Information Systems Technology

BB6203 Business Performance Management Technology
BB6203 Business Performance Management Technology
Resubmission 2013/14
This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to practice basic elements of the OLTP system
design and data manipulation and retrieval in a relational database. You will also be able to design a
simple data warehouse based on the original OLTP system model. This is an individual assignment
worth 40% of the overall module grade.
The report should be presented in four clear sections, one “to do” item per section (see below).
This should be submitted in electronic form only through TurnitIn on StudySpace.
To do:
1. Choose one of the sample ER diagrams (Appendix 1) and:
a. Implement an OLTP database (Oracle is your target DBMS here1).
Assumptions as to the attribute semantic/functional meaning and data type, as well as
choosing the appropriate data types, and interpreting the semantic meaning of
relationships in the diagrams are subject to student’s discretion. Modification of number
of attributes is allowed. All assumptions and modifications made should be clearly
explained in the answer.
b. Populate the new database with sample data.
It is recommended that each table has at least 5 records, and by all means the amount of
data should be enough to clearly illustrate all the queries from Part 2.
c. Include the database creation / population scripts in your answer.
(20 marks)
2. Develop queries to illustrate the relational operations listed below:
a. Projection
b. Union
c. Set difference
d. Intersection
e. Cartesian product
g. Natural join
h. Outer join
For every query produce:
a. Written formulation of the query (e.g. “Get last names of all employees whose first name
You can use either your university Oracle account or complete the assignment on any other Oracle installation.
Author: Serhiy Kovela
starts with “…”)
b. SQL statement to implement the query (e.g. SELECT “lname” FROM “employees” WHERE
“fname” LIKE ‘%...%’)
c. Result screenshot of executing the query in SQL*Plus
(16 marks)
3. Develop queries to illustrate the aggregate functions listed below:
Use the same “written formulation” / “SQL statement” / “result screenshot” format here.
(10 marks)
4. Define 2 subject (functional) areas in the above OLTP database (e.g. customers, products, sales,
etc.) and 2 business performance analysis-related questions2 related to those areas (1 query per
subject area) and:
1. Create two separate Data Marts (DM) catering for those queries, one DM per query. For
each of the DMs provide:
a. Dimensional model
b. Verbal formulation of the subject area, business performance analysis question, and
detailed explanation of the structure of the fact table
c. Example analytic queries that could be executed against that fact table (at least two
of those)
d. SQL statements for those analytic queries
(40 marks)
2. Create a consolidated Data Warehouse model merging the Data Marts created above.
a. Dimensional model for the DM
b. Explanations as to how the potential conflicts with matching dimensions were resolved
(14 marks)
Submission via Turnitin 12 noon on Friday 22 August 2014
Please refer to “Examples of Typical Data Warehouse Queries” in your lecture notes
Author: Serhiy Kovela
BB6203 Business Performance Management Technology
1. Sample HR system diagram
Sample Bookshop system diagram
2. Sample Bookstore system diagram
Author: Serhiy Kovela