Kids In Control OF Food


Kids In Control OF Food

Dr Katherine Price

Sheffield Children’s Hospital

The KICk-OFF Journey

• Background

• Development

• Pilot





Health Care




Peter Hindmarsh

Hours spent with diabetes over 3 months




0.25 - 0.50

• DAFNE study group


• Good outcomes in diabetes control and quality of life from cross over study in adults

British Medical Journal 2002;325(7367):746.

• 2001 – Diabetes UK met with several UK paediatric centres

• Sheffield given task of taking forward paediatric DAFNE

Research question:

What is the effect of an intensive, structured education course on glycaemic control and quality of life in children with Type 1 diabetes?

Medical Research Council – A framework for development and evaluation of RCTs for complex interventions to improve health

( April 2000, updated 2008)

4 phase approach

1. Theoretical “ Modelling” phase

2. Development phase

3. Pilot evaluation

4. Randomised controlled trial

Phase 1 – theoretical modelling

• DAFNE is based on model of therapeutic patient education developed in Germany ( Dusseldorf model)

• DAFNE trial in UK demonstrated benefit in 150 adults – improved blood sugar control, improved quality of life, less hypos

• Social learning theory – Bandura

Social Learning Theory – A. Bandura 1977

People learn from one another via:

• observation of behaviour and attitudes

• imitation and adaptation

Requires :

• attention – affected by complexity, functional value

• retention – affected by imagery, organisation

• reproduction - physical capability, self observation

• motivation - reinforced by past and promised incentives

Phase 2 – development

Aim: to produce an education course for children with type 1 diabetes, that - was age appropriate

- was acceptable to children and families

- used recognised educational techniques

Julie Knowles - Research nurse, Helen Waller - Psychologist

 PDSN survey (Autumn 2002)

Journal Of Diabetes Nursing 2005;9:332-339.

Focus groups (Jan. 2003)

Child: Care, Health and Development 2005;31(3):283-289.

 Lubeck, Germany (Jan. 2004)

How do we develop and implement educational interventions?

• Understand how children learn

Educational Theories

• Understand how to teach

Learning styles

• Develop a curriculum

How do you learn?

Principles of Adult Learning

• Adults are autonomous and self-directed

• Adults have a wealth of life experiences and knowledge

• Adults are goal orientated

• Adults are relevancy orientated

• Adults are practical

• Adults demand respect from instructors

The adult learner a neglected species. Malcolm Knowles 1994

How do children learn?


• Behaviourism

Learning from external stimuli. It can be conditioned by giving rewards and punishments

• Piaget – 4 stages of child development.

Focused on maturation. Growing up does not mean knowing more but it changes how we think.

• Vygotsky – Learning is a social process

Language development and learning through interaction with others of same age and older .

• IQ – Focused on the concept of a general intelligence

• Gardener – “multiple intelligences” allowing different learning styles

Muijs et al (2005). Effective Teaching

Working with teachers and educationalists

• Presentation

• Reading age

• Lesson planning

• Specific teaching skills

• Style of teaching (observation)

King Edward V11 Secondary School

• Setting boundaries/learning environment

Lesson planning

A step by step guide to the education session to allow replication by others and achievement of goals

Office For Standards in Education (OFSTED)

• Is it clear what the purpose of the lesson is?

• Has the lesson taken into account the learners needs?

KICk-OFF course

5 day out patient course for 11-16 yr olds

• 8 per group

• Age banded 11-13 years and 14-16 years

• Modular structure,

• Involves parents and friends

• Variety of teaching styles – very practical and interactive

Modules from the Paediatric

KICk-OFF Curriculum

What is diabetes?

Food and diabetes

Insulin management Sick day rules

Hypoglycaemia Monitoring

Living with diabetes School and Diabetes

Transition of care

KICk-OFF curriculum – day 2


Learning objectives

Individual insulin adjustment practice

 Continue with carbohydrate and insulin ratios

Further skills in counting grams of carbohydrate

 Hypoglycaemia – signs and symptoms, treatment and prevention

Feedback to carers

 Continue with school packs

Today’s programme

Session 1 9.00am-10.30am

Discussion about individual blood glucose levels



Session 2 10.45am-12.15pm


CP/insulin ratio

Work out CP’s for lunch


Session 3 1.00pm-2.15pm

Practical session [cooking] on counting grams of carbohydrate


Session 4 2.30pm-4.00pm

Prepare food for parents to practice CHO estimation


Parents invited to listen.

