2013 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - CHECKPOST COMUTERIZATION Commercial Taxes Department, Project Building, Dhurwa, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 834004 Table of Contents 1. Fact Sheet 2. Instructions to the Bidders 3. Terms & Conditions 4. Eligibility Criteria 5. Detailed Scope of Work 6. General Conditions of Contract 7. Special Conditions of Contract 8. Deliverables, Payment & Penalty 9. Technical Specifications Annexure 1 to 20 10. Appendix: Bid Templates/Formats Bid Proposal Sheet WORK EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATE SELF-DECLARATION CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY Bid Price Form Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 2 1.Factsheet Bid Ref. No.: 2992 (Anu)/ 10.06.2013 1. Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department ,Jharkhand invites sealed Technical & Commercial Bids for Supply, Installation, Operation & Maintenance support of check post computerization for Jharkhand Government. 2. A complete set of Bid Documents may be downloaded from http://www.jharkhandcomtax.gov.in/ by any interested and eligible Bidder. Non refundable Tender fee of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) shall be payable by the Bidder during bid submission in the form of Demand Draft in favour of Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, Ranchi,. The Bid Document may be downloaded from 03/07/2013 at 10:30 am onwards. 3. Interested and eligible Bidders are required to submit the Technical and Commercial Bids in two separate sealed envelopes. The Technical and Commercial Bids should be accompanied by a bid security as specified in this Bid Document. The Bid Security (In the form of Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee) should be included in the same envelope containing the Technical Bid. The Technical and Commercial Bids along with the Bid Security/EMD must be delivered to Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department,Project Building, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004 on or before 23/07/2013 till 04.00 pm. 4. The envelope containing the Technical Bid and the Bid Security will be opened on the specified date & time in the presence of the Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to attend. In the event of the date specified for bid receipt and opening being declared as a holiday for the Office, the due date for submission and opening of bids will be the following working day at the appointed times. 5. The summary of various activities and procedural information with regard to this invitation of bids are listed in the Factsheet below:- Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 3 Bid 1 Reference No. 2992 (Anu)/ 10.06.2013 Price of Tender Document Tender Fee of Rs 5,000 shall be paid during 2 Bid Submission through Demand Draft the in favour of Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand and payable at Ranchi, Jharkhand from any of the scheduled commercial bank Date of commencement of downloading of 3 Tender documents RFP can be Downloaded from Rs. 5000/- 03/07/2013 10:30 am onwards www.jharkhandcomtax.gov.in/ All the queries should be received on or before Last date for submission of queries 12/07/2013, either through post or email jharkhandcomtax@yahoo.com 12/07/2013 at 11.30 am Pre-bid Meeting Date, Time and Venue Address of the Nodal Officer is: Dy Commissioner, Jharkhand Commercial Tax Department, 3rd Floor, Project Building, Dhurwa, Ranhci, Jharkhand- 834004 Clarifications to Queries to be uploaded on website Last date and time for downloading of 4 Tender documents 15/07/2013 23/07/2013 Till 03:00 pm 23/07/2013 Last 5 date & Time for submission of Bids Till 04:00 pm Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 4 Bid Submission Address Dy Commissioner, Jharkhand Commercial Tax Department, 3rd Floor, Project Building, Dhurwa, Ranhci, Jharkhand- 834004 23/07/2013 Date, Time and venue for opening of bids 6 At 04:30 pm Dy Commissioner, Jharkhand Commercial Tax Department, 3rd Floor, Project Building, Dhurwa, Ranhci, Jharkhand- 834004 Address for communication and Contact Smt. Neelam Gupta Person for queries related to Tender jharkhandcomtax@yahoo.com Dy Commissioner, Jharkhand Commercial Tax Department, 3rd Floor, Project Building, Dhurwa, Ranhci, Jharkhand- 834004 Financial/Commercial Bid Will be notified later to Technical Bid qualified bidders Bid Validity 90 Days Method of Selection L1 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 300,000 by Demand Draft in favour of Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department and payable at Ranchi from any of the nationalized Scheduled commercial Bank Project Phases Within 2 months of signing of the Contract IT readiness and Service Rollout at S Check-posts NH District 1 Chirkunda NH-2 Dhanbad 2 Chouparan NH-2 Hazaribagh L Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 5 3 BahraGorha NH-33 E. Singhbhum 4 Karondi NH -78 Gumla 5 Dhuliyan MDR Pakur 240 6 Koderma NH31 Koderma Ist-Phase: Chirkunda, Chouparan, BahraGorha II: Operations & Maintenance: For next 3 Years III: IT readiness and Service Rollout at other Checkposts in Jharkhand Estimated Budget Rs 75,00,000 for each Checkpost Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 6 2.Instructions to the Bidders 1. Cost of Bidding The Bidder shall bear all the costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid, and the Tendering Authority in no case, will be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 2. Bidding Document The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the bidding documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the bidding documents or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the bidding documents in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in rejection of the bid. 3. Preparation of Bids a. Language of Bid The bid prepared by the Bidder, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Tendering Authority shall be in English only. b. Bid Currency Prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees only. 4. Documents Comprising the Bids a. Bid Prices The Performa of the bid price form is in Annexure 5. If required the tendering authority may at a later stage (i.e. after the finalization of contract or at the time of agreement) ask for a component wise breakup of the price. b. Bid Proposal Sheet Bid Proposal sheet duly filled in and signed and complete in all respects should be submitted (Format in Annexure 1). 5. Documents Establishing Bidder’s Eligibility and Qualification. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 7 a. Bidder should attach all documentary proof for the eligibility criteria mentioned in the Section IV. 6. Earnest Money Deposit a. The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of a DD/BG in favor Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department payable at Ranchi for an amount of Rs. 300000/- (Three Lakhs Only) b. The EMD shall be in Indian Rupees only. 7. Period of Validity of Bids a. Bids shall be valid for 90 days after the date of bid opening. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the tendering authority as non –responsive. b. In exceptional circumstances, the Tendering Authority may solicit the Bidders consent to an extension of the period of validity .The request and response thereto shall be made in writing. c. Bid evaluation will be passed on the bid prices without taking into consideration the above changes. 8. Contents of Envelopes a. It will be a two envelope bid comprising of technical bid and commercial bid. b. First envelope shall be marked as Envelope No. 1 Technical Envelope and shall contain: - Demand Draft for Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) - The documents establishing Bidder’s eligibility, qualifications and conformity mentioned Tender Document. - Technical Bid Offer including all technical & contractual compliance. c. Second envelope shall be marked as envelope No.2 “Commercial Envelope” which will contain only price schedule in the prescribed proforma in Annexure 5. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 8 d. The Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the Contract. A Written power-of-attorney accompanying the bid should support the latter authorization. The person or persons signing the bid shall initial all pages of the bid, except for un-amended printed literature. e. Any interlineations, erasures or overwriting shall be valid only if they are signed by the person(s) signing the bid. The bid will be summarily rejected if all the documents mentioned are not enclosed in technical bid. 9. Submission of Bids Sealing and Marking of Bids i. The Bidders shall seal the envelope No.1 Technical envelope and envelope No.2 Commercial envelope in separate inner envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “envelope No.1, Technical Envelope” and “envelope No.2 Commercial Envelope”. He shall then place these two envelopes in an outer envelope. Both the inner envelopes and the outer envelope should be addressed to: Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004. ii. The inner and outer envelopes shall bear the words: “Invitation for Bids for Supply, Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Checkpost Computerization iii Both the inner envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the Bidder. iv. If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked, the Tendering Authority will assume no responsibility for the Bid’s misplacement or premature opening. v. b. Telex, cable or facsimile bids will be rejected. Deadline for Submission of Bids i. Bids must be received by The Tendering Authority at the address, not later than the time and date specified in the Invitation for Bids (Section I). In the Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 9 event of the specified date for the submission of Bids being declared as a holiday for the Tendering Authority, the bids will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day. ii. The Tendering Authority may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of bids by amending the bid documents, in which case all rights and obligations of The Tendering Authority and Bidders subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. c. Late Bids Any bid received by the Tendering Authority after the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by the Tendering Authority, will be rejected and/or returned unopened to the Bidder. d. Withdrawal of Bids i. The Bidder may withdraw its bid after the submission, provided that the Tendering Authority receives written notice of the withdrawal, prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of bids. ii. In case the Bidder wants to withdraw, the Bidder’s withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked and dispatched to the Tendering Authority in original. iii. No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of the period of the bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval shall result in the Bidder’s forfeiture of its bid security. 10. Bid Opening and Evaluation of Bids a. After opening of the technical bids, those bidders, who are technically eligible (i.e. who satisfy the eligibility criteria) and have submitted all the documents mentioned in the tender documents, the financial bids of the technically qualified bidders will be opened. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 10 b. The Bidder or their authorized representative who wish to be present shall sign an attendance. c. The Bidder’s name, bid modifications or withdrawals, bid prices and presence or the absence of requisite bid security and such other details as, the Tendering Authority at his discretion, may consider appropriate, will be announced at the time of opening. No bid shall be rejected at the openings except for the late bids, which shall be returned unopened to the Bidders. d. Bids that are not opened and read out at bid opening shall not be considered for further evaluation, irrespective of the circumstances. Withdrawn bids will be returned unopened to the Bidders. e. Bids will be opened in the presence of Tender Committee as well as Bidders or their representatives who choose to attend on the specified date and time. j. The Tendering authority reserves the right to disallow the opening of bid of any of the bidders without assigning any reason. 11. Clarification of Bids During evaluation of bids, Tendering Authority may at it’s discretion, ask the Bidder for clarification of it’s bid .The request for clarification and response shall be in writing and no change in prices or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Tendering Authority in its decision on bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract award may result in disqualification of the Bidder’s bid and also forfeiture of his bid security. 12. Award of Work The finalization of the tenders will be done by a tendering committee. a. The Tendering Authority will award the work to the Successful bidder whose bid has been determined as the lowest evaluated bid provided further that the bidder is technically eligible. b. The Tendering Authority’s may vary scope of contract at the time of award. 13. Tendering Authority's Right to Accept / Reject Any or All Bids Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 11 The Tendering Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, or to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to the award of Contracts, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the Tendering Authority’s action. 