File - Ms. Krieger's Math Site

Columbia Independent School
AP Statistics
Room 506
Ms. Krieger
Teacher Name:
Office Location:
Office Phone Number:
Ms. Krieger
Room 506
(573) 777-9250
Before school (8:00-8:30), Pride (10:10-10:40), After School (3:30-4:00)
About Me:
Hello class! I’m Ms. Krieger. This is how I prefer to be addressed. I want to welcome you
all to AP Statistics. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you. Here is a little about
myself: I am from Moorhead, MN. I went to Concordia College. I majored in Math Education
and Psychology. I recently completed my Masters of Education at the University of Missouri. I
want you all to feel comfortable with me and be successful in my class. Therefore, if you ever
have any questions or need any help, please do not hesitate to come and ask me.
Textbook and Supplemental Texts:
Yates, Moore, & Starnes. The Practice of Statistics. 4th ed., W.H. Freeman & Co., 2010.
Huff, Darrell. How to Lie with Statistics
Required Materials:
three-ring binder, notebook paper, pencils, planner, TI-83/TI-84 graphing calculator, textbook
Course Description:
AP Statistics is much more than making graphs and calculating mean, median and mode.
Students in this course will learn all steps of statistical processes including conducting
experiments and simulations, analyzing and making appropriate graphical displays of collected
data, using mathematical methods to analyze the data and reaching supported conclusions about
a population or situation. In this course students will become proficient in communicating
statistical ideas with proper terminology and will participate in discussions on smart living
during an age dominated by statistics.
Course Design:
This course requires a high-level of classroom participation from each student. Students
are expected to read the chapters in the text in preparation for class. All lessons, then, are
conducted in an interactive manner that focuses on develop understanding of concepts through
investigation and discussion. Formulas, likewise, are developed through reasoning.
In this course, students first learn how to perform calculations “by hand” in order to
become familiar with complex mathematical notation and to develop a sense of the
reasonableness of answers. Students are then taught how to use the calculator applications
designed to perform the same tasks. Students are tested over both methods of calculation.
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Homework assignments from the text follow the completion of the notes for each section and are
due at the beginning of the following class period. Periodically, students we be assigned reading
and response assignments from the book “How to Lie with Statistics” or statistical articles.
General Course Goals:
Students will assume responsibility for their learning by:
1. Keeping an acceptable notebook consisting of notes taken in class, homework,
handouts and graded papers.
2. Coming to class prepared with the required materials every day.
3. Completing all assignments and turning them in on time (see “Late Policy” below).
4. Reviewing class notes, reading the assigned section of the textbook and scheduling
tutoring when necessary.
5. Showing their best effort and creating a positive attitude toward learning by
participating in class and asking thoughtful questions to help enhance learning.
 All students have a TI-83/84 graphing calculator for use in class, at home, and on the AP
Exam. Students will use their graphing calculator extensively throughout the course.
 Various applets on the Internet will be used to illustrate statistical topics.
 Students will also learn how to read computer output from various statistical software
Course Outline
Introduction to AP Statistics
- What is AP Statistics?, Who should take AP
Statistics?, Why YOU should take AP Statistics, the
four major themes, your textbook, quick overview of
the AP statistics exam, reference materials you will
have available to you on the AP exam (tables and
Chapter 4: Designing Studies
Section 1
- Population vs. Sample, Methods of Sampling: Convenience Samples,
Voluntary Response Samples, Simple Random Samples, Stratified
Random Samples, Cluster Samples, Bias in Sampling
Section 2
- Observational Studies vs. Experiments, Designing Experiments,
Principles of Experimental Design: Control, Random assignment,
Replication, Lurking Variables, Confounding, Treatments, Control
Groups, Random Assignment, Double-Blind Experiment, Blocking,
Placebo, Matched Pairs, Statistically Significant
Section 3
- Scope of Inference, The Challenges of Establishing Causation, Data
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Chapter 1: Exploring Data (Univariate Data)
Section 1
- Categorical vs. Quantitative Data, Displaying Categorical Data:
Frequency Tables, Relative Frequency Tables, Bar Graphs, Pie Charts,
Good vs. Bad Graphs, Two-Way Tables, Marginal Distributions,
Conditional Distributions, Association, Simpson's Paradox
Section 2
- Displaying Quantitative Data: Dotplots, Stemplots, Histograms,
Describing Distributions: Shape (skewness/modes), Center (by simple
observation), Spread (range), and Outliers (by simple observation)
Section 3
- Calculating Measures of Center: Mean and Median, Calculating
Measures of Spread: Quartiles, Interquartile Range, Standard Deviation,
Calculating Variance, Identifying Outliers: 1.5 x IQR Rule, Five-Number
Summary, Displaying Quantitative Data: Boxplots, Choosing Appropriate
Measures of Center and Spread to Describe a Distribution
Chapter 2: Modeling Distributions of Data (Univariate Data)
Section 1
- Describing Location in a Distribution: Percentiles, Standard Scores (ZScores), Cumulative Relative Frequency Graphs, Transforming Data and
its Affect on the Shape, Center and Spread of a Distribution, Density
Curves, Estimating the Median and Mean of a Density Curve
Section 2
- Normal Distributions, The Normal Curve, The 68-95-99.7 Rule, The
Standard Normal Distribution, Using the Standard Normal Table,
Assessing Normality and Normal Probability Plots
Chapter 3: Describing Relationships (Bivariate Data)
Section 1
- Explanatory and Response Variables, Making and Describing
Scatterplots (Direction, Form, Strength, Outliers), Linear Association and
the Correlation Coefficient, Facts about Correlation (Does not imply
causation, etc.)
