Weetwood Primary School Long Term Planning Year group: Year 6 Cycle 1 Autumn English Maths Science Topic (History/Geography/ Art&Design/Design&Technolog y PE Computing French Music RE PSHCE -Persuasive writing -Arguments -Stories of adventure -Learn by heart a significant poem Number and place value, decimals, fractions, addition, subtraction, money, algebra, lengths and angles, order of operations, conversions , time, word problems, mental multiplicati on. Negative numbers, fractions, area and perimeter, multiplicati on and division, addition subtraction, fractions, multiplying decimals. Subtraction, multiply Light Conflict Starting looking at war based conflict and progressing through the term to understand other types of conflict, eg, conflict of ideas, conflict of interest, human/animal conflicts. (History/Geography) Cross country/netball Planning the creation of a mobile app La Jolie Ronde What does it mean to be a Sikh? World unite. Musical focus: step dance performance. Person al safety Dance/ sports hall athletics Developing project managemen t skills La Jolie Ronde How do Christians express their beliefs? Journeys. Musical focus: song cycles. Dealin g with barrier to friends hips Dance/Apparatu s Researching the app La Jolie Ronde What is compassio Growth. Musical focus: Friend ship -Instructions -Biographies -Writing letters -Poems that convey an image Spring -Non Chron Reports -Mythical etc story. Electricity Evolution and Art: Draw and paint weapons and armoury. Water colours of poppies. DT: Enterprise Earthquake Zones and Volcanoes (Geography) -Mystery and suspense -Haiku -Recounts -Explanations -Journalistic style -Cinquain Summe r -Stories in places pupils have been -Formal writing -Biographies -Poetry and divide by powers of 10, money, properties for shape, mental strategies, factors and multiples. Multi-step problems, addition and subtraction, decimals, averages, line graphs, percentages and pie charts, coordinates, angles, multiplicati on, remainders, expressing relationship s, nth terms. Place value, adding and subtracting, fractions, decimals, percentages , number problems and equations, scaling, short division, fractions, averages, coordinates. Inheritance market n? street dance. groups and peer pressu re Art: Sculptures of volcanoes Drawing and painting. D&T: Shake Things Up Animals including Humans Living Things and Their Habitat Rich and Poor (History) Balloon Blasters (DT) Designing an interface for an app La Jolie Ronde How does growing up bring responsibil ities and commitme nts? Roots. Musical focus: mini musical performance. Drugs and their effects Developing a simple mobile phone app La Jolie Ronde * Class awards. Musical focus: performance. Transit ion to year 7. Plays Story of adventure Stories inspired by reading. Equivalents, converting fractions, multiplying and dividing, angles, perimeter and area, estimation and prediction, mathematic al puzzles, binary, sequences. Experimenta l Science Creating video and web copy for a mobile phone app La Jolie Ronde * Moving on. Musical focus: performance. SRE