Senate Actions Master Check Off List 2008-2009 Name of Item Liberal Studies Committee (LSC Report): 1.) Recommending to add EN 378 Early African-American Literature to list of courses fulfilling Division II of the Liberal Studies Program. 2.) Recommending to add EN 379 Contemporary African-American Literature to list of courses fulfilling Division II of the Liberal Studies Programs. Date Received 9/23/2008 Date of 1st Reading 9/23/2008 Date of 2nd Reading 10/7/2008 Date of Chair Letter of VP 10/15/2008 Date of Response From VP 10/16/2008 Comments Course approved by CUP 11-13-07 Approved by VPAA 10/16/2008 Graduate Programs Committee (GPC Report): 1.) Approval of Graduate Faculty Status for 21 faculty members. 2.) Course numbering for ED 500A be changed to ED 500 and ED 500B be changed to ED 574. 10/7/2008 10/7/2008 10/21/2008 10/24/2008 10/27/2008 Approved by VPAA 10/27/2008 Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP Report) 1. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science: a. Create a new course: MA 461: Mathematical foundations from an Advanced Perspective (3 cr.) b. Revise the Secondary Education Mathematics Major by: i. Adding MA 461 Mathematical Foundations form an Advanced Perspective (3 cr.) ii. Removing mathematics electives numbered 300 or above c. Change the title of MA 354 Methods and Materials in Teaching Junior High School Mathematics to Methods and Materials in Teaching Middle School Mathematics (2 cr.) and revise Prerequisites. 2. School of Education: a. Revise the Elementary Education Language Arts Major by: i. Removing EN 206 Survey of Journalism (4 cr.) ii. Adding EN 282 Introduction to Literature (4 cr.) b. Revise the Elementary Education Language Arts Minor by: i. Removing EN 206 Survey of Journalism (4 cr.) ii. Adding EN 282 Introduction to 10/21/2008 10/21/2008 11/4/2008 11/12/2008 11/12/2008 Approved by VPAA 11/12/2008 Literature (4 cr.) Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP Report): 1. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science a. Increase the number of credits in the following courses: i. CS 442 Advanced Networking from 3 to 4 ii. CS 480 Senior Project from 3 to 4 iii. MA 240 Discrete Mathematics from 3 to 4 b. Revise the bulletin description and prerequisites for CS 422 Advanced Networking c. Revise the prerequisites for CS 120 Computer Science I (4 cr.) d. Delete CS 444 Parallel and Distributed Processing (4 cr.) from the bulletin e. Revise the Network Computing Major by: i. Decreasing the number of credits required for the degree from 125 to 124 ii. Renaming the Network Computing Core iii. Increasing the number of credits required in the core from 21 to22 iv. Renaming the Networking Requirement v. Removing Computer Science Electives vi. Deleting CS 444 Parallel and Distribution Processing from the program vii. Changing the Computer Science, Mathematics, Computer Information Systems and Art and Design Electives by: 1. Raising the number of credits required from 9 to 12 2. Adding the following courses: a. CIS 234 Microsoft Network Operating Systems I (4 cr.) b. CIS 351 User Interface Design (4 cr.) c. CIS 355 Web Application Programming (4 cr.) 3. Requiring CS courses to be numbered 300 or higher f. Revise the Computer Science Major by: i. Decreasing the number of credits required for the degree from 128 to 124 ii. Decreasing the number of credits required in the major from 60 to 50 iii. Revising the Computer Science core by: 1. Increasing the number of credits required in the core from 35 to 42 2. Adding CS 422 Advanced Networking (3 cr.) 3. Adding CS 480 Senior Project in Computer Science (4 cr.) iv. Increasing Computer Information Systems, Computer Science and Mathematics Electives from 6 to 8 v. 11/4/2008 11/4/2008 11/18/2008 11/29/2008 11/20/2008 Approved by the VPAA 11/20/2008 Moving Mathematics Core to Other Required Courses vi. Increasing number of other required courses from 15 to 20 vii. Removing Mathematics Electives g. Create a new course: MA 231 Topics in Geometry (4 cr.) h. Revise the prerequisites for MA 271 Calculus with Applications 2. School of Education: a. Revise MA 103 Finite Mathematics (4 cr.) ii. Adding MA 231 Topics in Geometry (4 cr.) b. Revise the Elementary Education Mathematics Minor by: i. Adding MA 231 Topics in Geometry (4 cr.) ii. Moving CS 255 Computing for Teachers (4 cr.) from the minor to other required courses 3. Department of Engineering and Technology: a. Consolidate Electronics Technology Associate Degree and Industrial Electrical Technology Degree into concentrations within an Electrical Technology Degree by: i. Creating a common core of major courses ii. Creating major concentrations in General Electronics and Industrial Electrical b. Create and Electrical Power Technician Associate Degree Concentration within the Electrical Technology Degree c. Create the following new courses: i. ET 180 Substation Equipment (4 cr.) ii. ET 255 Transformers (4 cr.) iii. ET 270 Power & Equipment (4 cr.) iv. ET 280 Protective Relay Systems (3 cr.) v. ET 431 Senior Project I (1 cr.) vi. ET 432 Senior Project II (1 cr.) vii. MET 431 Senior Project I (1 cr.) viii. MET 432 Senior Project II (1 cr.) d. Delete ET/MET 430 Senior Project (2 cr.) from the bulletin e. Increase the number of credits of IT 265 Total Productive Maintenance from 1 to 2 (1-0-2) f. Revise the electronics Engineering Technology Major by: i. Dropping ET 430 Senior Project (2 cr.) ii. Adding ET 431 Senior Project I (1 cr.) iii. Adding ET 432 Senior Project II (1 cr.) iv. Increasing other required courses from 40 to 41 credits g. Revise the Industrial Technology Major by: i. Dropping MET 430 Senior Project (2 cr.) ii. Adding MET 431 Senior Project I (1 cr.) iii. Adding MET 432 Senior Project II (1 cr.) iv. Increasing other required courses from 32 to 3 credits h. Revise the Mechanical Engineering Technology Major by: i. Dropping MET 430 Senior Project (2 cr.) ii. Adding MET 431 Senior Project I (1 cr.) iii. Adding MET 432 Senior Project II (1 cr.) i. Revise the prerequisites for the following courses: i. DD 208 Architectural Detailing ii. DD 214 Structural Design iii. DD 302 Architectural Drawing-Residential iv. DD 303 Architectural DrawingCommercial v. ET 101 Principles of Electrical Wiring vi. ET 112 DC Circuit Analysis vii. ET 113 AC Circuit Analysis viii. ET 201 Visual Programming for Technicians ix. ET 211 Digital Electronics x. ET 221 Solar Power xi. ET 222 Wind Power xii. ET 311 Applied Programmable Controllers xiii. ET 360 Process Control Systems xiv. ET 420 Microcontroller Applications xv. IT 180 Introduction to Fluid Power xvi. IT 214 Industrial Observation xvii. IT 215 General Industrial Safety xviii. IT 380 Facility Planning xix. MET 200 Introduction to Alternative Energies xx. MET 211 Mechanics-Statistics xxi. MET 213 Materials Science I xxii. MET 216 Materials Science II xxiii. MET 230 Bioenergy xxiv. MET 310 MechanicsDynamics xxv. MET 410 Applied Thermodynamics xxvi. MF 245 Plastic Injection Molding Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP Report): 1. Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Department: a. Revise the following courses by: i. Increasing the number of credit hours for ATR 292A Introduction to Practicum I from 1 to 2 (1-0-3) ii. Increase the number of credit hours for ATR 292B Introduction to Practicum II from 1 to 2 (1-0-3) iii. Increasing the number of credit hours for ATR 392A Intermediate Practicum I from 2 to 3 (1-0-6) iv. Increasing the number of credit hours for ATR 392B Intermediate Practicum II from 2 to 3 (1-0-6) v. Increasing the number of credit hours for 11/18/2008 11/18/2008 XXXXX 11/19/2008 11/20/2008 Section 4 only Items 1,2,3, & 5 to follow Rules suspended, 2nd Reading waived Motion adopted by Senate 11/18/2008 Approval by VPAA 11/20/2008 ATR 492A Advanced Practicum I from 2 to 4 (1-0-9) vi. Increasing the number of credit hours for ATR 492B Advanced Practicum II from 2 to 4 (1-0-9) b. Revise the Athletic Training Major by: i. Removing HN 301B Nutrition for Health Professionals II (2 cr.) from the major ii. Reducing electives from 11-12 to 7-8 December 2008 Graduation List Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP Report) 1. Department of Biology: a. Delete BI 315 Evolution (4 cr.) from the bulletin b. Create the following new courses: i. BI 215 Principles of Evolution (4 cr.) ii. BI 415 Evolutionary Analysis (4 cr.) iii. BI 262 Field Ornithology (3 cr.) iv. BI 314 Introduction to Marine Biology (3 cr.) c. Revise the prerequisites for the following courses: i. BI 322 Vertebrate Zoology (4 cr.) ii. BI 428 Behavioral Ecology (4 cr.) d. Increase the number of credits for BI 462 Ornithology from 3 to 4 and revise the bulletin description e. Increase the number of credits for BI 305 Ecology of the Northern Forest from 3 to 4 and revise the bulletin description f. Revise the BiologyGeneral Major by: i. Deleting BI 315 Evolution (4 cr.) ii. Adding BI 215 Principles of Evolution (4 cr.) g. Revise the Biology Major- Ecology Emphasis by: i. Deleting BI 315 Evolution (4 cr.) ii. Adding BI 215 Principles of Evolution (4 cr.) iii. Adding BI 262 Field Ornithology (3 cr.) as an elective iv. Revising the number of credits for BI 462 Ornithology in the electives h. Revise the Biology MajorMicrobiology Emphasis by: i. Deleting BI 315 Evolution (4 cr.) ii. Adding BI 215 Principles of Evolution (4 cr.) i. Revise the Biology Major- Physiology Emphasis by: i. Deleting BI 315 Evolution (4 cr.) ii. Adding BI 215 Principles of Evolution (4 cr.) j. Revise the Zoology major by: i. Deleting BI 315 Evolution (4 cr.) ii. Adding BI 215 11/14/2008 11/18/2008 XXXXX 11/19/2008 11/20/2008 11/18/2008 11/18/2008 12/2/2008 1/7/2009 1/7/2009 Rules suspended, 2nd Reading Waived, Motion adopted by the Senate 11/18/2008 Approved by VPAA 10/20/2008 Items 1,2,3, and 5. Item 4 previously approved Approved by VPAA 1/7/2009 Principles of Evolution (4 cr.) iii. Revising the number of credits for BI 462 Ornithology in the electives k. Revise the Secondary Education Biology Major and Minor by: i. Deleting BI 315 Evolution (4 cr.) ii. Adding BI 215 Principles of Evolution (4 cr.) l. Revise the integrated Science Major with Biology minor (Option 1) by: i. Deleting BI 315 Evolution (4 cr.) ii. Adding BI 215 Principles of Evolution (4 cr.) m. revise the Pre-Veterinary Medicine Program by: i. Deleting BI 315 Evolution (4 cr.) ii. Adding BI 215 Principles of Evolution (4 cr.) 2. Center for Native American Studies: a. Create the following new courses: i. NAS 212 MI & WI Tribes, Treaties& Current Issues (4 cr.) ii. NAS 315 History of Indian Boarding School Education (4 cr.) iii. NAS 320 American Indians: Identity & Media Images (4 cr.) iv. NAS 420 Issues within the Representation of American Indians (4 cr.) v. NAS 495/496 Special Topics in Native American Studies (1-4 cr.) vi. NAS 497/498 Directed Study in Native American Studies (1-4 cr.) b. Delete NAS 287 Legal & Political History of Michigan Indian Education (2 cr.) from the bulletin c. Modify the minor by: i. Removing NAS 488 Native American Service Learning Project as a capstone course ii. Removing content area electives requirement iii. Requiring GPA of 2.0 for Native American Studies minor 3. History Department: a. Create a new course: HS 354 History of Prejudice (4 cr.) b. Delete HS 293 Minorities in American History (4 cr.) from the bulletin c. Renumber HS 352 African American History to HS 292 4. HPER: PREVIOUSLY APPROVED 5. Department of Criminal Justice: a. Modify the course prerequisite notes under Department/Program Policies for Loss Prevention Majors b. Revise the prerequisites for the following courses: i. LPM 342 Legal Aspects of Loss Prevention ii. LPM 351 Loss Prevention Data Analysis iii. LPM 390 Principles of Retail Investigations iv. LPM 391 Biometrics in Loss Prevention v. LPM 430 Loss Prevention Risk and Crisis Management Graduate Programs Committee (GPC Report): 1) (Proposal A) All students are required to take ED 533: School and Community Relations. Proposed requirement: Students would not be required to take ED 533, but could continue to take it as an elective. 2) (Proposal B) All students are required to take ED 506: Cultural Foundation I and ED 507: Cultural Foundations II. Students would be able to choose the foundations courses they take from the following list: ED 506: Cultural Foundations I (3 cr.) ED 507: Cultural Foundations II (3 cr.) ED 504: Psychology of Education (2 cr.) ED 505: Measurement and Evaluation (2 cr.) the Reading (BT) master’s program requires 34 credits for completion. Students who take less than six (6) credits in the Foundations area will need to take elective credits (approved by the adviser) to meet the 34 credits required by the program. New bulletin language: Master of Arts in Education: Reading (BT): Foundations: 4-6 Credits. ED 506 Cultural Foundations I (3 cr.) ED 507 Cultural Foundations II (3 cr.) ED 504: Psychology of Education (2 cr.) ED 505: Measurement and Evaluation (2 cr.) Research: 5 credits ED 500A Educational Research (3 cr.) ED 500B Seminar in Educational Research (2 cr.) Concentration 23-25 credits * ED/EN 462 Literature for Young Adults or * ED 517 Recent Children’s Literature (2 or 3 cr.) * ED 511 Trends in the Teaching of Language Arts (2 cr.) *ED 518 Seminar in Elementary/Secondary Education: Reading (3 cr.)