Section 2
- Least Squares Regression Line, Interpreting the Regression line,
Extrapolation, Calculating the LSRL by the Means, Standard Deviations,
and Correlation, Residual, Making and Interpreting Residual Plots,
Standard Deviation of Residuals, Coefficient of Determination, Outliers
and Influential Observations in Regression
Chapter 5: Probability
Section 1
- The Idea of Probability: Short-Run and Long-Run Behavior, Definition
of Probability, Myths About Randomness, Four Step Process: Performing
a Simulation
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Section 2
- Definition of Sample Space, Events, and Outcomes, Probability Model,
Mutually Exclusive Events (Disjoint), Complement Rule, Addition Rules,
Two-Way Tables and Probability
Section 3
- Conditional Probability, Independent Events, Tree Diagrams,
Multiplication Rules
Chapter 6: Random Variables
Section 1
- Properties of Discrete Random Variables , Properties of Continuous
Random Variables, Mean (Expected Value) of a Discrete Random
Variable, Standard Deviation and Variance of a Discrete Random
Variable, The Normal Curve as a Probability Distribution
Section 2
- Linear Transformations and Linear Combinations of Random Variables
Section 3
- Definition of a Binomial Setting, Binomial Random Variables and the
Binomial Distribution, Binomial Probability, Mean and Standard
Deviation, Definition of a Geometric Setting, Geometric Random
Variables and the Geometric Distribution, Geometric Probability and
Mean (Expected Value)
Chapter 7: Sampling Distributions
Section 1
- Definition of Parameter, Statistic, Sampling Variability, Sampling
Distribution, Biased vs. Unbiased Estimator, Calculating Variability of a
Section 2
- Sampling Distribution of a Sample Proportion
Section 3
- Sampling Distribution of a Sample Mean, Sampling Distribution of a
Sample Mean from a Normal Population, The Central Limit Theorem
Chapter 8: Estimating with Confidence
Section 1
- Properties of Point Estimates, Confidence intervals, Margin of Error,
Confidence Level, Using Confidence Intervals Wisely, Conditions for
Constructing a Confidence Interval
Section 2
- Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion, Standard Error, Four
Step Process: Confidence Intervals, Choosing a Sample Size when
Estimating the Population Proportion
Section 3
- Confidence Interval for a Population Mean, Choosing a Sample Size
when Estimating the Population Mean, The t-Distribution, Degrees of
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Freedom, Standard Error of the Sample Mean, Conditions for Inference
about a Population Mean
Chapter 9: Testing a Claim
Section 1
- The Reasoning of Significance Tests, Forming Hypotheses, One-Sided
vs. Two-Sided Alternative Hypotheses, P-values, Statistical Significance,
Type I and Type II Errors, Power
Section 2
- Carrying out a Significance Test, Test Statistics, One Sample z Test for a
Proportion, Two-Sided Tests
Section 3
- Carrying out a Significance Test for a Population Mean, One-Sample t
Test, Checking Conditions, Two-Sided Tests and Confidence Intervals,
Inference for Means: Paired Data, Using Tests Wisely
Chapter 10: Comparing Two Populations or Groups
Section 1
- Sampling Distribution of a Difference between Two Proportions,
Confidence Intervals for the Difference of Two Proportions, Significance
Tests for the Difference of Two Proportions
Section 2
- Sampling Distribution of a Difference between Two Means, TwoSample t Test for the Difference of Two Means, Confidence Intervals for
the Difference of Two Means, Using Two-Sample t Procedures Wisely
Chapter 11: Inference for Distributions of Categorical Data
Section 1
- The Chi-Square Statistic, The Chi-Square Distributions, The Chi-Square
Goodness-of-Fit Test
Section 2
- Finding Expected Counts, Chi-Square Test for Homogeneity, Checking
for Conditions, Comparing Several Proportions, Relationships between
two Categorical Variables, Chi-Square Test for Association/Independence,
Using Chi-Square Tests Wisely
Chapter 12: Inference for Linear Regression
Section 1
- Sampling Distribution of Slope, Conditions for Regression Inference,
Checking for Conditions, Estimating Parameters, Constructing a
Confidence Interval for the Slope of a LSRL, Performing a Significance
Test for the Slope of a LSRL
Section 2
- Transforming Data to Achieve Linearity with Powers, Roots, and
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Class Activities
I expect the best out of each and every one of my students. I set my standards high for my
students because I believe everyone, if they try their best, can achieve them. It is good to set
goals and have something to work for and try to achieve. Therefore, I expect all of my students
to be doing their personal best every day.