14. Performance Guarantee Within 15 days after receipt of notification of award of work from the office of Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, the successful Bidder shall furnish performance Bank Guarantee bond to the Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department which shall be equal to 5 percent of the value of the contract and shall be in the form of a Performance Bank Guarantee valid up-to 63 months from the date of award of work. 15. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices. The Tendering Authority requires that the Bidders/suppliers/ contractors under this tender observe the highest standards of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Tendering Authority: a. Defines for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth as follows: i. “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process or in contract execution; and ii. “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Tendering Authority, and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Tendering Authority of the benefits of the free and open competition; b. The tendering Authority will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 12 a. The tendering Authority will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, a contract. b. The past performance of the Bidder will be crosschecked if necessary. If the facts are proven to be dubious, the Bidders tender will be ineligible for further processing. 16. Interpretation of the clauses in the Tender Document / Contract Document In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender Document or the Contract Document, the Tendering Authority’s interpretation of the clauses shall be final and binding on all parties. 17. Decision Taken The decision taken by the Tender Committee in the process of Tender evaluation will be final and binding. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 13 3.Terms & conditions 1. Tenderers are advised to study all technical and commercial aspects, instructions, forms, terms and specifications carefully in the tender document. Failure to furnish all information required in the Tender Document or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the Tender document in every respect will be at the tenderer’s risk and may result in the rejection of the bid. It will be imperative on each bidder to fully acquaint himself with all the local conditions and factors, which would have any effect on the performance of the contract. 2. Sealed offers document prepared in accordance with the procedure enumerated in should be submitted to tender the Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004, not later than the date and time laid down and at the address given in the tender document. 3. All bids must be accompanied by a Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 300000/- in the form of Bank Draft / Bank Gurantee Valid for period of 3 months drawn from a scheduled bank in favor of Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department payable at Ranchi. Tenders not accompanied by earnest Money or incomplete in any respect will be rejected outright. 4. This tender document is not transferable. 5. The categories of items and quantity will be as per requirements. Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity or delete some or all of the items depending on the needs of the project without assigning any reasons. 6. The tenderer should indicate specifically the Make & Model of the items, Basic Price, Taxes/Excise duty, other duties against each item. (if any), and levies chargeable quantitatively No additional information will be entertained after due date. Blank Price Bid (mentioning the required quantity) should be submitted in the technical Bid 7. The tender should be submitted in Two cover system i.e a: Technical Bid and b: Price Bid. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 14 There should be proper indication of the contents on each envelope. 8. The draft must be in a separate sealed envelope indicating the amount, tender notice number, and due date enclosed with the bid. 9. The tenderer should clearly indicate the delivery period and validity period of tender. 10. The details particularly the Sales Taxes/excise duty, any other duty, if not quoted properly, will not be admissible at a later date. 11. The tenderers are required to quote for each item separately in terms of basic price and all other charges. Prices should be quoted in Indian currency only. 12. The Tender must be submitted along with the tender specific Manufacturers authorization letters from the manufacturer. 13. Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. 14. The tenders will be opened on the date and time indicated in the presence of tenderers if any present on the occasion. If the date of opening is declared to be a holiday the tenders will be opened on the next working day. 15. All damaged or unapproved goods shall be returned at the Tenderer risk and cost and the incidental expenditure thereupon shall be recovered from the concerned party. 16. Printed conditions of the firm sent along with the quotation, if any, shall not be binding on us. 17. Packing list must be put in all packets. 18. On acceptance of tender, the date of delivery should be strictly adhered to otherwise, Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department reserves the right not to accept the delivery in full or in part. In case the order is not executed within the stipulated period, Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department will be at liberty to make purchases through other sources, and to forfeit the earnest money of the tenderer. 19. Party should offer all equipments of state of the art quality & branded products. 20. Party shall be willing to offer Warranty/ Annual Maintenance Contract, (AMC), / Support at a reasonable price for a period of three years. 21. The Bidder should have Support centre in the State of Jharkhand or they will setup the Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 15 office within three months after winning the bid . 22. To fulfill the eligibility criteria for bidding, the consortium of parties will not be allowed. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 16 4. Eligibility Criteria The Bidding is open to all qualified Bidder who fully meet the following qualifying requirements:a. The bidder should enclose Manufacturers' Authorization Letter from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for the relevant items along with the Technical Bid for this specific tender. b. The bidder should have successfully completed similar projects or Govt projects at least 3 up to worth of Rs.3 Crores each or above, during the last three years (Provide the details as per the format given in Annexure 2, also enclose the related work order). c. The Bidder should have an annual turnover of not less than 50 crores in any one of the two previous financial years. The documentary evidence (Attested photocopy of audited Balance Sheet, Certificate of Incorporation etc.) must be submitted along with Bid. d. The Bidder should have at least 300 (Five hundred) full time professionals on rolls over each of the last three years. Self-certification by the authorized signatory will be required. e. The Bidder should have Service Tax & VAT registration. The Latest VAT & Service Tax Return Certificate & Commercial taxes clearance Certificate valid as on the date of tender should be submitted. f. Bidders should not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by the Tendering Authority. A Self - Declaration Certificate should be enclosed. g. Bidder’s should have ISO 9001 Certification in the domain of System Integration & Software development i. Bidder should have CMMI Level 3 or above certification. j. Company Should be a profit making company for the last three years and minimum net profit margin should be 5 Cr. (Proof should be attached). Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 17 5.Detailed Scope of Work Introduction Office of the Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, Government of Jharkhand, intends for the check post computerization. The Scope of Work shall include supply, delivery, installation, operation & maintenance support of check post Hardware & related supplied Software for check post computerization and Integration with existing commercial tax applications. The detailed scope of work is as follows. 1. Supply, Installation, commissioning, maintaining and support of IT (Desktop, Printer, LAN and WAN) and Non-IT infrastructure (Site preparation and Generator wiring) at check post. The Bidder should design the WAN architecture based upon VPNBB/LL/MPLS VPN to connect checkpost to central location at Ranchi .The bidder is responsible to supply required Routing Device and bandwidth for the Central Location and checkpost based on the choice of the WAN Link type suggested by them. The MPLS/P2P/VPNBB Leased Line to be supplied for dual redundant WAN Connection from different service provider at the Toll Gate Locations to the Central Site. 2. Supply , Installation , Commissioning ,Customization of ANPR software to Integrate with COMTAX road permit system ,maintaining and support of ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and CCTV system . The ANPR system should have alert Mechanism for the Security Personnel Outside the Toll Booth .The Bidder and OEM are responsible for design the technical solution integrating with commercial tax database /application for visual alert outside of the Toll Booth with Red/Green lights with automation with the ANPR Software so that the security personnel outside booth can have visual alert in case of Database Mismatch of registered vehicle or any other fault. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 18 The ANPR Solution Design 1. 4 Camera in each Toll Gate for recognizing the number plate of all the vehicles [Two camera each lane]. 2. 4 Camera at each Toll gate for general monitoring in and around the Toll gate for surveillance 3. One number of video recording server/workstation for recording the video obtained form all 8 camera in the toll gate 4. One number of computer running the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) software. 5. This software collects video streams from the 4 camera and processes the same for ANPR. 6. The ANPR software to be customized to integrate with the commercial tax road permit system. 7. The data base of these individual Toll gates is then centrally replicated so as to have one central database for reporting and for alert processing. 8. The Vehicles can be marked as hot vehicle if it is not in the commercial tax road permit system or transport department also marked it as hot vehicle and will be monitored for movement. 9. Once this hot flagged vehicle is recognized at the Toll gate an alert is raised at the monitoring workstation at the toll gate. The monitoring device will send visual alert outside of the Toll Booth with Red/Green lights with automation with the ANPR Software so that the security personnel outside booth can have visual alert in case of Database Mismatch of registered vehicle or any other fault. 10. Each toll gate will have one operator workstation to view live / recorded video from the video management system. 11. Each local operator station will also have capability to monitor the ANPR system and also run reports and flag vehicles as hot vehicles. 12. The system will have capability to run report based on the vehicle number form any toll gate operator station. 13. This data base will be retained for a period of 30 days. The hot flagged vehicles registration number data will be retained till the vehicle is no more designated as hot vehicle. 14. The video from the connected camera will also recorded for 30 days on the video management system server. 15. The central command and control server will provide maps functionality with the alerts being processed by the individual toll systems. 16. The operator at the central command control center will be able to pull live or recorded video form any of the cameras connected to the system. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 19 17. The bandwidth provision for viewing video at the central location will be based on number of live / recorded streams being concurrently viewed at the central location. Currently the system needs to be designed with 2Mbps per Toll gate as Bandwidth availability. The overall diagram of ANPR and surveillance system is as follows Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 20 Operation and Maintenance support 1. The bidder shall provide comprehensive on-site support and warranty for all the equipments supplied under the contract at least for a period of 3 years from the date of final acceptance of the system. The bidder and OEM should support next business day delivery against defective spares in major locations in India. The OEM should have 24x7x365 support in India. The bidder will provide OEM support license of 3 yrs and the OEM should have option of supporting customers directly if needed & the support information including delivery against defectives or status of case should be available through web portals. The bidder proposed OEM[Router, Switch and Surveillance devices] should have industry leading service supply chain in this regard and should have certification ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 14001 or equivalent . 2. The maintenance services, including spares shall be free of cost during the warranty period and the bidder will provide two technical man power services[72 man months] onsite support the department HQ. The two technical man power should have technical experience of 5yrs or above in LAN/WAN[LL/VPN BB/MPLS VPN] networking and system management and have certification of CCNP/CCIE and have technical qualification of MCA/BTECH/Equivalent. The department will provide the space but the bidder will have to arrange laptop and network connectivity to them to manage . 