New York City College of Technology The City University of New York Department of Communication Design COMD 2450 – WEB DESIGN 1 Instructor: Email: Site: Office hour: Ellen Baryshev Friday, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm, room 1112 SYLLABUS COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course, students will learn the necessary technical skills to create meaningful web sites that showcase their strengths as designers. Students will build web sites that demonstrate their mastery of standards compliant HTML and CSS, as well as an understanding of web usability. Students will also learn how to trouble-shoot and solve technical issues. Prerequisite: COMD 2300 or department approval OBJECTIVES AND ASSESSMENT: Understand the importance of the web as a medium of communication. Understand the principles of creating an effective web page Develop skills in analyzing of information architecture Develop basic skills of coding webpages with HTML and CSS Implement graphic design principles to web design Apply critical thinking to evaluate web design objectives This will be assessed with class work, homework assignments, written examinations and the final project. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOME: At the end of the semester students should be able to: Gain a solid foundation in current markup languages and applications. Learn to stay up-to-date of current and developing trends in internet development, information technology, and website design Display working knowledge of HTML and CSS and code fundamental web pages Understand image optimization for the web Show proficiency in creating usable, well-crafted web design in Photoshop Be able to embed text and images into web pages. Create a basic working contact form Publish a fully operational portfolio site Design and build an effective portfolio site Upload a fully operational site to a server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Use basic Dreamweaver software (for PC and Mac) or Text Wrangler (for Mac) or Cyberduck text editors (for PC or for Mac) REQUIRED MATERIALS, SUGGESTED TEXTS 1. Good drawing pad for working on sketches (size should be not smaller than 8”x10”) 2. Texts – HTML & CSS, design and build websites, by Jon Duckett 3. Other reading materials are posted on the class website (left pane) REQUIRED HOSTING PROVIDER: You will need to purchase a URL and host it at Kionic. This will cost approximately $40 for a year. You must have this in order to participate in the class COURSE REQUIREMENTS Class activities and homework, projects and assignments explanations, schedule of projects and their due dates, grading strategy and other information will always be posted on the class site Students are responsible for listening and reading all the instructions, including homework assignments and project texts, and following them. If for some reason a student missed an explanation or an announcement in class, the information is always written clearly on the class site. If a student is absent, he/she is still responsible for submitting homework on time as it is always available on the class site. All homework assignments are due the following class meeting unless otherwise indicated. CLASS CONDUCT 1. In class students have to do only the class work, not work on other projects, browse the internet, text, etc. 2. During any professor’s explanation, students have to be attentive and should not speak with each other (including helping each other) 3. No eating, drinking, or using cell phones for any reason (college lab rules) If students do not behave properly in class, the final grade will be lowered. ATTENDANCE A class roster roll will be taken at the beginning of each class. Only two absences may be allowed. Students arriving after the roll is taken will be marked “Late.” A student’s responsibility is to remind the professor at the end of the class session that he/she was late and to check that the mark is changes to “Late”; otherwise the “Absent” mark will remain. The professor doesn’t have to change the “Absent” mark on the “Late” mark the next class session. After being absent three times or equivalent (2 lateness = 1 absence), a student may be asked to withdraw from the class (code W before the College drop deadline, which you can find in the section “Academic Calendar” on the college website) or may be withdrawn from the class (code WU). ACADEMIC INTEGRITY STANDARDS You are responsible for reading, understanding and abiding by the NYC College of Technology Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities,” section “Academic Integrity Standards.” Academic dishonesty of any type, including cheating and plagiarism is unacceptable. "Cheating" is misrepresenting another student's efforts/work as your own. "Plagiarism" is the representation of another person's work, words or concepts as your own.