 5 -2.366 0.399 -15.608 11 -14.883 9 M111 1 max 73.185 16 -1.123 -12.483 11 -13.284 M112 1 max 156.877 16 2.71 0.694 1 12.309 1 1 1 M113 1 max 127.703 5 3.214 8 0.579 -0.105 1 16.708 9 M114 1 max 99.138 16 2.942 0.289 1.227 8 14.539 M115 1 max 156.973 16 2.782 9 1 0 0.641 16 12.912 5 1 1 M116 1 max 127.835 5 3.248 8 0.074 1 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 3 1 1 1 1 2.845 16 17.103 9 M117 1 max 99.361 16 3.131 0.775 1.475 13 15.477 1 max 146.036 16 -2.163 25.455 16 -15.212 M119 1 max 113.74 5 -2.298 22.454 1 -14.595 M120 1 max 73.268 16 -0.978 61.008 16 -12.648 5 1 1 1 6 1 1 M121 1 max 138.404 16 -1.092 1 0.09 1.045 5 -6.106 M122 1 max 113.037 5 -1.394 0.051 2.598 16 -8.153 8 1 1 M123 1 max 86.342 16 -0.364 1 1 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 M118 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.038 8 0 1.804 3 -7.081 5 M124 1 max 138.577 16 -1.091 1 0.215 0.002 0.153 1 -6.099 5 M125 1 max 113.349 5 -1.393 0.49 -0.511 1 -8.144 2 M126 1 max 87.074 16 -0.348 1 1 6 0.336 0.003 -1.079 1 -7.022 5 M127 1 max 146.07 16 5.188 8 -1.682 0 1 25.38 16 31.334 5 M128 1 max 113.753 5 4.907 1 -1.876 8 1 6 1 3 1 1 1 1 5 2 0 2 0 2 1 1 6 1 6 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.062 1 5 1 6 0.043 M109 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 22.396 1 28.987 2 M129 1 max 73.179 16 14.515 1 -0.845 1 0.006 1 60.713 16 53.546 1 40 0.035 4.285 3.883 15.151 0.146 0.106 -1.602 -1.833 -0.782 -0.01 -0.011 -0.013 0.055 0.067 0 0 0 0.002 0.009 0 0.004 0.119 0 0 0.008 5 1 3 6 1 M130 1 max 145.998 16 5.187 8 4.291 M131 1 max 113.721 5 4.899 3.898 M132 1 max 73.253 16 14.355 M133 1 max 156.777 16 -0.336 M134 1 max 127.694 5 -0.551 M135 1 max 99.385 16 -0.75 M136 1 max 156.586 16 -0.463 M137 1 max 127.458 5 -0.695 M138 1 max 99.127 16 -0.898 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M139 1 max 138.9 16 1.755 5 0.081 M140 1 max 113.631 5 2.412 5 M141 1 max 87.032 16 1.906 M142 1 max 138.488 16 M143 1 max 113.065 M144 1 max M145 1 M146 1 6 6 0 1 6 1 6 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 6 2 1 2 1 2 0 1 5 1 -16.061 11 31.361 -15.871 11 28.794 -13.076 11 53.011 0.697 1 -1.743 -0.102 1 -3.119 1.242 8 -4.29 0.641 16 -2.477 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 2.855 16 -3.977 8 1.477 13 -5.167 8 1.042 16 9.742 2.6 16 13.82 1 1 6 1.809 14 11.386 8 0.151 1 9.715 -0.519 1 13.794 -1.092 1 11.377 -5.145 11 11.123 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 -8.984 11 17.563 -9.898 11 24.663 -5.98 11 -6.243 -9.964 11 -9.972 8 0.211 5 1 0 1 0 1 0 8 1 1 1 1 -9.081 11 -13.751 5 0.023 3 10.958 3 11.116 5 0.041 5 18.208 5 17.638 2 1 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 3 1 1 1 1 0.004 0 0.039 8 1 1 1 1 2 0.043 8 0.001 1.75 5 0.221 0 5 2.409 5 0.496 86.364 16 1.904 2 0.339 8 1 6 1 3 0.001 max 141.436 5 2.549 3 5.023 3 0.098 1 max 119.253 16 4.374 3 8.794 5 0.102 M147 1 max 104.253 16 7.21 11.603 5 0.06 M148 1 max 141.585 5 -1.232 5.007 3 0.04 M149 1 max 119.363 16 -2.471 8.718 