Year 1 Computing Curriculum - Skills and Outcomes

Year 1 Computing Curriculum – Skills and Outcomes
Information Technology
Computer Science
Online and E-Safety
Information Technology
Activity ideas
ICT Resources you could use
Write a recount of their holiday
MS Word, Clicker, 2Publish; Clicker; use
one of the “A Day At...” templates from
LGfL iBoard (Literacy)
MS Word; Clicker; 2Publish; Clicker;
Digital cameras; Clicker; MS PowerPoint;
MS Word; 2Publish
Create a self profile
Take a photograph and add a caption or a
sound recording.
Use sound recorders to record sounds
around the school, and to identify them /
make into a game for other to identify
Easispeaks or a microphone/PC onto
Traditional tales/ familiar stories – make
recordings of pupils in character
Children use a digital camera or camcorder
to photograph themselves, their friends and
their toys
Use a paint package to produce a face,
house, vehicle, map of school or classroom
Easispeak microphones / Audacity on PC
Pupils choose clothes and Dress Teddy for
different weather conditions
Link to Geography – Barnaby Bear
LGfL iBoard Early Years: Three Bears Hats,
Coats, Scarves or Dress Humpty;
2Simple City; BBC Science Clips (eg.
Growing Plants)
Pupils use a simple modelling program to
make choices and explore what happens as
a result eg. a virtual science experiment
Digital cameras, video cameras
2Paint, 2Publish, Revelation Natural Art,
Purple Mash Paint Projects
Develop familiarity with the keyboard –
spacebar, backspace, shift, enter, to provide text
on screen that is clear and error free
Select appropriate images
Begin to select or record a sound to add to my
Add text to photographs, graphics (images) and
sound e.g. captions, labelling and simple
Begin to explain reasons why choices have been
made to teacher or talk partner
Understand that devices have stop, record and
playback functions
Use a paint package to create a picture to
communicate their ideas
Explore shape, line and colour to communicate
a specific idea
Talk about their use of a paint package and their
choice of tools
Use a digital still or video camera to take a
picture or record their work
Talk about the images or film they have taken
and the tools used
Label an image they have created
Explore a simulation to support a given
topic and talk about what happens and why
Use ICT to sort objects into groups according to
a given criterion
Identify criteria for sorting objects on screen
Level 1:
 With support, work with
text, images and sound to
explore and share their ideas
 Explore imaginary and virtual
worlds and investigate the
 Say what a pictogram is
showing them.
 Put data into a program
 Sort objects and pictures in
lists or simple tables.
Level 2:
 Use simple editing and
formatting techniques to
develop their work
 Organise information and
present in different forms.
 Make informed choices when
using ICT to explore what
happens in real and
imaginary situations
 Sort and organise
information and present it in
simple graph form
 Able to use a simple Y/N
branching database
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Year 1 Computing Curriculum – Skills and Outcomes
Pupils interpret a given pictogram / create
their own pictogram, e.g. houses people live
in, favourite fruit, traffic survey
2 Count, 2Graph
Use pictogram software to represent and
interpret simple data
Use a pictogram to create and help answer
(Link to Maths – Tallys and Graphs)
Computer Science
Activity ideas
ICT Resources you could use
Explore using a floor robot or a remote
control toy
Control a BeeBot as part of a story journey,
e.g. 3 Little Pigs, Very Hungry Caterpillar,
Rosie’s Walk, Handa’s Surprise and devise a
way of recording the instructions
Give/program instructions to control an onscreen activity
Beebot; Roamer; Remote Control Buggy
Level 1
 Explore how devices respond
to commands
 Give and follow instructions,
which include straight and
turning commands, one at a
Beebot, Roamer, children can make a
floor map linked to the class topic
LGfL iBoard > ICT > Y1 > Understanding
Billy Bug ;
Little Red Ship
Scontrol/default.htm ;
LGfL iBoard ICT: Cheese Sniffer
Explore a range of control toys and devices
Follow instructions to move around a course
Create a series of instructions to move a floor
robot around a course
Explore outcomes when individual buttons are
pressed on a robot
Explore an on-screen turtle ( or Beebot) and
navigate it around a course or grid via a sequence
of instructions
While navigating around a course on a computer
predict what will happen once the next command
is entered.
Controlling other devices, such as sound recording
devices, video recording equipment and digital
Level 2:
 Generate/create a sequence
of instructions
 Edit/refine a sequence of
 Understand what an
algorithm is and what it does
Espresso Coding; 2Go
Online and E-Safety
Activity ideas
ICT Resources you could use
Class blog on topic progress, events etc.
eg. diary on growing cress, recount a
class trip >> 1 blog for the whole class,
teacher writes it/controls it, e.g. once a
week during group time/on the carpet:
J2webby blog
Talk about their use of ICT and other ways to
find information
Select the appropriate buttons to navigate
web sites or stored information
Begin to understand that computers use
Level 1
 Explore information on the
 Use ICT safely by following
instructions with an adult
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Year 1 Computing Curriculum – Skills and Outcomes
can do a “what have we learnt this
week?” to go on the blog. As comments
are added, this can include reading what
the comments say – “do we want to say
something back?” etc.
Use Purple Mash to share and save work
Purple Mash
Pupils explore given internet pages on a
particular topic
Infant Encyclopedia
Pupils talk about how /where they found
that information
(Could also give as homework to do at
Infant Encyclopedia
Children use the Barnaby Bear website to
find out about his visits and how he
BBC Barnaby Bear
icons, menus, hyperlinks to provide
information and instructions
Begin to understand they have to abide by
school rules on Internet safety
Talk about passwords and why they need to
be kept private
Look at the different ways that messages can
be sent for example; letters, telephone, email,
text, instant messaging.
Contribute ideas to a class electronic
communication / blog, and/or respond to a
message or comment
Talk about who can see pages on the blog and
school website and see their work at home
(out of school)
Level 2
 Locate and use information
from the internet to
answer questions
 Use ICT to communicate
with others following
instructions on safe use
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