Mrs. Jeanmarie Anicito Apps for Education Grade 8 Science Thomas Jefferson Middle School Course Outline & Expectations Overview Students in grade 8 enriched science will be exposed to an in-depth study of the physical sciences which will focus on developing science skills as students learn content. Students will be expected to conduct inquiry-based laboratory activities and complete homework assignments, tests, quizzes, and projects. Course Content Unit 1: Properties of Matter Physical & Chemical Properties Physical & Chemical Changes States of Matter Parts of the Atom Classifying Matter Unit 4: Forces & Motion Forces & Motion Motion, Speed Forces, Mass, Weight, Friction Newton’s First Law Unit 2: Interactions of Matter Periodic Table Chemical Bonding Chemical Reactions Chemical Compounds Acid & Bases Unit 3: Forms of Energy What is Energy? Electricity Magnetism Potential & Kinetic Energy Heat & Conduction Unit 5: Magnetism/Electricity Magnetism/ Magnetic Field Law of Magnetism Electricity/ Electric Field Circuits Unit 6: Energy Transfer Light Energy Electromagnetic Spectrum Convection, Conduction & Solar Energy Waves & Sound Science Safety Lab safety is an extremely important aspect of the science classroom. Safety rules issued by the district will be reviewed with all students. Both students and parents/guardians will be required to sign the sheet of safety rules. Students will also be required to pass a written safety test. Students that violate safety rules will receive a detention. Students that repeatedly violate safety rules will not be allowed to participate in labs and be required to complete written assignments on the content. Classroom Daily Expectations 1. Be prepared for class* 2. Be respectful *Prepared for Class = AGENDA BOOK 3. Follow directions 4. Be on time for class Students must come to class daily with the following materials: FOLDER NOTEBOOK PEN/PENCIL Suggested materials: calculator and hand pencil sharpener. Course Expectations · Any evidence of plagiarism, copying, or cheating will result in a zero. · If you are unable to use online resources at home, you must do this during extra help. · Computer problems cannot be used as an excuse for late work. Please contact me before the due date. · All assignments must have a proper heading. Assignments without a heading will not be graded. · All assignments should be neatly presented (typed or written on lined paper). · Assignments are given almost daily and are worth a range of points. · Assignments may be accepted late, but 10% per day will be deducted from your total grade. · If you miss homework, lab assignments, or projects due to absence it must be completed ASAP. · Your textbook should be primarily kept at home and must be returned at the end of the year. Grading Policy The course grade will be based on a variety of assessments including quizzes, tests, lab reports, projects, in-class work, homework assignments, and class participation. A total points grading system will be used. In this system, each assignment/task will be given a point value depending on the difficulty of the assignment/task and the length of time needed to complete it. Marking period grades will be based on the student’s achieved points divided by the total possible number of points. Note: Individual assignment grades will be posted online, which is available through the Genesis portal. It is UP TO THE STUDENT to check it and make sure it is accurate. All 8th grade science students will be expected to complete a midyear assessment in January and cumulative final in June. Placement into High School Science Classes Placement into your high school science class will depend on your grades in science and math this year. Please see your guidance counselor for more information. Extra Help After school additional help will be available at least once per week throughout the school year. The schedule will change depending on other school commitments, planned assessments, and project due dates. Students must sign up at the start of the week. Online The starting point for students online is which is my school web page. This will be used as the portal to access the online textbook ( and Google Apps for Education ( Ample time and opportunity is provided for students to complete online assignments even if they do not have access at home. Many online assignments cannot be made up after their due dates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Electronic Signatures Please go to to access an online form to agree to the guidelines above, to agree to science safety and assessment policies, and sign up for technology use including Google Apps for Education and BYOD. If you CANNOT access the Internet, please provide contact information below: Student Name: ____________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________ Telephone Number: ____________________________