FLASH REPORT HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION 2013 International Career Development Conference Anaheim, California Flash Report No. 1 DATE: March 12, 2013 TO: High School DECA Chartered Association Advisors RE: International Career Development Conference The purpose of the Flash Report is to keep you informed of any changes in the ICDC plans. Information contained in this Flash Report supersedes any previous information you have received. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION ONSITE REGISTRATION Conference registration is scheduled on Tuesday, April 23, from noon until 9:00 p.m. in the Platinum Ballroom 10 at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel. In an effort to better serve you, please submit the attached form indicating the time you wish to register. NOTE: Registration will not be set up on Wednesday. Please email Anne_Farrell@deca.org if you are unable to register on Tuesday. The bulk registration materials (programs, participant gifts, name badges and name badge holders, pins, ribbons, etc.) will be delivered to your hotel on Monday, April 22. It will be your responsibility to get the materials from the hotel storage to a designated room, which you must arrange with the hotel. Because all of your materials (even name badges and pins) will be delivered to your hotel, you may wish to register immediately prior to the Chartered Association Advisor Dinner on Tuesday, April 23, at 6:00 p.m. in the Platinum Ballroom 2 at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel. This dinner will be held to share key information and updates that you need to be aware of for the conference. DECA will provide conference registration transportation service for chartered association advisors assigned to the Garden Grove area if you send an email to Shirlee_Kyle@deca.org stating the time you wish to register on Tuesday and the need for transportation. You will then be picked up at your hotel and taken to conference registration. Transportation will be provided back to your hotel following the chartered association advisor dinner. An email confirmation will be sent to you confirming the hotel pickup time. If your email is not received by Monday, April 15, it will be assumed that you are not using this service. No other DECA registration transportation to the Anaheim Marriott Hotel is provided on Tuesday, April 23. ATTENDANCE CRITERIA The DECA Inc. Board of Directors has specified that there must be a MINIMUM OF ONE ADULT ADVISOR FOR EVERY EIGHT HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION STUDENT DELEGATES. An adult advisor may be any adult named by the chartered association DECA advisor to serve the chartered association in this capacity. He/She must register for the conference, pay the registration fee and be in attendance for the entire period of the conference. REGISTRATION FEE/REFUND POLICY The registration fee, due on March 25 payable to DECA Inc., is $90 and must be paid by all DECA members, DECA advisors, and chaperones attending the conference. If the conference registration is not paid in full for the entire delegation by April 16, the students, advisors and chaperones with a balance due will be charged the on-site fee, $95. Payment by credit card will incur a 4% convenience fee on all charged amounts. Any billing that has to be done following the conference will be done at the on-site fee ($95) as well. If there are drops from your registration, you must return the name badge in order to get a refund. No refunds will be granted for adjustment of a chartered association’s registration after 9 p.m. on Tuesday, April 23. Refunds will not be paid during on-site registration; however, conference officials will verify the amount of the refund. Refund checks will be sent within one month after the close of the conference. No additions/substitutions for competitors will be accepted after Thursday, April 18. INSURANCE COVERAGE One Beacon America Insurance Company will provide special insurance for each chartered association’s delegates and advisors registered for the International Career Development Conference. The delegates must be listed on the registration form. The policy has the following broad features: $25,000 principal sum for accidental death or dismemberment $ 2,500 maximum medical/dental expense benefit per accident Each person subscribing voluntarily to this insurance will be covered by this policy for up to three days before the conference (or whenever you leave home to travel to the conference whichever is shorter), during the conference, and up to three days following the conference (or until you arrive home, whichever is shorter). Coverage is subject to the full terms and conditions in the master policy. If your