Minute 14 July 2014

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 14 July 2014 at the Village Hall Station Road
Hopton-on-Sea Great Yarmouth NR31 9BE commencing at 7pm.
Present: Parish Cllrs: Lennie Gent (Chairman) Stephen Ford (Vice-Chairman), Steve Ames,
Jean Canham, Brian Hardisty, Maureen McGovern, Mike Pearce, Shirley Pearce, Jim
Walker, Lilian Walker.
Also present: Julie McNair, Clerk to the Council, County Councillor Colin Aldred, Borough
Councillor Carl Annison and twenty four members of the public.
1. To receive apologies for absence.
Parish Councillor Dave Ramsden, Borough Councillors Hilary Wainwright and Sue
2. To receive declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda.
Cllrs. Hardisty declared a personal interest in item 6(a). Cllr. Ford declared an interest
in items 6(b) and 9. Cllrs M and S Pearce and L Gent declared a personal interest in
item 15.
3. To confirm the Minute of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9 June 2014.
Unanimously agreed. The Minute was signed by the Chairman.
4. Resolution to suspend the meeting for County Councillor and Borough
Councillors’ Reports, and the Police monthly crime report.
Duly resolved.
County Councillor Colin Aldred advised the new signage has been installed at both
ends of Longfullans Lane. The A12 roundabout has recently been trimmed along
with grass verges.
Borough Councillor Carl Annison advised that he has reported 10 street lights not
working. Highways Agency are waiting for joints and cables in order to repair the
faulty double street light at the entrance to the village.
PCSO Laura apologised for the lack of police attendance at meetings which is due to
there being only two PCSO’s to cover the southern villages area. There were 33 calls
to the Police from Hopton during the month of June which resulted in 7 being classed
as crimes. These were: (1) iPad taken from chalet (2) Driving equipment taken from a
garage (3) Goods stolen from shop – two charges made (4) French door damaged –
one arrested and charged (5) Front window damage to property (6) Assault – one
arrested and charged (7) Two youths hit another youth causing injuries. The next
SNAP meeting is 15 September, Burgh Castle Village Hall at 7pm.
The meeting was reconvened.
5. To receive and consider the Clerk’s reports:(a) Correspondence. As listed and circulated to all Councillors.
(b) Planning Application considered by the Planning Committee.
06/14/0360/F 2B Kennel Loke Gorleston (Hopton Parish). 2 no side extensions.
No objection by the Planning Committee.
06/14/0239/F 33 Warren Road. Revised plans. Proposed demolition of existing
house and construction of new house with integral double garage. No objection by
the Planning Committee.
Planning Permission Granted by GYBC.
06/14/0294/F 98 Links Road. Rear dormer roof extension.
(c) Finance – to agree invoices for payment and bank reconciliation. Twelve
cheques and one direct debit from the business current account totalling £2,726.55
It was unanimously agreed to pass the payments as listed. The cheques were
signed at the end of the meeting.
6. To receive a brief update on matters arising from the Minutes:(a) Coastal erosion. Cllr. Hardisty has been advised by Bourne Leisure that the sea
defence work is on schedule. The new groynes are not yet back as far as the cliff
base. This will take place later, with gaps in the groynes to allow access along the
beach. Bourne Leisure has appointed two security officers to patrol the area and
stop children climbing on the piles of rocks. Access to the beach via HHV has
now been blocked off, as has access in front of the five properties. Cllr. Hardisty
will speak to Bourne Leisure about sheet piling in the sea that is dangerous with a
view to suitable signage being installed to warn swimmers.
(b) Annual Summer Fete and Carnival – Sunday 20 July 2014. Cllr. Ford advised
that everything is going according to plan. A reminder was given that litter
picking on the field will be taking place on Saturday 19 July. The Pavilion
Building has been cleaned in readiness for the fete.
(c) Highways matters.
a. Ref: 475542. Sunken drain covers on Station Road have been reported (near
White Hart) and these have been marked by Highways for repair.
b. Approval received to install a bench at the junction of Anglian Way and
Station Road. As agreed an article will be published in the August edition of
Village News seeking sponsorship for the bench.
(d) Allotment Steering Group. Cllr. Ames has spoken with Planners at GYBC and
in principle there would be no problem with the provision of allotments being tied
up with any future development in the village. In turn, they have spoken to NCC
who own most of the available land and again in principle S106 monies could go
towards allotments rather than the usual play area. There may be the possibility of
compulsory purchase of land and this is something that the Parish Council may
consider at a future date. A meeting of the Allotment Steering Group will take
place in the next few weeks with a view to quantifying interest.
7. To receive letter from Chris Skinner NP Law dated 16 June 2014 and agree
attendance at meeting Wednesday 30 July 2014, 7pm in the Village Hall.
