
Pelaporan dan Akuntansi Keuangan
Liabilities and Equity
• Liabilities: probable future sacrifices of
economic benefits arising from present
obligations of a particular entity to
transfer assets or provide services to
other entities in the future as a result of
past transactions or events
• Equity: the residual interest in the assets
that remains after deducting its liabilities
Current Liabilities, Provisions,Contingencies, and
Events after the Reporting Period
Current Liabilities
• Entity obligations whose liquidation is
reasonably expected to require the use of
existing resources properly classified as
current assets or the creation of other
current liabilities
• Obligations that are due on demand or
will be due on demand within one year or
operating cycle, if longer
Types of Liabilities
• Both of the payment and payee are
• The payee is known but the amount may
have to be estimated
• The payee is unknown and the amount
may have to be estimated
• The liability has been incurred due to a
loss contingency
Amount and Payee Known
Accounts payable
Notes payable
Dividends payable
Unearned revenues or advances
Returnable deposits
Accrued liabilities
Agency liabilities
Obligations that are due on demand or will
become due on demand within one year
• Short-term obligations expected to be
Payee Known but the Amount
may Need to be Estimated
• Provisions
– Liabilities having uncertain timing or amount
– A provision should be recognized only if:
• The entity has present obligation (legal or
constructive) as a result of a past event
• It is probable that an outflow of resources
embodying economic benefits will be required to
settle the obligation
• A reliable estimate can be made of the amount of
the obligation
Payee Known but the Amount
may Need to be Estimated
• Provisions
Unlawful environmental damage
Provision for restructuring costs
Onerous contract
Decommissioning costs
Taxes payable
Property taxes payable
Bonus payments
Compensated absences
Short sale obligations
Payee Unknown and the Amount
May Have to be Estimated
• Premiums
• Product warranties
• Other customer incentives
– Example: airline frequent flyer mileage
Contingent Liabilities
• An obligation that is either:
– A possible obligation arising from past events, the
outcome of which will be confirmed only on occurrence
or nonoccurence of one or more uncertain future
events which are not wholly within the control of the
reporting entity; or
– A present obligation arising from past events, which
are not recognized either because it is not probable
that an outflow of resources will be required to settle
an obligation or the amount of the obligation can not
be measured with sufficient reliability
Contingent Liabilities
• Reporting entity is not to give formal
recognition to a contingent liability
– Disclose in the notes to the financial
• Example: litigation
• Contingent assets should not be
– Disclosed if the inflow of economic benefits is
Reporting Events Occurring after
the Reporting Period
• Adjusting and nonadjusting events
– Adjusting events: those post-balance-sheet events
that provide evidence of conditions that actually
existed at the balance sheet date, albeit they were not
known at the time
• Financial statements should be adjusted
– Nonadjusting events: those post-balance-sheet events
that are indicative of conditions that arose after the
date of the statement of financial position
• Financial statements should not be adjusted
Adjusting Events
• Example:
– Resolution of a court case
– Information indicating that an asset was
– The determination of the cost of assets
purchase, or the proceeds from assets
disposed of
– The determination of the amount of profit
sharing or bonus payments
– The discovery of fraud or errors
Kewajiban Diestimasi, Kewajiban
Kontinjensi, dan Aset Kontinjensi
• Kewajiban diestimasi: kewajiban yang
waktu dan jumlahnya belum pasti
– Diakui sebagai kewajiban
• Kewajiban kontinjensi tidak diakui
sebagai kewajiban
• Perusahaan tidak diperkenankan
mengakui adanya aset kontinjensi
Financial Instruments – Long-Term Debt
Long-term Debt
• Future sacrifices of economic benefits to
be repaid over a period of more than one
year or, if longer, over more than one
operating cycle
Notes and Bonds
• Nominal vs. effective rates:
– Market rate > stated rate: discount
– Stated rate > market rate: premium
• Effective interest method is the
prescribed method of accounting for a
discount or premium
– Straight-line may be used if the results are
not materially different
Extinguishment of Debt
• Removing a financial liability (or part of
financial liability) is warranted only when
the obligation is extinguished
– Deemed to have occurred when the
obligation is discharged or canceled or
Extinguishment of Debt
• Substantial modification of the terms of
existing debt
– Represents an extinguishment of the old debt
and results in derecognition of that debt and
recognition of new debt instrument
• Discounted present values of cash flows under the
terms of the new debt differs at least 10% from the
discounted present value of the remaining cash
flows of the original debt instrument
Computing the Gain or Loss on
Debt Extinguishments
• The difference between the net carrying
value and the acquisition price is to be
recorded as a gain or loss
– Recognized in the period in which the
retirement takes place