3. During the term of Warranty the service/repair calls will have to be attended by the bidder within four hours from the time of such calls. In case of major defects requiring the defective equipments to be taken to the bidder workshop, it should be returned within permissible time duly repaired and immediate substitute equipments will be provided by the bidder for the smooth operation of the System. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 21 6.GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. Definitions In this Contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated: “The Contract” means the agreement entered into between the Tendering Authority and the Supplier, as recorded in the Contract Form Signed by the parties, including all the attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein . “Bidder” means any agency that is participating in the tender process. “Provider ” means any agency that is a successful Bidder and to whom the contract will be awarded. “The Contract Price” means the price payable to the Supplier under the Contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations. The “ Items “ means the material which the Bidder is required to supply to the Department under the Contract. The “User Department” means Office of the D.G & I.G of Police, Jharkhand Police Headquarters -Ranchi “Service” means the Provider should come up with a Comprehensive solution as defined in the Scope of Work. The work will not be allotted in piecemeal. Bidders providing for part services / activities will not be considered. 2. Application These General Conditions shall apply to the extent that provisions in other parts of the Contract do not supercede them. 3. Use of Contract Documents and Information Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 22 a. The Provider shall not, without the Tendering Authority’s prior written consent, disclose the Contract, or any provision thereof, or any specification, plan, drawing, pattern, sample or information furnished by or on behalf of the Tendering Authority in connection therewith, to any person other than a person employed by the Provider in performance of the Contract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only so far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance. b. Any document, other than the Contract itself, shall remain the property of the Tendering Authority and shall be returned (in all copies) to the Tendering Authority on completion of the Supplier’s performance under the Contract if so required by the Tendering Authority. c. The Service Provider shall permit the Tendering Authority to inspect the Service Provider’s accounts and records relating to the performance of the Service Provider and to have them audited. 4. Delivery of Items The vendor shall be responsible for delivery and installation of the ordered item(s) at the site and for making them fully operational at no extra charge within 20 days of the date of Supply order. Delivery of the Items shall be made by the Provider in accordance with the terms specified by the Tendering Authority in the work order. 5. Incidental Services The Provider is required to provide the following services, including additional services, if any: Performance or supervision of the on-site assembly and/or start-up of the supplied Items; Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 23 Furnishing of detailed operations and maintenance manual for each appropriate unit of supplied Items; Performance or supervision or maintenance of the supplied items for the period of time mentioned in the Tender notification. 6. Delays in the Bidder's performance Performance or the Contract shall be made by the Bidder in accordance with the time schedule specified by the Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department as indicated in tender document. An unexcused delay by the Bidder in the performance of its contract obligations shall render the Bidder liable to any or all of the following sanctions: i) Forfeiture of its performance security; ii) Imposition of liquidated damages; and/or ii) Termination of the Contract for default. As soon as practicable, after receipt of the Bidder's notice, the Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department shall evaluate the situation and may at its discretion extend the Bidder's time for performance, in which case the extension shall be ratified by the parties by amendment of the Contract. 7. Acceptance The Acceptance Tests for delivery, installation and maintenance shall be conducted by the Bidder in the presence of a core Group of experts nominated by Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department. The Acceptance Test must be completed by the Bidder to the satisfaction of the Core Group within a period of thirty (30) days after Implementation. 8. Liquidated Damages In the event of failure of the Bidder to secure acceptance of the items by the Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, within ninety (90) days after implementation, the Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department reserves the Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 24 option to recover from the Bidder as liquidated damages and not by way of penalty for the period after the said ninety (90) days, until acceptance a sum equivalent to two percent (2%) of the contract value for each month of the failure of Bidder up to a maximum deduction of Ten (10) percent, to secure acceptance or part thereof, without prejudice to the Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department other remedies under the Contract. 9. Penalty Clause If the Provider is not executing the contract to the satisfaction of the tendering authority then he may invoke any or all of the following clauses. i. The reported failure/malfunctioning must be resolved within 24 hours from the time of login. If the failure/ malfunctioning is not resolved within 24 hours there will a penalty charge of @Rs100.00 per hour which will be enchased form the Bank Guarantee or ii. Forfeit the performance Guarantee Amount. 10. Termination for Default The Tendering Authority may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of default sent to the Provider, terminate the Contract in whole or part: i. If the Provider fails to deliver any or all of the Hardware within the period(s) specified in the Contract. ii. If the Provider fails to perform as per the performance standards. iii. If the Provider, in the judgment of The Tendering Authority has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract. 11. Force Majeure Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 25 a. For purposes of this clause, “Force Majeure” means an event beyond the control of the Provider and not involving the Provider’s fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not limited to, acts of the Purchase either in its sovereign or contractual capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes. b. If a force Majeure situation arises, the Provider shall promptly notify the Tendering Authority in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the Tendering Authority in writing, the Provider shall continue to perform its obligations under the Contract as far as it reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure. 12. Termination for Insolvency The Tendering Authority may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the Provider. If the Provider becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, in this event, termination will be without compensation to the Supplier, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy that has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Tendering Authority. 13. Resolution of Disputes The matter regarding any dispute shall be sorted out at the level of Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department. 14. Legal Jurisdiction All legal disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Ranchi courts only. 15. Taxes and Duties The rates quoted shall be in Indian Rupees and shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties as applicable up to the completion of job. Any increase in the rates will not be allowed. 16. Binding Clause Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 26 All decisions taken by The Tendering Authority regarding the processing of this tender and award of contract shall be final and binding on all concerned parties. 17. Tendering Authority, reserves the right:a) To verify, modify, revise, amend or change any of the terms and conditions mentioned above or to reject any or all the tender/s without assigning any reason whatsoever thereof or may terminate the tender process midway without assigning any reason. b) The Decision regarding acceptance of Tender by the Tendering Authority will be full and final. c) Conditional tenders shall be summarily rejected. d) The vendor should be in a condition to fulfill the repeat orders, if asked to do so. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 27 7. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The following Special Conditions of Contract shall supplement the General Conditions of Contract. Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in the General Conditions of Contract. 1. Provider’s Integrity The Provider is responsible for and obliged to conduct all contracted activities as defined in the scope of work in accordance with the Contract. 2. a. Provider’s Obligations The Provider is obliged to work closely with the Tendering Authority’s staff, act within its own authority and abide by directives issued by the Tendering Authority. b. The Provider will abide by the job safety measures prevalent in India and will free the Tendering Authority from all demands or responsibilities arising from accidents or loss of life the cause of which is the Provider’s negligence. The Provider will pay all indemnities arising from such incidents and will not hold the Tendering Authority responsible or obligated. c. The Provider is responsible for managing the activities of its personnel or subcontracted personnel and will hold itself responsible for any misdemeanor. d. The Provider will treat as confidential all data and information about The Tendering Authority, obtained in the execution of his responsibilities, in strict confidence and will not reveal such information to any other party without the prior written approval of the Tendering Authority. 3. The bidder will submit all deliverable specified in RFP and should mention the make & model no. for clarity.. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 28 4. Depending upon the project requirement the quantity of items as specified in the tender may increase. If some item other than the mentioned is required, it has to be arranged by the supplier. 5. In case of serious discrepancy in equipments supplied, the Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department may cancel the entire purchase order and return the item(s) back to the vendor at vendor’s costs and risks. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 29 8.Deliverables, Payment and Penalty Payments will be released only on satisfactory acceptance of the deliverables for each Task as per the following schedule: The contract value shall compose of two components- Milestone based payment and Ongoing services based payment. Payments shall be released only on the satisfactory acceptance of the deliverables for each milestone or services by the client based on the inputs provided by the Technical committee. The prices should remain firm and not subject to any upward revisions on any account whatsoever throughout the period of contact. Sr. No. Cost component 1. WS1- Hardware support, supply, software installation supply, and Component 1 (Total Project installation, Cost) integration, License and support, Technical services for operation support. Milestone based Deliverables, Payment, Timelines and Penalties Sr. No. Milestone based Deliverables Timeline Fee Payable Penalty 1. Acceptance of the detailed project T+5 M1 = 45% x Beyond T+5 management plan, exit Weeks Component 1 weeks management plan along with and penalty of delivery of software and hardware. Rs. 10,000.00 per week. 2. On successful installation of T+10 M2 = 10% x Beyond T hardware and software and Weeks Components 1 +10 weeks deployment of manpower services. penalty of Rs. 5,000.00 Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 30 per week 3. User acceptance certificate and go- T+15 M3 = 5% x Beyond T live issued by Department Weeks Components 1 +15 weeks nominated committee penalty of Rs. 5,000.00 per week 4. Quarterly payment for 3 years after Period M4= 2% x If any Go-live , Quarterly payment will of Next Components 1 problem start after completion of roll out of 5 Years (For 5 Years) after go-live the application and integrated after of the solution operations for 90 days ( Services project like Payment should be made after have hardware completion of the quarter after been failure /man deduction of any applicable rolled power not penalties based on the submission out deployed / of invoice and SLA compliance training not report. The invoice should contain held then reports of man month allocated, penalty of man month used, attendance, copy Rs. 5,000.00 of the salary slip actual net per week. payment + the tax(PF, ESI, Other Tax) and performance evaluation certificate of the assigned work from the client. * The estimated budget of the project is around Rs 3 crore. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 31 9.Technical Specifications Annexure 1 to 19 Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 32 Annexure-1 Desktop System Make__________________Model_______________________ Item S . N o Processor 1 Motherboard 2 & Chipset Video 3 Network 4 Ports 5 HDD 6 Controller Memory 7 Storage 8 Optical 9 Drive Wireless LAN Monitor 1 0 Keyboard 1 1 Mouse 1 2 Out 1 Of Band Management 3 Power 1 Management 4 & DMI System 1 Chassis 5 OS1Support & Certification 6 Preloaded 1 Software 7 Complete Description Complia nce (Yes/No ) Deviation Remarks Two Core , 64bit x86 Processor @ 3GHz or more,4MB L3 cache or more, Memory support DDR3 OEM Motherboard Integrated Graphic controller Integrated 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet controller and wireless IEEE 802.11 a/b/g 1 HDMI port , 2x USB 2.0 and 2 x USB 3.0, 1xKeyboard port, 1xMouse port , 4 in 1 Media Card Reader , Built in microphone ,Stereo jack Integrated dual port SATA-II controller 2GB DDR III 1333MHz or higher expandable up to 8 GB or more 500GB sata II HDD 7200 RPM 22X DVD writer or higher 802.11g Wireless LAN PCI Card 2.4ghz or above 18.5” TFT or more (4:3 aspect ratio) LCD Monitor 1280 x 1024 resolution with 5 ms or better response time, TCO 05 certified 107 or more Keys Keyboard USB Optical Scroll Mouse with anti-static mouse pad resolution of Optical 1000 cpi, Complying to CE and FCC norms out-of-band management preferable System with Power management features & Desktop Management Interface implementation All in One desktop with wired keyboard and wired mouse Windows 7 & Linux Redhat 5 /Centos 5.5 /Ubuntu Above configuration preloaded with Windows 7 professional with Hindi Language packs, Open Office 3.0 with Hindi Unicode fonts , Antivirus with all Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 33 / Webcam 1 8 Preferred 1 Brand 9 Warranty 2 Coverage 0 Power 2 input 1 necessary Plugns/ utilities and driver software including bundled in DVD Media [ Antivirus licence for 5 years support and upgradation] Built in webcam of 1.3 megapixel HP / DELL / IBM/ HCL /Acer Comprehensive warranty for 3 years. 100 -240V AC Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 34 Annexure-2 Technical Specifications Laser Jet Multifunction Printer (Print, Copy, Scan, Fax) Make________________________Model____________________________ S Parameters L Printer Specification Print 1 speed, black Print 2 resolution, black Print 3 technology Monthly 4 duty cycle Memory, 5 standard Print 6 languages, standard Duplex 7 printing (printing on both sides of paper) Media 8 sizes, standard Media 9 sizes, custom Specifications Compliance (Yes/No) Deviation / Remarks 18 ppm or more Up to 600 x 600 dpi Laser 8000 pages or more 64 MB Host-based printing, PCL 5e Manual (driver support) Letter, legal, executive, postcards, envelopes (No. 10, Monarch) 250-sheet input tray: 5.8 x 8.27 to 8.5 x 14 in; priority feed slot: 3 x 5 to 8.5 x 14 in Media 1 types Paper (laser, plain, photo, rough, 0 vellum), envelopes, labels, cardstock, transparencies, postcards Scanner Specification Scanner 1 type Flatbed, ADF 1 Scan 1 resolution, 1200 dpi or more optical 2 Scan 1 size 8.5 x 11.7 in 3 Scan 1 speed 6ppm or above 4 Supported 1 file PDF; TIF; BMP; GIF; JPG formats 5 Copier Specifications Copy 1 resolution 600x 400 dpi or more 6 Maximum 1 number 99 copies or more of7copies Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 35 Fax specifications Fax 1 transmission speed 8 Fax 1 memory 9 Fax 2 resolution, black 0 Speed 2 dials, maximum 1 number Auto 2 redial 2 Fax 2 delayed sending 3 Other Specifications Accessories 2 included 4 Connectivity 2 5 Network 1 ready 2 Operating 1 temperature 5 range ENERGY 1 STAR® Qualified 6 Warranty 1 Coverage 7 3 sec per page 500 pages or more 300 x 300 dpi or more More than 100 numbers Yes Yes USB cable , Driver CD ,Utility software , UTP patch cable & One printing cartridge Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port & 3.0 support; 10/100Base-T Ethernet network port; RJ-11 Telephone port for Fax Standard (built-in Ethernet) 50 to 90F Yes Comprehensive warranty for 3years. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 36 Annexure-3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ON-LINE UPS (2KVA) SINGLE PHASE INPUT & SINGLE PHASE OUTPUT Make_________________Model___________________________________ SL Parameters Specifications 1 Capacity Battery Backup General Inverter Technology 2KVA 120minutes Inverter Efficiency 90% or better on rated full load of 2 3 4 5 Compliance (Yes/No) Deviation /Remarks Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) using IGBTs, double conversion Switching frequency 20 KHz or higher Total Harmonic Distortion < 2% for 100% linear load (THD) < 3% for 100% non-linear load Voltage Noise level Less than 55 db Operating Temperature 0º- 50º C Output Wave Form Pure sine wave Cooling Air Cooled Input Voltage Range 160 V AC to 280 V AC Frequency range 50 ± 6% Hz D/G set comp ability Required Input Power Factor 0.9 or better at full output load leading to Unity with power factor correction (PFC) Output Voltage 230V AC +1 %, single phase Regulation Less than + 1% in the following conditions 1. No load to full load/Full load to no load 2. 0.6 lag to Unity PF 3. During Entire Backup time. 4. Complete Input Voltage Range Frequency 50 Hz + 0.5 % Efficiency Overall Efficiency 80 % or better on rated full load of 0.8 PF & 230V, 50Hz AC output Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 37 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 0.8 PF & 230V, 50Hz AC output Overload Capacity 110% for 2 min. & 125% overload for 30sec. Load Power Factor 0.8 lagging Protection Required for : Short Circuits Over Loading Over Temperature Input low/ high voltage control DC low/high voltage trip Battery Make CSB / Panasonic / Global Yuasa / Exide / Orchid / Okaya /Amar Raja make complying to JIS C 8702 test. Battery recharge time Battery recharge time should not (after complete discharge exceed 8 hours and charger to should be capable to charge 100% charge) & charge battery on C10 rating. rating Battery Capacity Capacity of D.C.Bus Battery Bank for Back-up Time UPS Voltage 2KVA <192 V 120 minutes UPS & Battery Housing Powder coated UPS & battery cabinet with caster wheel should of minimum 1mm thick good quality material and should be free from sharp edge, scratches, nicks, & burs etc. Enclosure should conform to protection requirement of IP2L1 to IS13947 (Part 1)/1993 (reaffirmed 2004). L.C.D. meter To measure and monitor input voltage, output voltage, output current, DC current, DC voltage, input / output frequency Indications Mains on Load on Battery Inverter Battery level Load level Inverter over load Audible Alarm Over Temperature Main failure Battery low Inverter Overload Switches Main ON/OFF MCB Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 38 Battery ON/OFF MCB Inverter push button with reset. 16 Output Connection O/P Terminals of standard quality should be provided. 03 Nos. of 5/15A/230V female ISI/ IEC Mark socket and all 3 sockets should 17 Isolation Transformer Galvanic Isolation through Transformer 18 Warranty Comprehensive warranty of 3 Coverage years(including Battery Maintenance /replacement ) Note -More than two battery banks should not be used in parallel in the configuration. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 39 Annexure -4 Technical Specifications 8 Port Managed Switch Make________________________Model____________________________ Parameters Specifications Compliance (Yes/No) Deviation / Remarks Network 1 Ports The switch should have minimum 8 x 10/100/1000 Ports with 2 One Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports for uplinks UTP RJ-45 ports Protocol 2 CSMA/CD Standards 3 IEEE 802.3 10 Base-T Ethernet Compliance IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet IEEE/ANSI 802.3 Auto Negotiation IEEE 802.3x Full duplex Flow Control Data 4 Transfer Rates Forwarding bandwidth 16gbps or more ,switching bandwidth 32gbps or more , Fast Ethernet 100 Mbps(Half Duplex), 200 Mbps(Full-Duplex) Memory 5 Flash memory 32mb or more, memory DRAM 64 mb Power 6 Supply 100V-240VAC Max 7 VLANS 255 or more VLAN 8 IDs 4000 or more Maximum 9 9000 bytes Transmission unit(MTU) Jumbo 1 frames 900 bytes 0 Operating 1 -5 to 45 degree Centigrade Temperature 1 Auto 1 Smartport Port should provide automatic 2 configuration as devices connect to the switch port, allowing auto detection and plug and play of the device onto the network Automatic 1 QoS Automatic QoS feature should be (AutoQoS) 4 available for voice over IP (VoIP) . Warranty 7 Comprehensive warranty of 3years Coverage Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 40 Annexure -5 Technical Specification of Routers Sl. No. Specifications Compliance (Yes/No) Deviation Routers combine WAN access, security and wireless services , LAN port onto a single, secure device The router should have 4-port 10/100 Fast Ethernet Managed switch for LAN Router should support one Gigabit Ethernet Port The Router should have one Serial WAN port The Router should support 3G WAN Dual SIM card capability in the router The router should support VPN - Up to 20 tunnels The router should support Easy deployment The router should have Centralized management features The router should provide Built-in advanced security, Router shall have capability of having internal Firewall, Intrusion prevention system & VPN features The router shall support option for simplified configuration management Should be able to build IPSec tunnel dynamically, point to point or point to Multipoint The router shall supportCON/AUX port for console or external modem SOFTWARE FEATURES: Routing Protocols and General Router Features : Routing Information Protocol (RIPv1 and RIPv2), Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), Port Address Translation (PAT) 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) server/relay/client Access control lists (ACLs), Generic routing encapsulation (GRE) Dynamic DNS Support Support for OSPF & BGP Support for 802.1q VLANs, Web Content Caching Protocol (WCCP) or equivalent. Support for Multicast Routing Protocol - PIM Sparse Mode, SUPPORT FOR IPv6 Features: IPv6 addressing architecture, IPv6 name resolution, IPv6 statistics IPv6 translation-transport packets between IPv6-only and IPv4-only endpoints ICMPv6, IPv6 DHCP IPsec over IPv6 Security Features: Stateful Inspection Firewall, Bridging firewall Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 41 The router shall support NAT Hardware-accelerated DES, 3DES, AES 128, AES 192, and AES 256 IPSec 3DES termination/initiation, IPSec passthrough Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) passthrough Zone-Based Policy Firewall Secure HTTP (HTTPS), FTP, and Telnet authentication proxies Stateful inspection transparent firewall Dynamic and static port security Public-key-infrastructure (PKI) support IPsec stateful failover Support for dynamically VPN creation for Multipoint VPN, Lock and Key Access Control Lists, the router shall support Firewall stateful failover The Router should support functionality to protect the route processor from unnecessary or malicious levels of traffic, including DOS attacks QoS Features : Low Latency Queuing (LLQ) Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) header compression (cRTP) QoS preclassify and prefragmentation Policy-Based Routing (PBR) Class-Based Traffic Policing (CBTP) Class-Based Traffic Shaping (CBTS) Management Features : Web Based (GUI), Management of LAN switch ports Telnet, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), CLI, and HTTP management, RADIUS High-Availability Features Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) (RFC 2338) Out-of-band management with external modem through virtual auxiliary port Dial backup with external modem through virtual auxiliary port Dual SIM support for cellular multihoming the router should support adaptive and dynamic routing adjustments based on criteria such as response time, packet loss, jitter, mean opinion score (MOS), path availability, traffic load distribution, and cost minimization policies when doing path selection Switching Features Support for 4-port 10/100 Mbps managed switch Support for Auto Media Device In/Media Device Cross Over (MDI-MDX) or equivalent Support for Eight 802.1Q VLANs Support for MAC filtering Internet Group Management Protocol Version 3 (IGMPv3) snooping Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 42 Support for Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) Support for Storm Control Interface/hardware/ & Software license required from day one The router solution should 4-port 10/100 Mbps managed switch Router should support one Gigabit Ethernet Port The Router should have one Serial WAN port The Router should support 3G WAN Dual SIM card capability in the router The router should have Default and maximum DRAM of 512MB The router should have Default and maximum flash memory 256 MB The router shall have security and all relevant IP services license Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 43 Annexure -6 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR DIESEL GENERATORS 25KVA Component S Name . N o CAPACITY 1 ENGINE: 2 Required Specifications COOLING SYSTEM REQD. WATER LEVEL MAINTENANCE Air cooled, Water/Coolant cooled OUTPUT MINIMUM HP FUEL PUMP GOVERNOR NO. OF CYLINDERS RECOMMONDED MAKES OF ENGINE FLYWHEEL OVERLOAD CAPACITY ENGINE ASPIRATION STANDARD THAT THE ENGINE SHOULD MEET RADIATOR SILENCER Compliance (Yes/No) 25KVA The Water/Coolant cooled system of the engine should be equipped with in built expansion tank so that frequent topping up of water/daily check of water level is not needed. Only a top up at 250 hours should suffice. Engine should have high quality and finish to make it a zero leakage system. Similarly the water system should have seals etc. to ensure no water