delegates desire this insurance coverage, the following information must be included with registration or emailed to Anne Farrell at anne_farrell@deca.org with the premium of $1.50 per person: Name of Beneficiary Name of Conference Attendee Relationship to Attendee Home Address of Beneficiary Name of School School Address DECA ICDC Flash 1 2 CHARTERED ASSOCIATION CELL PHONES All chartered associations must provide a cell phone number for emergency purposes. Please submit on the attached form at least one cell phone number that can be used throughout the conference. HOUSING CHARTERED ASSOCIATION HOUSING Included is a listing of chartered associations and the hotel where each is assigned. All attendees must stay in the official DECA property in order to participate in the conference. HOTEL CANCELATIONS If your chartered association is not going to meet your allocated room block, or if your chartered association is going to need additional rooms for your delegation, please call Shirlee Kyle at 703-3719260 so that proper arrangements can be made with the hotels. DECA appreciates your cooperation with this request. TRAVEL, TOURS + TRANSPORTATION CAR RENTAL/TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Visit http://www.deca.org/events/icdc/ for car rentals and ground transportation. FINISH LINE/DECA DASH FUN RUN/WALK Participation will benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association and DECA's scholarship fund. The entry fee is $30 and includes a t-shirt and other items compliments of our valued sponsors. The event will start at 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 24, at the Anaheim Convention Center Grand Plaza. Register online at http://www.decaregistration.com/5Krun/. The deadline to pre-register is April 19. TOUR BOOTH HOURS OF OPERATION Tour orders will be done in an online system. The link is available at http://www.deca.org/events/icdc. The deadline to pre-order tour tickets is April 19. Advance tickets to area attractions can be picked up and tickets can be purchased on site in the Platinum Ballroom 10 at the Anaheim Marriott. Tour booth hours of operation are: Tuesday, April 23 Noon – 9 p.m. Wednesday, April 24 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. Thursday, April 25 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Friday, April 26 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. Saturday, April 27 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. OFFICIAL CONFERENCE ACTIVITIES DECA Inc. does not recognize or accept any responsibility for tours arranged through travel agents or individuals. DECA’s official tours are promoted and sold only through DECA Inc. Please understand that only official DECA events listed in the conference program are supported by DECA Inc. DECA Inc. does not assume liability for any chapter or association events that are planned independently of DECA’s official conference activities. We encourage you to communicate this to your chapter advisors as they are making their chapter’s plans for ICDC. We DECA ICDC Flash 1 3 recommend that they gain approval for any activity outside of the official conference events from their administration prior to traveling to ICDC. CONFERENCE TRANSPORTATION DECA will provide four interchangeable transportation routes allowing for easy and convenient connections between the hotels and the Anaheim Convention Center. Upon arrival at your hotel, please ask the hotel staff for the up-to-date information regarding transportation. Route 1 Crowne Plaza Anaheim Resort Pick up at front entrance of hotel Route 2 Hyatt Regency Orange County Pick up front entrance of hotel Route 3 Embassy Suites Anaheim South, Hampton Inn & Suites, and Hilton Garden Inn Pick up at bus stop at Embassy Suites South Route 4 Disneyland Hotel Pick up at front entrance of hotel (flag pole) The conference shuttle schedule is as follows: Wednesday, April 24 6:30 p.m. – Midnight* Thursday, April 25 7 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.* Friday, April 26 6:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.