1 max 104.61 16 -3.635 M151 1 max 149.419 8 2.546 3 -0.613 M152 1 max 120.854 8 4.388 3 -2.576 M153 1 max 101.942 8 8.327 -3.525 0.041 2 23.893 5 28.873 5 M154 1 max 141.861 5 -0.744 -0.019 4 10.969 3 -5.154 5 M155 1 max 119.816 16 -1.967 -0.029 5 -8.445 2 1 max 102.096 5 -2.743 4 1 1 18.313 M156 23.665 5 -11.013 5 M157 1 max 185.206 5 1.798 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 6.19 3 1 max 171.64 5 0.323 0.041 0.141 5 1.894 M160 1 max 185.181 5 1.671 1.007 11 11.48 1 max 193.088 5 -0.022 0.012 8 0 8 2 1 -4.932 M161 0.246 1 0.083 5 1 1 1 1 M162 1 max 192.931 5 -0.048 0.048 16 -0.064 5 max 185.26 5 1.694 4 1 1 0.046 1 9 1 1 0 M163 5 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 4 2 1 -5.004 M158 5 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 0.059 M150 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.859 1 11.716 3 41 15.224 0.144 0.577 0.287 0.096 0.061 0.758 10.29 -1.149 -3.133 -4.515 1.012 1.782 0.019 0 0.001 0 0 0.003 0 0 0 0.17 0 0.002 0 0.228 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1.763 1 0 1 1 1 1 0.048 9 0 0.012 8 1 1 1 1 2 1 0.006 M164 1 max 171.414 5 -0.206 1 0.034 M165 1 max 171.293 5 -0.206 0.042 M166 1 max 185.211 5 1.755 M167 1 max 193.215 5 4.38 M168 1 max 193.164 5 4.384 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 M169 1 max 177.419 16 -1.244 1.857 M171 1 max 177.676 16 2.619 M172 1 max 177.925 16 2.623 1 1 6 1 6 2.584 4.897 0.006 1 6 1 1 0 5 5.869 16 5.869 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 6 0.046 16 14.17 0.246 1 14.15 4.845 16 -2.365 4.864 16 5.12 -2.314 1 5.129 0 0.042 0.003 0.015 0.098 1 -1.208 0.142 5 -1.21 Member Group Member No Column Fence M109,M110,M111,M157,M130,M131,M132,M160,M166,M118,M119,M120, M163,M127,M128,M129. Column Interior M145,M146,M147,M148,M149,M150,M151,M152,M153,M154,M155,M156,M169,M170 ,M171,M172 Column Exterior M168,M112,M113,M114,M115,M116,M117,M167,M133,M134,M135,M136,M137,M138 M161,M162 Beam Exterior M1,M2,M3,M10,M11,M12,M13,M14,M15,M22,M23,M24,M25,M26,M27,M34,M35,M36 M37.M38,M39,M46,M47,M48,M49,M50,M51,M70,M71,M72,M58,M59,M60, M61,M62,M63,M73,M74,M75,M85,M86,M87,M82,M83,M84,M94,M95,M96 Beam Interior M4,M7,M18,M21,M9,M6.M19,M16,M28,M31,M42,M46,M33,M30,M43,M40, M52,M55,M66,M69,M57,M54,M67,M64,M97,M98,M99,M100,M101,M102, M103,M104,M105,M76,M77, M78,M88,M91,M79,M80,M81,M106,M107,M108M90,M98,M89,M92 42 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 0 1 1 Member Grouping Showing Axial Force and Moment Floors 1 st Floor 1 st Floor 1 st Floor 1 st Floor 1 st Floor 2nd Floor 2nd Floor 2nd Floor 2nd Floor 2nd Floor Member Group Maximum Axial (K) Maximum Mzz Kipsft 185.26 11.716 177.925 5.129 193.215 14.17 Column Interior Shape W 14 x 109 W 14 x 193 Column Exterior W 8 x 40 Beam Exterior W 14 x 53 1.617 32.501 Beam Interior W 14 x 82 5.909 10.157 Column Fence 146.07 31.361 Column Interior W 14 x 109 W 14 x 193 171.414 11.123 Column Exterior W 8 x 40 156.973 12.912 Beam Exterior W 14 x 53 1.754 34.314 Beam Interior W 14 x 82 4.358 32.429 113.753 