Recap days objectives

Plan evening insulin dose



Dietitian and nurse

Transport children to school cookery room. Set up the work stations with foods needed for recipes.







This session is a practical session to learn how to work out how much CHO is in the food you prepare.

Group to split into pairs and they are each given a recipe




Split into pairs but not the same pairs as the morning

Follow recipes

Tidy up after the food is prepared


4 recipes for fruit muffins fruit scones jam and butter scales

Paper plates ingredients utensils



Flip charts

Worksheet for estimating CP’s in rice, pasta, potato, cereals.

Complete work sheet

Day 2, session 4. Counting grams of carbohydrate

Learning Objectives TUESDAY

Session 4:-

Counting grams of carbohydrate

Practical session

Continue with carbohydrate and insulin ratios

Continuing with learning the skills for counting grams of carbohydrate



Food ingredients


Flip chart



Work sheets



Kitchen equipment

Digital scales

Pots and pans

Baking tins

Washing up materials

(tea towels, cloths, washing up liquid)

Carbohydrate counting in snacks and recipes

Chocolate Chip Muffins


150g/5oz self-raising flour

150g/5oz margarine

150g/5oz sugar

2 eggs

75g/3oz chocolate chips

100g/3½oz drinking chocolate powder

Session 4 2.30pm-4.00pm

Prepare food for parents to practice CHO estimation


Phase 3 –Pilot evaluation

December 2003 - 2004 :

6 courses – 48 young people, age 11-16 yrs from 3 centres

Outcomes over 6 months

Educational evaluation

Process evaluation

Interviews with psychologist


Good evaluation – some changes to programme

More parent teaching

Biomedical – HbA1c, Hypos, BMI

Psychological – quality of life, self efficacy, family conflict etc

HbA1c – unchanged overall

Improved in those with poor control

Improved in younger age group

QOL – improved

Self efficacy, coping with diabetes etc improved

Hands on Learning …

Social Support…

Cooking and Counting Carbs …

Eating Out and Bowling Exercising in the Gym

Improve presentation :

Cell energy

Phase 4 – randomised controlled trial

In 11-16 year olds on intensive insulin therapy : -

Does the KICk-OFF structured education course affect outcomes, measured over 2 years?

Primary outcome measures:

• Biomedical – blood sugar control (HbA1c), hypoglycaemia

• Psychological – quality of life, fear of hypoglycaemia, self efficacy

Secondary outcomes

• Process evaluation, sustainability of education

• Weight, diet

• Is it cost effective ?

• Website support

Educator training and support

5 day Educator Training course – Sheffield Hallam University

Quality assurance/ peer review

How do we ensure uniformity of teaching in all centres?

Does the curriculum allow key learning points to be achieved?

Can there be flexibility within a curriculum?

How do we support the learning needs of educators?

Trial Design

• Risk of “ contamination of control group in clinic trained to deliver the course – cluster randomisation

• The intervention will be delivered to groups rather than individuals

• Variation between centres –in HbA1c, staffing levels, ethnic & social mix of patients, current educational practise – stratification

30 centres

Each recruit 16-32


Centre stratification

15 Control n= 280

15 Intervention n= 280

Usual care

KICk-OFF courses

Follow up 6,12 & 24 months

KICk-OFF courses

5 days

3 educators (2 research staff, 1 local)

8 participants 11-13 or 14-16 yrs

• 4 year project from Sept 08

• Martin Fox – project coordinator

• Julie Knowles- lead educator

• Project group –

Educationalists - Jerry Wellington, Grace Hoskins 1

Health Economics – Alan Brennan, Katherine Stephens 1

Psychology – Chris Eiser 1

Clinical – Simon Heller, Jerry Wales 1

Statistician – Jenny Freeman 1

Website development and evaluation – Amy McPherson 2

1 = University of Sheffield, 2 = University of Nottingham

Current priorities

• local R&D/ ethics approval and centre stratification

• recruitment of participants then centre randomisation

• 6 educator posts start Sept 09

• educational material – printing, purchase etc

• website – to support learning of those in KICk-OFF groups

Thank you :

Diabetes UK

Julie Knowles and all the research team

To all the centres participating

Children and families for their support
