Linn County Agricultural Extension Council Meeting Minutes of 2 April 2015 Held at Linn County Extension Office Chairperson Louie Zumbach called the meeting to order at 6:08 PM in the ISUEO Large Conference Room. Council members present were: Dan Abel, Michael Anderson, Pat Harstad, Victoria Keegan, Mary Jane McWilliams, Jerry Ziese, and Louie Zumbach. Council members absent were Cindy Garlock and Lloyd Smith. Also present was Assistant VP for Extension and Outreach, Robert Dodds. Additional persons present were: Jan Lacy, David McDonald, Cindy McDonald, Denny Booth, Marcia Engel, Heidi Steffen, Karen Martin, Tammy Vavricek, Susan Rosauer, Jacki Luckstead, Ann Torbert, Lisa Person, Johanna Rahbusch and Jackie Bohlken Public Comments: Heidi Steffen representing Linn County Fair indicated that she was available for questions concerning the fair. Ann Torbert presented council members with copies of the Spring 2015 VISIONS publication, a magazine for members of the Iowa State University Alumni Association. Ann pointed out an article on community gardens in Cedar Rapids and discussed some of the other features of the magazine. She indicated that VISIONS is being published through a 6 year grant which we are now in our third year. David McDonald introduced himself as a previous council member. Jacki Luckstead, poultry committee leader asked if there would be one or two FSQA classes this year. Louie Zumbach reported that there would be two, one on April 14, 2015 and one on May 12, 2015. REED Report: (7 minutes) – Assistant VP for Extension and Outreach, Robert Dodds reported that Region 10 Extension Education Director, Linda Fischer had announced her retirement effective March 31, 2015. Robert Dodds will be acting REED for region 10 until Linda’s replacement is named. Approval of Minutes: The March 5, 2015 minutes were amended as follows: Ann Torbert’s statement under public Comments was changed to read “Ann Torbert announced that she had received a $8,200 grant through Public Health Nutrition Info training and curriculum fee.” Under CYC in the Staff Issues report, “Advertising for position” was removed. “post now” in the second sentence was changed to “work from”. Pat Harstad moved that the minutes as amended be approved. Mary Jane McWilliams seconded and the motion carried to approve the minutes of the 5 March 2015 Linn County Extension Council meeting as amended. Budget: Jerry Ziese moved that the FY-2016 Extension Education Operating Budget be approved for $904,620 in expenditures with a total tax request of $496,527 with $475,075 from property tax and $21,452 from utility excise tax. Motion seconded by Pat Harstad and carried. Jerry Ziese moved that the Fy-2016 Extension Education Unemployment Compensation Budget be approved for $18,983 in expenditures with a total tax request of $38,983 with $37,341 from property tax and $1,642 from utility excise tax. Motion seconded by Pat Harstad and carried. Jerry Ziese moved that the FY-2016 Extension Education Tort Liability Budget be approved for $2,448 in expenditures with a total tax request of $2,448 with $2,375 from property tax and $73 from utility excise tax. Motion seconded by Pat Harstad and carried. Committee Reports: Finance: Jerry Ziese reviewed the financial report for the period ending March 31, 2015. Jerry Ziese moved, Dan Abel seconded and the motion carried to approve vouchers #22102 through #22136 including ACH deposits, balance sheet, Council Revenue and Expense Report and Bank Reconciliation. Fiscal Policy (Spending dollars outside of budget timeframe): Vicki Keegan moved that the Board be allowed to spend money outside of the budget timeframe if the expenditure is approved by Council. Jerry Ziese indicated that there should be a limit on the amount that the Council can approve. Jerry to determined the amount and report at the May Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Mary Jane McWilliams and passed by the council. Personnel: a. Employee CYC appeal letter from Pat Harstad Louie Zumbach reported that Monica Long had resigned in January and had worked from home in February but her resignation letter has not yet been received by the Council. b. Linda Bigley contract - Pat Harstad moved that the Board employ Linda Bigley, who has had many years of experience as an Extension Director be hired as a contract employee for the temporary position of office Assistant and Supervisor addressing issues that need immediate attention. This open contract is to be paid at a rate of $40 per hour in order to honor our commitment to our MOU’s with the Linn County Fair Board and Iowa State Extension Service. Linda Bigley is also authorized to hire a temporary contract employee to assist her as a CYC and in our Summer Youth programs. The motion was seconded by Jerry Ziese and the motion carried. Volunteer: Louie Zumbach reported that some of Trudy Waybill’s personal paperwork is missing. Trudy has been a Fair volunteer and leader