Web Design Syllabus 2014-2015

2014- 2015
Web Design and Programming
Teacher Contact Information:
Mr. Schmidt
Email: gjschmidt@cps.edu
Phone: 773-535-2410 x25375
Course Description:
The first semester of this course provides an introduction to the design, creation, and
maintenance of web pages and websites. Students learn how to critically evaluate website
quality, learn how to create and maintain quality web pages, learn about web design standards
and why they're important, and learn to create and manipulate images. The second semester of
this course covers beginning programming using Alice and Python. Students will learn the basic
concepts and structures common to all programs using Alice. Alice is an innovative 3D
programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an
interactive game, or a video. It allows students to learn fundamental programming concepts in the
context of creating animated movies and simple video games. In Alice, 3-D objects (e.g., people, animals,
and vehicles) populate a virtual world and students create a program to animate the objects. Python is a
true object oriented programming language. In the course students will program Scribbler robots using
the Python language to perform different tasks.
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are:
Students will gain the skills and project-based experience needed for entry into web
design and development careers.
Students will be able to use a variety of strategies and tools to create websites.
Students will develop awareness and appreciation of the myriad ways that people
access the web and will be able to create standards-based websites that are
accessible and usable by a full spectrum of users
Students will understand the basics of programming and be able to code using the
Python programming language.
Required Materials:
1. Flash Drive
2. A notebook is not required for this class, but occasionally you may need a pencil/pen
and paper. You are expected to have those with you each day.
Course Materials:
All materials for this class will be available on the Hancock web site
(http://hancockhs.org). Under the button Academics, select Classes and Curriculum.
Next select the Computer Department and then the Web Design class. Click on See
Homework and select the homework for that day. The presentation, homework and any
files you need to complete that homework will be stored there.
Grading Policy:
The standard grading scale is used for this course:
Grades are divided into the following categories:
All assignments are expected to be turned in on time. Given the nature of the class, ample
time is given during class to complete all assignments. Not doing classwork will hurt your
grade. Late work incurs a penalty:
 Three days late – 75% of possible total points
 One week late – Work is not accepted.
You are responsible for your grade. Check your grade in Gradebook often to see if you are
missing anything.
Classroom Rules and Procedures:
1) Tardy Log: You are expected to be in your seat, ready to work when the bell rings. If
you come in after the bell you must sign the Tardy Log.
2) Phones/iPods/Earbuds: Keep them put away. No warnings. If they are out your parents
will be picking them up from the Dean. You may not charge your electronics in this class.
Earbuds will not be hanging from your shirt.
3) No Food or Drink: PCs do not react well to spills on/in them and eating messes up the
keyboards and mice. You may have water in water bottle with a screw on top.
4) Homework: Homework that is due should be placed in the “Homework In” folder on the
shelves. The left hand bins are for homework “in” and the right hand bins are for
homework that I have graded. Please pick up your graded homework
5) Stay on Task: If you don’t understand what you should be doing ASK. Don’t just sit
there and don’t play games/surf the internet.
6) Seating: Sit in your assigned seat. I take attendance by seat and your work is stored on
that PC.
7) Absences: Past lessons and homework are available on the Hancock website. If you
were absent please pick up what you missed there. It’s your responsibility to get the
work you missed. You have the same number of to make up work as the number of days
you were absent. This applies only to “excused” absences.
8) Uniforms, IDs, etc: All school rules apply in the classroom. That includes wearing the
appropriate uniform and having your ID around your neck.
Activity: Lecture/Presentation
Conversation: VL-0 - None, unless called on or
Help: Raise hand & wait to be called on. Ask questions on
anything you don’t understand.
Integrity: Stay on Task! Don’t play games/surf the net.
Effort: Sit up! Act interested! Keep eyes on presenter,
screen, board or handout!
Value: Lecture content will help you understand & complete
the homework. Notes will help you study for quizzes & tests.
Efficiency: Follow along. Remain quiet. Listen actively –
what’s being lectured on will be used in the immediately
following homework!
Activity: Independent Work
Conversation: VL-2 - Students can talk to get help on
work…IF they’re near each other…IF they speak quietly…IF
it’s not more than 3 people…IF it’s no more than a couple
Help: Ask another student OR raise your hand BUT keep
working on other parts of the task.
Integrity: Do your own work. Ask a few questions.
Effort: Reading. Typing. Doing. Briefly asking or answering
a question. NOT sleeping! NOT idling! NOT having a long,
gossip-filled conversation! NOT working on other classwork
before the assigned task is finished!
Value: Working independently gives you the power to take
ownership of your own learning at your own pace. Earn points.
Efficiency: Avoid distractions. Concentrate & get the work
done faster.
Activity: Group Work
Conversation: VL-2 - Students talk quietly to get the
project done
Help: Raise hand. Continue with other parts of the work until
teacher arrives.
Integrity: Everyone participates.
Effort: Each student is expected to:
Stay on task
Accurately complete the assignment on time as a team.
Value: Group works allows you to collaborate with others
and value different perspectives
Efficiency: Avoid distractions. Concentrate & get the work
done faster. Everyone does their part of the work.
2014- 2015
Web Design
Parent Information
Teacher Contact Information:
Mr. Schmidt
Email: gjschmidt@cps.edu
Phone: 773-535-2410 x25375
Course Description: This course provides an introduction to the design, creation, and
maintenance of web pages and websites. Students learn how to critically evaluate website
quality, learn how to create and maintain quality web pages, learn about web design standards
and why they're important, and learn to create and manipulate images. This course will also
cover beginning programming using Alice and Python.
Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are:
1. Students will gain the skills and project-based experience needed for entry into web
design and development careers.
2. Students will be able to use a variety of strategies and tools to create websites.
3. Students will develop awareness and appreciation of the myriad ways that people
access the web and will be able to create standards-based websites that are
accessible and usable by a full spectrum of users
4. Students will understand the basics of programming and be able to code using the
Python programming language
Required Materials: A USB Flash Drive is required. Any size is acceptable!
Grading Policy: The standard grading scale is used for this course:
Grades are divided into the following categories:
All assignments are expected to be turned in on time. Given the nature of the class, ample
time is given during class to complete all assignments. Not doing classwork will hurt your
grade. Late work incurs a penalty:
Three days late – 75% of possible total points
One week late – Work is not accepted.
2014- 2015
Web Design
Parent Form
Student’s Name
We have discussed the information on the objectives and the grading policies for the Web
Design course. My student understands what is required to be successful in Mr. Schmidt’s
Parent’s Signature
Student’s Signature
If I need to contact you:
Parent’s Phone
Parent’s Email
Best time to call