Extreme Content Marketing

Extreme Content Marketing
„Get Content – Get Customers “
Marina Psiloutsikou
Advertising and Communications Management
19. November 2015
1. Definition of Content Marketing
1.1 Traditional Marketing vs. Content Marketing
2. Extreme Content Marketing
2.1 Literature Review
3. Examples
3.1 Red Bull
3.2 GoPro
4. Conclusion
Anna Hildebrand, Jonas Lang, Sophia Schütze, Theresa Thum
1. Definition of Content Marketing
“Content marketing is a marketing technique of
creating and distributing valuable, relevant and
consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly
defined audience – with the objective of driving
profitable customer action.”
Headworth (2015), S.135.
Hillary (2015), S.29.
Anna Hildebrand, Jonas Lang, Sophia Schütze, Theresa Thum
1. Definition of Content Marketing - Example
 Creating: Fun facebook post
 Value: How to cut a mango
 Audience: Mango lovers
 Most important: You need a
Anna Hildebrand, Jonas Lang, Sophia Schütze, Theresa Thum
1.1 Traditional Marketing vs. Content Marketing
 Single messages – often via
few channels to one
specific audience
 Multi-dimensional messages
via multiple channels to
multiple audiences
 Pushing messages interruptive
 Offering content –
 Monologue communication
 Multi-logue communication
 Provides little/no value for
 Value through information
Content Marketing wins customers
Light (2014).
McCole (2004).
Anna Hildebrand, Jonas Lang, Sophia Schütze, Theresa Thum
2. Extreme Content Marketing
…is Content Marketing
 With focus on extreme activities
 With an attention-grabbing wow factor
Why extreme sports?
 Danger and emotions
→ deeper brand association
 „free or soul sports“
 Interesting for participants and
broader audience
It is about the lifestyle rather than the event
Mann (2015).
Anna Hildebrand, Jonas Lang, Sophia Schütze, Theresa Thum
2.1 Literature Review
Academic Literature
 Only research regarding our example Red Bull in other marketing fields
 But none about Extreme Content Marketing in general
Magazines and general attention
 Main focus in our case on extreme sports
 Articles about emotional aspects of extreme sports
 Limited to a few companies: Red Bull, GoPro
Bughin, Doogan and Vetvik (2010).
McCole (2004).
Baltes and Leibing (2008).
Foscht, et al. (2008).
Anna Hildebrand, Jonas Lang, Sophia Schütze, Theresa Thum
3.1 Red Bull
„Red Bull is a publishing empire that
also happens to sell a beverage“
 €1.4 Billion marketing budget
€50 Million for space jump
€200 Million for Formula 1
600 athletes under contract
 Red Bull Media House
Magazine: Red Bulletin
TV Channel: Servus TV, Red Bull TV
Movie: The Art of Flight
Music Label: Red Bull Records,
Red Bull Academy Radio
O‘Brien (2012).
Bedor (2015).
Alignment of the brand with
extreme sports and action
Anna Hildebrand, Jonas Lang, Sophia Schütze, Theresa Thum
3.2 GoPro
„GoPro got to where it is with a simple
cross-channel strategy on a shoestring
 GoPro’s Marketing Strategy
Limited marketing budget
User content published on existing social
platforms (video contests)
Over 20 Million social media followers
 GoPro Channel
Emphasis on the content rather than products
Videos with emotions and sports instead of shoving the product
Putting the customers experiences in the center
McKibbin (2015).
Biancuzzo (2014).
Anna Hildebrand, Jonas Lang, Sophia Schütze, Theresa Thum
4. Conclusion
 Extreme Content Marketing:
Uses emotions connected to extreme sports
Creates deeper brand association
• Gains great attention
Is available for any company in any sector
As constant growth has been seen in content
marketing we assume that extreme content
marketing will develop into an important
field in the future.
Anna Hildebrand, Jonas Lang, Sophia Schütze, Theresa Thum
Baltes, G., Leibing, I. (2008): Guerrilla marketing for information services? New Library World, Vol. 109 Iss: 1/2, pp.46-55
Group, URL: http://marketinginsidergroup.com/content-marketing/gopro-content-marketing-ecommerce/ [online],
Accessed: 11.11.2015.
Biancuzzo, M. (2014): Why GoPro is Set for a Strong Wall Street Debut, in: wallstreetdaily, URL:
http://www.wallstreetdaily.com/2014/05/21/gopro-ipo/ [online], Accessed: 11.11.2015.
Bughin, J., Doogan J., and Vetvik O. J. (2010): A New Way to Measure Word-of-Mouth Marketing in: McKinsey Quarterly,
URL: http://vandymkting.typepad.com/files/2010-4-mckinsey-a-new-way-to-measure-word-of-mouth.pdf [online],
Accessed: 16.11.2015.
Foscht, T., Maloles III, C., Swoboda, B., Morschett, D., Sinha, I. (2008): The impact of culture on brand perceptions: a
six‐nation study. Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 17 Iss: 3, pp.131-142
Griffis, G. (2013): Extreme Content Marketing With Red Bull, in: The kapost Blog, Senior Managing Editor: Anne Murphy,
URL: http://marketeer.kapost.com/content-marketing-red-bull/#axzz3r0ekyPqy [online], Accessed: 11.11.2015.
Headworth, A. (2015): Social Media Recruitment. How to successfully integrate social media into recruitment strategy,
London 2015.
Hillary, M. (2015): Customer Engagement Officer. Content Marketing and the Realities of Executive Blogging, Brazil 2015.
Light, L. (2014): Brand Journalism Is a Modern Marketing Imperative. How Brand Journalism Is Impacting Brand
Management, in: Advertising Age, URL: http://adage.com/article/guest-columnists/brand-journalism-a-modernmarketing-imperative/294206/ [online], Accessed: 11.11.2015.
Anna Hildebrand, Jonas Lang, Sophia Schütze, Theresa Thum
Mann, M. (2015): Why extreme sports marketing campaigns should dial up the pursuit of liberation, in: BrandRepublic,
URL: http://www.brandrepublic.com/article/1343889/why-extreme-sports-marketing-campaigns-dial-pursuit-liberation
[online], Accessed: 16.11.2015.
McCole, P. (2004): Refocusing marketing to reflect practice. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol.
22 Iss 5 pp. 531 – 539
McKibbin, A. (2015): GoPro's Digital Marketing Is Even More Extreme Than You Imagined. An adventurous strategy, in:
Adweek, URL: http://www.adweek.com/brandshare/gopro-s-digital-marketing-even-more-extreme-you-imagined-166684
[online], Accessed: 11.11.2015.
O‘Brien, J. (2012): How Red Bull Takes Content Marketing to the Extreme, in: Mashable, URL:
http://mashable.com/2012/12/19/red-bull-content-marketing/#2wJpvgt1B5qF [online], Accessed: 10.11.2015.
Anna Hildebrand, Jonas Lang, Sophia Schütze, Theresa Thum