Semester II Review Assignment You will be assigned in a group that

Semester II Review Assignment
You will be assigned in a group that will be responsible for creating and sharing a lesson with the class
on a specific topic to help review for the semester final. Look at your assigned unit and come up with
activities to review with the class each topic in bold. Make sure that you address each bolded point.
You have the freedom on how you want to instruct your lesson. Each lesson will need to be interactiveyou may create powerpoints/worksheets/review games/quizzes/etc. You may want to divide up the
work- the lesson should be around 20 minutes.
Unit 7: La ninez
Vocabulary: (weather expressions in the imperfect tense-the weather was nice/it was cloudy/etc.)
Grammar: Imperfect tense (Provide all the uses and give examples of the imperfect tense. Also
include the conjugations of the imperfect tense for ar verbs and er/ir verbs)
Culture: Explain what La corrida de toros is…
Unit 8: La salud
Vocabulary: Health, Body, Emergency situations (Body parts of the vocab- give descriptions of
eye/elbow/etc.) (Include medical professions and terms like crutches/bandage/etc.)
Grammar: Preterit and Imperfect (when to use the preterit- specific events/completed actions-etc.
and when to use the imperfect- was____ing/action in progress/etc.) (Provide an activity where
students have to decide which tense(s) to use)
Unit 9: Cuentos cortos
Vocabulary: (vocabulario del cuento de niños- once upon a time/they lived happily ever after/etc.)
(Include common animals found in children books like cows/bears/etc.)
Grammar: Review of DOPs/IOPs, Preterit vs. Imperfect (give examples of dops/iops- have students
translate the sentences from Spanish to English- to tell what the sentence means) (Give examples of
how to conjugate preterit for ar and er/ir verbs along with irregulars like ir/hacer)
Unit 10: De viaje
Vocabulary: Travel by train, Travel by plane, Staying at a hotel (Use a train/plane ticket in Spanish- and
ask questions about the ticket) Include words such as as round trip or one-way (Create a review for
words at a train station like platform/busboy/etc. and words at a hotel like receptionist/air
Grammar: Ir+a+infinitive, Future tense (how to form the future tense and how it is different from
Culture: Explain what paradores are and what El ave is
Unit 11: Las profesiones y la ciudad
Vocabulary: Professions/places in the city (provide descriptions in Spanish for
(teacher/arquitect/accountant/etc.) (Show picture dictionary of places:
skyscraper/apartment/plaza/factory/office/post office/etc.
Grammar: Impersonal ‘Se’, Use of Present and Past tenses, Formal (Ud. & Uds.) commands (Come up
with activities where students have to form the impersonal se) (Come up with activities where
students have to decide to give a Ud. Formal command or Uds. formal command)
Cultural focus: (Explain what la carretera panamericana is)
Unit 12: La cocina
Vocabulary: Items in the kitchen, Cooking terms, More foods (Describe the verbs in Spanish)
Grammar: Review –Comparatives and Superlatives (Come up with activities where students have to
read comparisons to answer questions) Include the words mejor/peor/mayor/menor