TERMS OF REFERENCE Development of a knowledge management system for Somalia Resilience Program (SomReP) October 2014 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The Somalia Resilience Program (SomReP) is a consortium of seven non-governmental organizations1 with deep experience in Somalia that partnered with an ambitious approach to tackle the challenge of recurrent droughts and other related shocks and the chronic vulnerability that results among pastoralists, agropastoralists, and peri-urban households in one of the poorest countries in the world. The consortium was formed with the prime aim of building resilient households and communities across Somaliland, Puntland, and South Central Somalia. In SomReP’s Phase 1, from 2013-2016, the consortium’s goal is to provide $80 million in donor resources to increase the resilience of 420,000 vulnerable people across 23 districts in Somalia. Within the community of donors and implementing agencies in Somalia, SomReP is leading an effort to contribute to resilience building by enhancing the productive capacities of pastoral, agro-pastoral, and peri-urban households. Shared learning and knowledge management are key to achieving quality and effectiveness of these resilience building activities and for the seven agencies participating across the program. 1.2 Monitoring & Evaluation, Early Warning and Early Action SomReP's approach to Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is to track impact using high level resilience indicators across all projects through a framework for collecting and analyzing information which is fed back into the project design and implementation. In order to effectively assess SomReP’s impact at program and project levels, baselines, mid-term and end of project evaluations will be conducted with gender and age disaggregated data, across all indicators as defined in the SomReP logframe. An impact study will be conducted in which intended, and unintended impact on individual families will be tracked over time; changes within the family, within the communities and within the external social, political, and economic context will be analysed. Comparisons will be made between each of the different SomReP project locations, particularly to assess commonalities between families and districts to determine success factors for increased resilience. SomReP is also developing an Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) approach that assesses local level risks of slow onset disasters through the real time monitoring of food security and livelihoods, health and conflict indicators. These indicators are assigned thresholds that trigger appropriate early actions by agencies in their operational areas. For this reason, SomReP is seeking to develop a web-based inter-organization Result-Based M&E System with an integrated EWEA component. 2. PURPOSE OF THE CONSULTANCY SomReP is looking for consultancy services for the development, customization and implementation of a web-based M&E system with an Early Warning component for program/project management, monitoring and evaluation and impact assessment using a results based management framework. 3. OBJECTIVES 1 SomReP members are Action against Hunger (ACF), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), CARE, Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI), Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Oxfam, and World Vision (WV). Customize and deliver a Knowledge Management System to monitor program progress against high level resilience indicators, and assist agencies and staff to generate, access and monitor program information efficiently and to the benefit of the program's high level resilience goals. This system will be implemented for all projects to track performance indicators set out in the SomReP master log frame, and to critically analyse progress towards agreed milestones throughout the life of each donor funded project. Progress monitoring against output milestones will either be reported quarterly or bi-annually reflecting gender analysis, age group and location disaggregated data. This quantitative progress reporting will be supported by qualitative assessments of wider indirect impacts of project outputs on HHs and communities through PRAs. A functioning Knowledge Management System should help the consortium agencies and staff to: Compare experiences of projects and agencies across the country and draw out common issues and challenges Avoid repeating past mistakes and highlight good practice Make lesson‐learning, and thereafter capacity‐building, a conscious and habitual process within a team Make program information and progress more accessible and useable to program staff, technical unit and decision makers Improve program interventions through information sharing, and revising strategy of programs as and when required Support effective and timely decision making in the area of early warning and early action by drawing together sources of information in a meaningful way 4. KEY TASKS & DELIVERABLES (step by step needs and wants, clearly defined with timeframe) 4.1 Conduct a Review of Current Information Systems and Information Needs Assessment Conduct an EW and M&E information user review including donors and decision-makers: who needs to know what for which decisions? How can decision-makers be better informed? Conduct a review of existing software systems being used by SomReP: how is M&E and EW data currently captured and reported and to whom? This is based on a technical review of the current software. How can technology be enhanced? Review of M&E capacities and structures including technical hosting and ICT support capacity. Where are the key capacity gaps? Review current M&E processes: how is M&E data collected and reported? How is data quality assured? What guidance is available and is it being followed? Produce a documented roadmap for full development of EW and M&E systems for agreement