* Saturday, April 27 6:30 a.m. – Midnight* *Last departure to return to the hotels. GENERAL CONFERENCE INFORMATION CONFERENCE AGENDA ON WEBSITE A tentative conference agenda is available at www.deca.org/events/icdc. ICDC DRESS CODE A copy of the ICDC dress code and code of conduct is available at www.deca.org/events/icdc. Please make certain that all conference attendees are made aware of the requirements. The dress code is also published in the DECA Guide and will be published in the ICDC program. Please note that advisors must also adhere to the dress code. Information about ordering official DECA blazers is attached. SERVICE FOR SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS We want to make every opportunity available for our special needs members to participate in the ICDC. A form is enclosed to identify students who need special services. We will work with the school and/or chartered association to provide the appropriate services. It is critical that we receive the attached form by the March 25 due date in order to arrange the appropriate services. DECA ICDC Flash 1 4 NAME BADGES Your name badge is your ticket to all meetings, general sessions, transportation and special activities. This policy is for students, chaperones and advisors. They must be worn at all times during the conference. GENERAL SESSIONS Chartered associations will be assigned seating for the opening and closing sessions; however, seating will NOT be assigned for the second general session. CHARTERED ASSOCIATION OFFICERS’ LUNCHEON The chartered association officers’ luncheon will be held on Friday. Piper Jaffray will sponsor the luncheon for one officer team from each chartered association—either the 2012-13 team or the 2013-14 team. Please indicate on the attached form the number of officers and advisors who will attend this luncheon. CHARTERED ASSOCIATION PHOTOGRAPHS Once again, Covello and Covello Photographers will be available at ICDC to take your chartered association delegation’s official photo—an ideal item to add to your Facebook or website. Chartered association group photographs will be taken during the following times: Wednesday, April 24 Saturday, April 27 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: The Grand Opening Session and Grand Awards Session will begin at 8:30 p.m. Photographers will be available for chartered association photos as early as 6 p.m. (or earlier by request). If you wish to schedule your photo time and have not yet done so, please email Shirlee Kyle at shirlee_kyle@deca.org ASAP. The schedule to date is attached. SOCIAL MEDIA Encourage your advisors and members attending (and at home!) to follow the conference using DECA’s social media sites – www.facebook.com/decainc and www.twitter.com/decainc (conference hashtag: #DECAICDC). New this year is an opportunity for DECA members and advisors to be part of an elite group of social media correspondents, known as LIVE@THRIVE. Be looking for more information soon. ADVISOR AND ADULT ACTIVITIES ADMINISTRATOR DAY DECA will have a special event for administrators at ICDC. Administrator Day is designed to inform administrators who are not familiar with DECA about the benefits of chapter activities that support the curriculum and enhance student development. thank administrators who have DECA chapters for their support. connect administrators to other administrators with successful DECA chapters. introduce administrators from the host association to chartered association personnel. DECA ICDC Flash 1 5 Chapter advisors who want their administrator to receive a formal letter of invitation to the event should complete the attached Administrator Information Form for additional information regarding registration. Return the completed form to Allison Schneider via fax to 703-860-4013 or via email at allison_schneider@deca.org. JUDGES DECA needs approximately 800 professionals to serve as a judge for the International Career Development Conference in Anaheim, California. Judges are needed on Friday, April 26. As your chapter advisors continue to prepare for ICDC, please encourage them to ask non-teacher chaperones to serve as a competitive event judge. Many chapters invite guidance counselors and administrators to judge at ICDC, as this is a great way to showcase DECA. Interested individuals can visit http://www.deca.org/events/judge to register as a competitive event judge. CONFERENCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENTS The attached sheet details the adult assistants needed from your association to manage the competitive events program and leadership academies. Those of you requested to provide an event series director and assistant series director(s) are encouraged to email to shirlee_kyle@deca.org the following information for these individuals: Name School Address Phone for school and personal cell phone Email address This information would be appreciated as soon as possible and is due no later than March 25. The briefings for the series directors and assistant series directors will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 24, at the Anaheim Convention Center, in the following rooms: Team Decision Making Events Principles of Business Administration Series Events Operations Research Events, Chapter Team and Business Management and Entrepreneurship Events Marketing Representative and Professional Selling Events Room 205 A Room 205 B Room 206 Room 212 Room 211 A