Education and training in Romania NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY Nicolae Postăvaru -President JUNE 2015 1. Goals of the education and training system in Romania Recognition 2. Actors involved in education and training system 3. Romanian Education System Legislative framework and structure 3.1.A. The structure of the Romanian Education Future Present The structure of the Romanian Education System 8 7 Lifelong learning 6 Tertiary education Non-university tertiary education Secondary education Primary education Ante preschool education 5 4 3 2 1 3.1.B. The structure of the Romanian Education European and National Qualification Framework 3.2. Romanian Education Diagram 3.3. Higher Education The Flowchart of enrollment and recording qualifications in Romanian National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education Validation and enrollment of qualifications in Romanian National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education Accreditation Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Recording Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education 3.4. Lifelong Learning A. According to the legislation, the main purpose of the education and vocational training for children, young people and adults is to develop competences, in the form of a multifunctional and transferable set of knowledge, skills/abilities and aptitudes, necessary for: Achieving personal life objectives in accordance to one’s personal interests, expectations and aspirations; Social integration and active civic participation to the society; Facilitating employment for a sustainable economy; Developing education based on dignity, tolerance and observance of human fundamental rights and freedom; Cultivation of sensibility towards human problems, the moral and civic values and respect for nature and natural, social and cultural environment, see United Nations Resolution no. 65/309/2011. 3.4. Lifelong Learning B. Strategic pillars in Lifelong learning The strategy for lifelong learning in Romania is based on four pillars related to access to lifelong learning, its relevance, an attitude to learn always and everywhere and partnerships with stakeholders. Pillar 4 – Partnerships – close collaboration between social partners and relevant stakeholders. Pillar 4 – Partnerships Pillar 3 – Learning attitude Pillar 2 – Relevance - education and training system meet the skills required by the labour market see slide 25. Pillar 3 – Learning attitude - functional literacy and key competencies. Pillar 2 – Relevance Pillar 1 – Access - measures to reach the target of involved population in learning programs up to 10% by 2020. Lifelong Learning Pillar 1 – Access R Relationships in education and training 4.A. Adult Education in Romania The system for monitoring and information in professional training and the responsible instituion 4.B. Adult Education in Romania Legend : Standardization of education and training in relation to labor market 4.C. Adult Education in Romania In progress Working 5.A. Adult Education in Romania The process of authorization of the professional training providers 5.B. Adult Education in Romania Conditions on the eligibility for the professional training providers to be legal established in Romania Conditions on the eligibility for the professional training providers to have fulfilled the legal payment obligation to the public budget, according to the law in force activity of professional training to be foreseen within the incorporation paper of the provider 6.A. Romanian Qualifications Framework - ROQF 6.B. Romanian Qualifications Framework - ROQF 6.C. Romanian Qualifications Framework - ROQF 7. Quality assurance National Qualifications Authority - National Accreditation Center ROMANIAN AGENCY FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION Romanian National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher EducationRAQAHE NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-university Education-RAQAPE ROMANIAN AGENCY FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE IN PRE-UNIVESRITY EDUCATION QUALITY ASSURANCE for informal and non-formal education NATIONAL GROUP FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE 7. Quality assurance National Qualifications Authority - National Accreditation Center ROMANIAN AGENCY FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION Romanian National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher EducationRAQAHE NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-university Education-RAQAPE ROMANIAN AGENCY FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE IN PRE-UNIVESRITY EDUCATION QUALITY ASSURANCE for informal and non-formal education NATIONAL GROUP FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE 8. Representatives Standards for education and training Request Education market Funds Quality assurance Offer Who? Certificates/Diplomas Europass Supplements Training providers - Publics - Privates Authorized/Accredited Labor market ESCO ISCED ROC/ISCO Recognition 8 7 6 5 8 7 5 4 3 3 2 1 4 3 5 Mobility 2 6 2-3 3-4 5-8 2 1 9 unqualified Jobs Experience Employers Employees Unemployed Unqualified Without key competences 9. The key element in Quality Assurance – Occupational Standard for education and raining 0 Labor market representatives Employers Setting occupation tasks 1 Initiator/ Specialist Establishing competencies and skills Establishing training plan Development of theoretical and practical curriculum Drawing up a list of specific equipment and machinery 2 Checker specialist Professional checking Labor market representatives 3 Professional association/ regulatory institution/ institution acting in the field First opinion on the Occupational Standard Labor market representatives 4 Sectoral Committees Validation of the documentation Labor market representatives 5 NQA Approval of the Occupational Standard Labor market representatives Specialised Committee NQA decision Publishing on Labor market representatives Regulatory institution Thank You !