Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. 20% Meetings Group Intervention Review Tier 2 & 3 Training 2015 – 2016 RTI Essential Components SLD Decision Making Standards of Practice Leadership Data-Based Progress Monitoring Decision Making Interventions with Training Coaching Fidelity Decision Rules Screening Core Teaming/DataBased Decision Making Culture Professional Learning & Support Purpose for the Session • Develop Standards of Practice for 20% Meetings (Reviewing Intervention Effectiveness) – Decision rules for when to change an intervention – Decision rules for what constitutes a “change in intervention” – Determine meeting logistics: who attends, how often they occur, when they occur • Develop professional development & fidelity processes for Intervention Review What are 20% Meetings (e.g., Group Intervention Review Meetings)? • Grade level teachers and specialists meet on a regular schedule (e.g., every 4-8 weeks) to use data (e.g., progress monitoring, diagnostic, classroom) and standardized decision rules to determine if interventions are working or need to be modified. Talk Time: • Do you currently have a way of answering the question for interventions: “Is what we are doing working?” • If so, what does that look like? Problem Solving Across Levels of Support Tier 3: Individual Problem Solving Meetings FEW STUDENTS Tier 2/3: 20% Review Meetings SOME STUDENTS How is it What is the problem? Why is the problem Tier 1: working? occurring? 100% Meetings ALL STUDENTSWhat are we going to do about the 5 problem? Writing Specials • 30-60 minutes of isolated intervention time is not enough. • Our most at-risk learners need the most coordinated instruction and support in generalizing skills across their day. ELD Core Reading 4 hours 15 min Open Lunch & Recess SocialIntervention Studies/Science 45 min Math 1 hour Writing Specials • Interventions are one part of the system that helps a student be successful. • The adults must coordinate and be explicit with the students how the parts of instructional day are connected. ELD Core Reading 4 hours 15 min Open Lunch & Recess SocialIntervention Studies/Science 45 min Math 1 hour Why do we meet every 6 to 8 weeks? • Research-based interventions do not always work immediately. • In 6-8 weeks, we do not necessarily expect that the intervention has worked, but we expect that the intervention is “working”. Teaming is hard!! • Having strong and effective teams is the MOST DIFFICULT thing to pull together! – Who meets? – How often? – How do we organize meetings? – When do we meet? – Who completes the paperwork? – How do we communicate decisions? – How do we assess our systems? Who sits at the table? Literacy “Guru”/ Title I Grade Level Teacher Grade Level Teacher Grade Level Teacher SPED Teacher Principal May also include: ELL Teacher School Psych/Coun selor Parapro’s How often and When do we meet? • How often: – Every 6-8 weeks, depending on… • Your decision rules • Your weekly schedule • When: – After school? – Before school? – During school? Sample Meeting Schedule: 6 Week Cycle Sunday Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesd ay Thursday Friday 1st Grade Data due Kinder Professional Developmen t 2nd Grade Data due Week 2 1st Week 3 2nd Grade Staff Meeting 3rd Grade Data due Week 4 3rd Grade PBIS Meeting 4th Grade Data due Week 5 4th Week 6 5th Grade Grade Grade 5th Grade Data due Kinder Data due Saturday Sample Meeting Schedule: PLCs Week 1 Grade K 1 2 3 4 5 Attendance and behavior Special Ed ELL Literacy RTI team X X X X X Sample Meeting Schedule: PLCs Week 2 Grade K 1 2 3 4 5 Attendance and behavior Special Ed ELL Literacy RTI team X X X X X Have an Agenda Have a solid agenda will: • guide your team’s decision making • keep you focused on decision rules • keep you solution focused • help to avoid storytelling Sample Agenda: Guiding Question Sample Agenda: Google Doc Who completes the paperwork/recordkeeping? Notifying Parents Tracking Attendance Intervention Placement Use Universal Screener to identify the lowest 1.students Problem Identification Implemen 4. Plan t for 6-8 Implementatio weeks n & Evaluation Identify the target skills 2. Problem and the Analysis instructional focus 3. Plan Developmen t Place the student into the correct