Name __KEY_______ LE Anatomical terminology Quiz Body Directions Use the following word bank to label the diagram below. A. D. G. J. anatomical position diaphragm lateral palmar surface _G___ 1. B. caudal E. distal H. medial K. plantar surface 1 . __L__ 2. __I__ 3. C. cranial F. dorsal surface I. midline L. proximal 5. 2. 3. __B__ 4. __C__ 5. 4. Use the above word bank, match the correct term with its description. __I__ 6. center, vertical line which divides the body into symmetrical and equal right and left halves _H___ 7. toward or at the midline of the body; on the outerside of __E__ 8. farther from the origin of a body; part of the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk _B___ 9. away from the head end or toward the lower part of a structure __K__10. pertaining to the sole of the foot Body Cavities/Planes Use the following word bank to label the diagram below. A. abdominal cavity D. dorsal cavity G. pericardial cavity J. thoracic cavity _D___ 11. B. abdominopelvic cavity E. frontal plane H. sagittal plane K. transverse plane C. cranial cavity F. pelvic cavity I. spinal cavity L. ventral cavity 16. _I___ 12. __G__ 13. _F___ 14. _L___ 15. 17. H____ 16. _K___ 17. Use the above word bank, match the correct term with its description. _L___18. anterior, larger body cavity; contains thoracic and pericardial cavities _J___19. contains the lungs; surrounded by the ribs and muscles of the chest _K___20. runs horizontally across the long axis of the body or organ, dividing it into superior and inferior parts _A___21. contains the stomach, intestines, spleen, liver, and intestines __E__22. runs longitudinally, dividing the body or organ into anterior and posterior parts _B___23. separated from the thoracic cavity by the diaphragm; subdivided into two body cavities _H___24. runs longitudinally, dividing the body or organ into right and left portions __D__25. subdivided into the cranial and spinal cavities