leakage from the water pump. The ENGINE continuous duty rated, should be capable of developing sufficient output HP under site temperature conditions of 45 degree C to ensure full output from 5 kVA alternator. Not less than 10 B.H.P continuous rated. The pump should be of MONOBLOCK design of MICO or equivalent make to ensure better governing and easy repair in the field. Mechanical / electronic Single/Multi cylinder, in accordance with is 10001-1981 with latest amendments. KIRLOSKAR/CUMMINS/MAHINDRA/GREAVES/EICHER/ ESCORTS/ ASHOK LAYLAND/ OR EQUIVALENT. Of suitable diameter and weight (indicate the diameter and the weight). Engine should be capable of providing 10% overload for 1 hour for every 11hour continuous running at full load Naturally Aspirated IS/BS (IS 10000/BS:5514/BS:649). Heavy duty with fan (provide technical details). Residential type with exhaust piping with vibration isolators Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 44 (provide technical details). Equipment like electric motor, battery, charging alternator etc. for electric start ACCESSORIES Fuel injection equipment, air cleaner, voltage regulator, anti vibration mounting pads, speed controlling governor, suitable coupling system to the alternator, tachometer, lubricating oil temperature and pressure gauge, rpm indicator and hour meter to indicate number of hrs. of operation, auto trip on low oil pressure, over speed alarm with trip, thermal insulation for exhaust line with glass wool, aluminium sheet, chicken mesh, diesel line of suitable diameter. PROTECTION Against low lubricating oil pressure, high water temperature shall be provided for engine with alarm and fuel shut off. ACOUSTIC 3 The enclosure supplied should ensure not more than 5-7 ENCLOSURE degree C temperature rise then the outside temperature with natural air circulation. The noise level should not be more than 75 dBA at 1 meter distance. Enclosure should be duly type approved by CPCB authorized lab. The enclosure must be fitted with sheet steel of 1.2/1.6 mm thickness, seven tank pretreated and powder coated with pure polyester powder to enable outdoor installation. FUEL 4 TANK Fuel tank with capacity of 12 hours continuous running at full load with necessary piping, fuel gauge, drain valve, inlet and outlet connectors complete in all respect. ENVIRONMENTAL 5 Shall meet requirement of rules1986 as laid down by CONDITIONS Ministry of Environment & Forest read with GSR No. 371 (E) dated: 17.05.2002, GSR 520 (E) dated: 01.07.2003 and GSR 448 (E) dated: 12.07.2004 in respect to emission norms for the engine and in respect of noise level for the DG sets. ALTERNATOR 6 Self excited and self regulated alternator should be of brushless type with VG-I grade of voltage regulation giving an output of 5 KVA, single phase 230/240 Volts, 50 Hz, 0.8 (lag) power factor, 2 wire close coupled to the Engine. Class of insulation should be Class "H". Alternator should meet IS 13364 (part-I):1992/2003. Alternator should be capable of 10% overload for one hour and 50% overload for 15 seconds in 12 hours. Permissible voltage variation - +/-1.5% of rated voltage. PROTECTION Screen protected drip proof with IP 21 degree of protection as per IS: 4691/85. RECOMMONDED KIRLOSKAR ELECTRIC/CROMPTON/LEROY SOMER/ MAKES OF STAMFORD/Elgi/CGL/KEC or equivalent. ALTERNATOR AUTO 7 MAINS The AMF control panel shall have the following instruments FAILURE (AMF) and CONTROL accessories: STARTING Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 45 PANEL BATTERY 8 (a) Microprocessor based genset controller with composite meter for digital display Of: i) Output voltage/AC Mains voltage. ii) Output Current. iii) Power Factor iv) Frequency. v) kWh vi) Three attempts engine start/engine cranking relay. vii) On-delay timer for load change over. viii) On-delay timer for engine shut off. (b) Mode selector switch for setting the panel on any one position such as OFF/auto/manual/test. (c) Engine ON-OFF switch (Push button type) (d) MCCB of suitable rating shall be provided. (e) Rectangular aluminum bus bars (one number for each phase, neutral and earthing terminal) of adequate ratings duly colour coded with heat shrinkable PVC sleeves. (f) Two contactors of suitable rating (one for DG set & one for AC mains)with over load relay. g) Under-voltage relay for mains. (h) Battery charger complete with voltage regulator, float or booster selector switch, ON-OFF switch, voltmeter and ammeter for charging the battery from mains. This will be in addition to the battery charging alternator fitted on the engine. (i) Instrument & Control Fuses. (j) Five number indicating lamps to indicate 'mains ON', 'load on mains', 'set running', 'load on set' and 'battery charger on'. (K) Audio visual alarm for 'Low lubricating oil pressure', 'High cylinder head temperature','Start failure' and 'DG over load'. (l) Any other switch, instrument, relay or contactor etc. essential for smooth and trouble free functioning of DG set with AMF panel is to be specified by the tenderers in their offer with complete detail of the item. The panel should be within the D G set acoustic enclosure. The system should have an inbuilt By PASS Change Over switch to ensure that in case of AMF / D G Set failure the mains can get directly connected to the load. Make of Contactors acceptable - ABB/Siemens/Schneider/LG (LS) / L&T Make of Microprocessor - Procom / Control & Switchgear / Sun Automation/ Minilec and equivalent. Battery of very low maintenance - 85 AH or higher lead acid type Make – Amron / Standard Furukawa/ Exide / Amco / Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 46 SIZE AND WEIGHT INSTALLATION 9 DETAILS Warranty 1 Coverage 0 Prestolite /Panasonic. Should be minimum (provide details). * Earthing connection to the existing earthing *RCC / PCC Foundation of size as per DG set and having a height above ground of at least 9 inches. *Length of input/output cables upto a length of 20 mts. May be included in the installation cost and quote additionally for: *4x10 Sq mm armoured aluminium cable (quote as rate per meter) *Cable laying - wall supported/open a(quote as rate per meter) *Cable laying - under ground (quote as rate per meter) *End termination of Cable - 4 terminations(quote as lumpsum) *Exhaust piping with aluminimum cladding (where needed) (quote as rate per meter) *Testing of the DG set at the site for 1 hour and hand over to Comprehensive 3 years warranty (including preventive maintenance) covering all parts except Diesel. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 47 Annexure -7 SPECIFICATION FOR PIT EARTH G.I. Pipe of 60 mm diameter with a sole plate to be laid vertically down inside the ground to depth of 3.5 meter. To the G.I. Pipe four copper plates are fitted at the bottom inside the earth. The Copper plate is of One-meter Square. G.I. Pipe is fitted to Copper plates by means of brass bolts & nuts of 9.4 mm X 50 mm and with spring Washers & Plate washer. The trench is fitted with fine ash to a height of One meter, then Salt to a height of One meter, followed by Saw Dust to a height of One meter. Thus the G.I. Pipe is buried inside, to a depth of three meters & only 0.5 meter Is kept above ground level. From this portion connection is made to equipment Earth Strip as desired . Copper plate .5-meter square 3 mm thick, sole plate 60 Sq. mm, 6 mm thick GI wire-to-wire earthing system connection should be made with compression connectors or otherwise weld connection. Earth resistance measured must be less than 2 Ohm S.N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Materials Copper Plate Earthing 300mm x 300mm x 4mm Thick Copper Plate (Not less than 95% copper purity) 25mm x 3mm Thick Copper Strip (Not less than 95% copper purity) Charcoal Salt (150 x 100 x 6mm Thick Terminal Plate Copper Sundries such as Brass, Nut bolts, Porcelain, Insulator, Thimbles, I/Tape etc. 40mm Dia B-Class GI Pipe for watering & Strip protection. Supply of Soft Soil (Optional) QTY. 10 Kg (1 in Nos) 12 ft/ 6 Kg 200 Kg 40 Kg 2 Nos (0.900 Kg) each As per requirement 10 ft 4 Cu.Mts. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 48 The Earthing diagram is as follows . Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 49 Annexure -8 Technical Specifications Wall Mounted Network 9U Rack with patch panel and CAT6 IO Port Make________________________Model____________________________ Parameters S L Size 1 Body 2 Accessories: 4 Earthing 5 Patch Panel Type 1 Circuit 2 Identification Scheme Port 4 Identification Height 5 Category 6 Modular 7 Jack 7 Cat6-Single Port Type 1 Material 2 No. 3 of ports Protection 4 Identification 5 Cable Laying Cable 1 Laying Skilled 2 Manpower Cable 3 Terminations Specifications Compliance(Yes/No) Deviation / Remarks 19” Wall mount ,9 U height Minimum Powder quoted steel Body with front door of glass. Completely covered & have security locks. Proper ventilated with One Fan, One Cable Manager, Power Distribution Unit of 6 No. (5 and 5 Amp) Sockets with surge protection, Mounting Accessories, Fitted with Copper Strip for earthing the equipments 24 port patch panel as per requirement, Unshielded Twisted Pair, Category 6, ANSI/TIA/EIA 568- B.2.1 Port Labeling for port identification on each of 24-ports Labels on each of 24/48-ports (to be included in supply), 1U Category 6 750 mating cycles 1-port, Shuttered, White, with surface box for surface mount applications, Category 6,TIA/EIA 568-b Category ABS/Polycarbonate One Shutters To be supplied with label for port identification All the cabling shall run through PVC conduit / Casing Capping of suitable size of ISI standard. Cables shall be laid by skilled and experienced workmen using adequate equipments to minimize stretching of the cable. All terminations should be carried out according to the manufacturer‘s instructions and guidelines Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 50 Testing 4 Documentation & UTP 5 COMPONENTS and standards of generic cabling systems. When terminating outlets, care must be taken to avoid damaging the copper cores when stripping back the outer sheathing. Testing of each node should be done as per manufacturer standards and the final report should be submitted. make sure that the system should Meet or exceed TIA/EIA 568 B-2 specifications of Category-6 as a system. All performance parameters -Attenuation, Pair -to-Pair and power sum NEXT, Pair And Power sum ELFEXT, Return Loss and Delay skew should be tested for 100m Channel as well as 90m permanent Link. It should be a single OEM solution and should ensure optimum system performance. There should not be any Impedance mismatch problems among components of the cabling system. The complete system should be tested up to 600 MHz for all the test parameters to ensure the end-to-end system performance. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 51 Annexure -9 Wireless Access Point Make________________________Model____________________________ Specifications S L Access 1 Points proposed must include radios for both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Must 2 have a robust design for durability, without visible vents Compliance(Yes/N o) Deviation / Remarks Must 4 have an industrial design for durability, with steel cases, industrial grade antenna connectors, without visible vents, and with metal locking points. Must 5 include dual band antennas to support both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz operations simultaneously from single antenna. Must 2 support a variety of antenna options to cater to 50-100 meters of open space. Must 4 support 3X3 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) with TWO spatial streams Must 5 support simultaneous 802.11n on both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radios. Must support upto 22dbm of transmit power in both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz radios 8Must 6 support datarates upto 300Mbps on 5Ghz radio and 144mbps on 2.4Ghz radio. Must 7 support 40 MHz wide channels in 5 GHz. Must 1 support AP enforced load-balance between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz band. Must 2 incorporate radio resource management for power, channel, coverage hole detection and performance optimization Must 3 support Proactive Key Caching and/or other methods for Fast Secure Roaming. Access 4 Points must support a distributed encryption/decryption model. Access 5 Points must support Hardware-based DTLS encryption on CAPWAP Standard Must 3 support Management Frame Protection. Should 4 support locally-significant certificates on the APs using a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Must 5 operate as a sensor for wireless IPS Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 52 Must support the ability to serve clients and monitor the RF environment concurrently. Same model AP that serves clients must be able to be dedicated to monitoring the RF environment. AP model proposed must be able to be both a client-serving AP and a monitor-only AP for Intrusion Prevention services. Should support mesh capabilities for temporary connectivity in areas with no Ethernet cabling. Mesh support should support QoS for voice over wireless. Must support Power over Ethernet, local power, and power injectors. