New Employee Indoctrination Chris Biddick Paul Grenz Jan 30, 2007 1 cjb, pg Kitchen 2 cjb, pg Refrigerator, Microwave, and Sink Please keep clean WE HAVE A MOUSE PROBLEM! Do not leave food out anywhere in the building University stuff Stephen has a wiki page: Main/NewHireInformation • Orientation • CatCard • Parking permit • Keys • NetID 3 cjb, pg Building security Keep the doors locked to keep riffraff out You should have keys for your office and Steward exterior doors You should have three keys for the mountain • • • 4 cjb, pg Exterior doors for MGIO (base camp and all observatories) Most LBT interior doors Gate key Email Provided by Steward Thunderbird email client Web mail Email lists maintained by Alex 5 cjb, pg • http://server_name/webmail • Operating system We are using CentOS 4 Linux kernel Alex can provide details if interested 6 cjb, pg • Repackaging of Red Hat Linux Computer access We use LDAP to provide access to your account on any of the Linux desktops • You can log in as you on any desktop • Alex maintains LDAP 7 cjb, pg You do not have root access Computer name: lbtdunnn Computer access 2 SSH • Login • ssh computer_name • File copy • scp [options] file_name1 file_name2 • Public-key • ssh-agent 8 cjb, pg Window system 9 cjb, pg gnome, KDE gnome is used on the TO station on the mountain Shell Shell • ash, bash, bsh, csh, ksh, sh, tcsh, zsh • tcsh is used on the TO station on the mountain 10 cjb, pg Editors and IDEs 11 cjb, pg Editors IDEs • vi (vim) • emacs • gedit – basic wysiwyg • anjuta • KDevelop • None C++ compiler The OS has been compiled with gcc 3.4 The TCS is compiled with gcc 4.1 On some machines gcc 4 may not be the default. To insure you always use it • • 12 cjb, pg Define environmental variable MAKEFILES as /somepath/somefile where somefile contains two lines: CXX = g++4 CC = gcc4 Establish the following aliases alias gcc gcc4 alias cc gcc4 alias g++ g++4 alias c++ g++4 CVS 13 cjb, pg All the TCS software is in a CVS repository Requires authentication (not LDAP) Developer must maintain his/her stuff Root must have read access to work space CVS 2 Needed environmental variables • CVSROOT • 14 cjb, pg :ext:[username@] s/homes/cvs/ CVS_RSH ssh Web access • • Authentication (shared, not LDAP) CVS 3 Linux access • Use ssh-agent public key to avoid typing • password all the time (Michele has instructions) Optional: make a .cvsrc file which contains the following two lines to establish defaults • update -d -P • checkout -P • Command line • tkcvs - GUI 15 cjb, pg CVS 4 We use tags to identify TCS software components • Component_name_Version-maj-min-rel-bld 16 cjb, pg Contained in “Version” file Applied with command “make tag” Additional tools 17 cjb, pg make sudo epkg (encap) QT Designer doxygen Wiki 18 cjb, pg Collaborative web system LDAP authentication for editing Main/WebHome Main/LbtoLinks Web calendar Keeps various schedules LDAP authentication 19 cjb, pg • Software group meetings • LBT bedrooms • Conference rooms • Telescope activities • LBT vehicles IssueTrak 20 cjb, pg LBTO bug tracking system Operated by vendor Requires authentication (not LDAP) Main/IssueTrakDocumentation Drawing and document archive 21 cjb, pg The official LBTO documentation repository. Based on CAN (Category/Assembly Number) index with sections for major telescope subsystems. Maintained by John Hill Many formats allowed 001s001 describes the archive 481s039 describes TCS document structure TCS on desktop You need a second ethernet interface Run TCS network processes and subsystems for local testing 22 cjb, pg • Configuration file (LBT.conf) points to it • Edit LBT.conf locally Tucson test cluster 23 cjb, pg lbtdu16 (TO station) lbtdu101, lbtdu102 (servers) Builds are installed here before going to mountain for testing MS Windows support 24 cjb, pg is a Windows 2003 server supporting Remote Terminal Services Use Remote Desktop on Windows XP Use rdesktop on Linux Office, Acrobat, Firefox, Ghostscript, Thunderbird, RsLogix 5000, Tornado 2.2, PIC compiler, VisualDSP++, Borland C++Builder, Enterprise Architect, SSH, TortoiseCVS, XEmacs, XMLSPY, … You can have your Linux home mounted as a windows network drive