Please share this information with these people so that travel arrangements are appropriately made. Thanks for your cooperation. Included are the event management assignments. If your association is not providing a series director but is interested in providing assistance at the 5K, please email Shirlee_Kyle@deca.org so appropriate plans can be made. SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN Did you know that annually DECA receives more than 5,000 applications for scholarship support? You may even know a DECA member who’s applied. While DECA provided more than $300,000 in scholarships last year, we are hardly keeping pace with the need, that’s why DECA launched a DECA ICDC Flash 1 6 Scholarship Fundraising Campaign. The scholarship program is critical to ensuring that our members have access to college and a clear pathway to achieving their dreams and personal and professional success. DECA will match every donation until we reach our goal of $50,000. Help us meet our goal and encourage your advisors to join the campaign by making a donation at www.deca.org/donate. Together we can Make the Diamond Last Forever. For more information about the scholarship campaign, contact Nury Marquez at nury_marquez@deca.org or (703) 860-5000. ADVISOR ACADEMY Designed for new and developing advisors with up to five years of experience, DECA’s New Advisor Academy explains how DECA’s Comprehensive Learning Program integrates into classroom instruction, applies learning, connects to business and promotes competition. A blend of philosophy and practical instructional techniques, the New Advisor Academy empowers each advisor to “be a hero” in the classroom. Because of the interactive nature of the Academy, pre-registration is strongly encouraged. Advisors will receive documentation for the sessions they attend. More experienced advisors may attend these sessions, but they should understand that these sessions are on chapter basics and are geared to newer advisors. For more information about the academy sessions, visit http://www.deca.org/advisors/. Thursday, April 25 9:00 a.m. Let’s Talk About DECA | Advisor’s Role 10:00 a.m. DECA’s Comprehensive Learning Program 11:00 a.m. Managing Your Chapter 1:00 p.m. Introduction to DECA’s Competitive Events 2:00 p.m. Competitive Events: Preparation tips to help maximize your competitors’ success? Friday, April 26 9:00 a.m. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Oh My! Using DECA Social Media in the Classroom 10:00 a.m. Gaining Support 12:00 noon Cool Ideas 2:00 p.m. Be a Hero COMPETITIVE EVENTS WORKSHOP FOR ALL ADVISORS DECA will be hosting a competitive events workshop (Competitive Events Update including the 20132014 Business Operations Research Topic and Professional Selling Events) on Friday, April 26, at 3 pm for all advisors. COMPETITIVE EVENTS Important guidelines regarding changes in DECA’s competitive events are available at http://www.deca.org/_docs/conferences-competitions/DECA_CE_Changes.pdf. The use of scientific calculators will not be allowed in the competitive event halls. Only a fourfunction calculator will be allowed. NO cell phones/smartphones, iPods/MP3 players, iPads/tablets or anything of a hand-held, information sharing device will be allowed in the principles events, team DECA ICDC Flash 1 7 decision making events or the individual series events. Cell phones brought to competition must be in the off position. These devices will be allowed in written events IF applicable to the presentation. All participants must have a photo ID at each of the competitive event sessions. Every effort will be made to strictly enforce the penalty points as printed in the DECA Guide. Encourage your local advisors/competitors to review the competitive event guidelines carefully before submitting their events. Display materials must meet the guidelines published in the DECA Guide. Boards can be used on both sides. All items mounted on the boards must fit within the dimensions of the board. Participants are encouraged to bring all visual aids to the briefing session for approval. Approved visual aid materials may be re-evaluated by event staff during preliminary and final competition. All participants must attend the testing/event briefings/manual registration sessions scheduled for their competitive event during the International Career Development Conference. If a student does not attend the testing/briefing/manual registration session, (s)he will NOT be allowed to compete and will be dropped from the event or the team. DECA’s mini-awards session recognizes top performers in preliminary competition of DECA’s Competitive Events Program. Yellow-ribbon medallions are awarded to top performers in the presentation and on the career cluster