* ED 570 Foundations of Reading Instruction (3 cr.) *ED 571 Diagnosis and Treatment of Reading Disabilities (3 cr.) *ED 575 Improving Reading Comprehension. Electives as approved by adviser to meet the 34 credit requirement. Total Credits: 34. *The asterisked courses are required for the BT endorsement. For 11/18/2008 11/18/2008 12/2/2008 1/7/2009 1/7/2009 Approved by VPAA 1/7/2009 those wishing the BT endorsement only, in addition to the asterisked courses, choose from ED 514, ED 533, or take the additional literature course to total the required 18 credits. Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP Report) 1. School of Art and Design: a. Rename and revise the bulletin description for the following courses: i. AD 117 Photography: Black and White (4 cr.) to Introduction to Digital Photography (4 cr.) ii. AD 217 Color Photography (4 cr.) to Color Digital Photography (4 cr.) iii. AD 317 Photography Seminar (4 cr.) to Alternative Photographic Practices (4 cr.) iv. AD 120 Drawing/Illustration (4 cr.) to Drawing (4 cr.) b. Renumber the following courses: i. AD 121 Digital Cinema: Introduction (4 cr.) to AD 112 ii. AD 421 Digital Cinema: Seminar (4 cr.) to AD 412 c. Rename, renumber, revise the bulletin description and prerequisites for the following courses: i. AD 221 Digital Cinema: Animation (4 cr.) to AD 212 Digital Cinema: Experimental and Documentary Narratives (4 cr.) ii. AD 321 Digital Cinema: Seminar (4 cr.) to AD 312 Digital Cinema: Animation Forms (4 cr.) d. Revise the prerequisites for the following courses: i. AD 211 Human Centered Design: Social Goods ii. AD 219 Illustration Forms iii. AD 319 Illustration: Seminar iv. AD 222 Ceramics: Wheel Forms v. AD 334 Electronic Imaging: 3D e. Revise the bulletin description for the following courses: i. AD 419 Illustration: Seminar ii. AD 456 Illustration: B.F.A. Seminar iii. Ad 350 Curriculum Theory and Objectives for Art Education (4 cr.) f. Create a new course: AD 119 Introduction to Illustration (4 cr.) g. Modify the Specific Requirements to the Photography major by: i. Replacing AD 121 Digital Cinema: Introduction (4 cr.) with AD 112 Digital Cinema: Introduction (4 cr.) h. Modify the Specific Requirements for the Illustration Major by: i. Removing the following 12/2/2008 12/2/2008 1/20/2009 1/30/2009 2/2/2009 Approved by VPAA 2/2/2009 course: 1. AD 117 Photography: Black and White (4 cr.) 2. AD 234 Electronic Imaging: Web Design (4 cr.) 3. AD 116 Sculpture or AD 122 Ceramics: Handbuilding Techniques or AD 123 Jewelry/Metalsmithing or AD 124 Woodworking: Joinery and Greenwood ii. Adding the following courses: 1. AD 118 Introduction to Graphic Communication (4 cr.) 2. AD 120 Drawing (4 cr.) 3. AD 220 Drawing/Painting (4 cr.) iii. Increasing Art and Design Electives from 4 to 8 i. Modify the Specific Requirements from the Human Centered Design Major specific requirements by: i. Removing DD 100 Technical Drafting with Introduction to CAD (4 cr.) ii. Adding AD 118 Introduction to Graphic Communication (4 cr.) j. Modify the Specific Requirements for the Human Centered Design Major general requirements by: i. Removing AD 260 Why America Looks This Way (4 cr.) ii. Adding AD 355 Twentieth Century Art and Architecture (4 cr.) k. Modify the Art and Design Major- Associate of Arts by: i. Reducing the number of credits required from 63-67 to 63 ii. Modify the major courses by : 1. Removing the following courses: a. AD 299 Associate Research (4 cr.) b. AD 265 Art and Architecture of Japan (4 cr.) 2. Adding AD 110 Ideas in Art and Design History (4 cr.) iii. Modify the Major Concentration by: 1. Increasing credits required from 20-24 to 28 2. Removing the following courses: a. AD 219 Illustration Forms (4 cr.) 3. Increasing the AD 100 level courses in any of the nonpreferred studio area within the major from 12 to 20 credits and allow 200 level courses iv. Remove the 8 credits of Art and Design electives 2. Department of Psychology: a. Revise the prerequisites for the following courses: i. PY 410 Sensation and Perception (4 cr.) ii. PY 411 Advanced Learning (4 cr.) b. Revise the General Psychology Major by: 1. Reorganizing courses into basic, foundation, physiological, learning, senior 400-level, and elective courses ii. Moving the following from required courses to option: 1. PY 303 Human Neuropsychology (4 cr.) 2. PY 441 Individual Differences in Development (4 cr.) iii. Adding the following courses as option: 1. PY 204 Physiological Psychology (4 cr.) 2. PY 304 Animal Behavior (4 cr.) 3. PY 400 History and Systems (4 cr.) 4. PY 455 Psychopathology (4 cr.) iv. Removing the following courses from the major: 1. PY 351 Psychology of Personality (4 cr.) 2. PY 355 Abnormal Psychology (4 cr.) v. Increasing psychology electives from 4 to 8 credits vi. Increasing psychology electives (300 level or above) from 4 to 8 credits c. Revise the Psychology/Graduate School Preparation Major by: i. Reorganizing courses into basic, foundation, learning, social/developmental, advanced (lab), and elective courses ii. Adding the following courses as options: 1. PY 203 Applied Behavior Analysis (4 cr.) 2. PY 302 Aggression (4 cr.) 3. PY 303 Human Neuropsychology (4 cr.) 4. PY 304 Animal Behavior (4 cr.) 5. PY 410 Sensation and Perception (4 cr.)iii. Removing PY 351 Psychology of Personality (4 cr.) from the major 3. History Department: a. create a new course: HS 285 History of Manhood (4 cr.) 4. Chemistry Department a. Revise the minimum grade requirement for the chemistry minor b. Revise the prerequisites for the following courses: i. CH 105 Chemical Principles (4 cr.) ii. CH 107 Introductory Chemistry (4 cr.) c. Add the following elective courses to the Forensic Biochemistry Degree Program: i. BI 201 Human Anatomy (3 cr.) ii. BI 202 Human Physiology (5 cr.) iii. BI 424 General Entomology (4 cr.) iv. BI 426 Human Histology (4 cr.) v. CJ 312 The Judicial Function (4 cr.) vi CJ 255 Drugs, Crime and Justice System (4 cr.) vii. PL 184 Issues in Legal Ethics (2 cr.) viii. PS 215 Introduction to Law (4 cr.) 5. Sociology and Social Work Department: a. Revise the admissions process for social work majors 6. Political Science and Public Administration Department: a. Create the following new courses: i. PS 208 Modern Political Thought (4 cr.) ii. PS 431 Civil Rights and Liberties (4 cr.) b. Change the name and revise the bulletin description for the following courses: i.PS 207 from History of Political Thought to Ancient and Medieval Political Thought (4 cr.) ii. PS 430 from American Constitution Law and Politics to American Constitutional Law (4 cr.) c. Revise the Secondary Education Political Science Major by: i. Removing PS 430 American Constitutional Law and Politics (4 cr.) ii. Adding PS 431 Civil rights and Liberties (4 cr.) d. Revise the Political Science/Pre-law Major by: i. Adding the