Course Outline

Economics, Business & Math Department
The University of Western Ontario
ACS 310(a)
Finance for Administrative and Commercial Studies
Course Website:
Dr. J.D. Han
Phone 433-3491, Ext. 4372
Office: S 320
Office Hours:
T/TH 2-3 pm
ACS310(a) will provide a broad overview of financial management and its contribution to the goals of the
firm. Students will be introduced to the types of decisions made by the financial manager and the role of
the financial manager. Topics covered will include financial analysis, risk and risk management, capital
structure and dividend policy, short- and long-term financing, working capital management, capital and
money markets, and selected topics.
ACS310(a) meets some of the course requirements for both the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Ontario and the Society of Management Accountants of Canada.
Lusztig, Cleary and Schwab, Finance in a Canadian Setting, Sixth Edition, Wiley, 2001
(Available at the UWO Bookstore - used copies will be available)
Text Web Site:
This is a complex course with a variety of contents compacted into a short-term format. Communication
is crucial. The course website will post the course materials and
announcements and thus play an important role in this matter. I will make every effort to post the
updated power point presentation slides for the upcoming class 12 hours prior to the class.
A grade for the course will be based on student's performance in two midterm tests (1.5 hours)
and the final exam (2 hours). The grading scheme is Max {0.30 x better Midterm Results of the
two + 0.25 x the other Midterm Result + 0.45 x Final Exam Result}.
266 Epworth Avenue, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 2M3
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Test and Exam Dates
October 16, 2003
November 14, 2003
Final Exam
Mid-term test, in class (1.5 hours)
Mid-term test, in class (1.5 hours)
During Christmas exam period (2 hours), date and time TBA
Course Policies
Students are expected to complete all required evaluation components in order to receive a grade in this course.
Students with course conflicts and approved inter-university athletic conflicts, or students unable to write an exam or
test based on medical or compassionate grounds, may apply to be excused.
Students who are excused from writing the mid-term test will have the appropriate percentage of marks transferred
to the weighting of the marks for the mid-term and final exam in a proportional way. Students who are excused
from writing the final exam will receive an “Incomplete” (INC) in the course, and will be required to write the final
exam at the next available opportunity (likely in the following term or year when the course is offered again).
Requests to be excused for medical or compassionate grounds must always be accompanied by appropriate
documentation – either with the request or as soon as possible after the fact. A Medical Excuse Documentation
Form is available from the Academic Dean’s office.
Students who have any problems that may hinder their academic performance are encouraged to discuss these issues
with the instructor or the appropriate College official before exams.
The use of personal computers during examinations will not be permitted. This prohibition also applies to any
programmable calculators that allow storage of programmed information. When in doubt, check with the professor
at least 24 hours prior to an exam.
The UWO Academic Calendar states: “Any student who, in the opinion of the instructor, is absent too frequently*
from class or laboratory periods in any course, will be reported to the dean (after due warning has been given). On
the recommendation of the department concerned, and with the permission of the dean, the student will be debarred
from taking the regular examination in the course”. * More than 25% of classes missed is considered too frequent.
Prerequisites & Antirequisites
Prerequisites: Business 257 and enrolment in the BACS program
Anti-requisites: Business 303
The student is responsible for ensuring he/she has successfully completed the prerequisites for
this course. Lack of prerequisites cannot be used as grounds for an appeal in this course. You
also are responsible for ensuring that this course is not an antirequisite to another course that you
have already taken.