Trimester I Syllabus 8th Grade Earth Science Holly Stene, Room

Trimester I Syllabus
Grade Earth Science
Holly Stene, Room 116
(763) 777-8942 ext. 8841
Instructional Goals:
This year we will continue to practice and develop our scientific inquiry skills as we explore the Earth
as a system and as part of a larger system. The three main content areas to be studied in Earth Science
include Geology, Meteorology and Astronomy. In addition to the three main units, there are also two
shorter units on Physical Science and The Nature of Science and Engineering. The curriculum meets
the Minnesota State Science Standards in the areas of Earth Science, Physical Science and The Nature of
Science and Engineering. As much as possible, eighth grade science is taught using a hands-on learning
approach with an emphasis on lab-based activities and skills. Throughout the year, student
achievement will be measured by formative and summative assessments. All students will also take the
Science MCA test in the spring of the year.
Textbook and Digital Media:
Earth Science, Science Explorer, Prentice Hall
Discovery Education Science Techbook (online, in-class)
Daily Required Materials:
1 –spiral bound LAB notebook
1 pair scissors
Accordian Folder
Colored Pencils
Filler paper
Folder with Prongs
Glue stick
1 -composition (interactive notebook)
Athlos Planner and Subject level interactive notebooks MUST be brought to class daily.
Assignments and Assessments:
To assure that students’ grades accurately reflect what they know and are able to do,
assignments will be separated in two groups: Formative (10%) and Summative (90%).
Formative Assessments
- homework
- in-class lab work
- note-taking
Summative assessments
- weekly quizzes
- end of unit tests
- large projects, or reports
- speaking assignments/inquiry-based presentations
Summative Assessments (Part of 90% of overall grade):
10 Quick Quizzes (@ 10 pts each)
Summative Assessment: Earth Structure and Processes
Summative Assessment: Energy Waves Inside Earth
Summative Assessment: Minerals and Rocks
Summative Assessment: Age of Rocks, Fossils
Scientific Reports or Papers
Scientific Speaking Presentation or Lab Reports
3 Scientific Inquiry-Based Assignments (@ 10 points each)
Total Summative Assessments Points:
100 pts
40 pts
15 pts
40 pts
40 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
345 pts
Formative Assessments (Part of 10% of overall grade):
5 Interactive Notebook Review/Checks (@ 6 points each)
20 homework assignments (@ 20 points each)
4 Periodic Lab Report Notebook Checks (@ 10 pts each)
Total Formative Assessments Points:
30 pts
200 pts
40 pts
270 pts
Viewing upcoming assignments
Additional information about what students are learning and when are located on your
student’s team webpage. Upcoming assignments will be posted on our classroom webpage.
We encourage all families to subscribe to the classroom webpages of their child’s teachers.
Our 4th through 8th graders are also expected to use their Athlos planners on a daily basis. It is
the student’s responsibility to complete the planner for each content area in order to be
organized in their daily work. You may check your student’s planner each night to see what is
due the following day.
SchoolView is our primary communication tool and it is the responsibility of the student /
parents to monitor progress through SchoolView. Please look with your student and teach
them how to check their own progress on SchoolView. Parents can expect SchoolView to be
updated at least one time per week.
If your family does not have internet access at home, on smartphones, at work, or at your local
library, we will work with you to arrange alternate means of communication. We encourage
parents to log in at least weekly to stay updated. If your family needs help setting up your
SchoolView account, please contact our front office staff at 763.777.8942.
Middle School Grading Scale
Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts
A 93-100%
A- 90-92%
B+ 87-89%
B 83-86%
C+ 77-79%
C 73-76%
C- 70-72%
D+ 67-69%
D 60-66%
F 0-59%
Retake Policy Grades 6-8
In grades 6-8, students are expected to be prepared for all assignments and assessments that are
graded. Retakes will only be approved for tests (not for quizzes, projects, assignments, etc.). A student
may only request a retake opportunity if the student has completed and submitted ALL of the
homework from the unit prior to the retake date. Retake dates are scheduled by the classroom
teachers. Retake tests will not be identical to the initial test. Students will not receive time at school to
study for retake tests. This must take place at home. Retake tests will be administered during lunch or
recess in the In-School Suspension room.
Report Cards PK-8
Progress reports will go home three times per year. Reports will be printed and sent home
approximately a week after the end of the trimester for trimesters 1 and 2. For 3rd trimester, all
assignments and make- up tests will be due by one week before the last day of school to allow time for
grades to be entered and posted by the last day of school. Report cards will go home with students on
the last day of school. Structured learning, though, will continue up through the last day of school.
Athlos Leadership Academy School Rules
All students are expected to adhere to Athlos Leadership Academy’s school rules at all times.
Work hard and do your very best to succeed.
Care for others and treat others with respect.
Care for yourself and treat yourself with respect.
Care for the school.
Be responsible in your schoolwork and in your actions.
General Classroom Rules
Class participation is expected.
Try hard and do your best. Ask questions.
Keep up on your homework.
If you are struggling to understand the material, ask for help.
No food or drink in the room unless it is and approved snack and at the designated
snack time. (Water is okay if it is in a non-spill container.)
Athlos planners must be used daily.
If you are absent, check in on the following day to pick up any missed work. Make up
assessments will be scheduled within a week of the absence.
Interactive notebooks, class notes, and study guides must be taken home daily for