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Data Analysis
Continuous Auditing
Barbara Jacius Brian DeMilia
State of Connecticut State of Connecticut
Office of the Comptroller Office of the Auditors of Public Accounts
NASACT IT Conference
September 25, 2015
State of CT Database/Application
“Core-CT is the name given to Connecticut’s integrated Human Resource Management
System (HRMS) and Financials system. The Core-CT system was implemented in 2003
to replace numerous older legacy systems to provide standardization, increased ad hoc
reporting capabilities, simplified reconciliation, and an interactive user environment.
Core-CT is a comprehensive system that includes the State of Connecticut’s accounting;
purchasing; accounts payable; accounts receivable; project costing; inventory and asset
management systems; payroll; benefits; human resource and time and labor functions.
The Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) and the Department of Administrative
Services (DAS) jointly administer and maintain the Core-CT system. The system uses
enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to incorporate all business functions,
using an integrated suite of software applications, common databases, and a unified
technical architecture. In addition to standardized reports, the Core-CT system utilizes
an Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) ad-hoc reporting function. The EPM
ad-hoc reporting function allows users to query the data warehouse and produce
custom reports. “ 1
1 AUDITORS' REPORT, CORE-CT System, Information Technology Security
November 2014
Data Architecture
Live Data
Static Data
Transactional Data
EPM Warehouse
Source Tables
Using PS
Data Loader
(App Engine)
PS Query/
Reporting Tables
EPM Data Warehouse
• Human Capital Management, HCM
• 171 staging tables
• 40 Reporting tables
• Modules Represented
 Human Resources
 Benefits (Active, Retiree and COBRA)
 Workers Comp (with TPA interface)
 Time and Labor
 Payroll (Active, Retiree)
 Peoplesoft Pension module (Target Date-March 2017)
EPM Data Warehouse
 260 Staging Tables
 70 Reporting Tables
Modules Represented
General Ledger, Commitment Control
Accounts Receivable and Billing
Accounts Payable
Supply Chain & Inventory
Asset Management
Projects and Contracts
EPM Data Warehouse
Data Volume-Large EPM Reporting Tables
• Detailed Payroll- 512,985,571 rows/54 columns
• Time & Labor Payable Time- 302,531,645 rows/70 columns
• YTD Payroll Data- 193,291,051 rows/25 columns
• HR Accounting Line- 942,246,770 rows/46 columns
• Voucher Accounting Line-317,430,908 rows/69 columns
• Journal Transactions-103,393,387 rows/65 columns
• As of 8/19/2015
EPM Data Warehouse
Legacy data in the EPM warehouse
EPM is the repository for a number of legacy databases. This
model of data retention will be increasingly important as
more systems become obsolete and technical support staff
MSA and TAS, legacy payroll and time and labor data is stored as
static tables in the EPM warehouse
Data is retained for pension calculations , workers compensation
determination and settlement of legal actions
EPM Data Warehouse
Custom views used to fulfill auditing requirements
Custom views can be developed to accomodate unique reporting needs.
One example: Financials upgrade from Peoplesoft version 9.0 to 9.1 implemented
a workflow framework change in purchasing and accounts payable rendering the
workflow data prior to the upgrade irretrievable in production.
Static views were built in EPM to store data prior to the framework change
facilitating seamless auditing of the voucher and purchasing approval process.
EPM Data Warehouse
Custom solutions
Provide audit tool for line agencies to facilitate compliance with Connecticut General
Statute 5-208a, Identification and evaluation of dually employed state employees
Scenario 1: EPM Query Manager tool automatically inserts a security table which
restricts query results for the identification of employees with more than one active
state job.
Solution: Deploy the query from the transactional database HRMS psQuery tool which
does not insert the security table.
Scenario 2: Identification of employees with active state employment and an active
personal service contract with the state requires marrying data from the financials and
HRMS systems.
Solution: Create the query in the EPM data warehouse.
PS Query Overview
Query Functionality
PeopleSoft Query is an end user reporting tool; a visual tool that has a
graphical user interface (GUI) giving the user the ability to construct
queries without requiring knowledge of SQL, as it generates the SQL
for you.
PeopleSoft Query is available in the source environments as well as the
data warehouse. Access to the query manager tool in the source
environments is restricted to limit impact on transactional performance.
