Parent Handbook - Susanna Wesley School

Welcome to Susanna Wesley School!
My name is Roberta Cenci and I am the Director. My staff and I
are so pleased you chose Susanna Wesley School for your child’s
first early childhood experience. As a parent you want the very
best for your child. Here at Susanna Wesley School our goal is to
provide your child with the very best early childhood education
experience and create a foundation of lifelong learning.
This parent handbook was designed to give you information
regarding the policies of our school. If you would like further
information or have any questions about the policies please don’t
hesitate to contact me or stop by my office.
Looking forward to an exciting year!
Roberta Cenci, SWS Director
Contact Information
Susanna Wesley School
338 Walnut Tree Hill Road
Huntington, CT 06484
(203) 925-1076
(203) 925-0563
Roberta Cenci, SWS Director
Joan Cataldo, Business Manager
Marybeth McGuire, SWS School Board Chairperson
Yianna Gergely
Sue Harrington
Erin Gasbarro
Trudy Iserson
Tara Saranich –Music & Movement
Alison daSilva
Chris Mallico
Brooke Mallozzi
Eva Anrico
Cheryl Mucherino
Assistant Teachers
Elisa Uhrynowski
Lori Severo
Angie Imbimbo
Abigail Eannotti
Marcie Conte
Tapati Saha
Caroline Klein
Kelly Roberto
Susanna Wesley School has been providing an enriching early childhood
experience for children for over forty years. The nursery school was first
organized in the parsonage of the Huntington United Methodist Church with
an enrollment of eight children. After the church was built on Walnut Tree
Hill Road, the nursery school was transferred to its present location and has
remained there until the present.
Today the school provides classes for three year olds, and four year olds,
pre- kindergarten, Kindergarten and K Club children. The enrollment is 200
children with a professional staff of 20.
With this rich history in the past, Susanna Wesley School continues to help
enrich the lives of children and their families.
Susanna Wesley: A History
The Methodist movement began in a most unpretentious place; a nursery. To
people living in 1708, it would have seemed awesome if they were told that in
an obscure rectory in Epworth, in the bleak east country of England, one of
the most important events happening in Europe at that time was simply a
mother teaching her children to pray.
John Wesley, the son of Susanna Wesley, was the fifteenth of nineteen
children, nine of whom died at a very young age. It was the enriching early
training the children received in the crowded nursery from their mother,
Susanna, which planted the seed of the whole Methodist movement of which
John Wesley was the founder.
A rare combination of executive ability, common sense, and love for children,
deep religious insight and unending devotion were traits that made Susanna
Wesley unique. In the 1700’s there were no schools for young children, so
Susanna took the responsibilities of educating her own children. She was
patient, but firm, and she imparted a love of learning to her students.
As soon as the children could speak, they were taught the Lord’s Prayer
which was completed each morning and evening. Other scriptures and
prayers were taught as the children grew older. Susanna took each child
aside once a week to talk privately about their spiritual life. Each child
mastered the alphabet at age 5.
From then on the children attended school in the home from 9-12 noon and
from 2-5 pm each week day.
Both her love for John and her religious dedication are found in the prayer
she wrote after John, age six, was rescued from a burning house.
“I do intend to be more particularly careful with the soul of this child, which
Thou hast so mercifully provided for than ever I had been that I may instill
into his mind, the principles of true religion and virtue.” Susanna Wesley’s
dedication and deep wisdom fostered John Wesley’s decision to become a
minister and to begin Methodism. It is appropriate that the school has taken
the name of such a dedicated mother.
Our Mission Statement
Our Mission is to provide a warm, safe, nurturing environment for every child
to successfully grow, learn and discover. Our school is opened to all children
regardless of race, color, nationality or religious background.
Our Vision
All children are of sacred worth. They are competent, resourceful,
curious, creative and powerful.
Learning is a group effort. Collaboration among children, parents,
community and staff is crucial to the growth of each child.
Classroom design is part of the learning process. Our physical
environment stimulates exploration, inquiry, self-learning, creativity
and collaboration.
A child’s experiences are the heart of learning. Discovery and
expression of this learning is found in the arts, music and movement,
investigation and play.
Developing confidence, a love of learning and providing different
learning styles honors the uniqueness of each child.
Interaction with the local community enhances the curriculum. This
interaction teaches values, health, safety, wellness, family, citizenship
and history.