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 53 Annexure -10 IP Camera Make________________________Model____________________________ Parameters S Specifications L The 2 system shall provide high-resolution, real-time video images, encapsulated in Internet Protocol (IP) packets and presented through a 10/100BASE-T RJ-45 2 Compliance(Yes/No) Deviation / Remarks Ethernet network connection. The system shall provide full D1 video, 30 fps at 720 x 480 (NTSC) or 25 fps at 720 x 576 (PAL) and be scalable to D1, 4CIF, and CIF. Optionally, the system shall provide IEEE 802.11 b/g wireless transmission, capable 4 of data rates of 1 - 11 Mbps for 802.11b and 6 - 54 Mbps for 802.11g and shall support wireless security as provided by Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), and Wi-Fi Protected Access Pre-shared key (WPA-PSK). Wide 5 dynamic range (102 dB typical) using 1/3” CMOS imager. Ability 1 to control image parameters, including automatic white balance, automatic back lighting, automatic gain control, DC auto/manual iris, sharpness, image quality, time stamp, and camera ID. Daytime (color) and night (black and white) modes. 2 Dual 4 IP video streams, each capable of operating in unicast or multicast mode with quality of service (QoS) tagging. IP5and analog video outputs. Resolution at D1, 4CIF, and CIF settings with operation at discrete settings to 30 6 frames per second. Two-way audio and contact closure capability. 7 Optional 802.11 b/g transmission capability. 7 Ability 1 to be upgraded over the IP network. Activity detection and event notification. 2 IEEE 3 802.1x Port-based security authentication and AES encryption. The 4 system shall provide dual unicast or multicast MPEG-4 video data streams for simultaneous live viewing and archiving at different resolutions and frame rates. When dual streaming, one stream shall provide up to 4 CIF capability at 25/20 (NTSC/PAL) frames per second, and the other stream shall provide CIF capability at 25/20 (NTSC/PAL) frames per second. The system shall allow for switched, multicast network architectures. The 5 system shall provide options for constant bit rate (CBR) or variable bit rate (VBR) with ceiling. The 1 system shall be capable of detecting activity within a pre-defined area of the image and issuing notifications as a result. The 2 system shall have an embedded Linux™ operating system to provide distributed video processing and support true open network standards. The system shall support the following protocols: Internet Protocol (IP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP), Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), Interior Gateway Management Protocol (IGMP) 3.0, Domain Naming System (DNS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP and HTTPS), Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS), Network Time Protocol (NTP), Secure Shell (SSH), and Simple Network Management Protocol Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 54 (SNMP) 2.0. The system shall provide quality of service (QoS) tagging based on IEEE 802.1p and DiffServ standards. The system shall contain an imager chip of 1/3” CMOS, which shall be capable of providing up to 120 dB dynamic range. A progressive scan image sensor with global electronic shuttering shall provide natural color rendition, zero blooming and smear, and minimal motion blurring. Image control features shall include color level, brightness, contrast, automatic white balance, automatic back lighting, automatic gain control, DC auto/manual iris, sharpness, image quality, exposure control, time stamp, and camera ID. The system shall operate satisfactorily at light levels .4 lux in daytime color mode and .04 lux in black and white night mode (F1.4). The system shall provide a minimum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 48 dB. System software shall allow configuration support for: 1 or 3 user definable detection areas NTSC or PAL Image settings: color level, brightness, sharpness, contrast, white balance, exposure control Time, date, and camera ID overlay Selection of bit rate (constant or variable) IP filtering: allowed or blocked addresses IE 5.x or later browser configuration The camera shall create and maintain log files. One log file shall contain information about the operating status of the camera and its connection to the network; the other shall contain an event log that includes each the method by which each alarm was triggered and the date and time that each alarm ends. The system shall support 802.1x port-based security and AES encryption.The system shall contain 64 MB flash and 128 MB SDRAM memory. The system shall be capable of receiving firmware upgrades over the IP network.The system shall provide a standard analog video output signal via BNC connector. The system provide a built-in microphone and bi-directional audio channel, based on G.726. Access to the camera through the network shall be controlled by two user levels of protection. Each level shall have its own configurable login credentials and provide configurable privileges, which control access to camera features. The system shall have an operating temperature of 0°C to 50°C, ambient, a storage temperature of -40°C to +85°C, ambient, a relative humidity ability of 0% to 95% (non-condensing) at 50°C, and a MTBF of > 100,000 hours. The system shall provide an RS-485 bi-directional data channel, capable of supporting Pelco-D protocol. The camera shall be able to capture individual JPEG snapshots from the video stream, and shall provide the capability to save each JPEG image on a designated computer hard drive. The camera shall provide a monochrome night mode operation. This mode shall use the removable IR filter, which shall activate automatically under low light conditions. The camera shall support event-based scheduling for handling motion- or alarmtriggered streaming video. The functionality shall include options for daily, weekly, and weekend, and holiday scheduling. The IP camera must stream 30 frames per second (fps) at D1 (720 x 480, NTSC) resolution or 25 fps at D1 (720 x 576, PAL) utilizing IP Protocol over an Ethernet network. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 55 The system shall provide two (2) bi-directional alarm inputs and outputs, logic level programmable. The system radiated emissions shall be compliant with FCC Part 15, Class A, and EN55022 specifications. The system shall be capable of being powered by a 12 VDC power supply or Power over Ethernet (PoE, 802.3af), 48 VDC @.3A. The camera shall be able to be configured to synchronize its internal date and time to a designated NTP server. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 56 Annexure -11 Rugged Industrial LAN Switch Make________________________Model____________________________ Specifications S L 42Ethernet 10/100 ports and 2 dual-purpose uplinks (each dualpurpose 2 uplink port has one active port either 10/100/1000 copper or SFP fiber Compliance(Yes/No) Deviation / Remarks DC input range 18VDC-60VDC. AC Power Supply should be quoted. Should have • Extended temperature, vibration, shock and surge, and noise immunity ratings comply with specifications for automation, ITS, and substation environments. Compact, PLC-style form factor is ideal for deployment in industrial environments Configurable 4 maximum transmission unit (MTU) of up to 9000 bytes, with a maximum Ethernet frame size of 9018 bytes (jumbo frames) for bridging on Gigabit Ethernet ports, and up to 1998 bytes for bridging of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) tagged frames on both 10/100 and 10/100/1000 ports 64 5 MB Compact Flash memory 128 1 MB DRAM Support for private VLANs Wire-speed 2 switching, 16 Gbps switching fabric Forwarding 4 rate based on 64-byte packets: 6.5 Mpps IP5 source guard prevents a malicious user from spoofing or taking over another user's IP address by creating a binding table between client's IP and MAC address, port, and VLAN. DHCP 6 Snooping prevents malicious users from spoofing a DHCP server and sending out bogus addresses. This feature is used by other primary security features to prevent a number of other attacks such as ARP poisoning. Dynamic 7 ARP Inspection helps ensure user integrity by preventing malicious users from exploiting the insecure nature of the ARP protocol. Standard 1 and extended IP security router ACLs define security policies on routed interfaces for control-plane and data-plane traffic. Up 2 to 512 ACLs are supported, with two profiles: Security (384 Security ACL entries and 128 QoS policies) and QoS (128 Security ACL entries and 384 QoS polices). Trusted 3 Boundary provides the ability to trust the QoS priority settings if an IP phone is present and to disable the trust setting if the IP phone is removed, thereby preventing a malicious user from overriding prioritization policies in the network. After 4 a specific time frame, the aging feature removes the MAC address from the switch to allow another device to connect to the Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 57 same port. Port 5 security secures the access to an access or 802.1q trunk port based on MAC address. TACACS+ 1 and RADIUS authentication enable centralized control of the switch and restrict unauthorized users from altering the configuration. Port-based 2 ACLs for Layer 2 interfaces allow application of security policies on individual switch ports. Support for SFP modules provides uplink connectivity supporting 100BASE-LX, 100BASE-FX, 1000BASE-SX, 1000BASE-LX, and 1000BASE-ZX options. IEEE 802.1x with VLAN assignment, guest VLAN, and voice VLAN allows dynamic port-based security, providing user authentication. Up to 300 deployment configurations, supporting a range of access port densities, copper and fiber uplinks, fiber access ports, and power input, deliver flexibility in deployment. DIN-rail, wall, and 19" rack mount options allow for deployments in a variety of control systems. Alarm relay contacts can be used for an external alert system. Variety of power input options covers a wide range of power requirements for Industrial Ethernet applications Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 58 Annexure -12 Video Recording System at Check post Make________________________Model____________________________ Specifications S L The Video Surveillance Services Platform shall include, as a minimum, the following features/functions/specifications: The system shall provide high-capacity video recording and storage that can be deployed wherever the associated IP network is available The system shall include, embedded software, which is capable of continuous, scheduled, alarm-, event-, and motion- triggered recording of MPEG-4 or H.264 video streams that originate from a Cisco IP Gateway (encoder). The system software shall allow adjustment of video frame rate and resolution settings through a configuration utility or, dynamically, in response to system events such as alarms, schedules, and network QoS requirements. The system shall accept at least sixteen (16) video “virtual ports” through a Fast Ethernet (10/100) connection for recording and storage on its internal hard disk drives The system shall maximize storage efficiency by using a time schedule and priority-based system that identifies video data to be removed when storage reaches a preprogrammed percentage of capacity. Retrieval and replay of video from the Cisco Video Surveillance Services Platform shall be capable of being achieved using analog monitors and keyboards, connected through IP Gateway Video Decoders, or through software running on a PC with Windows XP opeating system. The system shall be capable of support for two 400 GB SATA HDDs, for a total of 800 GB video storage The system shall have an embedded Linux™/Windows operating system to provide distributed video processing and support true open network standards. The system shall support simultaneous recording and playback and multiple playback sessions The system shall be capable of receiving firmware upgrades over the IP network. System configuration and monitoring of all video, recording, and network parameters shall be accomplished via Graphical User Interface (GUI). The system should have large wall mounted high definition LCD/LED monitor of 32” to monitor the camera footage Compliance(Yes/No) Deviation / Remarks The system shall be capable of integration into a virtual matrix switch fabric to allow for network switching of the recorded video to an assigned network destination. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 59 The system shall have an operating temperature of 0°C to 40°C, ambient, a storage temperature of -20°C to +50°C, ambient, a relative humidity ability of 0% to 95% (non-condensing), have an option for conformal coating, and a MTBF of > 100,000 hours. The system radiated emissions shall be compliant with FCC Part 15, Class A, and EN55022 specifications. