Course Number and Title

Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
College of [enter College]
Department of [enter department]
Course Number and Title
Online Course Syllabus, [enter term]
[For this section, and those that follow, check departmental or program guidelines for what to include. This
welcome section usually is not required, but added here in case you might want to add a personal welcome
for your students. If not, simply delete it. And, you may do the same with any of the other sections and
topics in order to fit departmental or program guidelines. To use this template, we recommend that you
save this file with its built-in styles, resave it with your course name, use copy and paste if you want to
rearrange sections and topics, and then place your course content within the resaved file. You may also
add sections. This template also is filled with resource links to assist you in building the content. As you will
see, the main styles are “Section,” “Topic,” “Topic Paragraph,” “List Paragraph,” “Weekly Heading,” “APA
Reference,” and “Normal.”]
Course Description
[Enter course description from Undergraduate Bulletin or Graduate Bulletin.]
Pre- or Co-requisite:
[List pre or co-requisites - if none, enter “None” or remove this topic from your syllabus.]
Course Credits:
[Enter credits for Lecture, Lab, and Clinical, as applicable to your course; omit what does not apply.]
Dates, Times, and Locations:
[Advise students to check the Academic Calendar for important dates.]
[List start and end of semester for the course, day that starts and day that ends each week of study in
the course; explain if part of the work will be done outside of the Blackboard Learn course site; edit this
topic to fit what you actually do, whether students have a lab or clinical, etc.]
Clinical [OR LAB] Description: [DELETE this if it does not apply; otherwise, enter description; with
schedule and location information.]
Blackboard Learn: [Enter description for how to access Blackboard Learn and the schedule for
participation in re-occurring weekly events. Advise students that if they are unfamiliar with how to use
Blackboard Learn, to go to Online Learning for tutorials, how to set up their computer, and links to
technical help.
Online Instructor Information
[For this topic, enter name and credentials. If available, add link to professional web site or link to profile
at Department web site.]
Online Office:
[If you use an Online Office at the Blackboard Learn course site, enter brief description of its use; omit
this topic if not using an Online Office]
Campus Office:
[For this topic, you have the option to enter the campus office with full name of the building and hours;
add how to make appointments; possibly add Department office information.]
Email (Messages):
[Enter electronic mail preferences. At the Blackboard Learn site for this course you may use Email or
Messages by adding the tool of your choice to the course menu. Set title for this topic accordingly.]
Phone Contacts:
[If you use this topic, enter office phone number. Enter department office contact if appropriate to do so.
Omit this topic if you do not want phone contacts.]
Learning Support
[Enter names and roles of others supporting the course. For example, the subject-area Librarian for your
course may add a link to the course site for scheduling appointments directly with the librarian or you might
have a Teaching Assistant who can be contacted through the Online Office.]
Required Materials
[Students can see required materials for an online course at the Online Learning site > Online Courses
> Term and Subject > IPFW Internet Classes > All Classes > View Class Schedule. Clicking the course
title shows the required materials that are listed for the course; clicking the CRN link gives more course
information. In this topic area, enter book titles in appropriate citation style, adding ISBNs. If using
electronic textbooks (eBooks), describe how to access them. Add information on what other materials,
if any, will be at the Blackboard Learn site for this course.]
Highly Recommended:
[Provide the same kind of information as for the required materials.]
Additional, Materials, Equipment or Skills:
[List lab or safety equipment, art supplies, calculators, computers, drafting materials, MS Word, Excel,
or other items or particular skills needed for the course.]
Accessing Media:
[If using media on Blackboard Learn, describe how to access this media. If using YouTube videos,
explain how to turn closed captioning (CC) on and off. You may need to consult with IT Services or
Online Learning for how to provide this information.]
Course Purpose and Goals
[For this section, explain what the course is about and why students would want to learn the material. Give
course goals and how the course fits in the college or department curriculum.]
Learning Outcomes:
[For this topic, make the title “Learning Objectives” if this is the preferred language. State what
particular knowledge, skills, and abilities the students will be expected to learn. For undergraduate
courses, explain relationship to outcomes in the Baccalaureate Framework; for a Gen Ed course,
explain how course outcomes meet General Education Requirements; add how they relate to any
professional accreditation standards that apply. Change “Outcome” in the list below to “Objective” if
that is the preferred term; it is fine to have fewer or more in the list; check with CELT if you want
guidance on this section.]
These are the expected learning outcomes for the successful student.
Course Outcome 1. [enter outcome or objective].
Course Outcome 2. [enter outcome or objective].
