The Roman Republic - Windham Exempted Village Schools

The Roman Republic
Some Romans had more say in government than
Roman society had two social and economic classes.
The descendants of the earliest settlers were the patricians. They had more rights
and could be elected to the Senate.
The farmers, workers, merchants, and craftworkers came to Rome later.
This second class of Romans were called the plebeians.
The plebeians could not be elected to Senate. They rebelled in 494 BCE.
After the death of Alexander in 323 BCE, influence in the Mediterranean slowly
shifted from Greece to Rome.
The Peninsula of Italy is surrounded by the Adriatic Sea in the east, The
Tyrrhenian in the west, and the Mediterranean in the south.
The Alps mountain range lines the northern border. The Apennines mountains run
along the northeast coast.
The Island of Sicily is located at the tip of Italy’s “boot” toe.
About 1000 BCE, the Latins migrated into the peninsula.
They built villages along the Tiber River.
Rome was a Latin farming village.
Legends say that the city was founded by Romulus and Remus, who were twin
boys raised by a mother wolf.
People known as Etruscans took control of Rome about 600 BCE.
The Etruscans introduced the Romans to Greek ideas and customs.
After rebelling against a cruel king, the Roman citizens elected their government
This government was called a republic.
Romans elected representatives to make decisions. In emergencies, they might
appoint a dictator, but only for a six month term.
A dictator is a ruler with absolute authority.
Their council of representatives was called the Senate.
Some Romans had more say in government than others.
Roman society had two social and economic classes.
The descendants of the earliest settlers were the patricians. They had more rights
and could be elected to the Senate.
The farmers, workers, merchants, and craftworkers came to Rome later.
This second class of Romans were called the plebeians.
The plebeians could not be elected to Senate. They rebelled in 494 BCE.
The patricians agreed to let the plebeians elect ten special officials called
tribunes. The tribunes could veto, or refuse to approve, any laws they did not
agree with.
The Twelve Tables were recorded laws .
Men ruled all Roman households.
The Path of Roman Conquest:
The Romans set out to conquer neighboring people. They went to war with
Carthage to control sea trade in the Mediterranean. Carthage’s general,
Hannibal, was a formidable foe. His war methods are still studied by army leaders.
The last of the Punic wars in 146 BCE, left Carthage in ruins. The Carthaginians
were sold as slaves.
Rome controlled Greece, Macedonia and some parts of Southwest Asia.
They divided the land into provinces, or self-governing regions.
Tax money made patricians richer.
Slave labor made plebeians poorer.
Many leaders tried to gain control of the Roman republic.
Julius Caesar put together an army and captured Gual, today’s France.
Caesar used his power to take over all of Rome.
The Republic was now a dictatorship.