THE CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY GAAP PREPARATION CHECKLIST CHAPTER/S DESCRIPTION PREPARER’S INITIALS Part A1 – Due first day of fieldwork (August 26, 2014) STEP 1 – BEGINNING TRIAL BALANCE VALIDATION 4-1 4-1 1. Complete prior fiscal year GAAP Ledger Close Process. 2. Validate current fiscal year beginning trial balance [Accounting Period "0"] equals prior fiscal year final Statement of Net Position from your reporting package. [San Diego only: Confirm that Beginning Net Position tie to prior year reporting package in GAAP Ledger.] STEP 2 – YEAR-END CLOSING 2 3 1. Complete legal basis closing. STEP 3 – CDIP GAAP DERIVATION 1. Process the CDIP GAAP Derivation for the current fiscal year Accounting Periods 1 - 12 to convert Legal Basis activity to GAAP Basis Chart Fields. Journal Generate and Post Journals to the GAAP Ledger Accounting Periods 1 -12. [San Diego only: Complete mapping of Legal Basis activity to GAAP Ledger.] 10-1 GAAP Manual | GAAP Preparation Checklist | June 30, 2014 REVIEWER’S INITIALS CHAPTER/S DESCRIPTION PREPARER’S INITIALS STEP 4 – GAAP ADJUSTMENTS AND RECLASSIFICATIONS 4-13 1. Net Cash Balance 4-2 2. Capital Assets, Depreciation and Amortization 4-3 3. Accounts Payable: Obligations 4-4 4. State/CSU Receivables and State Appropriations (Pass down by CO, "Passdown Schedule", "FY 2013-2014", 4-5 5. Fund Balance Clearing Accounts 4-6 6. Prepaid Expenses and Inventories 4-7 7. Faculty Payroll Accruals 4-8 8. Compensated Absences 4-9 9. Unearned Revenues 4-10 10. Capitalized Leases 4-11 11. Tuition Discounting 4-12 12. Pollution Remediation Obligation 4-13 13. Legal basis transfers between CSU entities 4-13 14. Other Accounting Issues 4-14 15. Revenue Management Program 4-15 16. Service Concession Arrangements 4-17 17. Deferred Inflows and Outflows of Resources (other than those passed down by CO) 10-2 GAAP Manual | GAAP Preparation Checklist | June 30, 2014 REVIEWER’S INITIALS CHAPTER/S DESCRIPTION PREPARER’S INITIALS REVIEWER’S INITIALS STEP 5 – RECORD ALLOCATIONS FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR (CO) 5-1 and 5-2 5-3 and 5-8 5-3 and 5-8 1. Construction work in progress (CWIP) / Additions to capital assets/ Completed construction projects (Pass down by CO through ADNOATs) 2. Bond Anticipation Notes (BAN) (Pass down by CO, "Passdown Schedule", "FY 2013-2014", 3. Systemwide Revenue Bonds (SRB) (Pass down by CO, "Passdown Schedule", "FY 2013-2014", STEP 6 – PREPARE FOR THE AUDIT 9 9, 15 and 17 9 16 11 1. Complete your reporting package template in YES. 2. Prepare PBC items for your audit team using the PBC List provided in Chapter 9, 15 and 17 (included financial statements, A-133, and IT audits, respectively). 3. Prepare comprehensive variance analysis (to be included as part of reporting package). 4. Complete SRB requirements: Legal fluctuation analysis, SRB required lead sheets, and GAAP entry query (all are explained in the Chapter 16). 5. Complete GAAP Financial Reporting Checklist provided in Chapter 11 (Part A1 only). Part A2 – Due on September 5, 2014 6 9 11 STEP 7 – PREPARE THE STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 1. Statement of Cash Flows (SCF): Use the resources provided in Chapter 6 to prepare a direct method SCF. 2. Prepare comprehensive variance analysis for cash flows (to be included as part of reporting package). 3. Complete GAAP Financial Reporting Checklist provided in Chapter 11 (Part A2 only). 10-3 GAAP Manual | GAAP Preparation Checklist | June 30, 2014 CHAPTER/S DESCRIPTION PREPARER’S INITIALS REVIEWER’S INITIALS STEP 8 – RECORD ALLOCATIONS FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR (CO) 5-6 1. Other Postemployment Benefits Obligation (Pass down by CO, "Passdown Schedule", "FY 20132014", Part B – Due September 23, 2014 STEP 9 – INCLUDE YOUR DISCRETELY PRESENTED COMPONENT UNIT’S FINANCIAL DATA 1. Obtain the audited financial statements and management letters (summarizing significant deficiencies or material weaknesses, if any) of your discretely presented component units. Provide 1 8 hard copy of each discretely presented component unit's audited financial statements and management letter to the Office of the Chancellor. 2. Using the discretely presented component units' supplementary information schedules included in their audited financial statements, enter their financial data into YES. Ensure that component 8 units are properly classified as either FASB or GASB and that data entry was complete and accurate. 3. Verify that an "in relation to" opinion paragraph 8 was included in the independent auditor's report. 4. Complete GAAP Financial Reporting Checklist 11 provided in Chapter 11 (Part B only). PREPARER’S PRINTED NAME PREPARER’S SIGNATURE DATE REVIEWER’S PRINTED NAME REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE DATE 10-4 GAAP Manual | GAAP Preparation Checklist | June 30, 2014