28.987 141.861 17.638 127.835 17.103 Column Fence 3rd Floor Column Fence 3rd Floor Column Interior W 14 x 109 W 14 x 193 3rd Floor Column Exterior W 8 x 40 3rd Floor Beam Exterior W 14 x 53 2.268 38.604 3rd Floor Beam Interior W 14 x 82 3.758 20.809 4th Floor Column Fence 73.268 53.546 4th Floor Column Interior W 14 x 109 W 14 x 193 104.61 28.873 4th Floor Column Exterior W 8 x 40 99.385 15.477 4th Floor Beam Exterior W 14 x 53 4.577 117.694 4th Floor Beam Interior W 14 x 82 5.527 292.319 43 Design Result Member Shape Code Check Loc ft lc Shear Check Loc ft 0.1 0y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.682 1.03 0.433 0.85 H1-2 dir lc fa ksi fb y-y fb z-z ft ksi ksi ksi Cb Cmy Cmz ASD M1 W14X53 0.336 0 10 M2 W14X53 0.081 0 9 0.059 12 y 1 20.017 30 37.5 30 1.038 0.449 0.85 H1-2 M3 W14X53 0.258 20 1 0.1 20 y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.688 1.03 0.269 0.85 H1-3 M4 W14X82 0.083 0 10 0.009 20 y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.093 0.427 0.85 H1-2 M5 W14X82 0.033 0 5 0.015 0.75 y 5 27.885 30 37.5 30 1.001 0.619 0.85 H2-1 M6 W14X82 0.035 0 5 0.009 0y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.137 0.808 0.85 H1-2 M7 W14X82 0.074 0 10 0.009 20 y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.098 0.389 0.85 H1-2 M8 W14X82 0.043 12 10 0.017 11.25 y 8 27.885 30 37.5 30 1.205 0.853 0.85 H2-1 M9 W14X82 0.035 0 5 0.009 0y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.138 0.864 0.85 H1-2 M10 W14X53 0.465 0 10 0.1 0y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.69 1.03 0.85 0.85 H1-3 M11 W14X53 0.165 12 20 0.059 12 y 1 20.017 30 37.5 30 1.038 0.85 0.85 H2-1 M12 W14X53 0.444 0 21 0.1 20 y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.872 1.04 0.85 0.85 H1-3 M13 W14X53 0.442 20 21 0.099 0y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.533 1.022 0.85 0.85 H1-3 M14 W14X53 0.247 9 0.074 15 y 1 16.155 30 37.5 25.714 1.009 0.85 0.85 H1-3 M15 W14X53 0.454 20 21 0.099 20 y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.483 1.02 0.85 0.85 H1-2 M16 W14X82 0.033 20 5 0.008 20 y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.131 0.604 0.85 H1-2 M17 W14X82 0.035 0 10 0.012 0.938 y 8 27.183 30 37.5 30 1.221 0.84 0.85 H2-1 M18 W14X82 0.082 20 10 0.008 0y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.092 0.404 0.85 H1-2 M19 W14X82 0.033 20 5 0.008 20 y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.131 0.679 0.85 H1-2 M20 W14X82 0.024 0 5 0.009 0.938 y 5 27.183 30 37.5 30 1 0.641 0.85 H2-1 M21 W14X82 0.094 20 10 0.008 0y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.084 0.428 0.85 H1-2 M22 W14X53 0.241 0 1 0.099 0y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.4 1.015 0.242 0.85 H1-3 M23 W14X53 0.135 15 1 0.074 15 y 1 16.155 30 37.5 25.478 1 0.994 0.85 H1-3 M24 W14X53 0.33 20 21 0.099 20 y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.462 1.019 0.436 0.85 H1-2 M25 W14X53 0.338 0 10 0.1 0y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.963 1.045 