Use of the process scheduler permits user initiated distribution of query
results, either by user ID or user Role.
Care must be taken when using the distribution functionality as the
product is simply a spreadsheet. Row security is not enforced on query
results distributed via this method.
PS Query Overview
Query Functionality
• User initiated queries are defined as reporting/user queries.
• Includes non-user queries; XML Publisher, Crystal Reports
• Role
• Query results add self-service time & labor and paycheck viewer
roles upon creation of initial hire row
• PSnVision source
• Comprehensive Financial Status Reports (CFSR) distributed to all
state agencies
PS Query Overview
• Query security
• “PeopleSoft Query uses query access group trees to control security of the
tables in your PeopleSoft database. Users can retrieve information only from
those tables whose record definitions they have access to.”2
• “PeopleSoft applications implement row-level security by using a query
security record (typically a view) that is specified on the record definition that
joins the data table with an authorization table. When a user searches for
data in the data table, the system performs a related record join between the
security record view and the base table (rather than searching the table
directly).” 2
Oracle Peoplebook:Peoplesoft Query
Use of PS Query for Field Auditors
CORE-CT System, Information Technology Security
November 2014
Relevant audit recommendations:
• Segregation of duties
• Access to confidential data
Use of PS Query for Field Auditors
EPM/Security Unit Response
Developed series of new EPM Reporting tables and public queries
to provide agency staff with the tools to perform own audits
Security tools tables brought into EPM, each version sourced from
correct environment
Example: three versions of the tools table PSOPRDEFN (Operator
One table is sourced from the portal
User Profile View-verifies user set up automated password reset
APA PS Queries
• 124 Active CORE ID’s assigned to Auditors of Public Accounts, the single
largest group of users in EPM
• 76 PS Queries in EPM, 45 in Financials, 13 in Human Capital
• The IT Audit Group maintains public PS queries that are available to be
run by all field audit staff.
PS Query Overview
Quick start tool for new auditors
User Friendly at introductory level
Field audit staff can create and maintain their own queries that are
associated with their own user account (private queries), and can share
the queries they create with other specified users
Creation and modification of simple queries can be learned in one class
On-line resources include
• High level table descriptions
• Job aids defining proper join conditions between tables.
Public Access Transparency Sites
EPM is used to populate two of the Transparency Sites hosted by CT State
The Office of the State Comptroller hosts the site Open Connecticut.
The Office of Legislative Management, Office of Fiscal Analysis hosts
Transparency Connecticut
Public Access Transparency Sites
The Office of the State Comptroller hosts the site Open
Open Checkbook-granular accounts payable data, refreshed nightly
Received an A from the United States Public Interest Research Group (US PIRG) for
their annual grading of state financial transparency sites, based on user friendly
features and ability to download the entire data set.2014
US PIRG is a federation of independent, state-based, citizen-funded organizations
that advocate for the public interest.
Open Budget-Ledger data provides overview of high level budgeting; spend, revenue
and trending. This data is refreshed monthly after General Ledger closes for the
accounting period.
URL: http://www.osc.ct.gov/openCThome.html
Public Access Transparency Sites
EPM also populates the searchable website Transparency Connecticut
sponsored by Office of Legislative Management, Office of Fiscal
Analysis. Data refreshed annually.
This site offers:
• State Expenditures
• Grants
• Employee Compensation
• Vendor Payments
• Contract Spending
• Pensions
Public Access Transparency Sites
Benefits derived from using EPM as the data source
• Data thoroughly reviewed by state subject matter experts
• HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliant
• Statutory redactions dynamically coded out
o Federal guidelines imposed by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
o State statutes governing release of names/addresses of protected groups
• Risk of data breaches is reduced when content control retained at source
PS Query Overview
• That concludes the first portion of our presentation. I’d like to introduce Brian
DeMilia to discuss details of continuous auditing.
APA Analysis and Reporting Tools
• Core-CT
• PeopleSoft Query (PS Query) is used by all staff
• Oracle SQL is used by the IT Audit Group, and select members of the APA Audit team
assigned to the Office of the State Comptroller audit.