exam. Blue-ribbon medallions are awarded to the overall competitive event finalists who will compete in the final round of competition. All blue-ribbon medallion finalists should immediately report to Hall C Foyer to verify their competition time. For students competing in the Entrepreneurship—Growing Your Business Event (ENGB), please keep the following in mind: At least one team member must be the actual owner/operator of the business. A parents’ business does not qualify. Examples of sufficient documentation of ownership include, but are not limited to, business licenses, certificates of insurance, tax filings, local business permits. Examples of insufficient documentation of ownership include, but are not limited to, webpages, business cards, promotional materials. COMPETITIVE EVENTS PARTICIPATION REPORT Please complete the attached form providing competitive event information from your chartered association conference. Please return by March 30, 2013, to Shane Thomas at DECA Inc. This form is extremely important as the competitive events task force and board of directors look at the future of our Competitive Events Program. NATIONAL OFFICER ELECTIONS + VOTING DELEGATES NATIONAL OFFICER CANDIDATE ORIENTATION DECA ICDC Flash 1 8 Chartered associations that are running an officer candidate should note that the orientation will be held on Wednesday, April 25, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Hilton Anaheim Hotel. If you have any questions, concerns, or conflicts, please contact Sandra Tucker (sandra_tucker@deca.org) who will make every effort to accommodate your needs concerning this matter. NOMINATING COMMITTEE FORM Included in this packet is a form allowing you to recommend a student to serve on the national officer candidate nominating committee. The role of the nominating committee is to screen officer candidates by using a set of established procedures and then providing a list of eligible candidates to the voting delegates. If you are not running a candidate, please take the time to submit one or more students to sit on this committee. The times they are needed are indicated on the form. If you have any questions, please contact Sandra Tucker at sandra_tucket@deca.org. LEAD VOTING DELEGATE - INFORMATION REQUESTED In an effort to assist the officer candidates in scheduling caucus meetings with the chartered associations, DECA would appreciate you submitting the name and cell phone number of the leading voting delegate for your association. This person’s name and hotel information will be provided to the officer candidates. VOTING DELEGATE REQUIREMENTS It is recommended that the voting delegates attend the briefing and the campaign sessions—one regional and the president’s—on Thursday afternoon and the election session on Saturday. Substitutions may be made; however, if a delegate is missing from the election session, the chartered association loses that delegate’s vote(s). VOTING DELEGATE MEETINGS WITH THE CANDIDATES In recent years, officers have relayed some disturbing stories about the conduct of voting delegates during chartered association caucuses. Voting delegates have required candidates to respond to inappropriate questions, placing the candidate in an awkward or embarrassing situation. Some activities have bordered on harassing the candidate. To avoid any potential mistreatment or misunderstanding, an adult advisor must be present during all caucuses between voting delegates and candidates. Candidates are being directed to notify DECA staff of any chartered association that requires the candidate to meet with them without an adult advisor. We also are requiring all candidates to abide by the conference curfew. Please require that your voting delegates conclude all caucuses before 11:30 p.m., allowing time for the candidates to return to their hotel before curfew. ACADEMIES + INSTITUTES ATTIRE FOR LEADERSHIP ACADEMIES Leadership activities/institutes attire is appropriate for both days of the Leadership Development Academy, DECA LEADS, the Chapter Management Academy, School-based Enterprise Academy the DECA ICDC Flash 1 9 Senior Management Institute and the THRIVE Academy. A copy of the ICDC dress code and code of conduct is available at www.deca.org/events/icdc. DECA ICDC Flash 1 10 DATES + DEADLINES Received Deadline Date March 25 March 30 Description Series Director/Assistant Series Director Contact Info Due ICDC Hotel Rooming List/Deposit Due Nominating Committee Application Due ICDC Registration, Insurance and Payment Due Chartered Association Advisor Info Sheet Due Service for Special Needs Student Form Due Competitive Events Participation Report Mailing address DECA Inc. 1908 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191 Phone 703.860.5000 Fax