0.434 0.85 H1-2 M26 W14X53 0.064 6 16 0.059 12 y 1 20.017 30 37.5 30 1 0.977 0.85 H1-2 0 44 Member Shape Code Check Loc ft M27 W14X53 0.269 M28 W14X82 M29 Shear Check Loc ft lc 20 dir lc fa ksi fb y-y fb z-z ft ksi ksi ksi Cb Cmy Cmz ASD 1 0.1 20 y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.875 1.04 0.6 0.85 H1-3 0.078 0 10 0.009 20 y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.148 0.426 0.85 H1-2 W14X82 0.048 0 5 0.026 0.75 y 16 27.885 30 37.5 30 1.001 0.625 0.85 H2-1 M30 W14X82 0.048 0 5 0.009 0y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.164 0.289 0.85 H1-2 M31 W14X82 0.067 0 10 0.009 20 y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.15 0.385 0.85 H1-2 M32 W14X82 0.053 12 8 0.026 11.25 y 8 27.885 30 37.5 30 1.002 0.811 0.85 H2-1 M33 W14X82 0.048 0 5 0.009 0y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.165 0.331 0.85 H1-2 M34 W14X53 0.449 0 10 0.1 0y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.969 1.045 0.85 0.85 H1-2 M35 W14X53 0.141 9 0.059 12 y 1 20.017 30 37.5 30 1.029 0.85 0.85 H2-1 M36 W14X53 0.426 0 21 0.1 20 y 1 9.589 30 37.5 20.106 1.052 0.85 0.85 H1-2 M37 W14X53 0.43 20 20 0.099 0y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.743 1.033 0.85 0.85 H1-3 M38 W14X53 0.224 9 0.074 0y 1 16.155 30 37.5 25.713 1.009 0.85 0.85 H1-3 M39 W14X53 0.444 20 21 0.099 20 y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.758 1.034 0.85 0.85 H1-2 M40 W14X82 0.045 20 5 0.009 20 y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.166 0.336 0.85 H1-2 M41 W14X82 0.04 0 8 0.018 0.938 y 8 27.183 30 37.5 30 1.012 0.816 0.85 H2-1 M42 W14X82 0.078 20 10 0.009 0y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.153 0.407 0.85 H1-2 M43 W14X82 0.044 20 5 0.009 20 y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.166 0.305 0.85 H1-2 M44 W14X82 0.034 0 5 0.016 14.063 y 16 27.183 30 37.5 30 1 0.681 0.85 H2-1 M45 W14X82 0.087 20 10 0.009 0y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.147 0.428 0.85 H1-2 M46 W14X53 0.257 0 1 0.099 0y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.632 1.027 0.541 0.85 H1-3 M47 W14X53 0.112 15 1 0.074 15 y 1 16.155 30 37.5 25.478 1 0.837 0.85 H1-3 M48 W14X53 0.334 20 21 0.099 20 y 1 9.589 30 37.5 19.729 1.033 0.437 0.85 H1-2 M49 W14X53 0.281 0 8 0.1 0y 1 9.589 30 37.5 20.476 1.072 0.315 0.85 H1-3 M50 W14X53 0.109 6 16 0.059 0y 1 20.017 30 37.5 30 1 0.376 0.85 H2-1 M51 W14X53 0.272 0.1 20 y 1 9.589 30 37.5 20.422 1.069 0.242 0.85 H1-3 12 0 20 8 45 Member Shape Code Check Loc ft Shear Check Loc ft lc dir lc fa ksi fb y-y fb z-z ft ksi ksi ksi Cb Cmy Cmz ASD M52 W14X82 0.063 20 5 0.009 20 y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.176 0.496 0.85 H2-1 M53 W14X82 0.058 0 5 0.028 0.75 y 5 27.885 30 37.5 30 1.012 0.874 0.85 H2-1 M54 W14X82 0.062 0 5 0.009 0y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.152 0.331 0.85 H2-1 M55 W14X82 0.066 20 5 0.009 20 y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.213 0.412 0.85 H2-1 M56 W14X82 0.06 12 8 0.069 0.75 