Accounting Software - Ministry of Economic Development

Upgrade the QuickBooks Accounting Software and Configuring the Setup
Bidder Information Sheet
1. General Information
The Ministry of Economic Development is seeking for a qualified and experienced firm to provide technical
support to update all the accounting records of the SABAH Co-operative society in the QuickBooks
Accounting Software and to perform services necessaryto bring the system to an operational level
including configuration of the system and training of staff to use the software on a day-to-day basis. .
The Ministry therefore invites interested eligible Maldivian firms to submit proposal as per the information
provided in this information sheet. The forms to be submitted as part of this proposal are downloadable
from the Ministry of Economic Development website Interested parties must
demonstrate that they are qualified to perform the services.
This information note provides the scope of work, deliverables and the eligibility criteria for the successful
bidder. The successful bidder will be selected based on the evaluation criteria outlined in this document.
2. Eligible Bidders
The invitation is open to all registered local businesses with a formal intent to enter into an agreement.
Each bidder shall submit only one bid. A bidder who submits or participates in more than one bid will result
in disqualification of the bid proposals submitted by the bidder.
Registered local firms will qualify for the bid provided all documents listed under section 7 are presented
at the bid submission date and time.
3. Language of the Bid
The language of the bid shall be submitted in English.
4. Scope of Work and Deliverables
The successful firm is expected to deliver the following services outlined in Section IV of the terms of
reference included in APPENDIX A of this information note.
5. Project Delivery Duration
The winning bidder will be issued with a three month service contract to upgrade and configure the
software to bring it to an operational level in accordane with e co-operarive society’s internal processes,
update all accounting records of SABAH from 2012 onwards and train staff to use the system.
On successful completion of the services in three months, the Ministry reseves the right to extend the
contract for an additional 3 months to provide further technical hand holding needed to ensure continuity
in system usage.
The winning bidder is expected to deliver the scope of work listed in Section IV of the TOR ( APPENDIX A)
appended to this information note.
All bid application should be submitted in a sealed envelope with all the documents listed under section
6. Bid proposal
Bid Proposal should have a minimum validity of 35 days and all prices should be quoted inclusive of
GST and there shall not be any hidden or omitted costs.
7. Evaluation Criteria and Procedure
Proposals will be evaluated based on the following evaluation criteria
7.1 - Price 35%:
The points will be given using benchmark marking criteria where lowest proposed price
will be considered as the benchmark. The full marks will be given to the bench mark value
and others weighted accordingly using the formula below.
MAX% = (Proposed price / Benchmark price) x 35%
7.2 - Experience of the bidder 20%:
The bidder must submit a portfolio of relevant work done accompanied by references
about the satisfactory delivery of finished projects. The bidder should give contact
numbers and names of references for each project.
The projects listed as references should be carried out in the last 3 years (Jan 2012 – to
present period). Any projects prior to this period will not be counted towards the points.
Points for experience will be given as follows
MAX% = (Benchmark no. of projects / Total no. of projects) x 20%
7.3 - Background Qualification and Expereince of the previous similar projects
The bidder must indicate in the technical proposal the activities to carry out the / upgrading
of the Quick Books Accounting Software Package, Configuration of the Company Setup within
the Software Package, Old data mining and new data feeding into the company setup into the
software package, train the required number of staffs for the training on how to use the
software package. Marks will be socred as per the following criteria
Experience of the team leader in carrying out similar projects in the last 3 years– 10%
Expereince of other team members in the last 3 years – 5%
Relevant educational qualification of the team -5%
7.4 - Bidder proposal 25%
In addition to meeting the work scope and outputs sepecified in the TOR, the bidder must
outline in the technical proposal, additional services that they will provide during the
service period.
The BID evaluation committee will review the bid proposal and all documents submitted
and award marks based on the best offer. Marks will be allocated for the using the matrix
Focus Area
Executive Summary and bidder profile
Delivery Period
8. Documents to be Submitted
All bids should be submitted with the following forms and any bids submitted without the forms will be
automatically disqualified.
5.1 Form 1 – Application for BID submission
5.2 Form 2 – Bidder profile and technical proposal
5.3 Form 3 – Price schedule for the contracting service
Interested Maldivian firms are requested to submit their proposals including the details mentioned under
Section IV outlined in the terms of reference in APPENDIX A to the Ministry of Economic Development.
The documents shall be submitted in a closed envelope. The envelope shall be clearly labeled as “Proposal
for Accounting Software Package for SABAH Maldives co-operative society” and addressed to:
SABAH Maldives Cooperative Society
M. Banff Villa, 2nd Floor,
Male’, 20259, Maldives.
The proposal should be in a secure bind and there should not be loose papers.
All inquiries relating to the TOR shall be communicated in written form to
9. Deadlines
Bid Information Session will be held on 08th November 2015 (Sunday) 11:00 hrs at the 2nd Floor
Conference Room, SABAH Maldives Cooperative Society, Majeedhee Magu, M. Banff Villa, 2nd Floor, Male’,
20259, Maldives.
Bid Submission will be held on 15th November 2015 (Sunday)11:00 hrs at the 2nd Floor Conference Room,
SABAH Maldives Cooperative Society, Majeedhee Magu, M. Banff Villa, 2nd Floor, Male’, 20259, Maldives.