intervention and lesson Group Intervention Review 1. Problem Identification 4. Plan Implementatio n & Evaluation 3. Plan Developmen t 2. Problem Analysis Group Intervention Review process 1. Problem Identification What’s the problem Use Decision Rules Data-Based Decision Rules… …help us decide if what WE are doing is working – Using your progress monitoring data …create consistency across grade levels and schools …determine how to intensify interventions …standardize the process for eligibility decision making RTI = TIR • TIR = Thinking Is Required • Decision rules should trigger us to stop and think. • Decision rules won’t make the decision for you, but they will tell you when you need to make a decision. Key features of decision rules • Set the grade levels for the decision rules (K, 1-6) • Number of data points at an acceptable level of growth – Above/Below and aimline – Trendline as compared to aimline • Balance the duration of intervention, the frequency of monitoring, & the length of time in between meetings • Define success Example from TTSD Change interventions when: • Progress monitoring indicates 4 consecutive data points below the aimline. • If data are highly variable (points are above and below the aimline), maintain the current intervention until 6 data points have been collected, analyze aimline and trendline. Change intervention if the slope is flat or decreasing and the scores are below benchmark. • Each time the intervention is changed the aimline should be redrawn using the median of the three data points prior to the intervention change as the starting point for the new aimline. • For ELL Students, check the progress of the cohort group after each 8-week period to determine whether an individual student’s progress is significantly different from the group. Example from North Clackamas Modify interventions when: • Progress monitoring indicates three or more data points below the aimline after 20+ instructional sessions • If data is highly variable, maintain the current intervention for another month to establish a trendline – Progress is monitored weekly or biweekly. Stop and think When students have “X” number of consecutive points below the aimline we must stop and think 1234 DIBELS Next (Pathways of Progress) Based on a comparison to other students with similar beginning skills (i.e., other 3rd graders reading around 27 cwpm in the Fall) Well Above Typical Above TypicalTypical Below Typical Well Below Typical When data is variable • Examine the trendline 50th %ile Should I Stay or Should I Go? • The goal of RTI is to give interventions until they can make it on their own without additional support • “Lifers” not making progress in interventions is problematic • Shift in thinking from Title 1 model Example from TTSD Consider Exiting students from interventions when: • The student has met the DIBELS Next grade level goal at the next benchmark three times consecutively. • Core reading assessments and intervention assessments indicate grade-level proficiency. • Student has met the benchmark goal on OAKS (for students in grades 3 to 5). Group Intervention Review process 1. Problem Identification What’s the problem Use Decision Rules Group or Individual problem? Group or Individual Problem? 60 50 40 Isaiah Aimline Mary 30 Amy 20 10 Chase Dec . S cores 35 J an. S cores F eb. S cores Marc h S cores A pril S cores May S cores J une S cores Group or Individual Problem? 60 50 40 Aimline 30 20 Amy Isaiah 10 Chase Mary Dec . S cores 36 J an. S cores F eb. S cores Marc h S cores A pril S cores May S cores J une S cores Starting with intervention groups helps to… • Increases your efficiency – Can discuss more kids in less time • Identify a group vs. individual problem – Requires different solutions • Keep the focus on what we are doing When considering a change, look at multiple data sources • • • • • • • Intervention data, e.g. weekly checkouts OAKS Weekly core reading assessments Unit/Theme core reading assessments Systematic anecdotal notes Diagnostic assessment Other CBM Group or Individual Problem? 2nd Grade easyCBM PRF Focus Skill: Fluency Fran k Sam 50th %ile 50th %ile Decision Rule: 3 Points below the Line George 50th %ile Maria 50th %ile Group or Individual Problem? 