y 14 27.885 30 37.5 30 1 0.896 0.85 H2-1 M57 W14X82 0.062 0 5 0.009 0y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.154 0.409 0.85 H2-1 M58 W14X53 0.406 0 10 0.1 0y 1 9.589 30 37.5 20.246 1.06 0.85 0.85 H1-3 M59 W14X53 0.143 0 20 0.059 0y 1 20.017 30 37.5 30 1.025 0.85 0.85 H1-2 M60 W14X53 0.435 0 21 0.1 20 y 1 9.589 30 37.5 20.204 1.057 0.85 0.85 H1-3 M61 W14X53 0.305 0 8 0.103 0y 1 22.304 30 37.5 20.378 1.066 0.85 0.85 H1-3 M62 W14X53 0.195 15 9 0.074 15 y 1 16.155 30 37.5 25.693 1.008 0.85 0.85 H1-2 M63 W14X53 0.403 20 21 0.103 20 y 1 22.304 30 37.5 19.95 1.044 0.85 0.85 H1-3 M64 W14X82 0.091 20 10 0.017 20 y 1 24.594 30 37.5 30 1.153 0.239 0.85 H2-1 M65 W14X82 0.046 0.938 16 0.049 0.938 y 14 27.183 30 37.5 33 1.295 0.426 0.85 H2-1 M66 W14X82 0.098 20 10 0.017 0y 1 24.594 30 37.5 30 1.119 0.801 0.85 H1-2 M67 W14X82 0.082 20 10 0.017 20 y 1 24.594 30 37.5 30 1.129 0.23 0.85 H2-1 M68 W14X82 0.039 15 9 0.017 14.063 y 1 27.183 30 37.5 30 1.03 0.868 0.85 H1-2 M69 W14X82 0.131 20 10 0.017 0y 1 24.594 30 37.5 30 1.115 0.35 0.85 H1-2 M70 W14X53 0.296 8 0.103 0y 1 22.304 30 37.5 20.297 1.062 0.442 0.85 H1-3 M71 W14X53 0.145 7.5 16 0.074 0y 1 16.155 30 37.5 25.477 1 0.686 0.85 H1-3 M72 W14X53 0.367 20 21 0.103 20 y 1 22.304 30 37.5 19.906 1.042 0.519 0.85 H1-2 M73 W14X53 0.681 0 5 0.242 0y 5 9.589 30 37.5 20.045 1.049 0.258 0.85 H1-2 M74 W14X53 0.224 12 8 0.113 12 y 16 20.017 30 37.5 30 1.008 0.241 0.85 H1-2 M75 W14X53 0.668 20 5 0.23 20 y 5 9.589 30 37.5 19.91 1.042 0.257 0.85 H1-2 M76 W14X82 0.662 20 5 0.358 20 y 5 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.037 0.284 0.85 H1-2 M77 W14X82 0.716 12 5 0.318 11.25 y 5 27.885 30 37.5 30 1.002 0.732 0.85 H2-1 0 46 Member Shape Code Check Loc ft Shear Check Loc ft lc dir lc fa ksi fb y-y fb z-z ft ksi ksi ksi Cb Cmy Cmz ASD M78 W14X82 0.668 0 5 0.369 0y 5 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.043 0.279 0.85 H1-2 M79 W14X82 0.669 20 5 0.369 20 y 5 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.043 0.279 0.85 H1-2 M80 W14X82 0.716 0 5 0.318 0.75 y 5 27.885 30 37.5 30 1.002 0.732 0.85 H2-1 M81 W14X82 0.662 0 5 0.358 0y 5 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.037 0.282 0.85 H1-2 M82 W14X53 0.686 0 8 0.23 0y 5 9.589 30 37.5 19.897 1.041 0.85 0.85 H1-2 M83 W14X53 0.243 0 8 0.113 0y 5 20.017 30 37.5 30 1.006 0.85 0.85 H1-2 M84 W14X53 0.692 20 8 0.242 20 y 5 9.589 30 37.5 20.029 1.048 0.85 0.85 H1-2 M85 W14X53 0.971 0 16 0.338 19.375 y 16 22.304 30 37.5 19.108 1 0.812 0.85 H1-2 M86 W14X53 0.601 15 8 0.174 0y 16 16.155 30 37.5 25.498 1.001 0.85 0.85 H1-2 M87 W14X53 1.004 20 8 0.349 20 y 16 22.304 30 37.5 19.108 1 0.85 0.85 H1-2 M88 W14X82 0.982 20 5 0.492 20 y 5 24.594 30 37.5 30 1.042 0.304 0.85 H1-2 M89 W14X82 0.736 0 5 0.383 0.938 y 5 27.183 30 37.5 30 1.003 0.744 0.85 H2-1 M90 W14X82 0.97 0 5 0.484 0y 5 24.594 30 37.5 30 1.04 0.303 0.85 H1-2 M91 W14X82 0.97 20 5 0.484 20 y 5 24.594 30 37.5 30 1.04 0.302 0.85 H1-2 M92 W14X82 0.736 15 5 0.383 14.063 y 5 27.183 30 37.5 30 1.003 0.744 