Number 703.860.4013 Email Addresses shirlee_kyle@deca.org christopher_young@deca.org sandra_tucker@deca.org anne_farrell@deca.org shane_thomas@deca.org DECA ICDC Flash 1 Send To Shirlee Kyle Hotel and DECA Sandra Tucker Anne Farrell Chris Young Shirlee Kyle Shane Thomas 11 CHARTERED ASSOCIATION ADVISOR INFO SHEET Received Deadline: March 25 Chartered Association Chartered Associations Advisor’s Signature Conference registration will be held in the Anaheim Marriott, Platinum Ballroom 10 between noon and 9 p.m. on Tuesday, April 23. I will register the chartered association delegation at In my absence at on Tuesday, April 23. will register the delegation on Tuesday, April 23. is the cell phone number for this delegation and will be made available to conference and hotel staff. is the leading voting delegate for the chartered association. The cell phone number is . officers/advisors will be in attendance at the Chartered Association Officer’s Luncheon. Return to: ICDC Registration DECA Inc. 1908 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191 DECA ICDC Flash 1 OR email to Christopher_young@deca.org OR fax to 703.860.4013 12 SERVICE FOR SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS Please provide the information as completely as possible to help us provide a positive learning experience for all conference participants. Name of Student Chartered Association Event Name Special Needs Condition Services Requested Contact Person for ICDC Telephone Number Email Address Please email by March 25 to Shirlee_Kyle@DECA.org. DECA ICDC Flash 1 13 COMPETITIVE EVENT MANAGEMENT ALLOCATIONS The chartered associations indicated below are requested to provide a series and assistant series director to manage the competitive event(s) during the International Career Development Conference. The right-hand column indicates the total number of adult assistants requested from each association. Consideration is given to the chartered association membership, to the number of people who attended the 2012 ICDC and to the number of advisors/chaperones who were in Salt Lake City. Every chartered association is required to provide the number of adult assistants indicated in order to allow the students from your association to compete. If this is going to be a problem, please notify Shirlee Kyle ASAP so other arrangements might be made. CHARTERED ASSOCIATION Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Germany Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Manitoba Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska DECA ICDC Flash 1 EVENTS HRM FMP, AAM PRP FMS HTOR, ENI PFN HTDM, STDM BOR, ENGS PMK ACT PBM ENP SEPP BTDM, LEP RFSM CMA EPP, FLPP LEADS PSE NO. OF ASSISTANTS 24 2 53 18 20 60 26 11 44 69 2 2 12 43 33 15 26 17 11 8 1 8 46 88 40 23 86 14 28 14 Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Ontario Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming QSRM LDA BLTDM, BFS SMG MMS CSP TTDM, MTDM BSM Exit Tables/Doors HLM FTDM RMS CMP, SEM SEOR, HTPS PHT FOR, BMOR ENW, IBP THRIVE Academy ADC, ASM SMI 24 17 61 30 44 47 17 70 31 49 23 34 5 13 28 3 62 115 30 9 101 92 12 76 14 NOTE: Series Director and Assistant Series Director Briefings will be held on Wednesday, April 25, at 9:30 a.m. Please keep this in mind as you select the individuals to serve in this capacity. DECA ICDC Flash 1 15 PRESIDENTIAL GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE A Governance Committee will be appointed for the High School Division. The purpose of the committee will be to act upon all violations of the Delegate Conduct Practices and Procedures within the division. Collegiate and alumni members will be expected to follow the policies established for the High School Division since these divisions have chosen to meet during the High School Division Conference. The conduct guidelines were approved by the Board of Directors for DECA Inc. and apply to adult advisors as well as student delegates. A copy of the Delegate Conduct Practices and Procedures and ICDC Dress Code may be found in this section. The dress code applies to all participants while in the convention center and convention facilities. The Board of Directors of DECA Inc. requires every student delegate to read and complete these forms as partial completion of ICDC attendance requirements. Please make sufficient copies for your delegates to sign and return to you prior to the International Career Development Conference. Chartered association advisors may wish to bring these forms with them to the conference for possible reference. PLEASE DO NOT MAIL TO DECA INC. The chartered association advisor will be notified (in writing) of all violations. Notices may require the committee to assemble and take such action as is outlined in the