– Reported as “other” income or expense
Convertible Debt
• Compound instruments component
parts of which must be classified
accordingly to their separate
– Measured at fair value first, with the residual
amount assigned to the equity component
Induced Conversion of Debt
• The issuance of ‘sweeteners’ should be
accounted for as a reduction in the
proceeds of the share offering, thereby
reducing contributed capital from the
Shareholders’ Equity
• Residual interest in the assets of an
enterprise after deducting all its liabilities
• 3 broad subdivisions:
– Issued share capital
– Retained earnings
– Other components of equity (reserves)
Classification between Liabilities
and Equity
• Compound instruments:
– Classify the component parts of the financial
instrument separately as equity or liability
– The full fair value of the liability component(s)
must be reported as liabilities, and only the
residual value, at issuance, can be included
as equity
Preferred Shares
• Preferred shareholders are owners who
have certain rights superior to those of
common stockholders
Accounting for the Issuance of
• Depends on whether the share capital
has a par or stated value
Share Capital Issued for Services
• Should be reflected at the fair value of
the property or services received
• If this information is not readily available,
the transaction should be recorded at the
fair value of the shares that were issued
Issuance of Share Units
• Where both of the classes of shares are
publicly traded: allocated in proportion to
the relative market values of the
• If only one of the securities is publicly
traded: the proceeds should be allocated
to the one that is publicly traded based
on its known market value and any
excess is allocated to the other
Share Subscriptions
• The amount of share subscriptions
receivable sometimes treated as an
• However, most are shown as a reduction
of shareholders’ equity
Piutang kepada Pemegang
• Disajikan dalam kelompok aset lancar
• Bila batas waktu penyetoran modal atau
pelunasan piutang pesanan saham
dipesan terlampaui, maka piutang
pemegang saham dikompensasi ke
Donated Capital
• US GAAP: revenue
• IFRS does not address contributions or
Tanah Sumbangan
• Dicatat berdasarkan nilai wajar lokasi
setempat dan diakui sebagai Modal
Berasal dari Sumbangan
Retained Earnings
• Accumulated amount of earnings of the
corporation from the date of inception (or
from the date of reorganization) less the
cumulative amount of distributions made
to shareholders and other charges to
retained earnings
Dividends and Distributions
• Cash Dividends
– The declaration date governs the incurrence
of a legal liability by the corporation
• Share dividend
– Represent neither an actual distribution of the
asses of the corporation nor a promise to
distribute those assets
– Not considered a legal liability when declared
– Small and large stock dividend
Liquidating Dividends
• Recorded by charging additional
contributed capital rather than retained
Dividen Saham
• Pembagian dividen saham dicatat
berdasarkan nilai wajar saham
– Harga pasar pada penutupan sesi terakhir
Accounting for Treasury Share
• Cost method
• Par value method
• Constructive retirement method
Penebusan/Penarikan Kembali
Modal Saham
• Cost method
• Par value method
Kesalahan Mendasar
• Dalam mengoreksi suatu kesalahan
mendasar, jumlah koreksi yang
berhubungan dengan periode
sebelumnya harus dilaporkan dengan
menyesuaikan saldo laba awal periode
Accounting for Share-Based
• When share capital is issued
immediately, measurement is not
generally difficult
– The expense is immediately recorded
• When employers are granted options to
later acquire shares
– Estimate fair value of a share option (use
option pricing model)
– Expense the value of share options granted
over the period during which the employee is
earnings the option (until the option vests)
Akuntansi Waran
• Waran adalah efek yang diterbitkan oleh
suatu perusahaan yang memberi hak
kepada pemegangnya untuk memesan
saham dari suatu perusahaan tersebut
pada harga dan jangka waktu tertentu
Waran Pisah
• Dana perolehan dari penerbitan efek
yang bersifat utang yang disertai dengan
penerbitan saham pisah dialokasikan
kepada kedua efek berdasarkan nilai
wajar masing-masing efek
– Jumlah yang dialokasikan ke waran
dilaporkan sebagai Modal Disetor Lainnya
Waran Lekat
• Dana perolehan dari penerbitan efek
utang yang disertai waran lekat
dilaporkan sebagai kewajiban
Waran bebas
• Dengan suatu pembayaran: dicatat
dalam Modal Disetor Lainnya
• Dengan cuma-cuma: tidak perlu dicatat
Akuntansi Kuasi-Reorganisasi
• Kuasi-reorganisasi merupakan prosedur
akuntansi yang mengatur perusahaan
merestrukturissasi ekuitasnya dengan
menghilangkan defisit dan menilai
kembali seluruh aset dan kewajibannya
Penilaian Kembali Aset dan
• Aset dan kewajiban harus dinilai kembali
dengan nilai wajar
• Selisih antara nilai wajar aset dan
kewajiban dengan nilai bukunya diakui
pada akun selisih penilaian aset dan
• Selisih penilaian aset dan kewajiban
digabung dengan selisih revaluasi aset
tetap (jika ada) sebelum digunakan untuk
mengeliminasi atau menambah defisit
Urutan Pengeliminasian Saldo
Laba Negatif
• Urutan prioritas:
– Cadangan umum
– Cadangan khusus
– Selisih penilaian aset dan kewajiban
(termasuk selisih revaluasi aset tetap) dan
selisih penilaian sejenisnya
– Tambahan modal disetor dan sejenisnya
– Modal saham