Mastering the developmental goals of the Connecticut Preschool
Benchmarks prepares students for Kindergarten.
Anti Discrimination Policy: Susanna Wesley School admits students of
any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges,
programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at
the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and
ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies,
scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school administered
School Hours of Operation:
Susanna Wesley School (SWS) office is open Monday – Friday
from 8:30a.m. - 3:30p.m.
The program hours are:
A.M. 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m.
P.M. 12:30p.m.-3:30p.m.
PreK 9:00AM-1:00PM
Extended day 9:15a.m.-2:00p.m.
Please call the school by 10a.m. if your child will be absent.
Inclement Weather Closings
Susanna Wesley School will post announcements regarding school
cancellations, early dismissals and delays. Please tune-in to the following
stations and listen for closing announcements:
 look up “learning centers” search for Susanna Wesley
 News Channel 8 WTNH: Schools are listed at the bottom of the
screen. *Look for Susanna Wesley School
 Remind @mrscenci-sign up online to receive emails or text messages.
 Announcements regarding closing/delays will also be posted on the
SWS website @ under teacher blogs Mrs.
Cenci and our Susanna Wesley School Facebook page.
 AM Radio Station: 600 AM WICC
*Delayed opening time SWS opens at 10:00a.m.*Please note: there will
be no make-up days (sessions) due to inclement weather closings.
Registration Information
Two year olds- must be 2 years old before December 31, 2013. Diapers and
wipes are to be supplied by the parents.
Three year olds must be three by December 31st. All children should be
toilet trained before entering school.
Four year olds must be four by December 31st.
Pre-K is for children whose parents decide to give their child an extra year
of maturation. The children must be five years old by December 31st and
plan to enter Kindergarten the following fall.
Extended Day Programs are offered for 3’s and 4’s from 9:15a.m.-2:00p.m.
Children bring a *lunch to eat during this program.
*Please note we are an “Allergy Aware” school. (NO PRODUCTS THAT
We offer a nine week Summer Program during June and July. The program
has different themes each week. Our Summer Program hours are MondayFriday from 9:00AM-12:00PM.
Tuition Policy
1. Tuition is an annual school year fee. However, you may choose to pay
tuition in (a) one full payment (does not include administrative fees) or
(b) an installment plan of ten payments (which includes an
administrative fee).
2. A late fee of 10% of the remaining balance will be charged to your
account if any payment is received in the office after the 10th of the
month. If the 10th falls on a holiday or weekend, payment is to be
received on the working day before.
3. Payments must be made by check and may be made in person at the
SWS office or by mail.
4. When more than one child in the same family is enrolled in the same
school year, a discount of $250.00 or $25.00 per payment for every
child after the first may be deducted.
5. Any tuition payment that is more than (30) days past due will result in
your child being removed from the program until the payment is
brought up to date.
6. Tuition balances may be paid in full at any time.
8. Checks returned for insufficient funds will not be redeposited. The
amount in arrears, plus the returned check fee of $35.00 will be
charged to your account. After (2) returned checks, payments must
be made by money order or cashier’s check- personal or business
checks will no longer be accepted.
9. All days for which your child (ren) is enrolled are payable, whether or
not the child (ren) attends.
10. All monies received at SWS are declared as income. Individuals who
have pre-tax monies deducted from their pay may receive a receipt
pending the submission of the appropriate form from their employer,
which SWS will complete, sign and return.
 There will be no tuition refund for families paying tuition on
the installment plan if they plan to remove their child from a
class or school.
 No refunds will be given for a child withdrawn or dismissed due
to his/her not being fully toilet trained.
 There will be no refunds for school cancellations due to
inclement weather, acts of God, or weather-related problems.
 If SWS cancels a class, a refund will be made for a prorated
portion of the tuition.
 If SWS removes a child for behavioral or other non-toilet
training causes, no refund will be given.
 If families paying full tuition at the start of the contract
remove their child from SWS, they will receive a prorated
 In order to receive a refund please submit a request in writing
to the Director. Refunds will be made within 30 days after
receiving written request. Requests, in exception to the above
policies, may be considered by the SWS Board, and only if
request is made in writing to the board c/o the Director.
 No transfer of monies from one child to another or from one
year to the next.
 A change in your child’s class session will require
recalculation of the tuition balance and subsequent
Arrival and Pick-up Procedures
 All parents/guardians must bring their child into the school,
then into their child’s assigned classroom.
