Proposal A Programme of Research and Development on the Improvement of SRF Cavities for Future Accelerators Introduction Owing to the tremendous advances in RF superconductivity in the recent years and to the successful operation of large scale SRF accelerator installations, superconducting RF (SRF) has become the technology of choice for modern particle accelerators. SRF accelerating structures are chosen for high energy as well as high intensity, continuous wave (CW) applications, where maximizing the accelerating gradient and maximizing the quality factor respectively are the primary goals. SRF structures are also considered for deflecting/separator and crabbing cavities used to deliver beam to a number of experimental stations simultaneously, and to increase the luminosity of colliders and to generate sub-picosecond x-ray pulses in light sources. This proposal comprises a set of interlinked but complementary projects aiming towards improving the performance of SRF cavities for future accelerators, and more broadly towards advancing the field of RF superconductivity. This application requests funds to allow undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to participate in SRF research and development, thereby receiving valuable training in accelerator physics and engineering. This proposal is accompanied by five RTIs that request funds for the associated experimental equipment. The various elements of this proposal and the associated RTIs are: - Building on recent successful experiments at TRIUMF’s muSR facility, perform fundamental studies of RF superconductivity using magnetometry, muSR and the proposed high-field expansion of the betaNMR spectrometer to obtain information on the penetration of magnetic flux near the surface of the Nb superconductor, and to explore correlations between magnetic response of Nb and RF measurements of SRF Nb cavities. - Develop an advanced diagnostic system based on temperature mapping that gives a detailed and precise picture of the RF characteristics of cavities under test. - Develop a UHV rf induction heat treatment oven for processing both samples of niobium as well as a single cell 1.3GHz cavity, with the aim to reduce the concentration of hydrogen near the niobium surface, which would increase the Q value thereby improving the performance of the ARIEL e-linac cavities. - Design, construct and test a novel SRF separator cavity capable of high transverse deflecting fields and CW (continuous wave) mode of operation. This development will enable the simultaneous operation of the ARIEL e-linac for RIB delivery and the production of ERL-driven coherent IR/THz radiation. - Develop instrumentation, techniques and infrastructure to perform RF measurements of both fundamental and higher order modes in accelerating and deflecting cavities, towards improving the performance of the ARIEL cavities and in support of all other activities in this proposal. Objectives The broad objective of this research program is the improvement of SRF cavities for future accelerators. In the near term we will focus on developing instruments and tools that will help us improve cavity performance. These include: a temperature mapping apparatus, an rf induction oven, HOM and SRF lab instrumentation, and the high field upgrade of the betaNMR spectrometer. In the long term, the objectives are two-fold: a) to develop state-of-the-art SRF resonators for ARIEL and more broadly for the international community. This includes improvements in the performance of accelerating cavities, specifically raising the quality factor by identifying appropriate and cost-effective heat treatments, and by providing sufficient damping of the HOMs, and the development of a novel SRF separator cavity that will be used to deflect interleaved bunches of electrons to the ARIEL target stations for RIB production, and to the recirculation ring to drive a FEL. b) to contribute towards the understanding of limitations of SRF cavity performance at a fundamental level, and ultimately devise better treatments for Nb that will improve cavity performance. Towards this end, in the first phase of the project, SQUID magnetometry and muSR measurements on Nb samples that have undergone different surface treatments will be conducted, and correlations established. Samples cutout of cavities that exhibit lossy behavior and have been characterized by temperature mapping will also be tested. In parallel, a new extension of the betaNMR spectrometer will be implemented capable of high field external magnetic field parallel to the face of the sample, in conjunction with a new cryostat. This new capability will allow unprecedented measurements of the previously tested Nb samples within the first 100 nm layer of the inner surface, and gain insights into the effectiveness of surface treatments in terms of static magnetic response of Nb. Ultimately, using the correlations established in the first phases of this program, we will explore new Nb samples and treatments, e.g. pristine Nb coated with insulating or metallic films, with the goal to devise better treatments for Nb that will lead to improved RF cavity performance. An important objective of this research is to expand the expertise and knowledge base in SRF science and technology in Canada by significantly contributing to training of students and postdocs in this ever expanding field of research. A broad set of milestones would be: Year 1: Complete Temperature mapping system?? Design rf induction oven?? Design betaNMR upgrade Design SRF separator Year 2: Treat Nb samples and single cell 1.3 GHz in rf oven Construct betaNMR upgrade Build SRF separator