Lesson 1.02

Lesson 1.02
Chemistry and You
• Do you think of chemistry when you turn
on your computer, cook dinner or play
• You should!
• Chemistry can help you understand a lot
about the world around you.
What is Science?
Science is a body of knowledge and the
process of gaining that knowledge
 Science is the effort to increase understanding of
the world around us and how things work
 Scientists use the knowledge acquired before them
as they attempt to acquire new knowledge
Different Fields of Study
• Every field of study or different type of
science focuses on a different topic
• All fields of science use the same process of
gaining and evaluating knowledge
TIP: The suffix –ology means “the study of”
A few examples
• Biology- study of living organisms
• Astronomy- study of stars and space
• Geology- study of Earth
• Chemistry- study of matter and all of its
What science isn’t
• Not all bodies of knowledge can be
considered science.
• This doesn’t mean they are not important
or valid sources of information, they are
just not classified as science
• Art, religion and philosophy cannot be
considered science because they cannot
be tested using scientific methods
Fake Science?
• Yes! There is such a thing as FAKE SCIENCE
• Pseudoscience is a practice or belief that
claims to be science, but it does not follow
the scientific method or is not proven
reliable through experimentation.
• The prefix pseudo- [pronounced: soo-doh]
means false or acts like something but not
the real thing
• Astrology- Belief that the position of the
stars can tell you about the future, a
person’s behavior or personality
• Phrenology- was considered a science in
the 1700’s. Belief that peoples
personalities could be described by the
bumps on their heads (REALLY!)
• Superstition- Belief that things or rituals
bring good (or bad) luck
What is Chemistry?
• Chemistry is a science that has changed
over time as new discoveries and
experiments occur.
• The discoveries are tested over and over to
be sure the information is reliable
• Chemistry is the study of the composition
(make-up) and structure of materials
(matter) and the changes they undergo.
Where is Chemistry?
• Chemistry is EVERYWHERE!
Uses the scientific Claim to
be science
Results not
Contain a
Is proven through
Does NOT use
body of
scientific method
Final Thoughts
• The world is full of amazing, exciting and
interesting things! Ask questions,
investigate and find answers.. Chemistry
is all around you!