2nd DIBELS ORF Accuracy % Focus Skill: Phonics 97% 88% Jos e 81% Decision Rule: 3 Points below the Line 97% Harriet 83% Molly 97% Group Intervention Review process 1. Problem Identification What’s the problem Use Decision Rules Group or Individual problem? GROUP 2. Problem Analysis Why is the problem occurring? 3. Plan Development What are we going to do about the problem? 4. Plan Implementation & Evaluation How it it working? Check ICEL for group Start with FIDELITY INDIVIDUAL Why might the problem be occurring? Instruction: How you teach Environment: Where you teach 44 Curriculum: What you teach Learner: Who you teach Why might the problem be occurring? The Group Instruction: Curriculum: Not explicit enough? Not enough student opportunities to respond? Not enough instructional time? Not enough corrective feedback? Environment: FIDELITY Learner: Distracting setting? Group size too large? Behavior management needs? 45 Wrong lesson placement? Wrong focus skill? Other things to consider? Group Intervention Review process 1. Problem Identification What’s the problem Use Decision Rules Group or Individual problem? GROUP 2. Problem Analysis Why is the problem occurring? 3. Plan Development What are we going to do about the problem? 4. Plan Implementation & Evaluation How it it working? Check ICEL for GROUP Start with FIDELITY INDIVIDUAL Check ICEL for Individual Why might the problem be occurring? The Individual Instruction: Curriculum: Not explicit enough? Not individual student opportunities to respond? Not enough instructional time? Not enough corrective feedback? Environment: FIDELITY Learner: Distracting setting? Group size too large? Individual behavior plan needed? 47 Wrong lesson placement? Wrong focus skill? More explicit curriculum? Other things to consider? Additional Diagnostic Assessment • Look to your Assessment Protocol • Assessments to consider – Intervention Placement Test – Phonics Screener – CORE Assessments – DRA – QRI – Informal observations of the intervention Group Intervention Review process 1. Problem Identification What’s the problem Use Decision Rules Group or Individual problem? GROUP 2. Problem Analysis Why is the problem occurring? 3. Plan Development What are we going to do about the problem? 4. Plan Implementation & Evaluation How it it working? Check ICEL for GROUP Start with FIDELITY Decision Rules Make a change for the GROUP INDIVIDUAL Check ICEL for INDIVIDUAL Make a change for the INDIVIDUAL What can we change? Instruction: Curriculum: Not explicit enough? Not enough student opportunities to respond? Not enough instructional time? Not enough corrective feedback? Environment: FIDELITY Learner: Distracting setting? Group size too large? Behavior management needs? 50 Wrong lesson placement? Wrong focus skill? Other things to consider? Example from TTSD: What do we change? INSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT CURRICULUM INSTRUCTION Example from Roseburg: What do we change? A change of intervention does not necessarily mean a change of intervention curriculum. It means a change in intensity matched to need. 29 24 Match the intensity of the change to the intensity of the need 31 17 Changing the curriculum If you have placed a student in a researchbased intervention that is appropriately matched to their instructional need, delivered with fidelity AND They are not making adequate progress… …, then changing to a different intervention curriculum has a very low likelihood of increasing student success. Group Intervention Review process 1. Problem Identification What’s the problem Use Decision Rules Group or Individual problem? GROUP 2. Problem Analysis Why is the problem occurring? 3. Plan Development What are we going to do about the problem? 4. Plan Implementation & Evaluation How it it working? INDIVIDUAL Check ICEL for GROUP Start with FIDELITY Check ICEL for INDIVIDUAL Make a change for the GROUP Make a change for the INDIVIDUAL Implement for 6-8 weeks Talk Time: Professional Learning • How will you train your staff on – Your decision rules – Your intervention review meeting process? • What resources do you need? – Time? – Materials? – Training personnel? 57 Fidelity • Who will monitor? • How will you ensure decision rules are being followed? • How will you ensure the process is working? 58