Curriculum Vitae of Ann Harrison Position: Director Qualifications: CIPFA Location: Midlands Areas of expertise: Director and Deputy Director of Finance Full, OBC and LIFT business case preparation and evaluation Innovation and support to service improvement and efficiencies Cost Improvement Programme Implementation Small Island Community Issues Final accounts & Financial Reporting Project management Market Testing Business planning Cash flow forecasting Management accounts Contracting Budgeting Internal & External Audit NHS ORGANISATIONS: George Eliot NHS Trust Turnaround Director Document1 Implemented PMO in order to achieve £25m CIP/CRES savings over 5 years; Establishing PID with meaningful interventions and timescales in agreement with the Project Manager; Completed capacity modelling of: Out Patient Department; Physiotherapy; GUM; and implemented the savings identified in these models; Working closely with the Board, Clinical Directors, Heads and Senior Operations staff to identify innovative solutions in financially challenged areas, as identified in the Service Line Reporting (SLR); Monitoring success and reporting on a weekly basis to the Executive; Implementing and monitoring pilots of new ways of working, with the staff involved in the operational areas; Reviewing SLA’s and specialist contracts to ensure the Trust obtained best value; Production of innovative and clear information to identify the financial issues which occur from the result of operational actions, to inform and engage all operational and clinical staff. Curriculum Vitae of Ann Harrison Birmingham Community Healthcare PMO Director Implemented PMO in order to achieve £25m CIP/CRES savings over 5 years; Establishing PID with meaningful interventions and timescales in agreement with the Project Manager; Completed detail capacity modelling for: District Nursing teams; Rapid Response teams; MSK (Physiotherapy); Podiatry; The capacity modelling included identifying: Innovative way of working; Improving recording of activity; Reducing resource wastage. Working with clinicians to achieve the efficiency savings by implementing the areas requiring changes to working patterns; Implementing appropriate monitoring of plans and achievement through Aspyre. Surrey Borders Partnership Trust Deputy Director of Finance & Director of Finance Supporting Foundation Trust status including: Document1 Innovation and facilitating service improvements and cost efficiencies Project managing a business case Project Board for modernisation of mental health care services with a capital spend of £108m Collaboration with internal departments and external staff to complete whole system reviews to support business improvements Preparation and agreement of intervention schedules with medical and operational staff, in order to achieve Cost Improvement Programmes; Monitoring and reporting CIP achievements and reporting to the Board; Implementation of Project management Office (PMO) with the Trust Director of operations (including designing the format and reporting requirements) Implementation of “Brief Encounters” for monthly budget holder meetings, resulting in significant improvement in financial performance across the Trust Preparation of LTFM (Long Term Financial Plan) information for Monitor; Redesign of reporting formats to align with Monitor quarterly reporting; Reconciliation of LTFM to budgets and reporting accordingly; Producing accurate Board Reports including forecast outturn from mth2 of the new Trust; Chairing Finance Leads and Financial Control working groups, to improve: o Working relationships o Efficiency o Implementation of Best Practice Leading on commissioning negotiations Finance representation on Medical Leads to achieve cost reductions. Curriculum Vitae of Ann Harrison Supporting the Foundation Trust process, including LTFM and financial reporting, changes to comply with Monitor requirements; Management of Reference Costing and the integration of the BIP system to improve data collection; Support bids for new programmes of work by the Trust by: o Modelling financial implications of the bid; o Identifying the changes to work patterns required to make the bid financial successful; o Identifying innovative partnership arrangements which will reduce financial risk. Lewisham PCT Effective Referral Management supporting the ERM process by: Establishing target reductions in activity by HRG/ specialist code; Calculating the financial impact of the savings and the reconciliation of the SLA; Obtaining monthly activity data from information to match the ERM targets; Monitoring and reporting to the Commissioning Steering Group on a monthly basis, the progress to date against plan, activity and cost. Managing the turnaround process including: Establishing savings plan and phasing of savings Confirming management agreement to the savings plan, including the methodologies to be adopted Establishing and maintaining the monitoring and performance management process, including reporting to the Board and external monitoring organisation. Management and reporting of Elective Referral Management process with 3 main acute providers. Establishing a robust monthly forecast outturn process to: Focus attention on areas of overspend not targeted in the savings plan Ensure better housekeeping i.e. raising invoice etc Ensure the organisation is fully aware of the outturn position, to enable early intervention where appropriate. Sustainability review to assess the impact over 5 years of population growth and funding to identify: Identify the potential growth in pressures on the acute budgets The impact of the 18 week waiting target. Bromley PCT Head of Commissioning Finance Outsourcing LD Services including: Property to Registered Social Landlords; Healthcare service providers; Monitoring cost of outsourcing to the residual organisation; Ensuring NBV/OMV implications are considered for the land buildings and equipment; Calculating the potential cost pressures and financial risks associated with the project; Formal reports to the Board. Document1 Curriculum Vitae of Ann Harrison Monitor Trust Acute and Mental Health SLA contracts Lead negotiations with PCTs Preparation of PBC budgets Designed and implemented PBC monthly monitoring reports Designed and implemented ERM monitoring and