PowerPoint slides


Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Stirling Mathematics Conference

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Curriculum for Excellence top 10

10. 2010:S1 cohort

9. 2009: Experiences & outcomes

8. the 8 curriculum areas

7. the 7 design principles

6. the 6 entitlements

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Curriculum for Excellence top 10

5. will build on the best of 5-14

4. the 4 aspects of the curriculum

3. coherent 3-18 programme

2. 2002 National Debate

1. no one single Curriculum for


Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Curriculum for Excellence design principles

• challenge and enjoyment

• breadth

• progression

• depth

• personalisation and choice

• coherence

• relevance

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n



“Many young people are not making the progress they should from the middle stages of primary until well into their secondary education. Difficulties with literacy and numeracy and an apparent reluctance or inability to engage with demanding areas of learning such as mathematics, science and modern languages can become entrenched at these stages.”

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Challenge and enjoyment

Effective challenge includes teachers setting tasks and activities which :

• are of increasing levels of complexity or abstraction;

• continually develop, reinforce and extend understanding;

• rely on learners making connections to, and building on, their prior mathematical learning;

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Challenge and enjoyment

As part of learning teachers need to promote positive attitudes to mathematics and an understanding of how it equips young people with many of the skills required for life, learning and work.

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Challenge and Enjoyment

• Are young people challenged through increasingly complex mathematical questions and problems?

• Are young people actively involved in learning mathematics, or do they spend long periods completing routine exercises from textbooks which do not challenge their thinking?

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Breadth and Depth

Is there time and space within the curriculum for young people to experience breadth of learning?

Are there opportunities to explore concepts in depth, to develop and refine understanding and explore learning through a variety of tasks and activities?

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n


Are curricular pathways ensuring appropriate skills progression for groups and individuals, building effectively on prior learning?

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n


Do teachers use their mathematical knowledge to ensure that concepts, skills and understanding are developed in a coherent and logical way?

Is learning connected to important mathematical concepts prior to and beyond the level currently being taught?

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n


• Do young people understand the purpose of their learning?

• Do they see real life contexts where they would apply their learning?

• Do young people learn to apply their practice problems and exercises in mathematics to develop skills, make connections, reflect and explain their reasoning?

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

4 Aspects of the Curriculum

• Ethos and life of the school as a community

• Curriculum areas and subjects

• Interdisciplinary projects and studies

• Opportunities for personal development

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n


• Can take the form of individual one-off projects or longer courses of study

• Is planned around clear purposes

• Is based upon E’s & O’s drawn from different curriculum areas or subjects within them

• Ensures progression in skills and in knowledge and understanding

• Can provide opportunities for mixed stage learning which is interest based.

successful learners

•Are motivated and enthusiastic about learning mathematics because they understand why the topic is being taught.

•Think flexibly about how to apply their skills and enjoy having to puzzle out an answer

•Use technology effectively to save time in routine calculation and demonstrate understanding by sketching graphs.

•Understand how their mathematical knowledge can be used and apply appropriate strategies to solve problems in a range of contexts and across learning.

e d u c a skills across learning and everyday life.

t i o

•Are independent, mathematical thinkers who can discuss and explain their reasoning.

•Use their mathematical and numeracy skills to provide evidence for informed decisions.

•Collaborate effectively to solve problems.

four capacities

To enable all young people to become responsible citizens

•Interpret numerical information to draw conclusions based on fact and not on opinion or prejudice.

•Interpret tables and graphs to assess trends and can use their conclusions to take and justify decisions.

•Evaluate data to gain an accurate view of a situation and make informed choices.

•Recognize the importance and role of mathematics within society.

skills and attributes effective contributors

•Have an enterprising, ‘can do’ attitude.

•Work productively in teams to solve problems and reach decisions.

•Are motivated and enjoy being challenged.

•Apply critical thinking skills in different contexts.

•Are not afraid to take risks and can solve problems.



• challenge

• pace

• formative assessment

• learning independently

• active learning

• personalisation

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Listening to learners

Does listening to young people result in change?

Do teacher’s change their thinking in light of what learners say?

Listening involves:

• openness to information, verbal and otherwise, from learners;

• consideration of possible interpretation of this information and

• action based on this information.

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n


Shifting from

Do you understand ? to

What do you understand about…? signals a change from learners telling you about something you know to your listening to what they know.




Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Assessment is for Learning

Where the learner is going

Where the learner is

Engineering effective discussions, tasks and activities that elicit evidence of learning

Clarify, understand and share learning intentions

How to get there

Providing feedback that moves learners forward

Activating students as learning resources for one another

Activating students as owners of their own learning

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Well-paced lessons

• Well established routines and systems (e.g. time targets, sharing of successful learning approaches, clearly specified learners’ roles in collaborative and group work, effective use of resources and homework, and a lesson structure including starter activities and round-up).

• Have clear direction of travel and shared purpose.

• Ensure that a high proportion of time is spent on active learning tasks with minimum interruptions of any sort.

• Have a level of personalisation to match the range of needs in the class.

• High levels of learner stimulation and engagement in thinking.

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Active learning

Young people are active in their learning when they:

• think deeply about mathematical ideas and concepts and construct their own understanding about them; and

• use their existing skills and knowledge in different contexts, test out their ideas and conjectures, and solve problems.

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n


expectation that teachers are:

• reflective and self-evaluative

• ready to engage in professional discussion

• committed to continuous improvement starting with the department’s self-evaluation

• what are your strengths?

• how do you know?

• what improvements are you working on just now?

• why?

• how are you going about it?

Improving Scottish e d u c a t i o n

Curriculum for Excellence:

what HMIE expects in 2009/2010

• look below the headings of the 4 capacities

• think hard about the entitlements & design principles

• engaging with the outcomes and experiences

• reflect on your approaches to learning and teaching

• Building the Curriculum 3

- what does it mean for you?