following courses as choices in the major: ii. PS 208 Modern Political Thought (4 cr.) iii. PS 431 Civil Right and Liberties (4 cr.) e. Revise the Political Science Major by adding PS 208 Modern Political Thought (4 cr.) as a choice in the politics core f. Revise the Public Administration Major by adding PS 208 Modern Political Thought (4 cr.) as a choice in the politics core Graduate Programs Committee (GPC Report): 1. Graduate faculty status for 2 faculty 2. The Committee recommends that the grading for EN 509, teaching Colloquium, be changed from S/U to letter grading 3. The committee recommends that the number of credits required for Experimental Psychology major be decreased from 36 to 32. Admission and Academic Policies Committee (AAPC Report): 1. Accept changes to the Non-Degree Applicants Policy: The AAPC recommends removing the third item from the list under NonDegree Applicants from the Bulletin. NonDegree Applicants (Remove the following): Non-degree students may enroll under nondegree status for a maximum of 16 attempted credits hours without going 12/2/2008 12/2/2008 1/20/2009 1/30/2009 2/2/2009 Approved by VPAA 2/2/2009 12/2/2008 12/2/2008 1/20/2009 1/30/2009 2/2/2009 Approved by VPAA 2/2/2009 through the freshman/transfer admission process. Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP Report): 1. Department of Chemistry a. Revise the prerequisites for CH 111 General Chemistry I (5 cr.) 2. Department of Modern Languages and Literatures: a. Create the following new courses: i. CHN 299 Apprenticeship in Chinese (1-2 cr.) ii. LAT 299 Apprenticeship in Latin (1-2 cr.) iii. POR 101 Elementary Portuguese I (4 cr.) iv. POR 299 Apprenticeship in Portuguese (1-2 cr.) v. POR 314 Contemporary Brazilian Culture (4 cr.) b. Change the title of POR 110 Elementary Portuguese (4 cr.) to Elementary Portuguese for Students of Spanish (4 cr.), revise the bulletin description and prerequisites c. Change the title of POR 210 Intermediate Portuguese (4 cr.) to Intermediate Portuguese for Students of Spanish (4 cr.) d. Create a Portuguese Certification Faculty Grants Committee (FGC Report): The committee recommends 16 faculty research grants deemed fundable Liberal Studies Committee (LSC Report): 1. Add HS 259, Approaching Japan to Division II, Foundations of Humanities 2. Add HS 259, Approaching Japan to courses which offer world culture credit. 3. Add HS 358, Modern Japan to the list of courses fulfilling Division II, Foundations of Humanities. 4. Add HS 359, Modern Japan to courses which offer world culture credit. 5. Add PS 207, Ancient and Medieval Political Thought to the list of courses fulfilling Division II, Foundations of Humanities. 6. Add PS 208, Modern Political Thought to the list of courses fulfilling Division II, Foundations of Humanities. 7. Add MA 231, Topics in Geometry to the list of courses fulfilling Division III, Foundations of Science and Mathematics. 8. Add HS 310 German Culture and Civilization to Division II, Foundations of Humanities. 9. Add HS 292 1/20/2009 1/20/2009 2/3/2009 2/6/2003 2/9/2009 Approved by VPAA 2/9/2009 12/18/2008 1/20/2009 2/3/2009 2/6/2009 2/9/2009 Approved by VPAA 2/9/2009 1/15/2008 1/20/2009 2/3/2009 2/6/2009 2/9/2009 Approved by VPAA 2/9/2009 African American History to Division II, Foundations of Humanities. 10. HS 354 History of Prejudice to Division II, Foundations of Humanities. 11. Add TE 261 Women in Science and Technology to Division II, foundations of Humanities. Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP Report): 1. History Department a. Create a new course HS 342 Introduction to Museum Studies (4 cr.) b. Revise the public history minor by: i. Deleting the following courses: 1. HS 200 Historical thinking and Writing (4 cr.) 2. HS 363 Canadian History and Culture (4 cr.) 3. AD 200 Native American Art and Architecture (4 cr.) ii. Adding the following courses: 1. HS 382 Historical Role Playing (2 cr.) 2. HS 481 Oral History (1 cr.) 3. GC 316 Geography of Tourism (4 cr.) 4. RE 110 Introduction to Leisure and Recreation (2 cr.) 2. Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Department: a. Modify the Outdoor Recreation Leadership and Management major by: i. Adding the following courses as option in Other required courses: 1. RE 277 Wildland Firefighting (2 cr.) 2. HL 430 Grant Writing for Health Educators (2 cr.) 3. Communication and Performance Studies Department: a. Consolidate the Theatre, Performance Theatre, and Technical minors into a single Theatre minor by: i. Creating a common core of courses consisting of: 1. TH 130 Introduction to Theatre (4 cr.) 2. TH 131 Stagecraft (4 cr.) 3. TH 132 Acting I (4 cr.) 4. TH 491 Practicum in Theatre (2-4 cr.) ii. Allowing students to choose 6-8 credits from the following electives: 1. TH 141 Method of Design Presentation (4 cr.) 2. TH 232 State Costume (3 cr.) 3. TH 234 Stage Makeup (4 cr.) 4. TH 241 Stage Design (3 cr.) 5. TH 245 Voice and Diction (4 cr.) 6. TH 330 Intermediate Acting (4 cr.) 7. TH 340 Stage Lighting (3 cr.) 8. TH 341 Stage Properties (4 cr.) 9. TH 352 Directing Theory (4 cr.) 10. TH 360 History of Theatre (4 cr.) 11. TH 361 Modern Drama ````````q 2/3/2009 2/17/2009 2/23/2009 2/24/2009 Approved by VPAA 2/24/2009 (4 cr.) 12. TH 435 Advanced Acting (4 cr.) 13. TH 454 Acting: Shakespeare (4 cr.) 14. TH 456 Theatre Management (4 cr.) b. Revise the Entertainment and Sports Promotion major by: i. Adding HS 330 United States Sport History (4 cr.) to the list of theoretical electives ii. Removing term “other graduation requirements” from other required courses iii. Removing computer use electives from major. c. Revise the Public Relations major by: i. Removing computer use elective from major 4. College of Business: a. Delete the following courses from the bulletin: i. IS 105 Presentation/Multimedia Software (1 cr.) ii. IS 107 Beginning Desktop Publishing (1 cr.) iii. IS 111 Computerized Personal Accounting (1 cr.) iv. IS 112 Computerized Small Business Accounting (1 cr.) v. IS 201 Advanced Word Processing (1 cr.) vi. IS 202 Intermediate Spreadsheets (1 cr.) vii. IS 204 Advanced Database (1 cr.) viii. IS 206 Software Integration (1 cr.) ix. IS 207 Intermediate Desktop Publishing (1 cr.) x. IS 208 Web Page Development (1 cr.) 5. General University Studies: a. Add Alternative Energies minor to the list of approved minors for the General University Studies Associate of Applied Science b. Remove Business Administration from the list of approved minors for the General University Studies Associate of Applied Science 6. Department of Physics: a. Revise the prerequisites for the following courses: i. AS 103 Observational and Solar Systems Astronomy (4 cr.) ii. AS 104 Stellar/Galactic Astronomy and