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 60 Annexure -13 ANPR system Make________________________Model____________________________ Parameter Specifications Detection and recognition rule Setting of detection areas and line of crossing configuration Activate / deactivate rules for specific features Zone monitoring Live view Live view of vehicle entry point 24X7 Event notification Image captured, number detection and recognition Event reports Customized report generation Database Database of images captured Stores database of captured images Database of vehicle reports Number and time of entries and exits, license numbers, validation results ANPR_SIM System database MS SQL Analytical Capabilities Vehicle Vehicle moving in zone Vehicle crossing a line Vehicle direction Performance* ANPR for slow moving vehicles day and night ANPR for fast moving vehicles day and night Video analysis frame rate CPU Load average Camera Placement Height of camera from ground Distance of vehicle number plate from camera Camera tilt angle Horizontal field of view Vertical field of view Minimum size of character in view Minimum size of License Plate in view Maximum rotation of License Plate Hardware And Software Requirement IP Camera Compliance(Yes/No) Detects vehicle in predefine area Detects vehicle crossing predefine virtual line Detects direction of vehicle Accuracy 95% Accuracy 95% More than 20 fps 6-8% for single channel 2.2 – 3 m 4 -12 m 20o 30o – 35o 20o – 25o 20 Pixel height 180 x 50 Pixel (width x height) 20o High resolution ~ 1280 x 1024 for clear image Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 61 PC capture. Intel i3-2120 with 3MB cache , CPU @ 3.3Ghz or higher Minimum 4 GB RAM 500 GB HDD for image storage IP Network LAN setup for IP camera and PC DVR is required when analog camera is used Software Packages .NET framework 3.5 or higher Windows 7 Camera SDK libraries to interface with camera DVR In case of analog camera with resolution 704 x 576 Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 62 Annexure -14 Technical Specifications 24 Port Managed Switch Make________________________Model____________________________ Parameters Network 1 Ports Protocol 2 Standards 3 Compliance Data 4 Transfer Rates Memory 5 Power 6 Supply Max 7 VLANS VLAN 8 IDs Maximum 9 Transmission unit(MTU) Jumbo 1 frames 0 Operating 1 Temperature 1 Auto 1 Smartport 2 Automatic 1 (AutoQoS) 4 Warranty 7 Coverage Specifications Compliance (Yes/No) Deviation / Remarks The switch should have minimum 24 x 10/100/1000 Ports with 2 One Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports for uplinks UTP RJ-45 ports CSMA/CD IEEE 802.3 10 Base-T Ethernet IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet IEEE/ANSI 802.3 Auto Negotiation IEEE 802.3x Full duplex Flow Control Forwarding bandwidth 16gbps or more ,switching bandwidth 32gbps or more , Fast Ethernet 100 Mbps(Half Duplex), 200 Mbps(Full-Duplex) Flash memory 32mb or more, memory DRAM 64 mb 100V-240VAC 255 or more 4000 or more 9000 bytes 900 bytes -5 to 45 degree Centigrade QoS Port should provide automatic configuration as devices connect to the switch port, allowing auto detection and plug and play of the device onto the network Automatic QoS feature should be available for voice over IP (VoIP) . Comprehensive warranty of 3years Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 63 Annexure -15 VIDEO SURVEILLANCE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE A. The VSM shall be a platform solution optimized for applications to view, store, and manage realtime and recorded video in a networked environment. The system shall use an open suite of URLbased programmatic interfaces to communicate with applications. The VSM will provide a highly scalable and reliable platform to enable customized, network-based surveillance applications. B. Performance Requirements: 1. Provide low latency video with high quality images 2. Display live and recorded IP VIDEO camera feeds on multiple workstations simultaneously using a TCP/IP Ethernet network. 3. Support thousands of simultaneous video feeds across multiple locations for centralized and decentralized storage, display, and distribution of video. 4. Support multiple camera and encoder manufacturers within the same system. 5. Support redundancy configurations including failover and complex high-availability scenarios . SYSTEM PERFORMANCE A. The VSM Server shall include, as a minimum, the following features/functions/specifications: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The system shall display live and recorded IP VIDEO camera feeds on multiple workstations simultaneously using a TCP/IP Ethernet network. The system shall provide low latency video with high quality images and support MPEG-4, H.264, and Motion-JPEG (MJPEG) compression schemes simultaneously. The system shall provide replication of individual video feeds at different frame rates for multiple users and other system processes. The system shall support simultaneous video feeds across multiple locations for centralized and decentralized storage, display, and distribution of video without limitation, but shall minimize load on video servers by streaming only the active video channels. The system shall be capable of streaming and recording video at different bit rates and variable frame rates up to full motion 30 fps video on all IP VIDEO camera feeds and support QCIF, CIF,4CIF,720P (1280x760) and 1080P (1920x1080) camera resolution. The system shall provide diagnostic tools that support Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Version 2.0 or higher and shall further provide notification & API support for failure of encoders, archives and proxies. The system shall provide for integration with other software applications through an open and published Application Programming Interface (API).Such applications shall include, but not be limited to, access control, video analytics, and other alarm and sensor inputs. The system shall support multiple camera and encoder manufacturers. The system shall provides the ability to remotely control (pan, tilt, zoom) the IP VIDEO cameras and support priority for PTZ control based on user privileges and scheduling, recurring or one-time, for PTZ camera movements. The system shall support digital pan-tilt-zoom on live or archived video. The system shall provide the ability to remotely configure the IP VIDEO cameras and shall allow configuration data to be imported from a spreadsheet. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 64 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. The system shall allow instant replay of video and will permit pausing of live video, forward and backward review of recorded video, and return to live viewing. The system shall manage storage of real-time video at any specified frame rate, duration, and physical location on the network. The system shall provide flexible archiving capability in terms of frame rate, duration, and location and shall utilize dynamic file allocation to ensure that the full duration of the selected video stream will be recorded, regardless of lighting condition, motion, or scene detail. It shall support access to the archived video, to seek to any point in the archive, to set the pre and post time, and to loop that segment of the archive. The system shall provide a Management Console that shows the status of CPU, Memory, Disk Usage, and traffic analysis. The system shall provide / creates reports on user activity, device configuration, run-time, and application log and event history. The system shall provide ability to create users, control their capabilities and integrate with LDAP The system provide for or have the capability of interoperating with the following functional modules (see Para. 2.0.5): Video Surveillance Operations Management Video Surveillance Storage System Video Surveillance Video Display Client Viewing Software Access Control Systems Interoperability and Emergency Response Systems HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS A. The VMS Server shall run on standard commercial off-the-shelf computer server equipment based on Intel processors. The system shall be capable of running on a single physical server or distributed across the network, scaling to handle thousands of cameras and users. Servers shall meet the following minimum requirements: 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E4300 1.80 GHZ Rack Mount Unit (4RU maximum) 2 GB DDR2 SD RAM Capability for up to 19 TB Internal Storage ( 1 TB disk and RAID 5) Dual Gigabit Ethernet Interface SUSE Linux Enterprise Server version 9 with Service Pack 3(32 bit)or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server version 10 with Service Pack 1(32 bit) or SuSE and RedHat Linux 4 Operating System B. Video Surveillance Storage System – The video surveillance storage system shall provide multiple options to store video. VMS Server internal storage shall be augmented by Direct Attached, SAN, or NAS storage. The video surveillance storage system shall store video in loops, one-time archives, or event clips triggered by alarm systems. It shall provide for redundant storage and remote long-term archival. The video surveillance storage system shall have the following capabilities: 1. Direct Attached configurations 2. Provide internal storage of over 19 TB Redundant archives Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 65 3. RAID 5 configuration 4. Clustering for failover protection 5. Redundant power supplies and RAID controllers C. Video Surveillance Matrix Server Software shall be an intelligent digital video system that allows any operator or integrated application to control the video being displayed on any number of monitors, whether local and remote. Must include an API to allow a web application to control the delivery of video to any number of viewing stations running the matrix client software. A command server must be able to connect to and display video streams from any media server. Operators shall be able to choose any number of available cameras to be displayed on any system monitors within any custom video display patterns. The video surveillance matrix server software shall be integrated with other systems to automatically display video in response to input triggers including access control systems, fire systems, motion sensors, and contact closures. D. Operations Management - The Operations Management module shall provide the capability for multiple web-based display consoles to configure, manage, display, and control video throughout the IP network and include, as a minimum, health monitoring, support for the same interface for Administrative and Operations usage, ability to bulk import camera configurations, and Forensic Search. It must provide the ability to remotely create/burn/archive video It must also provide the administrator and operator features/functions/specifications listed below. 1. Administrator functionalities: Server, encoder, and camera administration Scheduled and event-based video recording User and role management Bulk edit the camera streams Detailed activity reports and system audit Ability to push pre-defined views to any number of monitors with a command server Ability to schedule to operator shifts, event filters, temporary views Mass import capability allowing configuration data to be imported from a spreadsheet 2. Operator functionalities: Secure login Flexible video displays PTZ controls and presets Digital zoom and instant replay On-demand recording Video enhancements (adjusting brightness, color, transparency, etc.) Instantly swap between live and archive video of the same camera feed Archive review and clipping Event notifications Ability to search archived video based on motion within a predefined window within the video frame 3. Hardware Requirements - The Operations Management module shall have the option of being run on router hardware so no additional hardware needs to be deployed at remote site, or Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 66 run on the same server as the VMS or on standard commercial off-the-shelf computer / server equipment based on Intel processors and meeting the following minimum requirements: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E4300 1.80Ghz 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM 200 GB HDD 100/1000 Ethernet Interface. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server version 9 with Service Pack 3(32 bit) or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server version 10 with Service Pack 1(32 bit) Operating System or RedHat Linux 4 E. Client Viewing Software – Client Viewing Software shall allow an individual operator’s PC to access and view video streams. 1. The Client Viewing Software shall be a stand-alone Windows program that plays video archive files without a browser or connection to the video surveillance system host. 2. The software shall have basic Archive Control functions for play back of JPEG, MPEG-2, and MPEG-4 archive files to include: play forward play backward pause step one frame forward step one frame backward 3. This software shall have the ability to take a snapshot, set playing frame rate, skip frame, and search by time. 4. Supported file format types shall include: WMV - A standard file format for downloading and playing audio/video data or to stream data on a PC. AVI / MP2 -A standard file format for storing audio/video data on a PC.MP2 Clip (BWM) - An instance or single event in time. Secure Clip (BWX) - A secured instance or single event in time. Streamable - Compressed real time video or audio downloaded over the Internet. BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF formats, savable as snapshots. 5. The viewing PC shall meet the following requirements: Intel 950i7 Core -3.07 Ghz 4GB RAM DDR3 Gigabit Ethernet ( GigE) Network connection required Windows XP or Windows Vista (32 bit) and Internet Explorer 6 or 7 DirectX 9.0c NVIDIA Get Force GTX260 896MB PCIe Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 67 Annexure -16 Technical Specification for Management Console Specification S L Make & Model Compliance (Yes / No) Deviatio n/ Remarks 40” LED Display with HD capable with wall mounting kit Specifications :Panel : 40" Diagonal Size, Professional series panel, 1920 x 1080 (16:9 aspect ratio) resolution, 450 cd/m2 brightness, 4000:1 contrast ratio, 178/178 viewing angle (H/V) , 8ms response time (G-to-G) Connectivity : VGA, DVI-D, Composite, HDMI video input, RCA (L/R), Stereo mini jack audio input, RCA (L/R) audio output, RS232c (in/out) external control Features : Anti image retention, temperature sensor, lamp error detection, built-in fan, built-in speakers (10W+10W), RS232 CMDC, Video wall feature, pivot display, button lock Certification : UL, FCC, Energy star 5.0 Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 68 Annexure-17 ROUTER AT Central Location Make__________________Model_______________________ Sl. No. A. Parameter Specifications Should be chassis based & modular architecture for scalability and should be a single box configuration for ease of management. 