The letter has previously been circulated. Following discussion it was proposed and
seconded that a meeting take place between 7pm and 8pm with Parish Councillors,
Chris Skinner, Robin Hodds and Alex Oram. From 8pm onwards members of the
public would be invited to attend. A counter proposal was put forward and seconded
that the meeting should be open to members of the public from 7pm. Voting took
place and the counter proposal was defeated (2 in favour, 8 opposed). Voting took
place on the original proposal which was passed by majority vote (8 in favour, 2
opposed). The Chairman will make contact with Chris Skinner, NP Law.
8. To receive information and consider matters relating to St. Margaret’s Ruins
The newly appointed gardeners have attended twice so far, and have kept residents
informed about gardening matters via Village News magazine. No roses in the
memorial rose bed will be moved.
Consolidation work is progressing steadily and the inner face of the North wall is
nearly completed. The wall tops remain a challenge with many roots invading the
whole upper part of the walls. There are new volunteers for the summer, and some
international visitors again from Estonia and Bulgaria. Some of the brickwork on the
arches is very early medieval and Peter Minter from Bulmer Brick will be visiting in
July. He is an expert on all historic brickwork.
9. To discuss fly tipping around the bottle banks on the Lowestoft Road.
The bottle banks will shortly be moved to the north by Cripps Development to allow
access to their development. Following discussion it was proposed, seconded and
unanimously agreed to place a “no fly tipping” sign on the bottle banks. Some
discussion took place about a concrete base but it was decided to leave the banks on
10. To consider refurbishment of the Village Sign.
This item was deferred from last month. The sign was fully refurbished in 2006 at a
cost of £500 by a local craftsman. It is looking a little tired but still very readable. It
was agreed (not voted on) to leave the sign as it is.
11. To consider an e-mail from Steve Shaw, National Co-Ordinator, Local Works
dated 19 June 2014 regarding Sustainable Communities Act – right to sell
Some Parish Councils generate their own electricity but they are prohibited from
selling it at present. It was unanimously agreed to support the proposed change in
12. To read Parish Councillors’ Reports (previously submitted in writing).
There were none.
13. Resolution to suspend the meeting for the Public Forum.
Duly resolved. A summary of matters raised by members of the public:
(a) Litter picking equipment for Saturday’s clean up on the recreation ground.
(b) Harp evening at St. Margaret’s Church, Saturday 19 July.
(c) Rubber matting under the bottle banks. The Chairman will speak to Cripps
(d) Access to the gardening sponsorship money provided by Ritson Lodge. The gate
by the water tap is insecure. The Chairman to inspect and remedy.
The Chairman clarified that money in the Ruins Account is under the control of
the Parish Council and all monies so far expended since the new gardeners started
has come from the Parish Council’s main account. The Ruins account is not ring
fenced but funds are being kept in there for match funding. It is ultimately for the
Parish Council to make that decision when the time comes.
(e) Cars driving down Warren Lane towards the Golf Course.
(f) The shop opposite The Turnstone is an eyesore.
(g) A private garden on Coast Road is overgrown. A response was given that as part
of the Allotment Steering Group, we may be able to match those who are unable
to look after their own gardens, with residents who would like to manage a
The Chairman brought the public forum to a close and the meeting was
14. To confirm the date and time of the next meeting of Hopton-on-Sea Parish
Council. Monday 11 August 2014, 7.00pm at Hopton Village Hall. Confirmed.
15. To consider a Staffing Advisory Committee matter.
In view of the confidential nature of this business, it was agreed by majority vote (8 in
favour, 2 opposed) to exclude members of the public and press for this item.
The Chairman read out the resolution: Pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies
(Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential
nature of the business to be transacted, the public and the press leave the meeting
during consideration of item 15. The public, press and Clerk left the meeting.
The Staffing Advisory Committee gave a brief outline of the situation. Following
discussion, it was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed to co-opt Cllrs. Shirley
Pearce and Lilian Walker to the Staffing Advisory Committee.
Cllr. Ames offered his unpaid assistance as temporary Clerk to cover the Clerk’s
absences. (Cllr. Ames left the meeting after this due to another commitment).The
proposal was seconded. Following discussion voting took place and the proposal was
defeated (8 opposed).
Further discussions took place and it was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed
to appoint Michaela McGoun as a temporary Clerk. The rate of pay was unanimously
agreed. ACAS and NALC will be contacted to ensure the correct procedures are
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.20pm.
Signed: ……………………………………… Dated: …………………………….
These minutes are in draft format and unconfirmed until approved at the next Parish Council
meeting. The Clerk to the Parish Council can be contacted in the following ways:- e-mail
hoptonparishclerk@hotmail.com Tel: 01502 730768 or in person at the village hall,
Monday to Friday 9am to 1.30pm.
Website: http://hopton-on-sea-parish-council.norfolkparishes.gov.uk/