Year 3: Carry out tests on Nb samples with high-file beta NMR Test SRF separator Literature Review Discuss the literature pertinent to the proposal, placing the proposed research in the context of the state-of-the-art. S. Casalbuoni et al., "Surface superconductivity in niobium for superconducting RF cavities," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, vol. 538, pp. 4564, 2005 A. Grassellino et al. “Muon spin rotation studies of niobium for superconducting RF applications,” what’s the best reference? A.Grassellino, “Field-dependent losses in superconducting niobium cavities” PhD. Thesis, U. of Pennsylvania (2011) R. Kiefl et al. “Low-energy spin polarized radioactive beams as a nano-scale probe of matter,” Physica B 326 (2003) 189-195 J. R. Delayen, H. Wang, “New compact TEM-type deflecting and crabbing rf structure” PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS - ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS 12, 062002 (2009) Sergey Belomestnykh, Ivan Bazarov,ValeryShemelin, John Sikora,Karl Smolenski, Vadim Veshcherevich, “Deflecting cavity for beam diagnostics at Cornell ERL injector,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 614 (2010) 179-183 G. Ciovati, et al., "High field Q slope and the baking effect: Review of recent experimental results and new data on Nb heat treatments", Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 13, 022002 (2010) R. E. Ricker, et al., “Evaluation of the Propensity of Niobium to Absorb Hydrogen During Fabrication of Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities for Particle Accelerators” J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 115, 353-371 (2010) G. Ciovati, et al., "High-Temperature Heat Treatment Study on a Large-Grain Niobium Cavity", Proc. of the 15th Int. Conf. on RF Superconductivity, Chicago, July 25-29, 2011, paper TUPO051, 2011. P. Maheshwari, et al., “Surface Analysis of Nb Materials for SRF Cavities”, Surf. Int. Analysis 43, 151-153 (2011) J.P. Wallace, “Proton in SRF Niobium”, Proceedings of the Symposium on the Superconducting Science and Technology of Ingot Niobium", Newport News, Virginia, September 22-24, 2010, AIP Conference Proceedings 1352 (2011), p. 205 P. Dhakal, et al, A Path to Higher Q0 with Large Grain Niobium Cavities, Proc. IPAC12, New Orleans, 2012 Methodology Describe the methods and proposed approach, providing sufficient details to allow the reviewers to assess the feasibility of the research activities. The methodology for each research activity is described: 1) Temperature Mapping In the RTI request last year we proposed building two different temperature mapping systems; one using thin film resistors, and one using precision carbon resistors. Given the amount of funding awarded we had to reassess our approach. In order to understand the current state of the art, one of us (R.S. Orr) is spending six months as a visitor in the Fermilab SRF group. The Fermilab group operates a carbon resistor system designed and constructed by Alexandr Romanenko. This is a simple system based on the design of Padamsee at Cornell. After taking part in tests and discussing with Romanenko, we concluded that the most direct approach was for us to duplicate, at TRIUMF, the reliable and well tested carbon resistor system. A typical test result at the Fermilab Vertical test System is shown in Fig. 2. The top left hand plot shows the measured Q value as a function of accelerating field in the cavity. The temperature maps allow one to correlate the heating pattern in the cavity with features in the Q slope. At low field the heating is rather generalized, then becomes concentrated in the high magnetic field region at the equator of the cavity, and finally concentrated at the region of the quench. These particular temperature maps are for a cavity which was only processed with centrifugal barrel polishing, HF rinse, and high pressure rinsing. This is part of an investigation of whether high Q can be achieved without extensive electro-chemical processing. This research on the production of high Q in an economical fashion is clearly very relevant to the cryoplant capital and operating costs at ARIEL. 2) Oven In this proposal we plan to develop a UHV degassing treatment using rf induction heaters. We propose to develop a test chamber to be used to heat both samples of niobium as well as a single cell 1.3GHz cavity. After the original study we would expand the size to enable a degassing treatment for a wide variety of cavity sizes including the ARIEL cavities, ISAC-II quarter wave cavities and other cavities that are being fabricated in a collaboration between PAVAC and TRIUMF. The samples heated in the oven will also be tested in the sample cavity being funded n the discovery grant of the PI, in the muSR facility and in condensed matter test facilities at the University of British Columbia (UBC). The heat treatment of 1.3GHz single cell cavities will be characterized in cold tests in the ISAC-II clean room test area 3) ARIEL e-Linac Test Equipment for HOM Measurement and Clean Room Monitoring 4) Surface superconductivity in Nb cavities using beta-NMR Magnetic measurements on Nb samples are a useful tool to explore the surface treatments which improve cavity performance. The samples will be cut out from remainders of Nb sheets used in cavity production and will be subjected to the same chemical, electrochemical, and thermal treatments as the TESLA cavities. The sample magnetization is determined with a SQUID magnetometer at temperatures ranging from 2 to 300 K in external DC fields between zero and 1 Tesla. SQUID will be used for bulk superconductivity measurements to determine Tc. SQUID an also provide surface superconductivity measurements of the critical surface field, and coherent surface superconductivity. a) We will use SQUID to perform the following: 1) Determine Tc for all different samples. Scan around 9.25 K (Tc for high purity Nb RRR=1600+/-400) 2) Determine Ohmic resistivity to confirm the purity of the samples and the manufacturers’ specs of RRR~300. 