reporting Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust Deputy Director of Finance: Preparation of Management Accounts and reports to the Board Supervising the implementation of the new ledger system Project management of business cases for reconfiguration of services at a hospital trust setting up and monitoring control procedures over Capital investments East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust Financial Manager for 3 acute directorates (T&O, General Surgery & Urology and Theatres/Anaesthetics) T/O circa £50m and finance member of Project management Office responsible for surgery and nursing. Identification of savings plans with Directorate managers and quantifying savings Preparation of financial monitoring information for reporting to PMO Implementation of Trust “Brief Encounters” reporting which generated savings of over £5m in 2 years within nursing budgets Regular meetings with General Managers, Preparation of monthly financial information, Preparation of Board report attachments Western General Hospitals NHS Trust - Edinburgh Deputy Director of Finance including overview of ledger implementation Preparation of ME Returns; Preparation of Trust Board Management Information; Co-ordination of budget preparation; Establishing accurate year end forecasting; Ensuring controls operate over all balance sheet accounts; Establishing priority tasks and improved month end routine for the Department, and ensuring prompt implementation. Preparation of 'bottom up' costing including comparison to 'top down' costing information Design and development of a patient related income budget model to enable; income budgets to be allocated to directorates/departments; budget to actual monitoring to take place and appropriate invoices to be raised; recharges between support and operating directorates to be posted; and other income, e.g. training funding to be allocated to directorates / departments. Utilising the information to produce directorate / department trading accounts. Document1 Curriculum Vitae of Ann Harrison Good Hope Hospital NHS Trust – Sutton Coldfield At the annual contracting round, negotiation with purchasers to: Identify appropriate measures and ensuring the data for measurement is appropriate; Reconstruct contracts to more accurately reflect the actual activity; Adjust the financial baseline to reflect these charges; Ensure understanding and agreement from all parties; Undertake a Financial Health check for the Trust in order to review the current financial situation for the Trust and identifying a number of cost improvement and cash releasing opportunities. Support the Trust with negotiating its Service Level Agreements with local PCT’s; Monitor contract performance achievement with 10 organisations to ensure: accuracy of data; compliance with contract terms; action on under/over performing. Gloucestershire Royal NHS Trust Cost modelling for outsourcing hotel and catering services, including laundry as part of; Business Case information and PFI implications for a £72m project including; I&E forecasts Balance sheet including EFL Debt forecasts Cash flow Asset base Risk assessment Affordability assessment Calculation of the costs associated with the closure of a large hospital, including; Redundancy costs Planned closure programme Transfer of residual costs Identification of IM&T and all associated costs, by the preparation of detailed schedules of costs, analysed into a format which enabled; Existing costs of service performance to be identified Quotes to be obtained from external suppliers Comparison of costs and assessment of service levels to be clearly made. Swindon & Marlborough NHS Trust Deputy Director of Finance, covering all aspects of Finance. Responsible for: Preparation of Management Accounts and reports to the Board. Budget setting including Recovery Plans, CRES savings etc Implementing an income reporting and recharge system including training of staff, discussions with Directors, procedure notes etc. Implementing a new payroll system Control of and reporting the reserves and savings position Attending PCG meetings with various bodies including the supervision of the preparation of Document1 Curriculum Vitae of Ann Harrison budget baselines Controlling the preparation of HRG information Co-ordinating the replacement for the Wessex supplies system Channel Islands Outsourcing health services in specialist areas to the UK, including accommodation and travel arrangements for patient and escort. Setting up, training and completing monitoring and reporting systems. Outsourcing catering services for Education and Health establishments including: Service Level Agreements; Monitoring activity, financials and setting up quality frameworks; Reviewing tendering procedures for equity and value for money; Reporting findings to the States of Jersey politicians; Birmingham Strategic Health Authority Workforce Planning Preparation of Commissioning Report for Education (HEI) Establishing model to assess supply and demand of workforce requirements including attrition and other risks. Birmingham East & North PCT Setting up the financials in a tendering document for Cleaning, Security and Maintenance contracts for all operational buildings, including community hospitals, offices etc; Investigating the financial viability of the potential suppliers and assessing any potential risk to the PCT. Reporting to the Commissioning Board; Reviewing and assessing the tenders for value for money. Eastern Birmingham PCT Head of Finance: Responsible for a budget of £550m. Managing the pooling of budgets in intermediate care between Birmingham City Council and Health Social Services Providing financial support to Mental Health Consortium and Acute Services including budgetary control and negotiation of SLA’s Forecasting year end position Liaison with External and Internal auditors to implement Audit recommendations. Preparation of Board Reports and Monitoring Returns Management and preparation of various LIFT projects Head of Localities Finance: Responsible for the preparation of detailed budgets for all Primary Care Services Monitoring GMS\PMS payments Monitoring prescribing expenditure Training for budget managers Document1 Curriculum Vitae of Ann Harrison Acted as Head of Commissioning Finance establishing