Out of Body Experiences

Both OBE’s and NDE’s share certain characteristics e.g. detachment from one’s physical body.
NDE’s linked to death or stressful experiences. OBE’s usually associated with relaxation.
Research has indicated real physiological explanations although link with paranormal still
believed e.g. evidence of soul.
Sensation of being awake and seeing your own body from a location outside your physical
body. Blackmore – about 15%-20% of people have experienced an OBE. They often occur in
borderline stage between REM sleep and waking, when paralysis that occurs in REM may
persist and dream imagery may be mixed with sensory output. They can be spontaneous or
Green – naturally occurring- she studied 400 personal accounts of OBE’s (contacted via media
appeals) and developed a classification system
30% - person experienced another body – parasomatic
Others no sense of another body - asomatic
25% – associated with some kind of psychological stress
12% - occurred during sleep
But very difficult to study naturally occurring OBE’s as not predictable and even if researcher
present it would cease as soon as subject reported it, therefore most research is in artificially
induced OBE’s.
Alvardo – reviewed range of lab studies where OBE’s induced by e.g. hypnosis, relaxation etc.
participants asked to identify objects out of sight of physical body. In one experiment Miss Z
able to read randomly selected 5 digit numbers placed in another room. Overall concluded
evidence weak but some striking results.
Blake – stimulation of the TPJ (temporal parietal junction) using transcranial magnetic
stimulation resulted in OBE’s but not if other areas of brain stimulated.
Paranormal – explanation is beyond our current understanding. Tradition in many cultures
that we have another body, an astral body separate from physical body that is free to roam
and seen as evidence of life after death.
Psychoanalyitic – relates to fear of death – OBE’s reduce fear of death and increases belief in
survival after death. – cannot test this scientifically
Physiological explanations suggest OBE’s related to sensory disturbance – see Blanke.
Ehrssons research also shows link between sensory disturbance and OBE’s
Blanke – cognitive explanation – brains failure to integrate different kinds of information ie.
Related to information processing.
Blackmore – we naturally view world as if we are behind our eyes. Where sensory input
breaks down. Brain attempts to reconstruct visual field from memory and imagination.
Memory images are often birds eye view so that is what is constructed. When further sensory
input re-establishes it ends the OBE.
Fits well with idea that OBE#s can occur in conditions of sensory deprivation.
Individual differences – OBE’s reported more often by individuals who are paranormal
believers. Also those more prone to fantasy and those scoring higher on hypnotisability and
dissociation. No evidence to suggest they are mentally ill.
Does individuals personality shape their beliefs or do beliefs shape personality/
For cultural differences – see NDE’s