Select employees have 10gb of storage space in their own schema in each Core-CT database to which they have
• Software (Data access and visualization tools):
• PL/SQL Developer (Allround Automations)
• Core-CT has an unlimited site license for this product, allowing all of our staff who use
the Core-CT databases, to use the product.
• Oracle SQL Developer
• Data Miner extension (of Oracle SQL Developer)
• Navicat
• When accessing other state systems…
• We attempt to obtain direct access to the database(s) of the system being audited
• When needed, we perform extracts from those systems, for loading into an Oracle
database, for analysis outside.
• Needed when a query would take too long to run against source system
• Or when intermediary tables must be created
• Or tables need to be indexed or partitioned differently than in the source system
Windows Task Scheduler
• The task scheduler enables .bat files to be run at defined times/intervals
• .bat files can be used to invoke SQL Plus and run a .sql file
• Allows for the scheduling of ‘tasks’
• One such task can be the execution of a query
• Many programs can be invoked from the command line, offering the same
and often times additional functionality than as compared to its GUI
• Oracle allows you to run queries over the command line using sqlplus
• Oracle allows you to load data over the command line using sqlldr
• By scheduling queries to run over sqlplus, you can automate the extraction,
transformation, and potentially the loading of data in other systems, or the
transfer of data to FTP locations accessible by others
Getting to the Task Scheduler
• Go to….
• Control Panel
• Administrative Tools
• Task Scheduler
Creating a Task
Creates a new task
Creates a new folder in which to organize a related group of tasks
Choosing a .bat file to run
• .bat files can be run as scripts via the task scheduler
• The commands in the .bat file can be used to invoke various command line
utilities (sqlplus, sqlldr, 7z (7zip), etc.)
(1) Hit Actions
(2) Choose the .bat file
.bat and .sql file – Basic illustration
(1) Example .sql for .csv output
(2) Example .sql for .txt output, pipe delimited
Dynamically include
date, fiscal year, etc.
in filename
delimited; values
enclosed in
quotation marks
Concatenate the pipe
• Concatenating the delimiter between columns avoids the
blank spaces that would otherwise result from specifying
the delimiter using the colsep approach
(3) Example .bat file (runs a specified .sql file)
sqlplus /nolog @C:\some_folder\some_query.sql
• As a result, loading into other applications can work simply
by specifying the delimiter ( | )
• CSV output can be tricky due to commas within values
(requiring them to be enclosed in quotation marks), and
Excel’s behavior of auto chopping leading zeros in CSVs
Choosing the interval at which it runs
(1) Hit Triggers
(2) Choose a schedule…
Weekly on certain days…
(3) Repeat throughout the day?
(4) Terminate if still not finished
after X time?
Need to load data?
• SQLLDR is a built-in command line utility that allows you to load data into
Oracle databases at high speed
• It also allows you to process data before the load, such as trimming blank
spaces, keeping only part of a string, converting text to a date, etc.
2 components… the control file, and the command to run it
(1) Example control file
skip = 0,
direct = true,
parallel = true,
multithreading = true
load data
infile 'B:\0-JUDICIAL_TRANSFER\KeyPointDates.txt'
append into table keypointdates
fields terminated by "|" trailing nullcols
• Example log file
showing success
or failure…
(2) Example command
sqlldr user/pw@db_name control=example_ctl_file
List of Examples
• Some of our scheduled* tasks include –
* Some of these are run manually at a defined interval and published on
shared drives, others are scheduled via the task scheduler.
• Judicial Department’s divorce records with employee spouses enrolled in state insurance
• Vendor Matching
Employee’s phone to vendor’s phone
Employee’s dependents’ phone numbers to vendor’s phone
Employee’s emergency contact’s phone to vendor’s phone
Employee’s address to vendor’s address
Employee’s emergency contact’s address to vendor’s address
Employee’s dependents’ addresses with vendor’s address
Terminated Employee Core-CT Account Deactivation Delays
Core-CT Revenue Population and Sampling
Core-CT User Conflicts
Holiday Time Charged on non-Holidays
Consecutive Sick Day Data (where Medical Certificate is required)
Timesheet Approver Counts
P-Card transaction Data by Agency
Asset Module Balances by Agency
Divorce Records <-> Core Benefits Module Match
• Runs the first Monday of every month
• Divorce cases disposed of (disposition date) in the preceding month are
matched against dependent spouses enrolled in one or more insurance plans
by a state employee
• The first Monday of every April a full match is performed (all divorce cases
existing in Judicial’s records (going back 20+ years)
• The Jaro Winkler algorithm is used to identify similar but not exact matches
(Judicial’s records do not contain SSNs or other personally identifiable
information, so pairs of names (couples) are matched)
• Double click on the document below for a summary
of the process.