2 Should support at least 6 interface slots to accommodate the current requirement as well as for the future expansion 3 Should have support for hardware based IPSEC VPN. 4 Should have minimum of 256MB of RAM and 128 MB of Flash Memory Interface Requirements 1 3 x 10/100/1000 Base T interface. 2 2 x 2 Mbps V.35 interfaces C. Deviation / Remarks /IDC Report Architecture 1 B. Compliance (Yes / No) Performance 1 Should support high performance traffic forwarding with concurrent features like Security, Voice enabled 2 Should support variety of interfaces like V.35 Sync Serial (2 Mbps), E1, Channelised-E1, ISDN-BRI/PRI, FXO/FXS for remote office aggregation 3 Should hardware based encryption / compression with IPSEC throughput of 150 Mbps and minimum 1000 VPN tunnels. 4 Should have at least 800 Kpps forwarding performance 5 Support for high density Ethernet switch cards (8 ports / 16 ports) for remote offices to avoid Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 69 additional switches. 6 D. Should have USB 2.0 ports for storing OS images High Availability 1 Should support redundant connection to LAN 2 Should support Non-Stop forwarding for fast reconvergence of routing protocols 3 Should support boot options like booting from TFTP server, Network node 4 Should support multiple storage of multiple images and configurations 5 Should support link aggregation using LACP as per IEEE 802.3ad 6 Should support VRRP or equivalent E. Protocols 1 Should support Routing protocols like RIP ver1 (RFC1058) &2 (RFC 1722 and 1723), OSPF ver2 (RFC2328), BGP4 (RFC1771), IS-IS (RFC1195). 2 Multicast routing protocols support : IGMPv1,v2 (RFC 2236), PIM-SM (RFC2362) and PIM-DM, MBGP 3 Should have full IPv6 features from day 1. 4 Should have RIPng and OSPFv3 for IPv6. 5 Should have MPLS Features: MPLS VPN, MPLS TE, DiffServ-Aware TE F. QoS Features: 1 Classification and Marking: Policy based routing, IP Precedence, DSCP 2 Congestion Management: WRED, Priority queuing, Class based queuing 3 Traffic Conditioning: Committed Access Rate/Rate limiting Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 70 4 Signalling: RSVP 5 Link efficiency mechanisms: cRTP, LFI, MLPPP 6 Per VLAN QoS. Time Based Shaping and Policing for QoS G. Security Features: 1 Support for GRE Tunnelling, NAT, L2TP/IPSECS tunnelling 2 Support for MD-5 route authentication for RIP, OSPF, IS-IS and BGP 3 Shall support multi-level of access 4 Support for SNMPv3 authentication, SSHv2 5 AAA support using Radius and/or TACACS 6 Support for PAP and CHAP authentication for P-to-P links 7 Multiple privilege level authentications for console and telnet access through Local database or through an external AAA Server. 8 Time based & Dynamic ACLs for controlled forwarding based on time of day for offices 9 IEEE 802.1x support for MAC address authentication H. Management 1 Shall have support for Web based management, CLI, Telnet and SNMPv3 2 Shall support Secure Shell for secure connectivity. 3 Shall support Out of band management through Console and external modem for remote management Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 71 Annexure-18 Technical Specifications Tables Make__________________Model_______________________ S Parameters L Specifications Complianc Remarks e (Yes / No) Computer 1 Table Top: Size 910 x 610 mm made of 18 mm thick pre Size: L 910 x W laminated medium density fibre (MDF) board ISI Marked (IS: 14587-1998). The top shall be firmly 610 x screwed on 25x25x1 mm square tube frame. H 728 mm Upper side of laminated board shall be in natural teak shade while the bottom side shall be white/cream shade. Sliding key Board tray: A Sliding key Board tray shall be made of 18mm pre laminated medium density fibre board of size 725x450 mm. The gap between top and tray shall be 100mm. Sufficient top and bottom racks space to accommodate CPU, UPS and Printers Table top should have one wire manager for wires control. Table top, keyboard and storage shelf should be made of 19 mm pre-laminated MDF Board of premium brands. Preferred Make – Godrej/Durion/Methodex Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 72 Annexure-19 Technical Specifications Chairs Make__________________Model_______________________ S Parameters L Specifications Computer 1 Chair with Handle Seat size shall be 430x430 mm on 10 mm thick moulded comm. ply with 60 mm thick 40 density moulded PU foam Back rest size shall be 400x300 mm on 10 mm thick moulded comm. ply with 40 mm thick 32 density moulded PU foam covered with tapestry. The height of back rest shall be 900x500 mm for top and bottom edges respectively. The black rest shall be provided with lifting arrangement on flat iron & helical spring. Two nos. suitable PU handles shall be provided. The base stand should be made up of 5 prongs duly pressed welded together centrally with a pedestal bush with good quality twin wheel castors. The stand and other metal parts excluding central spindle shall be powder coated. Complete steel structure shall be pre-treated and powder coated with minimum thickness of 60 microns coating. A central spindle of 25mm dia rod without threads shall be provided with revolving arrangements. The adjustable height of chair shall be from 530 to 570 mm. Compliance (Yes / No) Remarks A good quality tapestry cloth shall be provided on seat & back in attractive colour/ shade. Preferred Make – Godrej/Durion/Methodex Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 73 Annexure - 20 Educational Qualifications, Experience and Role of Technical Professionals with Minimum Base Salary All the degrees/diplomas should be pursued through course of a government recognized university/institution and all the technical persons should have requisite experience to carry out the project work. All the technical persons will be stationed at the GIS center for the whole project lifecycle for 5 years. Sl No 1 2 Role of the Individual Technical Assistant cum Data entry operator* Project Manager cum functional Head at HQ No. of Technical Manpower 10 at each checkpost for 24x7 2 Man months Qualification 2160 BCA/Graduate /Diploma/ITI with two year experience 72 M.Sc/ M.Tech /MCA/BE /equivalent with 5 years of experience in networking and leading a team of 6 person with CCNP certification. * The Manpower services the pay protection the minimum prescribed net payment or take home to the team after deducting all taxes and service charges is as follows. The project Leader -Rs 40000.00, and Technical Assistant cum data entry operator – 8000.00. With minimum 7% annual increment. All the manpower will be selected by client only. The bidder will have to provide man month utilization ,performance evaluation certificate ,attendance sheet and salary slips in their quarterly bill. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 74 Bid Proposal Sheet To The Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004 Subject: Proposal for Supply ,Installation, Opration & Maintenance of Checkpost Computerization Sir, 1. We, the undersigned Bidders, having read and examined in detail the Specifications and all the bidding documents as specified in the Bidding documents No. < __________________>. 2. PRICE AND VALIDITY All the prices mentioned in our proposal are in accordance with the terms as specified in bidding documents. All the prices and other terms and conditions of this proposal are valid for a period of 90 calendar days from the date of opening of the Bids. We are an Indian firm and do hereby confirm that our Bid prices include all taxes including Income Tax and Professional Tax. We have studied the Clause relating to Service Tax and hereby declare that if any Income Tax, Surcharge on Income Tax, Professional Tax and other Corporate Tax is altercated under law, we shall pay the same. 3. Unit Rates We have indicated in the relevant schedules enclosed the unit rates for the purpose of on account of payment as well as for price adjustment in case of any increase to/decrease from the Scope of Work under the contract. 4. EMD We have enclosed a Demand Draft in favour of Commercial Taxes Department Jharkhand Payable at Ranchi for a sum of Rs. Three Lakhs only (Rs 300000/-). This EMD is liable to be forfeited in accordance with the provisions of Bid documents. Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 75 We declare that all the Services/Works shall be performed strictly in accordance with the Scope of Work. 5. Bid Pricing We further declare that the prices stated in our proposal are in accordance with your Instructions to Bidders included in Bidding documents. 6. Bid Price We declare that our bid prices are for the entire scope of the work as specified in the technical specification and bid documents. These prices are indicated in Annexure 5 attached with our proposal as part of the Commercial Bid. 7. Contract Performance Guarantee We hereby declare that in case the Contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the Performance Bank Guarantee. We hereby declare that our proposal is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the information contained in the proposal is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (Signature) Printed Name and Designation Seal Date: Place : Business Address : Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 76 WORK EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATE Name of the firm _________________________________________________________ Address: Period from _______________ to _________________. Order Number and date Order Placed by (full contact address Solution Value of order in of such organizations) provided Rupees Date: ________________ Place: _________________ Signature of the Bidder : Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 77 SELF-DECLARATION Ref: ____________________ Date: ________________ To, The Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004 In response to the tender No. ____________________________________ dt. ____________. We hereby declare that our Company M/s ___________________is having unblemished past record and was not declare ineligible for corrupt & fraudulent practices either indefinitely or for a particular period of time. Name of the Bidder: Signature: Seal of the Company: - Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 78 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY Date: To, The Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that, the service for supply installation and maintenance of CEHECKPOST COMPUTERIZATION which I shall provide, if I am awarded with the work, are in conformity with the Scope of Work in the Tender document. I also certify that the price I have quoted per unit cost basis is inclusive of all the cost factors involved in the execution of the project, to meet the desired standards set out in the Conditions of the contract. Name: Designation: Seal: Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 79 Bid Price Form Prices for Supply, Installation, Operation & Maintenance support of check post computerization for Jharkhand Government in manner as specified in Specifications and Bidding documents. Bidder's Name & Address To The Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004 Format for Commercial Proposal [Including all taxes] [1]At Check Post SL No Description QTY 01 Desktop (Ref Annexure -1) 5 02 Printer-MFP (Ref Annexure-2) 2 03 Online UPS(Ref Annexure-3) 2 04 LAN Switch(Ref Annexure-4) 2 05 Router(Ref Annexure-5) 1 06 Generator(Ref Annexure-6) 1 07 LL/VPN-BB/MPLS VPN 2mbps Unit Price for 1 Total Price for 3 years years [Rs] [Rs] 2 circuit(Two VPN BB/ MPLS VPN/LL connectivity 1mbps each From two Different Service Provider to central Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 80 location at Ranchi) 08 Earthing (Ref Annexure-7) 2 09 Network 9U Rack with patch panel 2 and all required patch cables (Ref Annexure-8) 10 Wireless Access Point (Ref 1 Annexure -9) 08 a ANPR System and CCTV System at check post Ip Camera -Per Lane 2 camera(Ref 4 Annexure -10) b Video Recording System(Ref 1 Annexure -12) c Ip Camera –for surveillance (Ref 4 Annexure -10) d Rugged Industrial LAN Switch(Ref 1 Annexure -11) 10 Electrical and Structured Network 1 Wiring including fiber connectivity as per industry standards and as per field requirement at check post 11 12 13 14 Office Table(Refer Annexure -18) Office Chair(refer Annexure -19) Steel Almirah(Small 50”x30”x17) 12 12 2 The above BOM is the minimum Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 81 requirement but Bidder may propose additional requirements to fulfill the solution requirement as per SLA terms. [A]Total Amount Grand Total for 6 check posts [A x 6] Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 82 [2]At Central Location SL No Description QTY 1 ANPR System with 24 camera Unit Price for 1 Total Price for 3 years years [Rs] [Rs] 1 license 2 24 Port LAN Switch(Ref Annexure 1 14) 3 4 VIDEO SURVEILLANCE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE and Hardware (Ref Annexure 15) 1 Management console (Ref 2 Annexure 16) 5 Central Router(Ref Annexure 17) 1 6 The above BOM is the minimum 1 requirement but Bidder may propose additional requirements to fulfill the solution requirement as per SLA terms. Total Amount Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 83 [3]At Manpower Services Manpower Services Man Per Man months Total Man months [net payment + months[Rs] Required other company expenses] [Rs] [a] 1 Data Entry Operators cum technical [b] [c]=[a] x [b] 2160 assistants 2 Project Manager cum functional 72 Head Total Amount Total Project Cost [ [1]cost of 6 check posts+ [2] cost of 1 central location + [3] Manpower services] = Total Amount in Rupees for 3 years: (In figures) _______________________ [In Words] Signature of Bidder Seal Commercial Taxes Department, Jharkhand 84