Class Time: During class, you will engage in a variety of activities including note-taking,
mathematical discussions, and individual and group problem-solving activities. I encourage you
to raise your hand if you would like to ask or answer a question related to the material. If you do
not get a question answered in class, or have a question or comment that is not related to the
whole class, please save it and find a time to ask me when you are working independently or
after class is finished.
Homework: Homework will consist of videos or readings about the concepts we will be learning
in class the next day. This will be the “lecture” so we can spend class time practicing the
concepts in class through simulations, problem-solving, activities, and work through problems.
Therefore, daily completion of homework is required for success so you understand what we will
be practicing in class. It is expected that the assignment will be completed by the beginning of
the next class period.
Celebrations of Knowledge
Quizzes: Homework is a learning process, so I want to give you an opportunity to demonstrate
what you have learned. Occasional quizzes (announced or unannounced) will be given
throughout the course. They are meant as a check for understanding, so you will better
understand how well you know the material.
Tests: At the end of a unit, usually a test will be given. Tests will cover the material from the
unit that was just taught as well as a few possible review questions. You will usually be given
about three days notice when the test will be. The test will be in the format of an AP exam with
some multiple choice questions followed by a few free response questions.
Final Exam: There will be a cumulative final exam at the end of a semester.
Projects: You will do some projects in this course. Some projects will be done in pairs or in
small groups. The purpose of doing projects in this course is to help you get actively engaged in
the material and get creative. Math has many real world extensions and projects are a good way
to help you see some of these applications. A rubric for each project will be given to you so you
understand what is expected and how you will be evaluated for each project.
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Portion of course grade
Tests, quizzes, in-class activities, and projects
Grading scale
Below 70%
Tutoring: I am available before school, during Pride, and after school. If you schedule an
appointment with me for tutoring, please be sure that you keep your scheduled appointment. I am
more than willing to help, but please remember to let me know when you are coming so I can
make myself available!
Make-up Work: Daily attendance is extremely important in a mathematics class. You will be
held responsible for all material missed for any reason. It can be difficult for some students to
read the textbook and successfully complete the homework alone. When students are absent it is
best to plan on meeting with Ms. Krieger for help with the material. Assignments missed due to
unexpected illness or family emergency can be made up according to the handbook’s policy.
Students absent from class or extra-curricular activities are required to get the assignment early
and turn it in with their class.
Late Work: If you do not have an assignment fully completed by the time it is to be turned in at
the beginning of class you may use a “Freebie Pass”. You will get one Freebie at the beginning
of each semester. This allows you to turn in the assignment late without losing any points. If you
use your one Freebie during the semester, additional assignments that are turned in late will
receive a 0.
Absences: If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, you will be able to turn it in on the
day you return to class and not be penalized. If you are absent on the day of a quiz or test, you
will be allowed up to one day for each day absent. For instance, if you were gone Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday one week and you missed your Friday math test, you would have three days
upon your return to class on Monday to make up the exam.
Academic Integrity: I expect my students to be honest and only submit work that is their own.
If I suspect a student of cheating and/or sharing homework, school policy will be followed for
academic misconduct.
Students with Disabilities: If a student requires special accommodations due to a disability or
other circumstance arrangements will be made to help enhance that student’s learning.
Student Expectations:
Be willing. Be prepared. Be respectful.
Be responsible. Be honest.
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Any student who chooses to be late or unprepared, or chooses to be disrespectful or irresponsible
will earn a warning, a phone call home, or an office referral depending on the severity of the
situation. In addition, all school policies and procedures will be followed as stated in the student
Emergency Procedures: Emergency procedures are on a sheet near the door. They follow the
procedures listed in the CIS Handbook. These emergency procedures will be practiced randomly
throughout the year. These procedures include Tornado, lockdown, and fire emergencies.
Fire drills Students must line up in the back of the room and quickly and quietly walk
out of the building. Go out the door in the back of the school and continue walking away
from the building.
Tornado drills Students will stay in the room during tornado drills.
Lockdown drills Various lockdown procedures will be practiced throughout the year.
We will have a discussion about these before and/or after the drill to be sure everyone
understands these procedures.
To parents: I am here to help your child be successful in mathematics. Please contact me
anytime if you have questions or concerns. You can reach me by phone (777-9250) or e-mail.
( I prefer you contact me by e-mail. To see our class assignments as wells
as notes, downloads, and helpful links go to I look forward to working
with you and your child this year.
I have read and agree to follow the policies stated in this syllabus:
Student Signature
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