Conference Conduct Practices and Procedures. CODE OF ETHICS FOR ADULT ADVISORS Marketing education programs offer training to those students who have a career objective in the field of marketing, management or entrepreneurship. Individual conduct and appearance is a phase of this training. This phase of the education program becomes apparent at DECA’s International Career Development Conference. Since a good example is one method of teaching, and students participating in the conference are impressionable, a Code of Ethics is set for adult advisors. It becomes the responsibility of each and every participant to see that proper conduct is adhered to at all times. Violations of these practices and procedures will be referred to the president of the Board of Directors for DECA Inc. Advisors shall conduct daily meetings with participants for progress reports, time schedules and other activities. Advisors shall keep an agenda for each student so that they may be reached at any time during the conference. Each chartered association shall arrange to have one advisor on call at all times. Each advisor shall be responsible for seeing that participants adhere to all conduct practices and procedures. The rules as stated in the Delegate Conduct Practices and Procedures and the Dress Code are called to your attention for review and should govern the behavior of advisors as well as students. DECA ICDC Flash 1 16 DELEGATE CONDUCT PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES The Board of Directors for DECA Inc. requires each delegate attending the International Career Development Conference to read and complete the Attendance Permission Form and return to the chartered association DECA advisor as partial completion of attendance requirements. The term “delegate” shall mean any DECA member, including advisors, attending conferences (high school, collegiate, alumni, professional). There shall be no defacing of public property. Any damage to any property or furnishing in the hotel rooms or building must be paid for by the individual or chapter responsible. Delegates must wear identification badges and wristbands at all times. Delegates shall refrain from using inappropriate or profane language at all times. Delegates shall refrain from verbal, physical or sexual harassment, hazing or name-calling. Delegates shall respect the rights and safety of other hotel guests. Delegates shall not possess alcoholic beverages, narcotics or weapons in any form at any time under any circumstances. Delegates shall refrain from gambling—playing cards, dice or games of chance for money or other things of value. Use of tobacco products by delegates is prohibited at all DECA functions. Delegates must adhere to the dress code at all times. Delegates must not dress or behave in a manner than can be interpreted as sexually explicit. Students shall keep their adult advisors informed of their activities and whereabouts at all times. No delegate shall leave the hotel (except for authorized events) unless permission has been received from chapter and chartered association advisors. Delegates should be prompt and prepared for all activities. Delegates should be financially prepared for all activities. Delegates are required to attend all sessions and activities assigned including workshops, competitive events, committee meetings, etc. for which they are registered unless engaged in some specific assignment scheduled at the same time. Delegates will spend nights at their assigned hotel and in their assigned room. No guests allowed during curfew hours. Delegates will be quiet at curfew. Curfew will be enforced. Curfew means the delegate will be in his/her assigned room. Chartered associations will be responsible for delegates’ conduct. Delegates ignoring or violating any of the above rules will subject their entire delegation to being unseated and their candidates or competitive events participants to being disqualified. Individual delegates may be sent home immediately at their own expense. Tasteful casual wear will be accepted during specific social functions as designated during orientation. DECA ICDC Flash 1 17 INTERNATIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE PERMISSION FORM DRESS CODE FOR ICDC Approved by the DECA Board of Directors, August 1993 From the opening session until the end of the closing session, students, advisors and professionals shall adhere to the following Dress Code requirements. It is the Chapter Advisor’s responsibility to see that their students, professionals and themselves comply with the rules established for proper dress code. Advisors should monitor their students’ dress at all functions. Professional business dress should be worn to all events where a judge or observer may be in