by the contract manager 4.2 Design, contextualize and provide a web based inter-organization Result-Based M&E System for SomReP Based on review and analysis of SomReP M&E systems and roadmap, design, customize and deliver a user friendly web based knowledge management system that at a minimum will provide the following: o o o o o o o o o A systematic results-based management approach of defining programme results and identifying indicators for each result, setting targets, and developing monitoring and evaluation questionnaires and other forms for capturing data from different partners and levels (programme or project) Set targets for each indicator in order to simultaneously evaluate projections and achievements during project life cycle. Results indicators for each project type should be consolidated at different levels Development of expressions that define how each indicator value will be derived from its variables. Form builder compatibility with SMAP FIELDTASK- the android based data collection/form builder application client used by SomReP which will be used as the primary form builder and data collection application for the M&E System A real-time update of monitoring and evaluation reports that will provide SomReP with a quick and robust results based decision making. Automatic generation of standard programme documents in specified formats in a way that allows for easy reporting to SomReP’s partners and multiple donors. Logical Frameworks (viewable in a single, printable page including expected results, risks/assumptions, indicators and means of verification by result), Work Plans and Budgets for each programme / project Dashboards for each project type showing graphs and charts for managers using data drawn automatically from SomReP's mobile data collection tool (SMAP FIELDTASK) A brief write up of the proposed systems for each project type explaining the rationale and how they relate to the corporate indicators. 4.3 Support the implementation of the M&E System for SomReP across partner agencies and the SomReP Technical Unit Provide capacity building and training services to the technical unit and partner agency staff during roll out of the system across the program Provide troubleshooting and support services to the system during implementation and use of the knowledge management system. 4.4 Design and Implement a web based and real time Early Warning Early Action System for SomReP Review documentation and learning on SomReP's EWEA system Advise on development of thresholds for EWEA indicators in SomReP's phased risk management approach Develop an online EWEA interface for program staff at the operational level (by district), that draws together relevant EW information to assist with analysis and decision making including: o Regional EW narrative information from FSNAU technical reports and updates o Spatial data from FEWS NET's NDVI and rainfall systems o Visualizations and trend information on district level market data, health and conflict data drawn automatically from SomReP's mobile data collection tool (SMAP FIELDTASK) o Community level EW information collected monthly by community early warning committees Link early warning information to recommended early actions through the EWEA interface by assigning triggers based on agreed thresholds Agency staff are able to add narrative, compile information and produce a simple EW report with recommendations at the district/project level 4.5 Design, contextualize and provide a web based system that can provide Financial Monitoring & Tracking The Knowledge Management system should to provide the following: o o o o o o Measurement between posted budgets in sun system and actual expenditure for any particular period (i.e expenditure variance). This will be per project and the overall program. Measurement of posted partner budgets in sun system and actual expenditure per partner. The system should be able to rank performance between different partners (depending on percentage of deviation) within a particular grant. Link budget utilization to the approved work plan Measure the broad category budget utilization per partner and the overall grant (i.e activity, Admin and Indirect cost (where applicable)) Include timeliness in financial reporting within different partners and over the various grants. The system should be able to generate an overall performance within the partners on the different grants Visualize a snapshot of real-time results performance, indicator performance, work plan vis-à-vis budget 4.6 Ensure data security o SomReP gives key consideration to data security. Therefore, besides providing access control to any data, the system should provide a full tracking of data changes while at the same time making sure that any data that has been captured is not lost. 5. TIMEFRAME FOR CONSULTANCY The following is an expected timeframe for achieving the key tasks in the Terms of Reference: 1. Conduct a Review of Current Information Systems and Information Needs Assessment (15 days) 2. Design, contextualize and provide a web based inter-organization Result-Based M&E System for SomReP (5 days) 3. Support the implementation of the M&E System for SomReP across partner agencies and the SomReP Technical Unit (10 days) 4. Design and Implement a web based and real time Early Warning Early Action System for SomReP (5 days) Total days: 30 days 6. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS Interested Consultants and Firms are expected to submit a detailed expression of interest (technical and financial proposal) with the following components; o o o o o Their understanding of TOR Proposed methodology and work schedule Proposed Budget A profile of the firm including full name(s), physical addresses, telephone numbers. Copies of CVs of all the consultants who will undertake the evaluation Applications from qualified firms/individuals should be submitted by 23rd November 2014 to somo_supplychain@wvi.org