Lesson 2 – The Roman Republic 1. *The wealthiest, most powerful Roman citizens were called __patricians__. 2. All other citizens were _plebeians__ and they made up _90_% of the population. 3. *What is a republic? A governing body that has a right to vote or choose its leaders 4. Roman representatives served in a governing body called the __Senate___. 5. Who could be a citizen in Ancient Rome? Romans no slaves or foreigners 6. What rights did women have in Rome? What could women not take part in? They could own land and testify in court Could not vote or hold government office 7. How many consuls were there and what did they manage? 2 – managed government and army 8. When did a dictator rule and how much control did he have? Ruled in an emergency – had total control 9. RRQ – How was the government in Rome different from the one in Athens? Athens – was a democracy ruled by an assembly of all citizens, when it became too large, a council of 500 was chosen Rome – citizens selected representatives to the Senate which in turn appointed consuls and dictators. 10. *Why were the plebeians having such a difficult time in this period? Had to pay rent to wealthy patricians Forced off land when they were off fighting for country 11. What did the plebeians do to make the patricians treat them more fairly? Threatened to stop fighting in military 12. What are tribunes? Senate appointed men (Plebeians) to protect the rights of Plebeians 13. A tribune could stop a Senate action by yelling _veto___ which means __”I forbid”_. 14. *What was school like for students in Ancient Rome? Who could attend? Rich boys and girls attended school Some were taught by Greek slaves Learned to read and write on papyrus and/or wax tablets/sheets Learned math using an abacuses 15. Because of the warm climate, Roman clothing was _comfortable and light_. 16. Men wore _togas__________ and women wore __tunics_________________. 17. *Carthage was a city-state in __North Africa_______________________. 18. Why did Carthage seem threatening to the Romans? Carthage like Rome was powerful and wanted land, also Carthage had a large and powerful navy 19. Rome and Carthage fought three wars called __Punic Wars________. 20. Who won the Punic Wars? Rome 21. What was so fantastic about Hannibal’s invasion of Rome? He invaded through Spain over the Alps with a herd of elephants 22. How did the Romans defeat Hannibal and who was responsible for the plan? General Scipio attacked Carthage and Hannibal had to run back home 23. RRQ – Why is Hannibal remembered as a great general? He used surprise attacks over the Alps and elephants in battle 24. *What did the Romans do to make friends with the people they conquered? Why would they do this? Let them keep their local governments 25. What is patriotism? Sense of pride in one’s country 26. Name three problems that the people of Rome faced during this time. Fighting destroyed Roman farmland and homes Rome was becoming poorer as they were becoming larger Slaves were taking jobs the Plebeians usually did 27. *One of Rome’s most famous generals was _Julius Caesar_______. 28. How did Caesar become ruler for life? He conquered present day France, British Isles, Belgium, present day Germany and Spain 29. Why were people scared of Caesar, and what did they do about it in 44 B.C.? He took total control 30. The Roman Republic lasted for ___500_________ years. 31. *Romans began using __concrete____________ to build roads. 32. What is the most famous road the Romans built and how long is it? Appian Way