0.85 H2-1 M93 W14X82 0.981 0 5 0.492 0y 5 24.594 30 37.5 30 1.042 0.304 0.85 H1-2 M94 W14X53 0.99 0 16 0.349 0y 16 22.304 30 37.5 19.108 1 0.807 0.85 H1-2 M95 W14X53 0.588 15 5 0.174 15 y 16 16.155 30 37.5 25.492 1.001 0.396 0.85 H1-2 M96 W14X53 0.976 20 8 0.338 0.625 y 16 22.304 30 37.5 19.108 1 0.536 0.85 H1-2 M97 W14X82 0.036 20 9 0.013 20 y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.751 0.384 0.85 H1-2 M98 W14X82 0.033 0 9 0.005 0y 20 23.038 30 37.5 30 1.082 0.288 0.85 H1-2 M99 W14X82 0.032 0 1 0.013 0y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.751 0.279 0.85 H1-2 M100 W14X82 0.037 20 9 0.013 20 y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.751 0.817 0.85 H1-2 M101 W14X82 0.042 0 9 0.005 0y 21 23.038 30 37.5 30 1.066 0.769 0.85 H1-2 M102 W14X82 0.032 0 1 0.013 0y 1 15.427 30 37.5 30 1.751 0.285 0.85 H1-2 M103 W14X82 0.649 8.542 16 0.386 20 y 5 15.427 30 37.5 30 1 0.258 0.85 H2-1 M104 W14X82 0.559 0 0.15 0y 16 23.038 30 37.5 30 1.004 0.96 0.85 H2-1 5 47 Member Shape Code Check Loc ft Shear Check Loc ft lc dir lc fa ksi fb y-y fb z-z ft ksi ksi ksi Cb Cmy Cmz ASD M105 W14X82 0.641 11.458 16 0.374 0y 5 15.427 30 37.5 30 1 0.258 0.85 H2-1 M106 W14X82 0.641 8.542 16 0.374 20 y 5 15.427 30 37.5 30 1 0.258 0.85 H2-1 M107 W14X82 0.558 12 5 0.15 12 y 5 23.038 30 37.5 30 1.004 0.961 0.85 H2-1 M108 W14X82 0.649 11.458 16 0.386 0y 5 15.427 30 37.5 30 1 0.258 0.85 H2-1 M109 W14X109 0.352 12 16 0.035 6y 16 26.037 30 37.5 33 2.3 0.209 0.205 H1-2 M110 W14X109 0.289 5 0.036 7.75 y 20 26.037 30 37.5 33 2.3 0.352 0.309 H1-2 M111 W14X109 0.963 12 16 0.097 6y 16 26.037 30 37.5 33 2.275 0.401 0.423 H1-2 M112 W8X40 0.747 0 8 0.046 0y 10 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.369 0.85 H1-1 M113 W8X40 0.716 12 8 0.054 0.75 y 8 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.324 0.85 H1-1 M114 W8X40 0.578 12 5 0.05 0y 9 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.54 0.448 H1-1 M115 W8X40 0.749 0 8 0.047 0y 10 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.44 0.85 H1-1 M116 W8X40 0.719 12 8 0.055 1.125 y 10 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.335 0.85 H1-1 M117 W8X40 0.582 12 8 0.053 0y 9 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.522 0.85 H1-1 M118 W14X109 0.351 12 16 0.034 6y 5 26.037 30 37.5 33 2.3 0.209 0.205 H1-2 M119 W14X109 0.289 5 0.033 6y 1 26.037 30 37.5 33 2.3 0.345 0.315 H1-2 M120 W14X109 0.964 12 16 0.095 6y 5 26.037 30 37.5 33 2.273 0.4 0.423 H1-2 M121 W8X40 0.663 0 8 0.044 0y 10 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.363 0.85 H1-1 M122 W8X40 0.621 0 8 0.05 0y 10 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.294 0.85 H1-1 M123 W8X40 0.465 0 8 0.047 0.5 y 9 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.871 0.85 H1-1 M124 W8X40 0.658 0 8 0.04 0y 10 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.309 0.85 H1-1 M125 W8X40 0.62 0 8 0.047 0y 10 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.28 0.85 H1-1 M126 W8X40 0.476 0 8 0.045 0y 9 