 Teachers will take attendance on a daily basis.
 Parents are required to sign their child in and out daily. If the child is
picked up from school earlier than dismissal time parent must sign out
in the office.
 All parents/guardians must pick-up their child at their child’s
classroom. Once the parent picks up their child from their classroom
the parent/guardian is responsible for their child’s care and safety.
 No child will be released to a person known or unknown without
written permission from parent/guardian. A photo identification card
maybe required to determine person picking up child.
Two adults will remain with the child until someone arrives to pick up
the child.
We will attempt to call a parent or guardian after 15 minutes.
We will attempt to call a parent or guardian through any of the
persons listed on the emergency information card after 30 minutes.
If we are unable to reach you or any of your emergency contacts, the
local police will be called after one hour.
At least two staff people will remain with the child until someone
arrives to pick up the child.
Under no circumstances will staff members take the child home with
them or drive them anywhere else without parental authorization.
The child will be taken to the office while the staff person makes the
necessary calls, and be supervised by the second staff person.
Please make every effort to be on time when picking up your child.
It is very upsetting for the child to be the last one left at school,
and puts our classrooms out of compliance if too many children are
left waiting while other programs have begun. Parents who are late
will be charged a LATE PICK-UP FEE of a minimum of $20 for each 10
minutes they are late. This fee must be paid to the SWS office
upon picking up your child.
The following list of suggestions, considerations and reminders has been
developed to assist parents in making school a positive experience for you
and your child. They reflect our collective knowledge of child development,
years of experience in caring for and educating young children as well as our
involvement with their families.
1. Give your child an opportunity to visit.
Before your child starts school talk to him/her positively about school
explaining all the benefits of attending school. Prepare your child that
you will be leaving but reassure him/her that you will return at a specific
3. If at all possible, we suggest that you make your child’s first day 1 to 5
days before you must start work or have a scheduled appointment. This
will help both parents and children to be more relaxed and less rushed
on their first days of school.
4. In most cases, children do well with just a few tears in the beginning.
However, if your child has a difficult time making the adjustment, we
will be happy to meet with you to devise a plan that will help your child
feel secure and safe in their new environment.
Separation is not a developmental milestone, accomplished then passed; it is
a fact of life. The goal is for children to learn to separate independently and
develop the capacity to cope with their feelings. It is often stressful, even
for adults. In order to help children cope with separation some simple rules
Establish a routine with your child. Children like to know what to expect
and that you mean what you say. NEVER SNEAK OUT: that erodes trust and
will lead to problems. Determine how long you have to stay, give your child a
warning about a minute or so before you must leave and offer a choice of
activities that have an obvious end. (e.g. “When you’re done with the story it
will be time for me to go”) When it’s time to go, say good-bye and leave.
Dragging it out only prolongs the agony and confuses children. Our staff is
experienced in assisting children to cope with separations and helping them
get involved with activities and play.
Avoid long discussions with teachers during separations and reunions:
Children get the message that you and the teacher are not available to them
and will usually find ways to get attention, often in a negative way.
Additionally, conversations about children in front of them or other children
should be avoided. Conference time can be set with teachers and/or
Director if you would like to discuss your child.
Parents are responsible for their children once they arrive. When
parents arrive at the school, the boundaries are very often a little shakier
as children test out who’s really in charge. Many children can have difficulty
staying in control after a long day and when parents “hang out” too long,
problems occur. Keep rules consistent with the rules of the school. I.e.
Opening and closing doors are the teacher’s job and keep children safe.
Avoid socializing with other parents within the room as this is disruptive
for the children and makes it difficult for the staff to keep the room safe
and activities going.
Avoid using food or toys as a transitional object. Children need to learn
to rely on their own capabilities.
Please limit separations each day: Try to schedule appointments for your
child only mornings or late afternoon rather than bringing them in, coming
back to pick them up and returning again later in the day. It is stressful for
children and often disruptive to everyone.
Susanna Wesley School provides a healthy snack consisting of two of
each of four components: 1. Milk or milk substitute, 2. Lean meat, cheese,
THAT MAY BE PROCESSED WITH NUTS), seeds, or yogurt, 3. Whole
grain or enriched bread or cereal, 4. Full strength juice, fruit or vegetable;
during the morning and afternoon nursery school program. Snack menus are
posted a minimum of two weeks in advance on each classroom door bulletin
board. Children who stay for Lunch must bring their own lunches. It is our
policy to allow children to choose from any food that has been provided for
them. Parents are requested to provide a healthy lunch consisting of
the above four components listed, pack an ice pack to keep the food
fresh, labeled with the child’s name and date, and to refrain from
including candy. Refrigerator space is available for perishable food.