allocation controls and commissioning budgets for a new organisation including Acute and Consortium with funding in excess of £200m monitoring activity and performance targets providing information for new commissioning managers establishing a ‘trading’ structure to collect funding from other PCT’s and pay provider organisations funding in excess of £250m completion of Board Reports and Monitoring returns establishing accurate Localities budgets and discussing results with Operational Managers Birmingham Health Authority Deputy Director of Finance Involved in all aspects of the financial controls, information and development of a major Health Authority with funding in excess of £800m. The duties included; analysis of structures for devolution to PCT’s planning for devolution with PCT’s involvement in negotiation with Trusts calculation of forecast outturn position preparation of SFI’s for PCT’s Head of Commissioning Finance Financial control of a commissioning portfolio in excess of £600m. Including; acute commissioning consortium commissioning regional commissioning recosting exercise The duties also included; devolution of all budgets to PCT’s including reserves. A resource envelope was prepared for all sources of funds. preparation of system flowcharts and training of PCT staff; monitoring allocation controls; meeting with Trusts regarding; targets for activity; performance monitoring against funding; potential developments. preparation of control spreadsheets to apportion growth funding to match bids, after agreement by the Health Economy Steering group preparation of Service Level Agreements Pan Birmingham Shared Services Agency Head of Finance Organisational review of the SSA to establish a new measurement and monitoring protocol based upon activity scenarios; Renegotiating the contract on this basis; Document1 Curriculum Vitae of Ann Harrison Responsible for providing financial services to £30 Million turnover Shared Services Agency. Providing management information for budget managers in 3 divisions Providing management information for subscribers to the agency for core budgets and pass through costs Costing services for PCTs Forecasting accurately to year end pass through costs and additional charges to PCTs Assisting in managing core budgets to break even Preparation of year end information Interfacing Agency results with host PCT for year end and monthly accounts Northern Birmingham Community NHS Trust Business Manager, Primary Care Responsible for: Preparation of business plans Review of operational procedures and staffing levels in order to achieve savings targets Preparation of detailed costings relating to recharges for special services Investigation into methodologies for achieving specialist income Budget setting, pay and non pay including realignment of budgets to achieve more realistic controls Preparation of monitoring returns. Designing management reporting system to produce 'trading' information. Production of activity costing information for Purchasers. Preparation of procedure notes for major systems. Assisted with the preparation of a business case. The Oxford Radcliffe NHS Trust Preparation of financial allocations for a new Trust including; identifying zero based reduced pay budgets; combining the budget format from two hospitals to form the new Trust; reconciling the new structure budget to the previous year to confirm the accuracy of the total budget for comparative purposes; reconciliation of trading subsidies and other funding (external and inter unit recharges) to zero based budget costs, to ensure all sources of income relating to pay have been received; checking medical pay rotation programmes to ensure the correct training subsidies and funding is received; setting up the accounting procedures to accurately accrue for income relating to provision of healthcare Document1 Curriculum Vitae of Ann Harrison NON-NHS PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANISATIONS: States of Jersey Risk Management and Assurance Special Projects & Outsourced FourSight Audits 2001- to date Working in partnership with the States of Jersey to provide a high level Internal Audit, Risk Assessment and Value For Money (VFM) reviews for politically sensitive and technically demanding services and issues. Recent projects include; Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA); Jersey Finance Limited (JFL); Jersey Airport Jersey Harbours Jersey Health & Social Services Jersey Public Services Department Jersey Education Department Specific States projects tendering and procurement processes; Fraud Investigations. Personally responsible for conducting the most sensitive and demanding audits whilst managing the FourSight Audit programme. States of Jersey Education Services Undertook a Review of the Catering Services provided to the Schools and Colleges throughout the island of Jersey. States of Jersey Public Services Department Undertook a review of the Jersey Opera House and assisted the Opera House to avoid closure. Thurrock Borough Council and Braintree District Council Bench marking and Best Value review of Environmental Health Department Services, this involved; Reviewing the Departments costs and service provision Identifying Key Performance Indicators Identifying a comparator group from the Public and Private sector Detailed review of the cost of service provision between the council and the comparator groups Producing a detailed report and presentation of results to the Department OTHER SIGNIFICANT PROJECTS Energy Settlements and Information Services Design of Contract Management information system for the Electricity Industry and the former department of energy. Document1 Curriculum Vitae of Ann Harrison Britax PLC Outsourced Risk Management and Assurance Function Provided internal Audit function to FTSE 250 company for 6 years until taken private. Responsible for providing: VFM investigations Business reviews Fraud investigations Financial systems reviews To Britax’s UK and overseas subsidiaries. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE Audit Manager - Bass plc Senior Audit Manager - Binder Hamlyn Audit Manager - British Gas plc Birmingham City Council - Head of Efficiency Studies Team Cannock Chase District Council - Chief Internal Auditor Staffordshire County Council Document1