Course Outcome 3. [enter outcome or objective].
Course Outcome 4. [enter outcome or objective].
Course Outcome 5. [enter outcome or objective].
Course Outcome 6. [enter outcome or objective].
Course Outcome 7. [enter outcome or objective].
[For this topic, list and state nature and format of assignments. Give quiz, examination, and assignment
dates. Explain frequency and expectations for discussions or group work. If the emphasis is critical
thinking, case analysis, or problem-based learning, for example, your description can explain what you
mean. Remind students that all course Assignments must be submitted through the Blackboard Learn
course site according to the directions posted for each assignment.]
Methods of Instruction
[Describe methods of instruction.]
[For this section, describe grades and grading (such as grading scale, percents, points, types of rubrics for
major assignments – provide actual rubrics separately.) Explain: if any grades will be dropped; if and how
participation counts. Refer to IPFW grading scale information at Academic Regulations Grades; some
departments use pluses and minuses; refer to grading scale used in your department or program. Explain
any rounding procedures. For any list, use a web-accessible format as illustrated in the style below; use
the grading scale that fits for your course; omit points if you do not use them.]
A = 90 to 100% (450 to 500 points).
B = 80 to 89% (400 to 449 points).
C = 70 to 79% (350 – 399 points).
D = 65 to 69% (325 – 349 points).
F = Below 65% (less than 325 points).
Licensure Requirement:
[Describe any licensure or certification requirement. Omit this topic if not applicable to your course.]
Course Policies
[For this section, state policies on class attendance, late work, missing homework, tests or exams,
make-ups, requesting extensions, reporting illnesses, academic honesty, cheating and plagiarism, such as
shown in the following examples. Several topics are listed — change them as appropriate for your
particular course.]
Attendance and Timely Submissions:
[Describe the meaning of attendance in an online course and the requirement to complete ALL online
activities. Explain policies for late work, missed deadlines and tests, make-up opportunities, delayed
grades, and other related issues.]
Expectations for Submitting Required Work:
[Describe expectations for submitting required work; explain types of instructions that will be posted
online for assignments and what will be important in how to name, save, and submit files with the
Assignment tool before their due dates.]
Academic Honesty:
[Explain expectations for academic honesty and particularly what this means in your course. Give
students resources for more guidance. Add any honor code statement specific to this course. Consult
with CELT for additional guidance in addressing this topic.]
Special Needs:
[Although you may wish to address other special needs, one that is important to include is the
statement regarding students who require accommodation due to disabilities. You also may add a
personal statement about this issue.]
IPFW is committed to providing reasonable accommodation and access to programs and services to
persons with disabilities.
[Include the following disabilities statement.]
If you have a disability and need assistance, special arrangements can be made to accommodate most
needs. Contact the Director of Services for Students with Disabilities (Walb Union, Room 113,
telephone number 481-6658) as soon as possible to work out the details. Once the Director has
provided you with a letter attesting to your needs for modification, bring the letter to me. For more
information, please visit the web site for Services for Students with Disabilities.
[Add link to Student Handbook: Services for Students with Disabilities.]
Civility and Ground Rules for Discussion:
[Explain expectations for online discussions; explain netiquette. Draw attention to the following
expectations in the student handbook.]
The IPFW Student handbook provides particular guidelines for classroom discussions, use of
computer resources, and classroom management when problems arise.
Responsibilities as Students, several rights and responsibilities are explained, among them the role of
discussions, whether in a physical classroom or in the electronic classroom of an online course:
In the classroom, students have the freedom to raise relevant issues pertaining to classroom
discussion, to offer reasonable doubts about data presented, and to express alternate opinions to
those being discussed. However, in exercising this freedom, students shall not interfere with the
academic process of the class.
[Add a statement about Ethical Guidelines for Computer Users, such as follows.]
University computer resources are designed to be used in connection with legitimate, university-related
purposes. The use of university computing resources to disseminate obscene, pornographic, or
libelous materials; to threaten or harass others; or otherwise to engage in activities forbidden by the
Code is subject to disciplinary action as specified in the Code.
[Add a statement about consequences.]
Diversity and Nondiscrimination:
[Add statement below from the IPFW Student Handbook.]
IPFW is committed to maintaining a community that recognizes and values the inherent worth and
dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect among its
members; and encourages each individual to strive to reach his or her own potential. In pursuit of its
goal of academic excellence, the university seeks to develop and nurture diversity. The university
believes that diversity among its many members strengthens the institution, stimulates creativity,
promotes the exchange of ideas, and enriches campus life. IPFW prohibits discrimination against any
member of the university community on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or
ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, disability, or status as a disabled or
Vietnam-era veteran. (IPFW Student Handbook)
Blackboard Learn Support
[Explain to students how to access the course site and give them support resources such as the following.]