Thermometers monitor refrigerator and freezer temperature. No food is to
be heated hotter than 110 degrees F.
THREATENING ALLERGIES, all food brought in by parents for special
snacks must be fresh or whole fruits or vegetables, or commercially
prepared packaged goods in factory sealed containers with clear labeling
indicating all ingredients. For the same reason no Goody bags will be
allowed to be exchanged at school for birthdays/holiday celebrations.
The Susanna Wesley School cannot dispense any medication to a child
unless the child has severe or life-threatening allergies. In these cases,
SWS will administer only certain oral, topical, epipen or inhalant
medications, necessary for a child’s safety. The unopened medication, in it’s
original container with script/child’s name on it, and an Administration of
Medication Form filled out, signed by a licensed physician and parent, must
be current and on site for the child to be on premises.
However, if a child is ill and requires temporary medication, the parents
must keep their child at home.
Toileting Policy
All children should be toilet trained before they enter school.
Parent/Guardian Volunteers
Parents are welcome on the premises at any time during the day or week.
Please arrange to visit your child’s classroom to play or read with children.
We love to have “Guests” come to our classrooms to share a special talent or
skill, or your profession. Share your heritage, your woodworking skill, your
music, or your friendly presence and help us solve some puzzles, or build with
It is important that you speak to your child’s teacher before you plan an
activity or visit to your child’s classroom. Parents are also asked to
transport and accompany the class on field trips. The only request is that
you do not bring siblings with you for liability reasons.
Susanna Wesley School has an active and supportive Parent/Teacher
Organization. The activities are based on the children’s and staff needs.
The events change from year to year. Please see the PTO Bulletin Board
located outside the SWS office for more information.
Susanna Wesley School will occasionally adopt a pet for the
enjoyment and education of the children in the program. It is our policy
to ensure that the pet is healthy. The pet will be kept in an environment
cleaned weekly by a staff member. Any litter will be placed directly into
exterior garbage. A staff-supervised child will give pets fresh food and
water daily. Anyone who handles the pet will be required to wash his or
her hands before and after handling. All pets will be housed with a
responsible parent or a staff member on weekends and holidays. All
persons caring for animals will receive training and supplies, in order to
assure the continued well-being of our pet.
Dogs and other personal pets are not allowed on the
premises. Please keep your pets secured away from the playground
and classrooms, unless specifically invited inside. We cannot be
responsible for animals brought onto our premises by parents or
others, and we must maintain the safety of all children, staff,
caregivers and parents.
We will be playing hard and children should be dressed
for close encounters with paint, paste, sand, dirt, flour, water and clay.
Please do not wear your best clothes because we cannot guarantee their
unstained return.
The children will also be participating in gym or outdoor play so please have
them wear sneakers or rubber soled shoes each day. (no sandals or flip
We will also come in contact with water, in play and while washing up,
so a spare set of clothes, including underwear, socks, seasonal pants and
shirt, clearly labeled, should be brought to school at the beginning of the
year, replaced when necessary, in case a change is necessary.
Please be sure to label all your child's clothes clearly.
We will go outside every day, at the discretion of the Director,
provided the temperature is 20 degrees F or warmer, so please dress for
the weather.
On cold days children need warm clothes including hats, mittens, snow
pants and boots.
Susanna Wesley School is a non-denominational preschool; however, it
is owned and operated by the Huntington United Methodist Church. While
we do not instruct children in the Methodist Doctrine, the church will send
flyers and invitations to school families about special events that will be
going on at the church. There is no obligation to attend these events.
At Susanna Wesley School, we celebrate the traditions of the
children in the classroom. Parents are encouraged to share their family’s
religious traditions. Parents are encouraged to bring the religious or
traditional symbols of their own faith perspective to school and to share
their culture and faith traditions with the class.
We hope that this policy helps to give honor and support to the
diversity of each family and their values. In this, as in our entire
curriculum, we strive to develop a child's independence and self-esteem.
It is our policy to not interfere with the custody relationships of a child’s
parents. Therefore, we assume that both parents and or guardians have
equal rights to pick up or drop off, visit or request documents on a child.
