Recommended Curricula: In classrooms, during the school day, by grade Grade Recommended curricula 4K and other Eat Smart - WNEP Preschooler lessons • Identify foods. • Taste different kinds of foods (especially vegetables and fruits). • Practice washing their hands. K Pyramids Between the Pages/Healthy Reading Lessons or Discover MyPlate 1 Pyramids Between the Pages/Healthy Reading Lessons or Show Me Nutrition Grade 1 • Identify foods. • Taste different kinds of foods (especially whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and dry beans and peas). • Practice washing their hands. • Be physically active every day. • Taste different kinds of foods (especially whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and dry beans and peas). • State that people need food to grow and be healthy. • Describe food characteristics, using senses. • Identify examples of foods related to different cultures. • Identify foods that come from plants. • Know how to wash hands. • Identify food and categorize into basic food groups. • State that people need food and water to grow and be healthy. • Identify foods that come from plants and animals. • Identify why people need to eat different kinds of foods (for energy, to be healthy, to grow). • Identify examples of foods related to different cultures. • Know how and when to wash their hands. preschool programs for 4-year-olds 2 Show Me Nutrition Grade 2 or Pyramids Between the Pages/Healthy Reading Lessons In-School Programming by Grade Key developmental concepts & Emphases page 1 FY16 FY16 Teaching topics A, d, p Style/ structure Evaluation Notes Reading Tasting To be developed Choose 2 of the 3 lessons and use accompanying parent materials. A, c, d, e, f, l Reading Tasting Parent Survey: F&V, Hand washing May supplement with FightBac. Some books available in Spanish, some dual-language substitutes available on request. A, c, d, e, f, l PBTP: Reading Tasting Parent Survey: F&V, Hand washing May supplement with FightBac. Some books available in Spanish, some dual-language substitutes available on request. Parent Survey: F&V, Hand washing F&V Sampling May supplement with FightBac. Some books available in Spanish, some dual-language substitutes available on request. Also available for pilot testing: curriculum for grades 2-3 related to food from the garden, requires partner. SMN: activities, without books A, c, d, e, f, l PBTP: Reading Tasting SMN: activities, without books March, 2015 3 Serving Up My Plate, grades 3-4 4 Serving Up My Plate, grades 3-4 or Food Day 5 Show Me Nutrition Grade 5 or Food Day or Power of Choice In-School Programming by Grade • Identify why people need to eat different kinds of food (grains for energy, fruits and vegetables to prevent illness and heal wounds, milk for strong bones and teeth, meat and beans for strong muscles and growth). • Identify the relationship between physical activity (energy out), and water and food (energy in). • Demonstrate how to wash their hands correctly. • Describe times when they should wash their hands. • Describe why people need to eat different kinds of food (grains for energy, fruits and vegetables to prevent illness and heal wounds, milk for strong bones and teeth, meat and beans for strong muscles and growth). • Identify why one snack might be a better choice than another snack. • Identify the benefits of physical activity. • Identify recommended amounts of food from each food group. • Identify the consequences of consuming too much or too little food. • Track progress toward achieving nutrition or physical activity goals. • Identify the importance of key food safety messages. • Demonstrate understanding of health promotion concepts: eating a variety of foods, classifying foods including combination foods by food groups, relationship of food groups to health promotion/disease prevention). • Identify healthier snack and meal choices. • Use food labels to identify serving size and servings per package. • Read ingredient information to identify whole grain foods. page 2 A, b, c, d, e, f, h, i, l Activities Parent Survey: F&V, Hand washing F&V Sampling YCS Evals Serving Up MyPlate is intended for classroom teachers in 9 sessions; in scope activities condense into 5-6 sessions for WNEP. Does not include food safety; may supplement with activities from FightBac. A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l Activities Guided Goal Setting F&V Sampling YCS Evals Serving Up MyPlate is intended for classroom teachers in 9 sessions; in scope activities condense into 5-6 sessions for WNEP. Food Day lessons 1-3 and parts of 4 are in scope. Could spread in-scope content over 4-6 sessions. Neither curriculum includes food safety; may supplement with activities from FightBac. A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, q Activities Portion Awareness Guided Goal Setting Power of Choice: Body image/body size and many physical activity activities are out of scope and need to be led by a partner. Food Day lessons 1-3 and parts of 4 are in scope. Could spread in-scope content over 4-6 sessions. Available for pilot testing: curriculum for upper elementary related to food from gardens. Needs partner. March, 2015 • Describe the importance of balancing food with physical activity. • Identify barriers to being physically active and ways to overcome these barriers. • Explain the importance of key food safety messages. FY16 Teaching Topics for Youth a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. k. l. m. n. q. Choosing healthful foods Portion awareness Grain foods/whole grains Fruits &/or Vegetables Milk & other Ca-rich foods Protein foods Choosing beverages Foods with less fat/solid fats Foods with less added sugars Healthful foods away from home Being active/balancing activity & food intake Food choices during pregnancy Feeding infants Handling & storing food safely Links to Resources: Pyramids Between the Pages/Healthy Reading Lessons Discover MyPlate = Show Me Nutrition Serving Up MyPlate = Food Day = 341610970. Lessons 1-3 are in scope, 4 and 5 require partner. Power of Choice = Fight Bac = K-3: Grades 4-8: Links to parent materials: All grades: (English and Spanish) o (English and Spanish) Kindergarten: (English and Spanish) Grades 3-4: (English and Spanish) Show Me Nutrition:, (English) (Spanish) In-School Programming by Grade page 3 March, 2015 SECONDARY SCHOOL Grade Recommended curricula 6-8 (middle school) Show Me Nutrition, grade 6 and 7-8 Power of Choice Key developmental concepts & Emphases High school teen parents High school students preparing to live on their own Series of 5-8 lessons to include: Eating Smart and Being Active supplemental lessons about pregnancy, feeding infants and feeding solid foods (3 lessons) Revised set of 2 lessons from Money for Food (Spring 2015) Cooking Matters at the Store (1 lesson) Compilation of lessons available for pilot testing. Contact Betsy Kelley for details. In-School Programming by Grade Explain the concepts of variety, moderation, and balancing food and physical activity. Compare and understand significance of portion and serving sizes. Apply a decision-making process to food choices. Assess personal eating habits, set a personal goal and track progress. Demonstrate how to use food labels to make healthier choices. Describe relationship between food choices and health problems. Describe nutritional needs of life stages. Understand relationship between portion size and nutritional requirements. Critically analyze eating habits and how they may affect health. Work within a budget to plan meals. Describe influences on food choices. FY16 Teaching topics A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, k, l, q Style/ structure Evaluation Notes General nutrition topics, active learning format, age-appropriate focus In progress SMN: Best suited to classrooms that have had minimal WNEP programming in the past. Skip out of scope lessons on body image. Power of Choice: Becoming dated; concepts are timeless but educator may need to modify some aspects of delivery. A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, q, s, t Learner centered education (adult model may need to be adapted slightly for teens) In progress In the absence of a single curriculum, please combine as described. Cooking Matters requires a grocery store field trip. Whenever possible, encourage teen parents to sign up for EFNEP series. Participants: youth leaving foster care or in life skills programs. page 4 March, 2015