Schrödinger’s Rainbow: The Renaissance in Quantum Optical Interferometry Jonathan P. Dowling Quantum Science & Technologies (QST) Group Hearne Institute for Theoretical Physics Louisiana State University Table of Contents • Quantum Technologies • Schrödinger’s Cat and All That • Quantum Light—Over the Rainbow • Putting Entangled Light to Work • The Yellow-Brick Roadmap Quantum Technology: The Second Quantum Revolution JP Dowling & GJ Milburn, Phil. Transactions of the Royal Soc. of London Ion Traps Cavity QED Linear Optics Quantum Optics Quantum Bose-Einstein Atomics Atomic Coherence Quantum Ion Traps Information Processing Coherent Quantum Electronics Superconductors Excitons Spintronics Quantum Mechanical Systems Pendulums Cantilevers Phonons Schrödinger’s Cat and All That Schrödinger’s Cat Revisited Quantum Kitty Review A sealed and insulated box (A) contains a radioactive source (B) which has a 50% chance during the course of the "experiment" of triggering Geiger counter (C) which activates a mechanism (D) causing a hammer to smash a flask of prussic acid (E) and killing the cat (F). An observer (G) must open the box in order to collapse the state vector of the system into one of the two possible states. A second observer (H) may be needed to collapse the state vector of the larger system containing the first observer (G) and the apparatus (A-F). And so on ... Paradox? What Paradox!? (1.) The State of the Cat is “Entangled” with That of the Atom. (2.) The Cat is in a Simultaneous Superposition of Dead & Alive. (3.) Observers are Required to “Collapse” the Cat to Dead or Alive Quantum Entanglement “Quantum entanglement is the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought.” — Erwin Schrödinger Conservation of Classical Angular Momentum A Conservation of Quantum Spin David Bohm A Entangled B Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen (EPR) Paradox Albert Einstein Boris Podolsky Nathan Rosen “If, without in any way disturbing a system, we can predict with certainty ... the value of a physical quantity, then there exists an element of physical reality corresponding to this physical quantity." Hidden Variable Theory + A B A Can the Spooky, Action-at-a-distance Predictions (Entanglement) of Quantum Mechanics… B + A B A …Be Replaced by Some Sort of Local, Statistical, Classical (Hidden Variable) Theory? B NO!—Bell’s Inequality John Bell The physical predictions of quantum theory disagree with those of any local (classical) hidden-variable theory! Clauser (1978) & Aspect (1982) Experiments Two-Photon Atomic Decay H V A B V H Alain Aspect H A V B + V A H B John Clauser V= Vertical Polarization H = Horizontal Polarization Quantum Light—Over the Rainbow Parametric Downconversion: Type I Parametric Downconversion: Type I Photon Pairs Signal B UV Pump Idler A Type I Degenerate (Entangled) Case: ws=wi w s , j s , ks A wi, ji, ks B + w i , j i , ki A w s , js , ks B Parametric Downconversion: Type I QuickTime™ and a Sorenson Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. Parametric Downconversion: Type II Degenerate (Entangled) Case: ws=wi H A V B + V A H B B A QuickTime™ and a Animation decompressor are needed to see this picture. Putting Entangled Light to Work Tests of Bell’s Inequalities at Innsbruck Type II Downcoversion Anton Zeilinger Alice Bob Quantum Teleportation Teleportation Experiment at Innsbruck EPR Source Bell State Analysis Experiment NIST Heralded Photon Absolute Light Source Output characteristics : photon # photon timing wavelength direction polarization known known known known known Alan Migdall Detector Quantum Efficiency Scheme Detector to be Calibrated w1 COUNTER COINC COUNTER N w0 PARAMETRIC CRYSTAL Absolute Quantum Efficiency w2 COUNTER Trigger or “Herald” Detector N1 = 1 N N2 = 2 N 1 =NC/ N2 No External Standards Needed! NC= 1 2 N Characterizing Two-Photon Entanglement Any two-photon tomography requires 16 of these measurements. V-polarized (from #2) #2 Kwiat Super-Bright Source Examples Arm 1 H H D Arm 2 V R D Detector HWP PBS QWP This setup allows measurement of an arbitrary polarization state in each arm. Black Box Generates arbitrary Entangled States QWP HWP PBS Detector Paul Kwiat U. Illinois Characterization of Entangled States 11 0.8 0.8 Maximally-Entangled Mixed States 0.6 0.6 Werner States 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 11 Quantum Cryptography at University of Geneva System Under Lake Geneva Bob and “Charly” Share Random Crypto Key Nicolas Gisin New York Times ORIGIN OF THE LITHO EFFECT The Hong-Ou-Mandel Effect SHOMI FOR N=2 Parametric Downcoversion Phase Shifter A j 1 A 1B 0 A 2 B + 2 A 0 C Coincidence Counter B D 2 B phase oscillates twice as fast 0 A 2 B + 2 2 A 0 B Leonard Mandel 0 A 2 2ij B +e 2 2 A 0 B Quantum Optical Lithography Quantum Peak Is Narrower and Spacing is HALVED! D 2 1.5 Classical One-Photon Absorption — Classical Two-Photon Absorption — Quantum Two-Photon Absorption — 1 0.5 -p 0 p j Displacement Measurements and Gravity Waves xclassical , xshotnoise N , x Heisenberg N Image of the wave plate plane with waist=300m 33cm coherent beam 3.3cm R=0.92 0.08 + 0.92 wave plate lens f=3cm squeezed vacuum : OPA Hans Bachor Australian National University Quantum Clock Synchronization Entangled Photons Can Synchronize Past the Turbulent Atmosphere! Seth Lloyd MIT A B Quantum Computing Entangled Photons are a Resource for Scalable Quantum Computation! E. Knill, R. Laflamme and G. Milburn, Nature 409, 46, (2001) Quantum Controlled-NOT Gate using and Entangled-Light Source, Beam Splitters, and Detectors. Gerard Milburn University Of Queensland The Yellow-Brick Roadmap Imaging Communications Metrology Clock Synchronization Sensors Computing