Should this not be the case, it is the parents or guardians responsibility to
provide court documents or legally binding agreements outlining the rights
and responsibilities of each parent or guardian. We will follow the most
recent dated court document without prejudice to either parent or guardian.
We expect parents, guardians, and staff to keep children out of the legal
entanglement or other custodial issues and resolve these in another forum.
Failure to adhere to this policy may result in termination of enrollment.
Staff shall not use abusive, neglectful, corporal, humiliating or
frightening punishment under any circumstances. No child shall be physically
restrained unless it is necessary to protect the safety and health of the
child or others.
Our method of discipline is preventive, rather than reactive: we will
develop disciplined behavior by building the child’s self-esteem,
independence and respect for others and property. Acceptable behavior is
encouraged through positive verbal feedback. The teachers and aides will be
models of the behavior we would like to instill in the children.
We will look for opportunities to show the child a new picture of him
or herself, making the child his own model for the behavior we want through
specific praise and suggestion. We will help to guide children’s interactions
by helping them to resolve interpersonal problems rather than imposing adult
intervention on them.
We will phrase things positively. We will say what we may DO, how we
can BE, rather than making an endless list of DON'TS.
We will relate warmly to the children, expressing our approval or
disapproval at their eye level, calmly, kindly and with an appreciation for the
feelings of the child.
Inappropriate behavior will be redirected toward a more appropriate
activity: an aggressive game will be redirected into a game of soccer, so
children will kick a ball and not each other. By asking a child to stop and
think about their behavior, we help him or her to develop self-control.
We will show children how and when to use all of their negative play or
feelings positively: Loud voices are good for singing or playing outdoors, but
not during story time ... running is safe on the playground, not in the
When children are in conflict, we will support their conflict resolution
skills by guiding their interactions, and providing them scripts that they can
use to resolve their interpersonal problems independently.
The environment will be arranged so that children may choose from
a variety of appropriate activities.
Children who are out of control will be given a safe base to calm down
within the center, in the company of a staff member. Extremely violent
behavior, biting or extremely rebellious or insubordinate behavior will be
dealt with by temporary removal from activities for a period of time not
to exceed the number of minutes as the child is old (i.e., 3 minutes for a
three-year-old). Generally, the child will decide when he or she is ready
to return to the group with appropriate behavior. If necessary, staff may
call the parent. All problems will be dealt with on an individual basis with
the mutual cooperation of staff, parent and child.
If the behavior continues to persist and an agreeable solution cannot be
reached within the program, the staff may call upon program consultants
to help create a plan for the child. As a last resort only, Susanna
Wesley School reserves the right to ask that the child be withdrawn
from the program.
our school recognizes that biting is, unfortunately, not
unexpected when young children are in group care. We are always upset
when children are bitten in our program, and we recognize how upsetting
it is for parents. While we feel that biting is never the right thing to do,
we know that children bite for a variety of reasons. Most of these
reasons are not related to behavior problems. Our program does not
focus on punishment for biting, but rather on effective techniques that
address the specific reason for the biting. When biting occurs, we have
three main responses:
1. Care for and help the child who was bitten.
2. Help the child who bit learn other ways of dealing with their
frustration and feelings.
3. Observe the child who bit and document a possible pattern or reason
for his or her biting.
In circumstances of chronic biting it may be necessary for the parent to
pick up the child and/or agree to a management plan until the child passes
through this stage.
Our teachers express strong disapproval of biting. They work to keep
children safe and to help the child who bit learn different more
appropriate behavior. When there are episodes of ongoing biting, we
develop a plan of specific strategies and techniques to address it and it is
shared with the parents. We do not and will not use any response that
harms a child or is known to be ineffective.
Children participate in a variety of activities and at times may incur an
injury. A written accident report will be made out for
the parent to read and sign. If medical attention is required it is
expected that the parent use their medical insurance to cover
the cost of medical expenses. This is also the case of damage done to
personal property, such as eye glasses.
State law mandates Susanna Wesley School to report any evidence or
suspicion that a child or children are being or have been abused or
neglected. We are required to report directly to the Department of
Children and Families. We accept our charter as a “mandatory reporter”
without equivocation.