Blackboard and Computer Training:
Welcome to Blackboard Help for Students!; (Web Training Link);
Help and Troubleshooting:
Information Technology Services;
ITServices Help Desk (Web Site);
Email IT Services Help Desk.
IPFW Services for Students
[Inform students of campus-wide services. If you make the list available in the Blackboard Learn site, you
may prefer to simply explain to students to look for these support services at the course site. Follow the
requirements expected in your department or program.]
Services for Students with Disabilities, (SSD) Walb Student Union, Room 113, 260-481-6658, support
in accommodating needs related to disabilities.
Center for Academic Support & Advancement (CASA), Kettler Hall G23, 481-6817, study skills
development, tutoring, supplemental instruction, English as a Second Language (ESL).
The Writing Center (CASA), Learning Commons on the 2nd floor of Helmke Library, 481-5740, peer
tutors who can help with all phases of the writing process.
Career Services, Kettler Hall 109, 481-0689, assistance with on and off-campus job placement and
Information Technology Services Help Desk, Kettler Hall 206, 481-6030, information on all aspects of
computing at IPFW; hardware and software support (including Blackboard Vista 4); student e-mail
Studio M, Walb Union 220, 481-0114, Curriculum-based multimedia lab for students that offers
assistance customized to student needs and course requirements.
Center for Women and Returning Adults, Walb Union 120, 481-6029, workshops, support groups,
counseling, and other programs.
Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, Walb Union 118, 481-6921, skills workshops, support
groups, diversity training, counseling, mentoring, cultural heritage programs; ASAP program.
Office of International Education, Kettler Hall 104, 481-6034 or 481-6923, visa and INS issues; help
with housing, counseling.
Mastodon Advising Center (MAC), Kettler Hall 109, 481-6595, appointments with professional
academic advisors; help with guiding students in deciding on their major and ultimately their career;
help for exploring students, deciding students, and readmitted students; and various student
Office of the Dean of Students, Walb Union 111, 260-481-6601, student health insurance, mentoring,
grade appeals; free short-term counseling and support.
TRiO Student Support Services, Neff, Room B50, 260-481-0220, assistance in searching scholarships
and other financial support through regular meetings with a TRiO Student Support Services advisor.
Office of the Registrar, Kettler Hall, Room 107, 260-481-685, staff contacts, information on services
such as transcripts, voter registration, military students and veterans, Family Education Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA), financial issues, graduation rates, and other student information.
Helmke Library Main Page, links to library hours and services, research tools, and databases.
Helmke Library Service Desk, 481-6505, reference librarian help, books, journals, reference,
interlibrary loan reserve readings for courses. Other important library services for students:
Helmke Library Guides, to search for guides in different course areas.
Find Your Librarian, to find a librarian specialist for the subject you are studying and get the help you
Ask a Librarian, to ask a librarian in person, by email, instant messenger chat, or phone.
Course Schedule
[Add course schedule. To be web-accessible, use a narrative format such as the following example;
change titles to fit your course. If using a table instead, code every cell with a separate Style name.]
Week 1: [Insert beginning and ending dates.] Topic: [Insert topic.]
List required reading or other preparation to do during the week.
List activities and assignments for the week– add DUE dates.
Week 2: [Insert beginning and ending dates.] Topic: [Insert topic.]
List required reading or other preparation to do during the week.
List activities and assignments for the week– add DUE dates.
Tips for Success
[Share strategies for students to be successful in this course.]
Student Expectations of the Instructor
[Let students know what they can expect of you.]
Course Communication
[If not already addressed earlier in the syllabus, add information on use of Blackboard Learn Email or
Messages tool, phone communication, or other methods such as Skype.]
Students Called for Military Duty
[Add the following statement.]
If you are a student in the military with the potential of being called to military service and/or training
during the course of the semester, you are encouraged to contact your advisor immediately.
Syllabus Updates
This syllabus, with its course schedule, is based on the most recent information about the course content
and schedule planned for this course. Its content is subject to revision as needed to adapt to new
knowledge or unanticipated events. Updates will remain focused on achieving the course objectives and
students will receive notification of such changes. Students will be notified of changes and are responsible
for attending to such changes or modifications posted on the Blackboard Learn site for this course.