Mason City Globe Gazette, IA 11-29-07

Mason City Globe Gazette, IA
If the poinsettias are blooming, it must be Christmas
MASON CITY, They have names like Cortez Burgundy, Prestige, Sonora Jingle
and Freedom.
Thousands of poinsettias, colorful symbols of the Christmas season, are in full
bloom now.
Rows and rows of poinsettias in wonderful shades of bright red, light pink, deep
burgundy and a rich ivory fill Krieger’s Greenhouse in Mason City.
“Nothing would ever replace this as far as beauty and variety,” said owner Karen
Krieger, holding a new variety, Cortez Burgundy.
Krieger finds herself getting excited as Thanksgiving approaches.
“I just think they are perfect to have in a room. You should have as many as you
can stand in a room,” she said.
When picking a poinsettia, look for large leaves or bracts that are not wilted,
broken or damaged. Select plants that have a full complement of rich, dark green
leaves, according to the Iowa State University Extension Service.
Krieger said poinsettias don’t like wet roots. They like bright light and should be
kept away from drafts.
Krieger said you might also want to feed your poinsettia.
With care, “they’ll last until April, May or June,” she said.
Also, contrary to popular belief, poinsettias are not poisonous, Krieger said.
Krieger’s favorite is the red-leafed Prestige.
“They keep improving. Some bloom earlier than others. Some have larger
blossoms,” she said.
“They’re ready now and they will last through Christmas and into the New Year.”
She said poinsettia experts are always looking for that next new color.
“One year we actually had yellow. It didn’t go over very well,” she said.