Habrough Parish Council TO ALL COUNCILLORS: YOU ARE SUMMONED TO THE ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING OF HABROUGH PARISH COUNCIL ON TUESDAY 19TH MAY 2015 AT THE VILLAGE HALL, HABROUGH at 7.30 PM KJ Peers Clerk to the Council – 12.05.15 Please inform the Clerk/Chairman if you are unable to attend The meeting will have a period of public consultation which shall not exceed 20 minutes in total. The public can speak on items contained on the Agenda below or on other issues of concern, although if these are not scheduled Agenda items the Council may have to carry the item and/or any action to the next meeting. NOTE THAT THE RECORDING OF MEETINGS IS ALLOWED BUT ONLY THROUGH PRIOR NOTIFICATION TO THE CHAIRMAN AND/OR THE CLERK BEFORE THE MEETING COMMENCES AND MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COUNCIL’S ADOPTED POLICY FOR SUCH AGENDA 15/12 Election of Chairman 15/13 Acceptance of Office Declarations for all new members 15/14 To receive and accept apologies for absence 15/15 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (Code of Conduct 2012) (a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. (b) To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. 15/16 Election of Vice-Chairman 15/17 Election of Committees To elect the following Committees, Committee Chairmen and adopt formal Terms of reference for each Committee: Personnel Committee Any other Committees 15/18 Election of Representatives onto Outside Bodies Town and Parish Liaison Committee ERNLLCA District Committee One Voice Habrough In Bloom Any other outside bodies 15/19 Review of governance/procedural documents for Council for year To review and agree any amendments/necessary actions on the following: Asset Register Insurance provision Publication of Information Statement Habrough Annual Parish Council Meeting May 2015 continued… Risk Management Strategy Training Criteria and ongoing development strategy Schedule of Delegation Bad debt recovery policy Governance Documents of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations 15/20 To approve minutes of the last meeting and planning meeting held in April 15 15/21 Police Report – to receive Police report and agree any action necessary 15/22 Highways Footpaths To receive proposed footpath diversion from N Lincs. Council and consider To receive Clerk’s report on any ongoing highways/footpaths matters 15/23 Planning Matters To consider planning applications received: DM/0362/15/FUL Land Rear of Mill Park, Killingholme Road Change of use of land for the isting of 4 residential caravan/mobile Home pitches for one gypsy/traveller family To receive any planning correspondence and agree any necessary action/comments 15/24 Future Dates Next Parish Council Meeting – Monday 8th June 2015 ERNLLCA Training Programme Mayor Making NELC – Thursday 21st May 2015 Office Closure – 24th June to 3rd July inclusive 15/25 Reports To receive reports from: Any reports 15/26 Parish Matters a) To receive update on website for Habrough PC and agree any actions b) To receive draft copy of the Walks around Habrough booklet, receive quotation for printing and agree action 15/27 Information Update Information received from NELC/ERNLLCA etc. for circulation To receive update from Ward Councillors (if present) 15/28 Finance a) To approve accounts for payment for May 2015 b) To consider grant aid for fy 15-16 and agree action c) To receive report from internal auditor for fy 14/15 And agree any action d) To receive annual return for fy 14-15, complete governance section, and agree figures for accounting statement and authorise signing and sending to external auditor kjn/11.05.15