Cosmology (4 cr.) 7. Department of Modern Languages and Literatures: a. Revise the prerequisites for the following courses: i. FR 102 Elementary French II (4 cr.) ii. FR 201 Intermediate French I (4 cr.) iii. FR 202 Intermediate French II (4 cr.) iv. FR 300 Reading and Writing (4 cr.) v. FR 305 Conversational French and Phonetics (4 cr.) vi. GR 102 Elementary German II (4 cr.) vii. GR 201 Intermediate German I (4 cr.) viii. GR 202 Intermediate German II (4 cr.) ix. GR 300 German Reading and Writing (4 cr.) x. GR 305 Conversational German (4 cr.) xi. SN 102 Elementary Spanish II (4 cr.) xii. SN 105 Intensive Introductory Spanish (4 cr.) xiii. SN 201 Intermediate Spanish I (4 cr.) xiv. SN 202 Intermediate Spanish II (4 cr.) xv. SN 267 Conversational Spanish (4 cr.) xvi. SN 300 Reading and Writing (4 cr.) xvii. SN 305 Conversational Spanish (4 cr.) 8. Clinical Laboratory Sciences Department: a. Rename the Clinical Laboratory Sciences department as the Department of Clinical Sciences b. Create the following new courses: i. CLS 410 Introduction to Clinical Management (1 cr.) ii. CLS 313 Introduction to Clinical Research (1 cr.) iii. RAD 368 Radiography Clinical Practicum (1 cr.) iv. ST 360 Advance practice for Surgical Technologists (2-16 cr.) c. Decrease the number of credit hours and revise the bulletin description for the following courses: i. RAD 363 Radiography Clinical Practicum III from 11 to 4 credits ii. RAD 366 Radiography Clinical Practicum IV from 10 to 9 credits d. Renumber the following courses: i. CLS 302 Advanced Clinical Chemistry (2 cr.) to CLS 402 ii. CLS 303 Advanced Immunohematology (2 cr.) to CLS 403 iii. CLS 304 Advanced Clinical Microbiology (2 cr.) to CLS 404 e. Rename and renumber the following course: i. CLS 301 Advanced hematology/Coagulation (3 cr.) to CLS 401 Hematopathology (3 cr.) f. Revise the bulletin description for the following courses: i. RAD 263 Radiography Clinical Practicum I (7 cr.) ii. RAD 266 Radiography Clinical Practicum II (7 cr.) g. Revise the Radiography Associate of Applied Science by: i. Dropping RAD 106 Introduction to Radiologic Technology (1 cr.) from the program and the bulletin ii. Adding CLS 100 Obtaining a Blood Specimen (1 cr.) to other required courses iii. Adding RAD 368 Radiographic Clinical Experience V (8 cr.) to the major h. Create a new Clinical Health Science major with three concentrations for students with an Associate degree or equivalent in Radiography, Respiratory Therapy, or Surgical Technology i. Create a Clinical Laboratory Science major with six concentrations by: i. Creating a common core of courses for all concentrations of 3628 credits ii. Including the following department courses in the common core: 1. CLS 100 Obtaining a Blood Specimen (1 cr.) 2. CLS 109 Introduction to Diagnostic Sciences (1 cr.) 3. CLS 190 Microscopy and Laboratory Techniques (1 cr.) 4. CLS 200 Urine and Body Fluid Analysis (1 cr.) 5. CLS 201 Clinical Hematology/Coagulation (3 cr.) 6. CLS 203 Immunohematology (3 cr.) 7. CLS 204 Clinical Microbiology (2 cr.) 8. CLS 213 Clinical Immunology and Serology (1 cr.) 9. CLS 410 Introduction to Clinical Management (1 cr.) 10. CLS 313 Introduction to Clinical Research (1 cr.) 11. CLS 420 Clinical Educational Practices (1 cr.) iii. Including the following other courses in the common core: 1. BI 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4 cr.) 2. BI 111 Introductory Biology: Principles (4 cr.) 3. CH 111 General Chemistry I (5 cr.) (*not Clinical Systems Analyst) 4. CH 112 General Chemistry II (5 cr.) (*not Clinical Systems Analyst) 5. Any Chemistry course above 100 for Clinical Systems Analyst concentration only (8 cr.) 6. MA 171 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4 cr.) iv. Renaming Clinical Laboratory Science major to Laboratory Medicine concentration v. Renaming Clinical Laboratory Scientist- Clinical Microbiology Concentration to Microbiology concentration vi. Renaming Diagnostic Genetics Major with Two Tracks to Diagnostic Genetics concentration vii. Renaming Cytotechnology major and Histotechnologist major to Anatomic Pathology viii. Renaming Clinical Systems Analyst major to Clinical Systems Analyst concentration ix. Renaming Science Technologist major to Science Technologist concentration j. Revise the Clinical Laboratory Science major (renamed Laboratory Medicine concentration) by: i. Adding 38 credits for the common core ii. Decreasing the number of credits required in the major (now concentration) from 61 to 51 iii. Decreasing number of other required credits from 44 to 11-13 iv. Moving the following courses to the common core: 1. CLS 100 Obtaining a Blood Specimen (1 cr.) 2. CLS 109 Introduction to Diagnostic Sciences (1 cr.) 3. CLS 190 Microscopy and Laboratory Techniques (1 cr.) 4. CLS 200 Urine and Body Fluid Analysis (1 cr.) 5. CLS 201 Clinical Hematology/Coagulation (3 cr.) 6. CLS 203 Immunohematology (3 cr.) 7. CLS 204 Clinical Microbiology (2 cr.) 8. CLS 213 Clinical Immunology and Serology (1 cr.) 9. CLS 420 Clinical Educational Practices (1 cr.) 10. BI 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4 cr.) 11. BI 111 Introductory Biology: Principles (4 cr.) 12. CH 111 General Chemistry I (5 cr.) 13. CH 112 General Chemistry II (5 cr.) 14. MA 171 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4 cr.) v. Adding the following courses: 1. CLS 436 Medical Genetics (4 cr.) vi. Dropping the following courses from other required courses: 1. MGT 240 Organizational Behavior and Management (4 cr.) 2. BI 206 Human Genetics (3 cr.) vii. Adding option of one of the following courses to other required courses: 1. CH 450 Introductory Biochemistry (4 cr.) 2. BI 405 Immunology (3 cr.) 3. BI 416 Experimental Cytogenetics (2-3 cr.) k. Revise the Clinical Laboratory Scientist- Clinical Microbiology concentration (renamed Microbiology concentration) by: i. Adding 38 credits fromt eh common core ii. Decreasing the number of credits required in the concentration from 68 to 44 iii. Decreasing the number of other required credits from 33 to 19-21 iv. Moving the following courses from the major core to the common core: 1. CLS 100 Obtaining a Blood Specimen (1 cr.) 2. CLS 109 Introduction to Diagnostic Sciences (1 cr.) 3. CLS 190 Microscopy and Laboratory Techniques (1 cr.) 4. CLS 200 Urine and Body Fluid Analysis (1 cr.) 5. CLS 201 Clinical Hematology/Coagulation (3 cr.) 6. CLS 203 Immunohematology (3 cr.) 7. CLS 213 Clinical Immunology and Serology (1 cr.) 8. CLS 420 Clinical Educational Practices (1 cr.) v. Moving the following courses from the major concentration to the common core: 1. CLS 204 Clinical Microbiology (2 cr.) vi. Moving the following courses from other required courses to the common core: 