3) Plot thermodynamic and upper critical field as a function of temperature. 4) Determine the GL parameter at zero temperature, the GL coherence length, London penetration depth. 5) Does EP or Low Temperature Bakeout change the superconductor parameters of bulk Nb? 6) Do you observe hysteresis loops in the magnetization measurements? (mu0M[T] vs. B[T], fig. 2). They are a clear proof of magnetic flux pinning. 7) Magnetic impurities? b) MuSR is a method ....... In the muSR LAMPF spectrometer c) Upgrade of beta-NQR spectrometer In the first phase of the project, SQUID magnetometry and muSR measurements on Nb samples that have undergone different surface treatments will be conducted, and correlations established. Samples cut-out from cavities that exhibit lossy behavior and have been characterized by temperature mapping will also be tested. The temperature maps allow one to correlate the heating pattern in the cavity with features in the Q slope. In parallel, a new extension of the betaNMR spectrometer will be implemented capable of up to 3 kG external magnetic field parallel to the face of the sample, in conjunction with a new cryostat. This new capability will allow unprecedented measurements of the superconducting state of the previously tested Nb samples within the first 100 nm layer of the inner surface, and gain insights into the effectiveness of surface treatments in terms of static magnetic response of Nb. Ultimately, using the correlations established in the first phases of the program, we will explore new Nb samples and treatments e.g. pristine Nb coated with insulating or metallic films, with the goal to devise better treatments for Nb that will improve RF cavity performance. Figure 1: xxxxxxxxxx Figure 2: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 5) SRF separator cavity We propose to design, fabricate, and test with beam a novel superconducting RF separator cavity capable of high transverse deflecting fields (Pperp ~ 0.2MeV/c) in CW (continuous wave) mode of operation. Design challenges of the ARIEL SRF separator include achieving the required transverse deflecting field while avoiding multipacting (spurious x-ray emission), and ensuring the required phase and amplitude stability of the high intensity beams, with stringent requirements on beam quality driven primarily by the FEL operation. This development will be an important step to realizing the first linac-based coherent THz or IR source in Canada, and a unique scientific resource in North America. It will also be of interest to the broader accelerator community for multiple applications, including in linac-based X-ray sources for fanning out the beam to multiple users at MHz rates. One of the major goals of this project would be the training of highly qualified personnel in the areas of SRF cavity design and RF measurements. This project is an excellent student training ground on a broad and comprehensive range of skills: technical specification of the cavity, cavity design using analytical approach, electromagnetic modeling using codes such as ANSYS, HFSS, COMSOL, structural simulations to determine pressure sensitivity, frequency sensitivity to microphonics, He pressure fluctuations, Lorentz force detuning, multipacting simulations, design of tuner and coupler, cavity fabrication, test cryostat and test coupler for low power cavity tests, beam loading simulations, bead-pull measurements of modes and field distribution, cavity preparation and processing (surface chemical etching, BCP (buffered chemical polishing), high pressure water rinsing), cavity assembly for low power SRF tests, design of cryomodule, cavity assembly, high power commissioning, and beam tests. Impact Explain the anticipated significance of the work. Training of HQP Three co-op and two summer students will be involved in this research, and three PhD degrees in accelerator physics will be granted on the basis of this proposal. Further, one postdoctoral fellow will receive training on designing, building and installing, commissioning of the upgraded betaNMR spectrometer and in using it to perform measurements on Nb samples. One of the graduate students participating in this research, Terry Buck, a MS student in Physics at the University of British Columbia (UBC) who arrived in the fall of 2012 on NSERC Alexander Graham Bell CGS M award to work on fundamental studies of RF superconductivity. His academic supervisor is Prof. Rob Kiefl who pioneered the use of betaNMR as a probe of matter. The other graduate student, Douglas Storey is a PhD student in the University of Victoria. He has a xxxxxxxxxxx fellowship and his research topic is the design and development of the SRF separator cavity. He applied for the NSERC PGS fellowship this year. His academic supervisor is Prof. Dean Karlen, PI of the ARIEL e-linac CFI grant. We request a co-op student to be the “link person” on building and operating the temperature mapping system. Our preferred candidate would be Syed Haider Abidi who would be on a sixteen month co-op leave from the University of Toronto Engineering Science programme. Haider has already spent xxx months at TRIUMF working on ..... He is interested in pursuing an advanced degree in accelerator physics.