Vendor Matching -- Task Scheduler Screenshot
• The task:
.bat files
to run
to this
Employee’s phone to vendor’s phone
Employee’s dependents’ phone numbers to vendor’s phone
Employee’s emergency contact’s phone to vendor’s phone
Employee’s address to vendor’s address
Employee’s emergency contact’s address to vendor’s address
Employee’s dependents’ addresses with vendor’s address
Terminated User Account Lockout Delays
• Create temp table, finds all terminations, and the
first date after in which the account became locked
• Then, using that temp table, further grab
the first date, if any, in which the user
logged in subsequent to their
termination date
Revenue Reconciliation and Sampling
• Each fiscal year, revenue producing modules are reconciled with the balances
on the general ledger module
• In other words, does the sum of transactions (deposits, invoices, etc.) total up
to the balances on the GL? (see revenue reconciliation.sql)
• In addition, an Access database holding transaction data (summarized at one
row per transaction in one report, with detail (accounting string) data in
another) is prepared for the field (see revenue sampling.sql)
• Double click on each icon to view the queries used.
Some of the source tables
reconciled to:
PS_PAY_MISC_DST (ARJ source; AR direct journals)
PS_ITEM_DST (ARI source; AR open items)
PS_VCHR_ACCTG_LINE (Accounts Payable)
PS_CA_ACCTG_LN_PC (Contacts; Projects Costing)
Core-CT User Role Conflicts, Query (Snippet)
• Using audit logs, we retroactively identify role conflicts that existed at various
points in the year just ended, at each fiscal year end.
• Double click on the document below for an
example query that is part of the process
on the Financials side.
Core-CT User Role Conflicts, End Result
Date the data
for which the
snapshot was
t to which
the conflict
applies (HR,
FIN, etc.)
Brief English
description of
the conflict (ex.
create and pay
a person).
Various attributes
related the
Color coded illustration of roles that
are OK as is (the X roles are okay
wither the A roles, or the B roles,
but not a mix of both A and B)
Long concatenated list of
all roles held by employee
that relate to the conflict
Holiday Time Charged on Non-Holidays
For facilitation of the field
auditors’ review, if the
date is defined as a holiday
by ANY schedule, that
holiday name is shown, as
well as the closest holiday
occurring before and
closest holiday occurring
• In PeopleSoft, employees are assigned to various time
and labor workgroups, time and labor workgroups are
assigned to various holiday schedules, and various
dates are defined as holidays within each holiday
• This query shows all instances where an employee
charged time to HOL on days not defined as a holiday
according to their workgroup’s holiday schedule
Consecutive Sick Days
• Query to identify sick days taken over a span of time that may require a
medical certificate
• Uses analytic functions to look above and below the current row
• Finds employees who took 5+ consecutive sick days, or 6+, depending on
applicable regulations, and shows one row for each day in each such stretch
of time
• Double click on the icon below to view the
Timesheet Approvers
• Runs every Wednesday at 6am
• One file per fiscal year
• Overwrites current file if same fiscal year as a file that already exists
• If a new fiscal year, creates a new file with that fiscal year as the name
• List of employees by department w/ the count of timesheet approvals by
approver (one row per employee and approver)
• Double click on the document below for 2
rows of example output.
P-Card Transaction Data
• Prepared each fiscal year
• Using the bank’s website, we run a
report for all transactions in the
fiscal year just ended.
• We import that result set into an
Oracle database using sqlldr
• We then use a sqlplus script to
generate one file per agency with
just that agency’s transactions
during the fiscal year
• The field can then use each file to
analyze the P-Card transaction
population for a given fiscal year
review specific suspicious
transactions or select samples
Asset Module Balances
• This query produces asset module balances by business unit and
asset category, for matching with each agency’s asset reporting form
that they submit to the Comptroller’s office for financial statement
• Questions?