on many Fair projects. Dan Abel moved that Trudy be reinstated pending completion of missing paperwork. The motion was seconded by Vicki Keegan and the motion carried. Programs: Dan Abel handed out copies of the Linn County Extension Program Audit form developed by the Programs Committee. Dan reported that the Audit Form would be tested on Ann Torbert’s program which may result in some changes to the form. 4-H would be the next program audited. Dan also covered Extension’s involvement in Summer Garden Markets starting in June and reported that he had attended a State Conference at Ames on Programs that he would summarize and distribute. Ad Hoc Committees: No report Old Business: Contract update between ISUEO Linn County and City of Marion Parks & Recreation: Mike Anderson reported that the attorney retained to review the MOU, Jaki Samuelson had completed her review, suggested some changes and requested more information on the insurance and indemnity issues in the last paragraph of the MOU. Mike Anderson moved that we continue to retain Jaki to work out the issues with the City of Marion attorneys concerning the insurance and indemnity clause of the MOU. Vicki Keegan seconded and the motion carried. 100-Year Celebration: Louie Zumbach reported that Linda Bigley has agreed to coordinate the 100-Year Celebration and has requested $2,500 for marketing expenses. Louie also reported that Judy Stevens had designed posters and buttons for the event at a cost to her of $200 and is requesting to be reimbursed. Dan Abel moved to reimburse Judy $200 and Pat Harstad seconded. Jerry Ziese stipulated that the Council should reimburse Judy for the amount of her receipts for purchases she made for the project. The motion as amended carried. Jerry Ziese moved to approve $2,500 for marketing expenses for the 100-Year Celebration. Dan Abel seconded and the motion carried. Jerry Ziese moved to authorize the use of staff and Council members for the 100-Year Celebration. Vicki Keegan seconded and the motion carried. Council Retreat: Louie Zumbach reported that he has been unable to set up a date and time with Ross for the retreat and suggested that it be postponed until after the Fair. Dan Abel indicated that he would try to find a location to have the retreat. Fair Board Impasse Meeting Update: Louie Zumbach reported on the meeting with the Fair Board and indicated that the meeting went well but there is still work to do. Heidi Steffen reported that the new Goat Superintendent wants check-in for the Goat Show conducted on Friday mornings as it was done in 2014. It is currently being done on Thursday. Pat Harstad moved that Goat check-in be on Friday morning instead of Thursday. Mary Jane McWilliams seconded and the motion carried. New Business: Office Closings due to weather (Who decides and when): Dan Abel moved that we use the Kirkwood Main Campus weather closing for the Extension Office weather closing. Vicki Keegan seconded and the motion carried. Revisit Volunteer Structure voted on by Extension Council at August 2014 meeting: Louie Zumbach reported that the use of the new ISU committee structure voted on at the August 2014 meeting had never been implemented. Dan Abel moved that we use the committee structure used in the past and that we rescind the vote of August 2014 to adopt the new ISU committee structure. Vicki Keegan seconded and the motion carried. Louie stated the we will plan on instituting the new ISU committee structure in August. Hiring of temporary Staff: Covered under Personnel Linn County 4-H Council Account Marcia Engel reported that the Linn County 4-H Youth Council is currently collecting money through fund raising activities to support a scholarship fund and other 4-H Youth Council related activities. The money collected is currently being controlled by the Youth Council and held in an account at Farmer’s State Bank. Rather than being held in a separate account controlled by the 4-H Youth Council, should these funds be controlled by the Extension Council and be a line item in the Extension budget? Bob Dodds discussed the pros and cons of such an arrangement and stated that he would review the matter and provide a recommendation. Items Carried forward from prior agendas: New policy coming out – Look at it before we act. Pat Harstad reported that the Personnel Committee is still reviewing the policy and will produce a report at a later date. Pat Harstad moved and Jerry Ziese seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 P.M. Jerry Ziese moved and Vicki Keegan seconded to reopen the meeting at 7:25 P.M. Cindy Garlock Resignation: Louie Zumbach reported that Cindy Garlock had submitted her resignation from the Linn County Extension Council. Pat Harstad moved and Jerry Ziese seconded to accept Cindy’s resignation. The motion carried. Jerry Ziese moved and Vicki Keegan seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 P.M. _________________________Secretary Mike Anderson