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.912 0.85 H1-1 M127 W14X109 0.351 12 16 0.035 6y 8 26.037 30 37.5 33 2.3 0.209 0.205 H1-2 M128 W14X109 0.289 5 0.035 6y 20 26.037 30 37.5 33 2.3 0.348 0.308 H1-2 M129 W14X109 0.963 12 16 0.097 6y 16 26.037 30 37.5 33 2.275 0.4 0.422 H1-2 M130 W14X109 0.351 12 16 0.035 6y 8 26.037 30 37.5 33 2.3 0.209 0.206 H1-2 M131 W14X109 0.289 0.033 6y 20 26.037 30 37.5 33 2.3 0.348 0.312 H1-2 0 0 0 0 5 48 Member Shape Code Check Loc ft Shear Check Loc ft lc dir lc fa ksi fb y-y fb z-z ft ksi ksi ksi Cb Cmy Cmz ASD M132 W14X109 0.963 12 16 0.096 6y 16 26.037 30 37.5 33 2.276 0.401 0.422 H1-2 M133 W8X40 0.702 12 16 0.034 6y 5 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.37 0.257 H1-1 M134 W8X40 0.668 12 5 0.047 6y 5 20.883 30 37.5 30 2.3 0.322 0.238 H1-2 M135 W8X40 0.58 12 5 0.037 6y 2 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.538 0.45 H1-1 M136 W8X40 0.701 12 16 0.034 6y 5 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.369 0.257 H1-1 M137 W8X40 0.668 12 5 0.047 6y 5 20.883 30 37.5 30 2.3 0.322 0.238 H1-2 M138 W8X40 0.578 12 5 0.037 6y 2 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.541 0.449 H1-1 M139 W8X40 0.624 12 16 0.03 6y 5 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.319 0.257 H1-1 M140 W8X40 0.579 12 5 0.041 6y 5 20.883 30 37.5 30 2.3 0.281 0.234 H1-2 M141 W8X40 0.466 0 5 0.032 6y 2 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.911 0.744 H1-1 M142 W8X40 0.622 12 16 0.029 6y 5 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.319 0.257 H1-1 M143 W8X40 0.578 12 5 0.041 6y 5 20.883 30 37.5 30 2.3 0.281 0.235 H1-2 M144 W8X40 0.464 0 5 0.032 6y 2 20.883 30 37.5 30 1 0.858 0.736 H1-1 M145 W14X193 0.181 12 5 0.026 11.25 y 5 28.068 30 37.5 33 1.127 0.836 0.403 H1-2 M146 W14X193 0.165 12 5 0.023 11.25 y 5 28.068 30 37.5 33 1.132 0.844 0.219 H1-2 M147 W14X193 0.996 12 5 0.376 11.25 y 5 28.068 30 37.5 33 1.102 0.857 0.574 H1-2 M148 W14X193 0.181 12 5 0.027 11.25 y 8 28.068 30 37.5 33 2.3 0.836 0.403 H1-2 M149 W14X193 0.163 12 5 0.027 11.25 y 10 28.068 30 37.5 33 2.3 0.835 0.288 H1-2 M150 W14X193 0.995 12 5 0.374 11.25 y 5 28.068 30 37.5 33 1.831 0.857 0.57 H1-2 M151 W14X193 0.181 12 5 0.026 11.25 y 5 28.068 30 37.5 33 1.127 0.836 0.403 H1-2 M152 W14X193 0.17 12 5 0.026 11.25 y 5 28.068 30 37.5 33 1.126 0.839 0.287 H1-2 M153 W14X193 0.995 12 5 0.374 11.25 y 5 28.068 30 37.5 33 1.102 0.857 0.57 H1-2 M154 W14X193 0.181 12 5 0.026 11.25 y 8 28.068 30 37.5 33 2.3 0.836 0.403 H1-2 M155 W14X193 0.17 12 5 0.027 11.25 y 8 28.068 30 37.5 33 2.3 0.839 0.29 H1-2 M156 W14X193 0.895 12 5 0.376 11.25 y 5 28.068 30 37.5 33 1.83 0.857 0.57 H1-2 M157 W14X109 0.292 18 5 0.018 13.5 y 21 24.635 30 37.5 30 2.3 0.499 0.413 H1-2 M158 W8X40 0.882 18 5 0.005 9y 5 17.393 30 37.5 30 1 0.498 0.406 H1-1 49 Member Shape Code Check Loc ft Shear Check Loc ft lc dir lc fa ksi fb y-y fb z-z ft ksi ksi ksi Cb Cmy Cmz ASD M159 W8X40 0.881 18 5 0.005 9y 5 17.393 30 37.5 30 1 0.498 0.406 H1-1 M160 W14X109 0.292 18 5 0.011 9y 