Terms of Reference
Upgrade the QuickBooks Accounting Software and Configuring the Setup
The Ministry of Economic Development is seeking for a qualified and experienced firm to
upgradeQuickBooks Accounting Software and to do the necessary configuration required for the company
setup to SABAH Maldives co-operative society. provide technical support to upgrade Quick Books software,
update all the accounting records of the SABAH Co-operative society in the QuickBooks Accounting
Software and to perform services
necessaryto bring the system to an operational level including
configuration of the system and training of staff to use the software on a day-to-day basis.
Objective of Assignment
The objective of the Assignment is to bring the currently installed Quick Books Accounting Software system
to an operational level and equip the staff with technical capacity to manage day –to-day accounting
transactions of the SABAH Co-operative Society through the accounting software..
Scope of Consultancy
The successful bidder shall deliver the following outputs.
Assess the current software installed and configure the current system to bring it into an
operational level based on the accouting polices and internal functions practiced and adopted
in SABAH Maldives co-operative society.
Upgrade currenty installed quick books software version to latest versions.
Data mining and data feeding of all SABAH project financial and production related transaction
data, since the inception of SABAH project.
Effectively bring the the quick books software package to an operational level within minimum
period of 1 (one) month and get the sign-off from SABAH Maldives Project Manager and
Finance Officer once the software package is upgraded, configured and updated with financial
records. .
Train a minimum of 6 staffs on how to use the software. The service provider must provide a
summary report outlining staff members trained, details of training modules completed by
each staff and competency level of each staff trainined.
Provide after-sales services for a period of minimum 6 months to ensure the system is in
operation. Within this period, any bugging issues, errors, or queries regarding the accounting
software should be provided and
the service provider must attend all querries and
requirements of the client.
The service provider must ensure all of the relevant outputs listed in the checklist shown in
Annex A should be fulfilled upon successful implementation of the accounting software
package. The service provider must get the sign-off from the project manager and the finance
officer of SABAH Maldives co-orperative society.
On completion of the after sales service period, the service provider shall make a presentation
to SABAH Board outlining the achievements of the consultancy, observations and
recommednations for strengthening financial record keeping practices in SABAH Maldives.
The selected firm shall carry out all tasks assigned by the Ministry that fits within the scope as identified
above and should be rendered to the satisfaction of the Ministry.
Reporting arrangements
The services will be provided under the broad guidance and direction of SABAH Maldives co-operative
society Chairperson and designated Ministy officials. Day to day work will be overseen by the Project
Manager and the Finance Officer.
The successful firm shall appoint a key focal point for communication purpose and shall be available during
the contract period to respond all the calls and queries of the SABAH Maldives pertaining to services
expected to be delivered under the service contract.
Eligibility criteria, qualification and experience
Proposals for the service will be considered from qualified and experienced firms that ideally fits the
following eligibility criteria;
1. Experience of the firm
2. Expertise of the firm in providing similar services. . Under this criterion, the team assigned by the
service provider should have qualified and experienced personnel in the necessary areas required
for this project.
3. Qualification and experience of staffs assigned to this service.
Composition of the technical and financial proposal
Eligible parties interested to deliver the above scope of work are requested to submit their bids. The
following shall be included in the bid proposal:
1. Profile of the firm
Under this section, the following information shall be provided:
Experiance of staffs assigned to implement this project
Details of any past experiances in implementing of similar projects
Letters of reference from previous clients.
2. Profile of the team
CV of team members
3. Proposed Budget
The proposed budget should be splitted based on the following breakdowns.
Description of Service
Review the currently installed system and do an 10%
assessment analysis to foresee what are the accounting
modules that the current management needs. Based on
this assessment a requirement needs to be established by
the service provider.
Upgrade and install accounting software package with a 20%
minimal of 3 user license provided. For the currenty
installed quick books software to the systems need to be
upgraded to the latest versions.
of Delivery Dates
Configuration of new company set up into the software 30%
package with all the mendatory processes aligned based
on the internal functions practiced in SABAH Maldives cooperative society.
Data mining and data feeding of all SABAH project and 20%
production related data, since the inception of SABA
Train a minimum of 6 staffs on how to use the software. 15%
The service provider must get clearance of the staffs who
has successfully trained and know how to use all the
modules that is being configured within the software
Provide after-sales services for a period of minimum 6 5%
months to ensure the system is in operation. Within this
period, any bugging issues, errors, or queries regarding
the accounting software; the service provider must attend
in clearing all the requirements inquired by the client.
All interested firms shall submit details as per the requirements mentioned above. Ministry will only be
able to consider details submitted by the party in the evaluation of the proposals and will not take
responsibility of lower scores that may be received due to non-submission of details requested.
Checklist for Upgrade of Accounting Software
Do an assessment of the currently installed sofware
Report to the management what is the current state of the installed
software, what configurations are required.
Inform, the management regarding the status of the currently installed
Upgrade software on network/hard drives
Upgrade printer(s) in network
Choose type of check stock for Accounts Payable
Enter/convert chart of accounts on new system
Enter/convert vendor information on new system
Enter/convert customer information on new system
Enter/convert beginning balances into software for start of
Develop beginning balances for conversion period
Enter/convert budget information into new software
Decide on chart of accounts
Establish security levels for 3 users
List reports needed to be generated from software/frequency
Determine closing accounts schedule for existing and new system
Training classes for minimum of 7 project staffs
Design format of needed financial statements; i.e. layout, account
Revise in-house data entry forms to accommodate new system
Develop written procedures as needed (if required by the client)
Get the sign off from Project manager, Finance officer and Trained staffs.
90-day Review with Staff/Consultant when upgrade.
180-day Review with Staff/Consultant after completion of upgraded
software and final review of the project.