attendance. This will include participating events as well as testing. Business representatives, press personnel, hotel staff and guests will be seeing DECA’s finest members—show them a professional business image. Competitors must wear an official DECA blazer during interaction with judges. While you do not have to wear an official DECA blazer during briefing and testing, professional business dress is required. When Appearing Before Judges Females Official DECA blazer with dress skirt or dress slacks and a dress blouse or official DECA blazer with a dress Dress shoes (no tennis shoes or flip-flop sandals) Males Official DECA blazer with dress slacks, collared dress shirt and necktie Dress shoes (no tennis shoes or flip-flop sandals) and dress socks DECA General Sessions, Meal Functions Females Business suit or blazer with dress blouse and dress skirt or dress slacks or business dress Dress shoes (no tennis shoes or flip-flop sandals) Males Business suit or sport coat with dress slacks, collared dress shirt and necktie Dress shoes (no tennis shoes or flip-flop sandals) and dress socks An official DECA blazer is required to receive recognition/an award on stage. DECA ICDC Flash 1 18 Event Briefing, Manual Registration and Testing, Leadership Academies/Institutes Females Dress blouse or dress sweater with dress skirt or dress slacks (blazer optional) or business dress Dress shoes (no tennis shoes or flip-flop sandals) Males Collared dress shirt and necktie with dress slacks (blazer optional) Dress shoes and dress socks DECA Business Casual Casual slacks, blouse or shirt, socks and casual shoes Jeans, t-shirts and athletic shoes are NOT included in business casual attire. The following are unacceptable during DECA activities: Skin-tight or revealing clothing Midriff-baring clothing Leggings or graphic designed hosiery/tights Clothing with printing that is suggestive, obscene or promotes illegal substances Athletic clothing Swimwear Any medical exceptions to this code must be documented in the conference headquarters prior to the beginning of the conference. This is the responsibility of the local advisor. ATTENDANCE This is to certify that has my permission to attend the above named DECA activity. I also do hereby on behalf of him/her absolve and release the school officials, the DECA chapter advisors and the assigned chartered association DECA staff from any claims for personal injuries or illness which might be sustained while he/she is en route to and from or during the DECA sponsored activity. EMERGENCY I authorize the advisor to secure the services of a physician or hospital, and to incur the expenses for necessary services in the event of accident or illness, and I will provide for the payment of these costs: Hospital Western Medical Center 1025 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 533-6220 1.4 miles from ACC DECA ICDC Flash 1 Hospital UCI Medical Center 101 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868 (714) 456-7890 2.1 miles from ACC 19 Walk-In Clinic Golden West Medical 915 East Katella Avenue, #100 Anaheim, CA 92802 (714) 634-4884 1.4 miles from ACC 24-Hour Pharmacy Walgreens 12001 Euclid Street Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 530-1071 2.9 miles from ACC We have read and agree to abide by the DECA Code of Conduct. We also agree that the school officials, the DECA chapter advisors, the chartered association DECA staff, or the Conference Conduct Committee members have the right to send home from the activity at our expense, provided that he/she has violated the Code of Conduct and/or his/her conduct has become a detriment. Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Phone Chapter Advisor Signature School Official Signature Insurance Company Name DECA ICDC Flash 1 Policy Number 20 CHARTERED ASSOCIATION PHOTO SCHEDULE March 13 Wednesday, April 25, (before Opening Session) Time Reserved State 6:00 6:10 6:20 6:30 6:40 6:50 7:00 7:10 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 Group Size Contact Person New Mexico Wisconsin Christine Phipps Holly Gregory New Jersey Texas Maine New Hampshire Ontario South Carolina Massachusetts Angelo Romano Sandra Hinesly Lisa Delampan Lisa Delampan Olga Plagianakos Ginger Hill Donna McFadden Wednesday, April 25, (after Opening Session) 10:05 10:15 10:25 10:35 10:45 10:55 11:05 11:15 11:25 North Dakota Arkansas Rhode Island Iowa Kentucky Mississippi Kevin Reisenauer Jim Brock Marsha Bock Chris Bohnet Jayne Harris Tammie Brewer Saturday, April 27 (before Grand Awards Ceremony) 6:30 6:40 6:50 7:00 7:10 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 DECA ICDC Flash 1 Tennessee Sarah Williams Nevada Oregon California Nebraska Brycen Woodley Brycen Woodley Brycen Woodley Nicole Coffey 21