It is the policy of this school that at all times children will be treated with
love and respect. Our school maintains a zero tolerance for abuse and
neglect. Every effort will be made to assure the safety of the children and
guard them against abuse or neglect. Professional and properly trained staff
that understands that abusive, neglectful, humiliating, frightening or
corporal punishment will not be tolerated will supervise children. The
children shall receive appropriate positive guidance, redirection and limit
setting from the staff at all times. The school shall be operated in
accordance with the terms of its license and the regulations as issued by the
State of Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH). The Department
of Children and Families (DCF) in keeping with the State of Connecticut
Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Laws, names employees of child care
facilities mandated reporters of suspected cases of abuse and neglect. It is
the policy of this school that employees must report suspected cases of
child abuse and neglect to DCF. In addition it is the policy of this school that
all employees will report suspected cases of abuse or neglect to a school
administrator. All staff shall be free from discrimination or retaliation for
making required reports of abuse or neglect should it ever occur at the
TRAINING: Staff will receive training each year on abuse and neglect
policies, procedures and the safe guarding of children.
Anyone responsible for picking up your child should be noted on the
optional pick-up information form in your registration packet. The office
should be notified IN WRITING of any changes of authorized persons for
you may be asked to show identification to your child’s teacher until we are
all familiar with you as the child’s parent. For your child’s protection we will
not allow them to leave with any person not previously authorized in writing
by the parents or if the assigned person does not have proper identification.
Conferences are scheduled as necessary throughout the year, but by no
means should you feel that these are the only times when you may request a
conference. Conferences can be scheduled through the office. We want to
exchange thoughts and information on your child whenever necessary.
Parents and guardians are asked to
Notify the school when a child is absent due to illness.
Not to send a child to school who has a cold, any communicable disease,
or if any of the following circumstances are present:
Fever over 101 degrees orally or 100 degrees auxiliary;
Mouth sores with drooling;
If awaiting the results of a throat culture;
Severe abdominal pain or discomfort continuing more than 2 hours
and/or associated with fever or other signs/symptoms;
Blood in stools
Acute diarrhea (twice the usual frequency of bowel movements to a
looser consistency within a period of 24 hours);
Sore throat or severe coughing;
Yellow eyes or jaundiced skin; red eyes with discharge until treatment
Infected, untreated skin patches;
Difficult or rapid breathing or wheezing;
Skin rashes accompanied by fever or behavior change;
Vomiting illness: 2 or more episodes in previous 24 hours until
vomiting resolves.
The exclusion period for patients with communicable disease
is stated in the table below.
Communicable disease must be reported to the
Department of Health at 854-7776 by the child’s physician or parent.
Susanna Wesley School will report to all parents the following
Communicable diseases, while maintaining the privacy of the child,
by posting a notice in each class:
Chicken Pox
Six days from onset or until all sores have dried and
Until two negative cultures have been obtained by a
German Measles (Rubella) Six days from onset
On certification by a physician that patient is under
adequate treatment (24 hours after initial treatment)
On certification by a physician that patient is under
adequate treatment
Ringworm of Scalp
On certification by a physician that patient is under
adequate treatment
Hepatitis A Virus
As directed by Health Department after appropriate
treatment has been initiated to children and staff; or
physician certification that a child is cured.
Ivy or Shrub Poisoning Not excluded
Four days after rash appears
Until certified by physician as cured
Until glands are normal or 9 days after onset
Pediculosis (Head Lice) Until all signs of nits are gone or after first
On certification by a physician that patient is under
adequate treatment or 24 hours after first treatment
Ten days
Until diagnosed by physician plus certification that
patient is under adequate treatment
Until diagnosed by physician plus certification that
patient is under adequate treatment
Scarlet Fever
On certification by a physician that patient has
completed treatment
Streptococcal Sore Throat
On certification by a physician that patient is
under adequate treatment and until 24 hours after
intitial antibiotic treatment and cessation of fever
Tuberculosis (Active) Upon physician certification that patient is cured.
Unspecified Respiratory
Until diagnosis & certification of health care provider
Whooping Cough
Until 5 days of appropriate antibiotics are completed
Susanna Wesley School will use discretion to excuse any child who appears to
be ill.
If your child will not be attending school due to illness or any other
reason, a telephone call is requested.
In the event that your child becomes ill at school, you will be called at home
or work to pick them up. Children should be picked up within a reasonable
amount of time. If travel or other difficulties keep you from picking up your
child within (1) hour of our phone call, it is the parent’s responsibility to call
their contact from their emergency list and inform the school. If we are
unable to reach either parent, the school will then call your emergency
contacts to pick up your child.