1. BI 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4 cr.) 2. BI 111 Introductory Biology: Principles (4 cr.) 3. CH 111 General Chemistry I (5 cr.) 4. CH 112 General Chemistry II (5 cr.) 5. MA 171 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4 cr.) vii. Combining major core and major concentration and renaming Required Courses in Major viii. Adding the following courses to concentration: 1. CLS 436 Medical Genetics (4 cr.) ix. Dropping the following course from other required courses: 1. BI 206 Human Genetics (3 cr.) x. Moving supportive courses for Microbiology to Other required courses xi. Adding option of one of the following courses to other required courses: 1. BI 404 Virology (3 cr.) 2. BI 303 General Microbiology (5 cr.) 1. Revise Diagnostic Genetics Major with Two Tracks (renamed Diagnostic Genetics concentration) by: i. Adding 38 credits from the common core ii. Decreasing the number of credits required in the major from 58 to 27-28 iii. Decreasing number of other required credits from 36-38 to 34-37 iv. Moving the following courses to the common core: 1. CLS 100 Obtaining a Blood Specimen (1 cr.) 2. CLS 109 Introduction to Diagnostic Sciences (1 cr.) 3. CLS 190 Microscopy and Laboratory Techniques (1 cr.) 4. CLS 200 Urine and Body Fluid Analysis (1 cr.) 5. CLS 201 Clinical Hematology/Coagulation (3 cr.) 6. CLS 203 Immunohematology (3 cr.) 7. CLS 204 Clinical Microbiology (2 cr.) 8. CLS 213 Clinical Immunology and Serology (1 cr.) 9. CLS 420 Clinical Educational Practices (1 cr.) v. Moving the following courses from other required courses to the common core: 1. BI 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4 cr.) 2. BI 111 Introductory Biology: Principles (4 cr.) 3. CH 111 General Chemistry I (5 cr.) 4. CH 112 General Chemistry II (5 cr.) 5. MA 171 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4 cr.) vi. Moving the following courses from required courses in major to other required courses 1. BI 218 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology (4 cr.) 2. BI 312 Genetics (4 cr.) 3. BI 406 Advanced Cell Biology (4 cr.) 4. BI 418 Molecular Biology (4 cr.) 5. CH 454 Biochemistry Techniques (4 cr.) vii. Moving the following courses to required courses: 1. CLS 250G Clinical Practice (2 cr.) from cytogenetics practicum and molecular biology practicum 2. CLS 250T Clinical Practice (2 cr.) from CLS practicum viii. Dropping the following courses: 1. CLS 214 Diagnostic Microbiology (2 cr.) 2. BI 203 Medical Microbiology (3-5 cr.) 3. BI 303 General Microbiology (5 cr.) 4. CLS electives (3 cr.) 5. CLS 202 Clinical Chemistry (4 cr.) ix. Adding the following courses to concentration: 1. CLS 436 Medical Genetics (4 cr.) x. Adding 2-3 credits of general electives to other required courses xi. Dropping the following course from other required courses: 1. BI 201 Human Anatomy (3 cr.) xii. Adding the option of one of the following courses to required courses 1. CLS 251 Clinical hematology Practicum (3 cr.) 2. CLS 391 Laboratory Experience (3 cr.) xiii. Adding option of one of the following courses to other required courses: 1. BI 404 Virology (3 cr.) 2. BI 405 Immunology (5 cr.) 3. BI 419 Biology of Cancer (4 cr.) m. Revise the Cytotechnology major and Histotechnologist major (renamed Anatomic Pathology) by: i. Adding 38 credits from the common core ii. Decreasing the number of credits required in the concentration from 42-44 to 36-38 iii. Decreasing number of other required credits from 53-54 to 26 iv. Moving the following courses from the major core to the common core: 1. CLS 109 Introduction to Diagnostic Sciences (1 cr.) 2. CLS 190 Microscopy and Laboratory Techniques (1 cr.) 3. CLS 200 Urine and Body Fluid Analysis (1 cr.) 4. CLS 201 Clinical Hematology/Coagulation (3 cr.) 5. CLS 204 Clinical Microbiology (2 cr.) 6. CLS 213 Clinical Immunology and Serology (1 cr.) 7. CLS 420 Clinical Educational Practices (1 cr.) v. Moving the following courses from other required courses to the common core: 1. BI 111 Introductory Biology: Principles (4 cr.) 2. CH 111 General Chemistry I (5 cr.) 3. CH 112 General Chemistry II (5 cr.) 4. MA 171 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4 cr.) vi. Renaming Required Courses in Major (Cytotechnology) Cytotechnology Practicum vii. Renaming Required Courses in Major (Histotechnologist ) Histotechnologist Practicum viii. Adding the following courses to concentration: 1. CLS 436 Medical Genetics (4 cr.) ix. Dropping the following courses from other required courses: 1. BI 201 Human Anatomy (3 cr.) 2. BI 206 Human Genetics (3 cr.) 3. BI 416 Experimental Cytogenetics (2-3 cr.) 4. BI 423 Parasitology (3 cr.) x. Adding option of one of the following courses to other required courses: 1. CH 450 Biochemistry I (4 cr.) 2. BI 406 Advanced Cell Biology (4 cr.) n. Revise Clinical Systems Analyst major (rename Clinical Systems Analyst concentration) by: i. Adding 38 credits from the common core ii. Decreasing the number of credits required in the concentration from 65 to 49 iii. Decreasing number of other required credits from 27-14 iv. Moving the following courses from the major core to the common core: 1. CLS 100 Obtaining a Blood Specimen (1 cr.) 2. CLS 109 Introduction to Diagnostic Sciences (1 cr.) 3. CLS 190 Microscopy and Laboratory Techniques (1 cr.) 4. CLS 200 Urine and Body Fluid Analysis (1 cr.) 5. CLS 201 Clinical Hematology/Coagulation (3 cr.) 6. CLS 203 Immunohematology (3 cr.) 7. CLS 204 Clinical Microbiology (2 cr.) 8. CLS 213 Clinical Immunology and Serology (1 cr.) 9. CLS 420 Clinical Educational Practices (1 cr.) v. Moving the following courses from other required courses to the common core: 1. BI 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4 cr.) 2. MA 171 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4 cr.) vi. Adding the following course option: 1. CIS 230 Novell Network Operating Systems I (4 cr.) vii. Dropping the following courses from required courses in major: 1. CLS electives (2 cr.) viii. Dropping the following course from Computer Information Systems Concentration: 1. CIS electives (2 cr.) o. Revise Science Technology major (renamed Science Technologist concentration) by: i. Adding 38 credits from the common core ii. Decreasing the number of credits required in the core from 23 to 16 iii. Decreasing number of other required credits from 48-49 to 31 iv. Moving the following courses to the common core: 1. CLS 100 Obtaining a Blood Specimen (1 cr.) 2. CLS 109 Introduction to Diagnostic Sciences (1 cr.) 3. CLS 190 Microscopy and Laboratory Techniques (1 cr.) 4. CLS 200 Urine and Body Fluid Analysis (1 cr.) 5. CLS 201 Clinical Hematology/Coagulation (3 cr.) 6. CLS 203 Immunohematology (3 cr.) 7. CLS 204 Clinical