Custom Impact WO033 Research Plan Addendum V – Treatment of M&V Points that Overlap with WO002 2010-2012 Impact Evaluation Submitted to: Energy Division California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Ave. San Francisco, CA 94102 Submitted by: Itron, Inc. 1111 Broadway, Suite 1800 Oakland, CA 94607 and KEMA, Inc. 155 Grand Avenue, Suite 500 Oakland, CA 94612 April 24, 2013 Table of Contents 1 Research Plan Addendum V ................................................................................ 1 1.1 Overview of WO002 Efforts and Relationship with WO033 M&V ................... 1 1.2 WO033 M&V .................................................................................................. 2 Itron, Inc. i Table of Contents Research Plan Addendum V This document is an addendum to the Custom Impact Research Plan that addresses M&V points that overlap with the WO002 Ex Ante Review (EAR) project points and findings. 1.1 Overview of WO002 Efforts and Relationship with WO033 M&V The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Energy Division (ED) staff and its consultants review under WO002 selected Investor Owned Utility (IOU) custom program applications before the projects proceed to measure installation. These reviews involve a careful examination of the proposed IOU measure eligibility and ex-ante impact estimates. Among the various aspects the EAR process examines are the project type, baselines, project and measure costs, measure eligibility, adherence to CPUC policies and guidance, program rules, incentive calculations, impact calculations, acceptable estimation methods, IOU pre- and/or post- retrofit M&V, and program influence. The reviews take three main forms: Ex Ante Reviews (EARs). These assessments entail the review of the IOU and Third Party custom measure documents as a project progresses from the initial application pipeline, i.e., project development, to its completion and final savings claim. The EAR process “freezes” the final, ED reviewed and approved, project ex ante savings, fully affecting the final IOU incentives. Early Opinion Requests (EORs). These assessments entail a review of the IOU project documents from the initial pipeline applications. The Early Opinion assessments provide guidance that could affect the IOU ex ante savings estimates, but freezing of savings is not always undertaken. Most of the Early Opinion assessments occurred before the formal EAR process was fully established. In addition to Early Opinion assessments, Tool Reviews (TRs) of specific IOU and/or Third Party impact estimation tools may be conducted. ED TR reviews are designed to ensure that IOU tools yield acceptable savings impacts. Prospective Reviews (PRs). These assessments consist of instances where a project was selected for an ex-ante review, but ED subsequently learns that the IOU has signed a final customer agreement and committed the final ex-ante savings and incentives. Under these circumstances, the EAR process only examines the project documentation for aspects and Itron, Inc. 1 Research Plan Addendum V 2010-2012 Custom Impact Evaluation Research Plan –Draft recommendations that may affect similar projects in the future, largely to provide specific prospective guidance to all the IOUs. The review refrains from “freezing” and approving the final ex ante savings claim in these cases. While the ED assessment in such cases does not affect the project claim directly, the review serves to inform and build ED policy for like projects and situations in the future. For points that are claimed for savings under WO033 and that were formerly Ex-Ante Review points or Early Opinion Requests, a census is undertaken for the ex post M&V effort. These points are directly affected by the WO002 review process. Relevant M&V data, approach, findings and results will be extracted from the WO002 efforts and used to derive the WO033 impact results. Where possible, the WO002 assigned engineer should be assigned to each WO033 project to ensure continuity in the project analysis. For points that are claimed for savings under WO033 and that were Prospective Review points, no special sampling is performed under WO033. The M&V data, approach, and findings that emerge from the WO002 PRs are expected to be incorporated into the WO033 efforts. In particular, the ED guidance that emerges from the WO002 PR efforts will be incorporated into the relevant WO033 guidance. The ED policies and guidance that evolve from the WO002 recommendations may include use of particular modeling approaches, baseline determination, industry standard practice research results, appropriate treatment of project and measure costs, etc. This is especially relevant for projects that involve either identical or very similar measures to those evaluated under WO002. The WO033 team will identify the selected projects in their sample to the WO002 leads, the CPUC ED and their consultants. The review types, i.e., EAR, EOR, TR, and PR, and final dates should likewise be provided to the WO033 team and lead engineers. In most cases, these points would remain in the IOU sample, unless it was evident that the savings claim was affected by WO002 efforts directly. Typically, the EAR process does not conduct field verifications when finalizing the assessments. 1.2 WO033 M&V For any given WO033 M&V project assignment, including those that overlap directly or indirectly with the WO002 efforts, the engineer should develop, for that sample point, a thorough and defensible estimate of savings, while limiting expenses and adhering to ED policy and guidance. For sample points where WO002 already expended resources and closely examined the project and determined the final ex ante savings estimates, the findings and results shall inform the WO033 follow-up M&V efforts. The objective is to maintain consistency between the two efforts and at the same time complement the ex ante review effort with the benefits of an ex post follow-up. Itron, Inc. 2 Research Plan Addendum V 2010-2012 Custom Impact Evaluation Research Plan –Draft For all overlapping points, if the WO033 identified measures are the same as those evaluated during the WO002 effort, all the necessary IOU project documentation may already be available, and it may be possible to reduce IOU data requests for such projects. The WO033 M&V effort will: Undertake a quick review of the WO002 issued dispositions to identify the issues the reviews found within the project and the finalized savings; Review the IOU submitted documents, calculations and reports as necessary; Interview the assigned WO002 engineer and obtain recommended items that an ex post M&V effort should entail, including field verifications and measurements that ED may have requested but the IOUs either omitted or scaled back, and identify any items with the WO002 reviewer that could further inform the WO002 disposition; Determine whether the IOU tracking system data used inWO033 for the IOU claimed savings matches the WO002 approved final savings; Formulate the Site Specific M&V Plan (SSMVP) incorporating potential WO002 disposition follow-up recommendations; and Once field verification and ex post savings are established, undertake the usual discrepancy review in WO033 between the IOU submitted ex ante claims and the ex post verified savings, and include recommendations for the WO002 Ex Ante Review process to improve upon and minimize identified discrepancies. In general, the WO002 review and disposition will guide and inform the WO033 evaluation effort. In the case of a WO002 Prospective Review, the disposition will help identify the significant issues that were found, but the WO033 evaluation will not have any ED approved final savings, and feedback to the WO002 process in these cases may be minimal. If the WO033 review identifies any significant issue with either a WO002 disposition or recommended guidance, the WO033 and WO002 reviewers will jointly present the issue to the WO033 and WO002 evaluation teams, the ED project managers and their consultants, and recommend a mutually agreed resolution. The process for completing the site specific project impact evaluation is to be identical to other WO033 project evaluations, including submittal of LRAs and SSMVPs, approval of these documents when reviewed externally, site recruiting, site visits, which may be limited to verification and a reduced number of collected parameters dependent upon the robustness of IOU-based project inputs, completion of an FSR, and calculation of impacts, if needed, and a gross realization rate. Itron, Inc. 3 Research Plan Addendum V