
Intro to Tourism & Hospitality
Chapter 8
Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC by
Morgan Westcott, Editor, (c) Capilano University is used
under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.
This chapter is by Ray Freeman and Kelley Glazer and is
used under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.
Learning Outcomes
 Explain the meaning of services marketing
 Describe the differences between marketing
services and marketing products
 Describe the characteristics of a marketing
orientation and its benefits
 Define key services marketing terminology
(Freeman & Glazer, n.d.)
Learning Outcomes
 Explain the PRICE concept of marketing
 Provide examples of the 8 Ps of services marketing
 Gain knowledge of key service marketing issues and
(Freeman & Glazer, n.d.)
Figure 8.1 A vintage ad marketing the cost-effectiveness of Econo-Travel hotels from the July 1978
National Geographic
Marketing is a continuous, sequential process through
which management plans, researches, implements,
controls, and evaluates activities designed to satisfy the
customers’ needs and wants, and meet the
organization’s objectives.
(Freeman & Glazer, n.d.)
Services Marketing
Morrison (2010) indicates, services marketing “is
a concept based on a recognition of the uniqueness of
all services; it is a branch of marketing that specifically
applies to the service industries”(p. 767).
Marketing Tourism and Hospitality
 We must understand the difference between
marketing goods and marketing services
(Freeman & Glazer, n.d.)
Evolution of Marketing
Table 8.1: Evolution of marketing in the 20th century
Marketing Era
Production orientation
Sales orientation
Marketing department (marketing
orientation, internal agency)
Marketing company (marketing orientation,
external agency)
Societal marketing
Online marketing
Data source: Morrison, 2010
Services Marketing
Four key differences between goods and services. Services
1. Intangible
2. Heterogeneous
3. Inseparable (simultaneously produced and consumed)
4. Perishable
(Regan; Rathmell; Shostack; Zeithaml et al. in Wolak, Kalafatis, &
Harris, 1998)
Services Marketing
PRICE Concept:
P: plan (where are we now?)
R: research (where would we like to be?)
I: implement (how do we get there?)
C: control (how do we make sure we get there?)
E: evaluate (how do we know if we got there?)
(Morrison, 2010)
Services Marketing
Figure 8.5 Services marketing triangle (adapted from Morrison, 2010)
Services Marketing
8 Ps:
1. Product
2. Place
3. Promotion
4. Pricing
(Morrison, 2010)
Figure 8.3 Selling a moment like this one, captured over the holidays in Victoria’s harbour, is different from selling a tube
of toothpaste.
Services Marketing
8 Ps Continued:
5. People
6. Programming
7. Partnership
8. Physical evidence
(Morrison, 2010)
Figure 8.2 A 1970s Peter Max-designed ad for the American
Cancer Society urging people to not smoke
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC):
 Involves planning and coordinating all of the
promotional mix elements (including online and
social media)
 Superior to using each element separately and
(Eliason, 2014)
Consumer Behaviour
1. Personal factors - reflect needs, wants,
motivations, previous experience, and
a person’s lifestyle
2. Interpersonal factors - culture, social
class, family, and opinion leaders
Perception is Reality
 Perceptual Biases
 Selective Retention
 Closure
(Morrison, 2010)
Figure 8.7 All people view things through their own perceptual filters.
Consumer Decision Making
5 step pattern for consumer decision making:
Need recognition
Information search
Pre-purchase evaluation
Post-purchase evaluation.
(Kollat, D., Blackwell, R., & Engel, J., 1972)
Reaching the Consumer
Traditional Channels
1. Mass Media
2. Out-of-home (OOH)
3. Print Media
4. Online Channels
(Freeman & Glazer, n.d.)
Social Media
Social Media and Reputation Management
1. Social Media
2. Word of Mouth in the Age of Social Media
3. Advertising and Trust
4. Online Reviews = Business Success
Bringing it all together
 The role of Destination BC
 Marget Segmentation
 CTC’s Explorer Quotient
BC’s Key Markets
1. Nearby Markets – BC, Alberta and Washington State
2. Priority Markets - Ontario, California, Germany,
Japan, United Kingdom, South Korea and Australia
3. Emerging Markets – China, India and Mexico
(BC Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation, 2011)
Trends and Issues
Demographic shifts (aging population, the rise of millennials), and
socioeconomics (cultural changes, economic decline/growth)
Political, economic, and geographic changes (emerging or declining
Trip purpose (growth of multipurpose trips)
Psychographic changes (special interests, healthy lifestyles, sustainability)
Behavioural adaptations (free independent travel, decreasing brand
Product-related trends (emerging niches)
Distribution channels (online travel agencies, virtual travel)
(Freeman & Glazer, n.d.)
British Columbia Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation. (2011). Gaining the edge: A five year strategy for tourism in British Columbia. Retrieved from:
Canadian Tourism Commission. (2008). The explorer quotient: A deeper understanding of the modern traveller. Retrieved from:
Eliason, K. (2014, December 23). The importance of integrated marketing communications. Retrieved from
Freeman & Glazer, (n.d.) Services Marketing. In Westcott, M. Editor, Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC (pp. 124-147). Retrieved from
Kollat, D., Blackwell, R., & Engel, J. (1972). The current status of consumer behavior research: Developments during the 1968-1972 period. Proceedings of the Third
Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research. Chicago, IL : Association for Consumer Research, pp. 576-585.
Morrison, A. M. (2010). Hospitality & travel marketing (4th ed., international ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Wolak, R., Kalafatis, S., & Harris, P. (1998). An investigation into four characteristics of services. Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science, 3, 22-43.
Retrieved from
Figure 8.1 Vintage Ad #1,203: This Cheap Hotel Does Not Compute by Jamie is used under a CC BY 2.0 license.
Figure 8.2 1970s Advertising – Poster – Peter Max Don’t Smoke Cigarettes (USA) by Daniel Anyes Arroyo is used under a CC BY-NC
2.0 license.
Figure 8.3 British Columbia Parliament Christmas Lights by James Wheeler is used under a CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.
Figure 8.5 Services Marketing Triangle by LinkBC is used under a CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.
Figure 8.7 Army Photography Contest – 2007 – FMWRC – Arts and Crafts – Eye of the Holder by US Army is used under a CC BY 2.0