Embedded and Real-time Systems - Roadmap

Embedded and Real-time
Systems - Roadmap
Karsten Schwan
Embedded + Communications
Cluster Computing
Embedded Component:
(Yamacraw, NSF, DOE)
Xiaotong Zhuang, Weidong Shi, Indrani Paul, and Karsten Schwan, Efficient Implementation of the
DWCS Algorithm on High-Speed Programmable Network Processors, Multimedia Networks and
Systems (MMNS), IEEE, October 2002
Architecture and Hardware for Scheduling Gigabit Packet Streams, Raj Krishnamurty,
Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Karsten Schwan, and Rich West, Proceedings of the 10th Int'l Symposium on
Hot Interconnects (HOT-I 2002), August 2002.
Stream Handlers: Application-specific Message Services on Attached Network Processors,
Ada Gavrilovska, Kenneth Mackenzie, Karsten Schwan, and Austen McDonald, Proceedings of the
10th Int'l Symposium on Hot Interconnects (HOT-I 2002), August 2002.
Embedded and Real-time/QoS
Adaptive Systems -> DEOS Project
Schwan, Pande, Pu (NSF, Yamacraw)
West (BU), Rosu (IBM Watson)
Cooperative Run-time Management of Adaptive Applications and Distributed Resources,
Christian Poellabauer, Hasan Abbasi, and Karsten Schwan, Proceedings of the 10th ACM Multimedia
Conference, Juan-les-Pins, France, December 2002.
Power-Aware Video Decoding using Real-Time Event Handlers, Christian Poellabauer and Karsten
Schwan, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia (WoWMoM),
Atlanta, Georgia, September 2002.
Kernel Support for the Event-based Cooperation of Distributed Resource Managers, Christian
Poellabauer and Karsten Schwan, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology
and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2002), San Jose, California, September 2002.
AIMS: Robustness Through Sensible Introspection (Extended Abstract), Fabian E. Bustamante,
Christian Poellabauer, and Karsten Schwan, Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGOPS European
Workshop, Saint-Emilion, France, September 2002.
Coordinating Application Adaptation with Network Transport, Qi He and Karsten Schwan, Proc. of the
11th High Performance and Distributed Computing Conference (HPDC-11), July 2002.
KECho - Event Communication for Distributed Kernel Services, Christian Poellabauer, Karsten
Schwan, Greg Eisenhauer, and Jiantao Kong, Proceedings of the International Conference on Architecture
of Computing Systems (ARCS'02), Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2002.
Embedded -> Pervasive I
Pu, Walpole, Schwan, ....
Current focus:
Service composition in resource-constrained, use of aspects,
pervasive applications
Infosphere Project: System Support for Information Flow Applications, by C. Pu, K. Schwan, J. Walpole. ACM
SIGMOD Record, Volume 30, Number 1, (March 2001).
Specialization Tools and Techniques for Systematic Optimization of System Software, by Dylan McNamee, Jonathan
Walpole, Calton Pu, Crispin Cowan, Charles Krasic, Ashvin Goel, and Perry Wagle of OGI, and Charles Consel,
Gilles Muller, and Renaud Marlet of IRISA, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 19, No. 2, May 2001.
Embedded -> Pervasive II
Schwan, Eisenhauer, Wolf, Pu, Zhou
from wireless/handheld devices ->
pervasive middleware, applications, and services
Matt Wolf, Zhongtang Cai, Weiyun Huang, and Karsten Schwan, Smart Pointers: Personalized
Scientific Data Portals in Your Hand, Supercomputing 2002, ACM, November 2002.
Fabian Bustamante, Patrick Widener, and Karsten Schwan,Scalable Directory Services Using
Proactivity, Supercomputing 2002, ACM, November 2002.
Yuan Chen, Karsten Schwan, and David W. Rosen, Java Mirrors: Building Blocks for Remote
Interaction, International Parallel Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2002), April 2002.
dproc - Extensible Run-Time Resource Monitoring for Cluster Applications, Jasmina Jancic,
Christian Poellabauer, Karsten Schwan, Matthew Wolf, and Neil Bright, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Computational Science (ICCS '02), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 2002.