10 24.635 30 37.5 30 2 0.499 0.413 H1-2 M161 W8X40 0.986 18 5 0.006 9y 5 17.393 30 37.5 30 1 0.492 0.406 H1-1 M162 W8X40 0.985 18 5 0.006 9y 5 17.393 30 37.5 30 1 0.492 0.406 H1-1 M163 W14X109 0.298 18 8 0.019 9y 10 24.635 30 37.5 30 1 0.85 0.381 H1-1 M164 W8X40 0.881 18 5 0.068 0y 10 17.393 30 37.5 30 1 0.498 0.406 H1-1 M165 W8X40 0.881 18 5 0.068 0y 10 17.393 30 37.5 30 1 0.498 0.406 H1-1 M166 W14X109 0.309 18 8 0.014 18 y 10 24.635 30 37.5 30 1 0.85 0.85 H1-1 M167 W8X40 0.987 18 5 0.074 0y 10 17.393 30 37.5 30 1 0.491 0.406 H1-1 M168 W8X40 0.987 18 5 0.074 0y 10 17.393 30 37.5 30 1 0.493 0.406 H1-1 M169 W14X193 0.163 18 16 0.017 16.875 y 5 26.745 30 37.5 33 1.202 0.768 0.74 H1-2 M170 W14X193 0.163 18 16 0.017 16.875 y 5 26.745 30 37.5 33 1.202 0.768 0.74 H1-2 M171 W14X193 0.165 18 16 0.018 16.875 y 8 26.745 30 37.5 30 1.418 0.768 0.74 H1-2 M172 W14X193 0.165 18 16 0.019 16.875 y 8 26.745 30 37.5 30 1.418 0.768 0.741 H1-2 50 7 Design Summary Material Take off Material Size Pieces Length Weight(K) Hot Rolled Steel A992 W14X109 16 216 23.5 A992 W14X193 16 216 41.7 A992 W14X53 48 856 45.4 A992 W14X82 60 1064 87.3 A992 W8X40 32 432 17.2 172 2784 215.2 Total HR Steel Section Decided Label Shape Beam Exterior W 14 x 53 Beam Wide Flange A992 7.34 17.1 53.4 0.46 Beam Interior W 14 x 82 Beam Wide Flange A992 2.68 2.19 16.4 0.04 Column Wide Flange A992 10.3 42.6 127 0.77 W 14 x 109 Column Wide Flange A992 9.13 37.1 110 0.54 Column-Interior W 14 x 193 Column Wide Flange A992 7.08 18.3 82.8 0.35 Column-Exterior W 8 x 40 Column-Fence Type Design List A Material inch^2 Iyy 51 Izz J Conclusion 1 Frame Considered in X-Z Plane is symmetrical (Mirror image) there will be no Torsion Effect. 2 There will be Some Thermal Expansion Because of the use of the two materials so it has been considered in the design. 3 Story Drift was calculated it was ok less than h/300 for each floor. 4. All the beam column satisfied the unity check. 5 Deflection check was satisfied 6 Design Analysis was done on the assumption of the some section shape W10 x 17 on that basis risa suggested shape and then used that suggested shape for the design it satisfies all the check required. 7. Design Summary was prepared and finally as per grouping I got 5 design shapes and for that design I got the design results which show all the shear checks for the shape. 8. The main purpose of the making a grouping of all the members was point of view of Procurement of the material, Repeatability of the materials, Saving in the cost to avoid complexity in actual execution. 9 Definitely some saving can be made by reducing labour cost by using grouping of member. 52 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AISC –Steel Construction Manual 13th Edition Risa Tutorials and Model was prepared in Risa Software Structural Analysis -3rd Edition, Author–Aslam Kassimali, Publication- Thomson IBC 2006 Handbook - Load Calculation. Structural Steel Design -1st Edition, Author- Abi Aghayere and Jason Vigil, PublicationPrentice hall 53