Our Curriculum
We do not follow exactly any one curriculum, but rather an evolving
mix of what we feel is the best of many. It is designed to meet the needs of
the Connecticut State Board of Education Preschool Benchmarks to prepare
children for kindergarten. We use the ideas of the Reggio Emilia philosophy,
the Creative Curriculum and the Emergent Curriculum. We incorporate the
theories of psychologist and educational theorist Howard Gardner and his
ideas of teaching to the “Multiple Intelligences” of each child. We try to
use art, nature, music, movement, math, language, logic, inter- and intrapersonal relations in our approach with children.
Teaching young children is a creative process that addresses all
aspects of a child’s development: social-emotional, cognitive, creative and
physical. We arrange the rooms to promote interest centers, and equip each
center thematically so that children explore materials that promote the
development of large and small motor, imaginative and cognitive skills. The
learning environment acts as a “third teacher” and aids in assessing
children’s abilities. From the Reggio Emilia approach we take the idea that
cognitive growth cannot be separated from the growth of social and
personal processes. The school is an active community, connected to the
social world of which it is a part, rather than an isolated place for “learning
lessons.” We take trips out into our community: to the post office and local
farm. Our fire chief and local community police officer and dental hygienist
come to school to visit us.
From the Creative Curriculum we take the stages of development: to
trust others outside the family, to gain independence and self-control and
to take initiative and assert themselves in socially acceptable ways. We
enhance and foster this development by following a consistent schedule,
making contact with each child during the day, giving them developmentally
appropriate materials to play with, praising their efforts and allowing them
to explore the environment freely. We also encourage make-believe play,
help them channel their frustrations and encourage them to see tasks
through to completion.
We use the Emergent Curriculum to develop our themes around the
interests of the children. We also allow the curriculum to emerge from the
children’s experiences. If a child had just been to Florida and seen sea
turtles, we will turn the classroom into a study of turtles for the day.
Perhaps a child is fascinated with Peter Pan. We’ll read the story together
and put on a play with props that we made.
Our goal is for your child to develop a frame of reference of ideas,
knowledge, problem-solving, motor and social skills that will prepare him/her
for a lifetime of learning.
This procedure is for child day care programs, which are licensed
under the authority of Connecticut General Statutes 19a-79-1 through 19a79-8, inclusive.
Most problems within a day care center are non-life threatening and
can be resolved by:
1. Discussing the problem with the classroom teacher.
2. Discussing the problem with the Director.
3. Discussing the problem with the Susanna Wesley School Board.
4. If the problem is not resolved, you may contact the Department of Health
Services - Day Care Licensing Unit.
In cases of emergency, notify the Department of Health Services as soon
as the emergency is under control.
In cases of abuse/neglect or life threatening situation, contact the Department
of Children and Youth Services at 1-800-842-2288 and the Department of
Health Services - Day Care Licensing Unit.
Mailing Address:
Telephone Numbers:
State of Connecticut
1-800-282-6063 (Toll free)
Department of Public Health
1-800-439-0437 (Toll free)
410 Capitol Avenue MS#12DAC
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
All school doors are locked until 10 minutes before school begins (9:05)
and 10 minutes before each session ends (11:35, 1:50 & 2:50). If you
need to enter the building at another time please press the buzzer and a
staff member will open the door.
The playground is fully fenced in with locked gates. The play equipment
is routinely checked for safety.
Photographs of the children participating in our program may be taken from
time to time and may appear in newspapers, magazines, brochures, website
or other publicity materials. Written notice is required if you do not wish to
have your child’s picture included in any of the displays mentioned above.
Under 3 endorsement regulations from Dept of Public Health:
The operator of a program caring for children under three (3) years of age
shall comply with [sections]
section 19a-79-1a [through] to section [19a-79-8a] 19a-79-10, inclusive, and
section 19a-79-13 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.
(b) A program caring for children under three (3) years of age is required to
have a separate endorsement by the [Department] department.
(c) Infants and toddlers
(1) Age. Children from six (6) weeks to thirty six (36) months of age shall be
considered infants and
(2) Ratio. There shall be at least one (1) [person] program staff qualified
under section 19a-79-4a(d)
of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies for every four (4) children
or fraction thereof in attendance.
(3) Group size. The group size shall not exceed eight (8) children.
(4) There shall be a physical barrier separating each group of eight (8)
children, indoors and outdoors.