Microbiology (2 cr.) 8. CLS 213 Clinical Immunology and Serology (1 cr.) 9. CLS 420 Clinical Educational Practices (1 cr.) v. Moving the following courses from other required courses to the common core: 1. BI 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4 cr.) 2. BI 111 Introductory Biology: Principles (4 cr.) 3. CH 111 General Chemistry I (5 cr.) 4. CH 112 General Chemistry II (5 cr.) 5. MA 171 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4 cr.) vi. Renaming Clinical Laboratory Technology Emphasis to Clinical Laboratory Certification vii. Renaming DNA/Forensic Emphasis to Forensics viii. Adding the following courses to the concentration: 1. CLS 436 Medical Genetics (4 cr.) 2. BI 416 Experimental Cytogenetics (3 cr.) ix. Adding the following optional courses to the Biotechnology emphasis: 1. BI 404 Virology (3 cr.) 2. BI 419 Biology of Cancer (4 cr.) x. Dropping CH 450 Biochemistry I (4 cr.) from Biotechnology emphasis: xi. Adding 13 credits of general electives to the concentration xii. Dropping the following courses from the core: 1. CLS 391 Laboratory Experience (1-3 cr.) 2. CLS electives (17-19 cr.) 3. CLS 301 Advanced Hematology/Coagulation (3 cr.) 4. CLS 303 Advanced Immunohematology (2 cr.) 5. CLS 304 Advanced Clinical Microbiology (2 cr.) 6. BI 203 Medical Microbiology (3-5 cr.) 7. BI 303 General Microbiology (5 cr.) 8. CLS electives (3 cr.) 9. CLS 202 Clinical Chemistry (4 cr.) xiii. Dropping the following courses from other required courses: 1. BI 206 Human Genetics (2 cr.) 2. BI 312 Genetics (4 cr.) 3. PH 202 College Physics (5 cr.) p. Combine the Science Technician and Clinical Laboratory Technician Associate of Applied Science programs into concentrations within the Clinical Laboratory Technology Associate of Applied Science major by: i. Creating a core of required courses including: 1. CLS 100 Obtaining a Blood Specimen (1 cr.) 2. CLS 109 Introduction to Diagnostic Sciences (1 cr.) 3. CLS 190 Microscopy and Laboratory Techniques (1 cr.) 4. CLS 200 Urine and Body Fluid Analysis (1 cr.) 5. CLS 201 6. 202 Clinical Chemistry (4 cr.) 7. CLS 203 Immunohematology (3 cr.) 8. CLS 204 Clinical Microbiology (2 cr.) 9. CLS 213 Clinical Immunology and Serology (1 cr.) ii. Moving the remained courses required in the Clinical Laboratory Technician major into the Clinical Laboratory Technician concentration iii. Moving the renamed courses required in the Science Technician major into the Science Technician concentration iv. Adding the following courses in the Science Technician concentration: 1. BI 202 Human Physiology (5 cr.) 2. BI 218 Cell and Molecular Biology (4 cr.) 3. Choice between CH 220 Introductory Organic Chemistry (5 cr.) or PH 201 College Physics I (5 cr.) v. Dropping the following courses from the Science Technician concentration: 1. CIS 110 Principles of Computer Information Systems or IS elective (4 cr.) 2. CLS 214 Diagnostic Microbiology (3 cr.) q. Delete the Histotechnician Associate of Applied Science program from the bulletin r. Revise the Clinical Assistant Certificate Program by: i. Decreasing the number of credits required from 33 to 32 ii. Decreasing the number of credits required in the major from 18 to 10 iii. Increase the number of credits required in other required courses from 10 to 17 iv. Increasing general electives from 1-5 cr. to 3-7 cr. v. Moving OIS 183 Business Administrative Procedures (4 cr.) from required in major to other required courses vi. Adding the following other required courses: 1. BI 202 Human Physiology (5 cr.) 2. BI 218 Cell and Molecular Biology (4 cr.) vii. Deleting the following courses from other required courses: 1. OIS 101 Keyboarding for Info. Processing (1 cr.) 2. OIS 103 Beginning Formatting/Typing (1 cr.) Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP Report) 1. College of Business: a. Increase the number of credits for MGT 343 Human Resource Management from 3 to 4 and revise the bulletin description b. Change the title, revise the bulletin description, and increase the number of credits from 3 to 4 for the following courses: 1. MGT 412 from Compensation Administration to Compensation Design and Administration ii. MGT 417 Organizational Theory to Organizational Theory, Structure, and Design iii. MGT 422 from Business and Government Policy Theory to Business and Government Policy iv. MGT 424 Collectives Bargaining to Conflict Management and Collective Bargaining c. Revise the prerequisite for CIS 212 Computer Assisted Problem Solving for Business (2 cr.) d. Create the following new courses: i. MGT 341 Event Planning (2 cr.) ii. MGT 352 Event Management (2 cr.) e. Revise the Entrepreneurship from 35 to 36 credits f. Revise the Management major by decreasing management electives from 14 to 12 credits g. Revise the Ski Area Business Management major by: i. Adding the following courses to ski area business management electives 1. MGT 341 Event Planning (2 cr.) 2. MGT 342 Event Management (2 cr.) h. Revise the Marketing major by increasing the credits from MGT 422 from 3 to 4 i. Revise the Management minor by decreasing electives from 6 to 4 2. Department of Practical Nursing: a. Change the title and course number of PN 100 Introduction to Practical Nursing to AH 101 Role Development in Nursing Practice (2 cr.) 3. School of Education: a. Revise the bulletin description for ED 312 Science Methods and materials for Elementary Teachers (3 cr.) 6. CLS 203 Immunohematology (3 cr.) 7. CLS 204 Clinical Microbiology (2 cr.) 8. CLS 213 Clinical Immunology and Serology (1 cr.) 2/17/2009 2/17/2009 3/10/2009 3/13/2009 3/16/2009 Approved by VPAA 3/16/2009 Committee on Elections and Committees (CEC Report): Recommending assignments to fill vacancies on the following Senate Committees: 1. The Admission and Academic Policies Committee (AAPC) 2. The Academic Information Services Advisory Committee (AISAC) 3. The Committee on Elections and Committees (CEC) 4. The Graduate Programs Committee (GPC) 5. The Teaching and Learning Advisory Council (TLAC) 6. The Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP) 7. The Faculty Grants Committee (FGC) 8. The Honors Board (HB) 9. The Liberal Studies Committee (LSC) 10. The Committee on Internationalization (COI) Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP Report): 1. School of Art and Design: a. Create a new course: AD 485 Theories and Practices in Art and Design (4 cr.) b. Delete the following courses from the bulletin: i. AD 360 Methodology and Visual Form (4 cr.) ii. AD 375 Perception and Visual Form (4 cr.) iii. AD 470 Value and visual Form (4 cr.) c. Rename the following courses: i. AD 230 History of World Art I (4 cr.) to History of World Art: Ancient to Medieval ii. AD 240 History of World Art II (4 cr.) to History of World Art: Renaissance to Modern d. Revise the Art and Design Education major by: i. Dropping AD 470 Value and Visual Form (4 cr.) ii. Adding AD 485 Theories and Practices in Art and Design (4 cr.) e. Revise the Art and Design major- Bachelor of Fine Arts by: i. Dropping AD 360 Methodology and Visual Form (4 cr.) ii. Dropping AD 375 Perception and Visual Form (4 cr.) iii. Dropping AD 470 Value and Visual Form (4 cr.) iv. Adding AD 485 Theories and Practices in Art and Design (4 cr.) v. Increasing specific requirements from 28 to 32 credits f. Revise the Art and Design major- Bachelor of Science by: i. Dropping AD 360 Methodology and Visual Form (4 cr.) ii. Dropping AD 375 Perception and 3/10/2009 3/10/2009 3/24/2009 3/26/2009 3/27/2009 Approved by VPAA 3/27/2009 3/10/2009 3/10/2009 3/24/2009 3/26/2009 3/27/2009 Approved by VPAA 3/27/2009 Visual Form (4 cr.) iii. Dropping AD 470 Value and Visual Form (4 cr.) iv. Adding AD 485 Theories and Practices in Art and Design (4 cr.) g. Revise the Specific B.F.A requirements: Ceramics by: i. Increasing specific requirements from 28 to 32 credits ii. Increasing Art and Design electives from 8 to 12 credits h. Revise the Specific B.F.A requirements: Digital Cinema by: i. Increasing specific requirements from 28 to 32 credits ii. Increasing Art and Design electives from 8 to 12 credits i. Revise the Specific B.F.A requirements: Drawing and Painting by: i. Increasing specific requirements from 28 to 32 credits ii. Adding Printmaking elective (AD 215 Printmaking/Papermaking: Forms (4 cr.), AD 315 Printmaking/Papermaking: Seminar (4 cr.), or AD 415 Printmaking/Papermaking: Seminar (4 cr.) j. Revise the Specific B.F.A requirements: Electronic Imaging by: i. Increasing specific requirements from 28 to 32 credits ii. Increasing Art and Design electives from 16 to 20 credits k. Revise the Specific B.F.A requirements: Furniture Design by: i. Requiring both AD 111 Human Centered Design: Shelters (4 cr.) and AD 211 Human Centered Design: Social Goods (4 cr.) l. Revise the Specific B.F.A requirements: Graphic Communication by: i. Increase specific requirements from 28 to 32 credits ii. Increasing Art and Design electives from 12 to 16 credits m. Revise the Specific B.F.A requirements: Human Centered Design by: i. Dropping AD 360 Methodology and Visual Form (4 cr.) ii. Increasing specific required from 28 to 32 credits iii. Adding Art and Design elective 4 credits n. Revise the Specific B.F.A requirements: Illustration by: i. Increasing specific requirements from 28 to 32 credits ii. Increasing Art and Design electives from 12 to 16 credits o. Revise the Specific B.F.A requirements: Jewelry, Metalsmithing and Blacksmithing by: i. Increasing specific requirement from 28 to 32 credits ii. Adding Art and Design 300- or 400- level studio elective 4 credits p. Revise the Specific B.F.A requirements: Photography by: i. Increasing specific requirements from 28 to 32 credits ii. Increasing Art and Design electives from 12 to 16 credits q. Revise the Specific B.F.A requirements: Printmaking by: i. Increasing specific requirements from 28 to 32 credits ii. Adding AD 420 Drawing/Painting/Papermaking: Seminar (4 cr.) r. Revise the Specific B.F.A requirements: Sculpture by: i. Increasing specific requirements from 28 to 32 credits ii. Adding Art and Design 300- 400- level studio elective 4 credits s. Revise the Specific B.F.A requirements: Woodworking by: i. Increasing specific requirements from 28 to 32 credits ii. Requiring both AD 111 Human centered Design: Shelters (4 cr.) and AD 211 Human Centered Design: Social Goods (4 cr.) 2. History Department: i. Revise the secondary education history minor by adding HS 126 The United States to 1865 (4 cr.) Graduate Programs Committee (GPC Report): Recommending approval of a Post-Master’s Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate Program in the Department of Nursing. 3/10/2009 3/10/2009 3/24/2009 3/26/2009 3/27/2009 Approved by VPAA 3/27/2009 Honors Board (HB Report): Recommending amendments and changes to their Operating Procedures. 3/10/2009 3/10/2009 3/24/2009 3/26/2009 3/27/2009 Approved by VPAA 3/27/2009 At its March 24, 2009 meeting, the Academic Senate voted unanimously to grant a posthumous degree to: Aaron J. Pelkie – Occupational and Technology Sciences, Major: Electrical Line Technician – Diploma (May 2008) May 2009 Graduation List 3/24/2009 3/24/2009 XXXXX 3/26/209 3/27/2009 Rules suspended, 2nd Reading Waived, Motion adopted by the Senate 3/24/2009 Approved by VPAA 3/27/2009 4/7/2009 4/7/2009 XXXXX 4/20/2009 4/22/2009 Rules suspended, 2nd Reading Waived, Motion adopted by the Senate 4/7/2009 Approved by VPAA 4/22/2009 Admission and Academic Policies Committee (AAPC Report): Recommending modifying item #4 under the Bachelor’s Degree Requirements from the undergraduate bulletin to remove the restriction that the 202 level language course be one that was offered at Northern Michigan University Committee on Elections and Committees (CEC Report): Recommending assignments to fill Senate Committee vacancies 4/7/2009 4/7/2009 4/21/2009 5/1/2009 5/5/2009 Approved by VPAA 5/5/2009 4/7/2009 4/7/2009 4/21/2009 5/1/2009 5/5/2009 Approved by VPAA 5/5/2009 Graduate Programs Committee (GPC Report): Recommending graduate faculty status for seven faculty 3/24/2009 4/7/2009 4/21/2009 5/1/2009 5/5/2009 Approved by VPAA 5/5/2009 Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP Report): 1. Health, Physical Education and Recreation Department: a. Revise the prerequisites for the following courses: i. PE 211 Dance Survey (2 cr.) ii. PE 214 Team Sports (2 cr.) iii. PE 314 Individual and Dual Sports (2 cr.) Faculty Grants Committee (FGC Report): 1. Accept recommendations for the Curriculum Development grant program (3 grants). 2. Accept recommendations for Instructional Improvement grant program (8 grants) Graduate Programs Committee (GPC Report): 1. Graduate faculty status for 31 faculty 2. Bulletin language for ED574 be amended as recommended. 4/21/2009 4/21/2009 XXXXX 5/1/2009 5/5/2009 Rules suspended, 2nd Reading waived Motion adopted by Senate 4/21/2009 Liberal Studies Committee (LSC Report): Recommending to add SL 252 American Sign Language I to Division V, Formal Communication Studies 4/21/2009 Approved by VPAA 5/5/2009 4/21/2009 4/21/2009 XXXXX 5/1/2009 5/5/2009 Rules suspended, 2nd Reading waived Motion adopted by Senate 4/21/2009 Approved by VPAA 5/5/2009 4/21/2009 4/21/2009 4/21/2009 XXXXX XXXXX 5/1/2009 5/1/2009 5/5/2009 5/5/2009 Rules suspended, 2nd Reading waived Motion adopted by Senate 4/21/2009 Approved by VPAA 5/5/2009 Rules suspended, 2nd Reading waived Motion adopted by Senate 4/21/2009 Approved by VPAA 5/5/2009